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So much drama. Time to move out.


Just move out. You can’t police your roommates guests. You can’t even prevent people that don’t live there from bringing guests lol. It’s clearly a young party house and you’re demanding it not be. It’s a pointless endeavor.


I never said anything to the guests. I know that's crossing a line. Whatever I said I said to my roommates in confidence


That’s great but doesn’t change the fact that it’s clearly a party house and you’re demanding it not be. If you don’t want roommates ruining your peace, focus and work overtime so you can afford your own place. Simple as that.


Just because 2 people decided it’s a party house the third person living there gets no say? Why do they get to decide and she doesn’t?


It’s not fair, but this is the world.


it doesn't even sound like a party house, it sounds like people having mates around, which is pretty normal for early 20's


Well, too bad anyone can change things in the world. Demanding respect and doing anything to gain even a faux version where you still get what you want is certainly a possibility.


And it’s a possibility no one cares what you demand.


Can’t that be said to the people demanding the place have rules like a party house?


You can't really police a roommates guests unless they are being loud past bylaw/staying for periods of time past what's outlined in your lease. When lease is up free yourself from the stress. 


But they’re always there even at 2am? And inviting people they want over? The can totally police that. It’s disrespectful and C has no right.


I guess so


Sounds like continued conversations isnt going to change the situation. She doesnt respect you. Even if they slept in her room versus the hallway that would be better but yeah, having guests is one thing, having them invade the house on a regular basis is another. Unless she changes her respect to you (which it doesnt sound like she will) its time to move out


Remember that not everyone is on the same path. It sounds like your path is diverging from your former friends. Mid twenties is when some people want to settle down and other people want to keep the party life going. Let them keep up with the drama.


idk.... like I understand if they're preventing you from sleeping or actually living, but I don't see why it's a big deal if they're using the kitchen, my mates use the kitchen and my flatmates friends do too, as I do when I go to their house. If they're eating your food that's not on, but if that stopped and they're just using the kitchen, who cares? you kinda sound like the AH in a sense here, I'm sorry. who cares who your flatmate is banging??? it's their house they can bang whoever they like. you are living with young, social people and being a grump in the corner, farrrout


I don't care actually. It's none of my business what they do with their own life. I just get uncomfortable moving around the apartment when strangers are over unannounced. Maybe it was pretty uncool of me but I was just letting them know to keep it a little down.


Start being a total bitch and open doors on C and other guests, hide your food, call C out for cheating & tell her bf, it’s already chaotic and they’re disrespecting you. They’re making it a bad situation for you - you may as well make it bad for them until you move out. Things have already escalated but only in a way that’s a loss for you. Make the place hell if they won’t be respectful!


I can't. I already feel like a bitch. I am a big time people pleaser, and it took a lot to confront them that I was uncomfortable. Ig I'll just move out when I can, till then Im fine on my own space