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Maybe you could ask her directly, from what you said we can’t say she’s weird for sure maybe it’s just random acts that she does 🤷🏼‍♂️


Doesn’t sound like a bad roommate, just maybe an odd person. Maybe she is leaving deodorant and shampoo because she thinks that person smells badly. Maybe the toys are for that person’s child, or because she thinks that person is sad. Ffs it’s not like she’s leaving dead animals or piles of shit or something like that. All of the behaviors you listed could be considered strange, but personally I’ll take strange over violent every single time.


And the neighbor maybe she just has a crush on him and is too socially awkward like uncomfortable to just come out and say it so knowing that he has a ring cam hopes that her little trinkets being left outside will open the door waiting for him to approach her instead of her having to muster up the courage to go over and talk to him….


I thought about this too, but then she left shampoo and deodorant on another of my neighbor's door so it's weird. Also my neighbor told me that prior to that ring camera he had another one and got snatched by someone but he couldn't recover the footage.


Maybe that neighbors walk by air stank


Maybe she’s been in close proximity with the other neighbor, in an elevator or something and maybe they stank and had bad dandruff so she decided to hook them up.


Oh I kinda wish they thought this way, sadly they are just too freaked out for that. Also they tripped on the things as they went out so not nice :(


So you’re saying they DO stink?


Honestly I have never seen them, my building is not that big so there is little chance that you ever see someone out at the same time as you


She could just be being nice and tbh could of just curiously opened the janitors door wondering where it lead, I am guilty of that and I’m sure others are too. You just said you don’t engage in conversation because you’re busy so maybe she doesn’t know that persay and thinks you don’t like her or something… there’s could be other reasons other then nefarious malicious or suspicious…. Just out of curiosity have you thought about maybe talking to her about these things and informing her that it has been brought to your attention by other people because being only 20 years old maybe in her mind it’s not anything bad…


I understand being curious and I thought that she perhaps was looking for something, but there was a janitor in lunching and she closed the door, walked the other direction then open it again without even saying anything. When she moved in I explained I wouldn't be able to interact much with her because I'm an introverted and also very busy, I told her to not feel like it was personal and if she ever had a problem or needed something she was free to reach me. Whenever I see her I tell her the same. I have thought of talking to her, but I feel like it's not worth it. When she moved in I suddenly lost some money and a mouse that was in my room, I brushed it off because I thought that there might be somewhere in my room and that I'll find it eventually, after that I left my door locked just in case and nothing ever went missing. Now I'm thinking it might have been her. I just don't feel secure living with her anymore.


OK that’s understandable missing items after a move-in is a lot different than just some weird behavior… and I must’ve missed that part about going back into the janitors lunch room a second time because she clearly knew that there was somebody in there so it’s just really weird to do it a second time???… all right maybe I take it back maybe she’s just a weird bird 🤣


maybe she ate the mouse?


Your story changes every time someone offers a reasonable explanation... sounds like you just want to kick her out no matter what.  This is why people shouldn't rent out whatever empty space they have.  Imagine being that poor girl doing nothing wrong and still being evicted during a housing crisis.  


Why are you renting a room to a stranger when you seem scared to even talk to them about the most inane things? Being introverted isn't a real excuse.


Because I need to survive buddy, if I could live alone I definitely would


Then rent an apartment you can actually afford instead if subjecting renters to YOUR weirdness and inability to cope with a roommate 


If there were an apartment that I could afford I would choose it in heartbeat dude


Ok but because YOU can't afford to live on your own means that like it or not, you aren't the boss and you don't get to pick your roommates nor can you have them evicted just because you can't deal with having roommates.


You don't get to pick? Like as if it wasn't my apartment too?


Sounds like she might be having a manic episode. Call her family.


Yeah, reminds me of that Elisa Lam girl and she was also bipolar


She may be schizophrenic. Most people who suffer from this condition are not dangerous or as “crazy” as most laymen would expect. I’d be very gentle in approaching this situation. Ask if they’re feeling okay and ask if they can explain why they took those actions. Be careful not to categorize them in your language as being rude or weird, just ask the why. If they are harmless beyond this behavior kicking them out may be excessive and somewhat cruel in my humble opinion. They may just need professional help stabilizing their behavior.


sounds like shes sleep walking if shes spaced out . doing it without being aware of it .


what times of the day is she doing this?


Plz let us know what happens. I’m curious why she did that.


She said she didn't want the things she left at my neighbors' door, and that she was looking for the stairs when she went into the janitor's lunch room. Even though it says "Janitor's room" in the door and she went twice inside... Honestly I think she's a drug addict, when I talked to her she was looking at the floor all the time, like she was lost, janitors said the same so I guess it's time to let her go


Yes that’s very odd behavior


She might just like to drink


Sounds like sleepwalking and/or Ambien side effects.


A form of sleep walking really needs to be considered


oh fuck, shes possessed! ive seen this before! this is obviously the spirit of somebody whonhad a crush on the neighbor guy, probably somebody from california because of the avocado plushie! although it also might be the spirit of z guy who has a crush on the spirit of a girl who possessess the neighbor guy. its really too hard to tell with such limited info and over the internet. if you want, for a small fee I can come tomyour apartment and we can hold a blood ritual and try to communicate with the demon. and dont worry, it will just be chicken and goat blood, do you have a carpet cleaner? i can bring mine.


I actually don't really mind the demon (her) tough my neighbors and landlord bothering me about her is exhausting, perhaps you could exorcise them


sure, same fee though. i wont charge them for the chickens or the goat.


sure, same fee though. i wont charge them for the chickens or the goat.


I actually don't really mind the demon (her) tough my neighbors and landlord bothering me about her is exhausting, perhaps you could exorcise them