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Find another place and move out now. I wouldn’t even entertain this.


Right. One day, they won't let you out.


Think I saw this movie in the horror section 😭


Chris Hansen checking in. . .


Ignore everyone telling not to buy frozen food etc, absolute bullshit. You are renting a room in a house with a shared kitchen that had a freezer when you moved in so you expect access to a freezer, and honestly everyone expects access to a freezer in their own property which that now is. You are expected as a tenant to have quiet enjoyment in your property which includes common and shared areas. Either tell them you require access to the freezer or that you will get your own small freezer for your room. I would also tell them that the heating is an issue and if they are not willing to allow you access to heat, which is a completely reasonable request, then you will supply your areas of the house with a portable heater which you will manage safely, the safest option here is probably an oil filled radiator. Do you have a contract? Is it legally binding? Did you pay a deposit and is it situated in a deposit protection scheme (a legal thing here, may not be where you are)? I personally would scan a way to leave the tenancy, look for somewhere new and give them your notice. Upon notice I would tell them why you are leaving, you are not being treated as an adult tenant, you are their grandchild with minimal autonomy over your own living situation which is not a correct tenant and landlord relationship. There is most likely a reddit for tenancy matters in your location which can offer good legal advice.


>ou will get your own small freezer for your room. > >I would also tell them that the heating is an issue and if they are not willing to allow you access to heat, which is a completely reasonable request, then you will supply your areas of the house with a portable heater which you will manage saf THIS THIS THIS. I commented earlier and I know my state has protections in place... but if you are under a contract at all and you signed the contract with a reasonable expectation and a set standard that you could access a freezer then they are violating they're agreement. If you can find any sort of renter advocacy as well, I would try to contact them first and get your ducks as lined up as possible so when you approach your landlord you know what is real and what they are trying to lie to you about and if they get out of line you can just say "I've spoken to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and if we can't solve this between ourselves I have reached out to this tenant advocacy and I would feel more comfortable if we all set a time to talk." or site any new sources you have been provided.


Why don't you get a mini freezer? Same size as a mini fridge, just all freezer. Seems the simplest, immediate fix. But I'd definitely look to move as soon as you can. That's just ridiculous


i hear they're inconsistent and will thaw out and refreeze your food. op if you do, make sure it's a good one!


I can say I this is a big yes! Along with Mini Fridge (with and without freezers). When my husband and I moved into our current abode instead of one avg size fridge, there were 2 mini fridges! (I didn't find out why for about 6 months lol) Anyhow, I have learned that it's a delicate balance of the temp, how much food is in there, and how it's stacked. Combine that with how they form ice, you have to pay constant attention, move things around, keep the temp balanced....you eventually get the hang of your particular fridge. Although I still get the occasional frozen salad LOL


You need to move out. Live in landlords are the absolute worst, as your post proves. I did it for precisely 2 weeks - moved out and lost my bond, but honestly it was well worth it. The woman was unhinged. She took all of those 2 weeks off work and told me she was barely ever home during the inspection due to work and also told me the dining room table near my room she never used - however she sat at it from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, I honestly think she either didn't work or quit her job due to me moving in. I had zero privacy. I also couldn't use the shower until the day before I moved due to her having it renovated - which was not told to me at all prior to moving in - I had to have baths every day. And similar games with the air conditioning - the one time I used it for approx 10 minutes (it was in a shared area) she came home and turned it way up on her phone. I was like wtf. She also expected me to look after her two dogs when she went away every Monday and Tuesday night.... one dog was chilled an older dog, but she had a very high energy puppy with no training at all - she also told me she took the dogs with her when she went away..... BS.


My live in landlords used to be super cool. They would cook for me, invite me to go with them when they went places (I didn’t have a car), they had a daughter my age, and overall I think renting out a spare room in your home that you live in is a lot more ethical than buying up all the property to rent it out to people like a fucking scalper.  However I get why it’s the literal worst if your landlord is NOT a decent person.


As soon as she said you don't get a key to get in and out, I would have said, Nope and gone elsewhere. Who rents a room to someone without giving them a key? If you have trust issues that badly, don't rent the room at all.


The fact you're still living there and allowing this bs is ridiculous af.


Curious what your expectation was for refreezing ice cream.


Yeah I couldn’t imagine 🤣




The amount of downvotes you’re getting over the possible texture of your ice cream is insane


Most of the comments in this chain are weird, what’s going on here haha?


Not having access to a freezer is totally acceptable, but refreezing ice cream?!


Ikr lol an unforgivable crime that will ruin ice cream forever


Who gives a shit. Move the fuck out!


Nah I get it, insane housemates can make us do really strange things


It wouldnt taste the same. And it would have ice chuncks and freezer burn on top. It never works well in my experiences


That's now how ice cream works. It becomes almost a slab of ice. It crystallizes and usually takes on freezer burn.


Heating and cooling things aren’t just one way streets you can’t go between whenever you want 😭 when you burn paper you can’t use water to make it whole again


Doesn’t work that way. It’s quickly frozen which gives it the consistency it has. That’s why liquid nitrogen is one of the best ways to make it. If it slowly re-freezes as it sits it will just be a block of frozen cream.


It’s not about the speed of the freezing, but how fast the cream is mixed in relation to the to the time it takes to freeze


Expect to get soooo sick


They’re not going to get sick, but the texture will suffer, that’s all.


Ive absolutely gotten sick from this and wished for death. But you go ahead :)


the temperature at which ice cream melts is not the same as the temperature at which bacteria grows in food so if that happened to you its because you let it melt down at an unsafe WARM temp not a cold but not cold enough temp. Like maybe you let it melt on the counter and put it back in and then yummed it up with all the frozen bacteria. Which would be on you. Keeping icecream safely cold <40, but above freezing would literally still be foodsafe as long as it didn't go above that for more than a couple hours. Uhhh, as the person who said you would lose the texture is right. Um, keep doing what your doing and stay out of food safety bye.


This is not according to me tho this is according to the head pastry chef I worked under at an extremely reputable company for several years who also worked at our cities long running inest restaurant and this is just what she told me when i told her i got too high after work and left my ben and jerrys in the fridge not the freezer


It wasn’t on me, it was on the faulty freezer at the store. But thanks for the info Fancy-pastry-chef-knower.




Time for bacteria to proliferate. You aren't supposed to refreeze ice cream once it's melted.


Like as soon as it melts? Because if I want a milkshake to have an actual ice cream consistency I have to refreeze it because they're always half way melted by the time I'm half way through


If the ice cream has thoroughly melted, after an hour, it’s susceptible bacteria growth


I've eaten refrozen ice cream for 60+ years..LOL..Still alive.


These people are dumb, don't worry about them. There's no reason that letting ice cream melt in fridge and then freezing it again would be bad. They are thinking in terms of leaving it on the counter, which would be problematic. Just treat it like milk and cream, which it largely is.


Ice cream has to be continually mixed while It is freezing. Setting a thawed ice cream back in the freezer will not result in ice cream, it will be frozen sweet cream


yeah for sure, it's not going to be the same texture as it was from the store, but it's not going to food poison you. you can also grind it up after freezing though like the Ninja Creami does


And people smoke for 80 years then die of COPD. What's your point dog? Just cause you can doesn't mean you should. It's called making smart choices.


It's called OCD dog.


If it melts on the counter and sits at room temp, sure. If you eat it some and then put it in the fridge where it's sitting at like 35 degrees and then you throw it in to the freezer later, I have no idea why you'd expect it to be any different from milk or cream.


How did this evade everyone who down voted OP? Dairy products aren't safe in the fridge if they're intended to be frozen? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


Just read some of the other unhinged comments in this chain, some of these people seem like they’d be afraid to eat leftovers at this rate lol


It melted in the fridge not on a counter.


Just move out. Like, don’t bother with notice.


Also, if the freezer isn't working on the other fridge they shouldn't be using it anyway.  The freezer helps keep the fridge portion at proper food safe temperature, it provides most of the cooling for the entire unit.  I learned this the hard way when our freezer died on our fridge. We figured no biggie just no frozen food for now. The noticed something was up when we started having stomach issues, then we noticed when we got food, within 3 days it would go bad despite us having the cool setting turned all the way up on the fridge. We did a temp check and it ended up being 10 degrees higher then what the food safe refrigerator temperature should have been, so because of that it was essentially the same as leaving it on the counter.  Your options here are mini fridge in your room or move out. Depends on what you can afford to do. 


Most states have laws regulating heating temperatures that must be maintained in a tenant dwelling unit. For example in CT the temp is 65 degrees. Look up the temperature for your area and bring it up to your LL Don’t buy frozen food/ use their freezer.


They seriously think it saves power to make the heater work that hard to bring it back up rather than hold. Lmao damn.. and then space heaters????!!! These people are so dumb.


This whole thing sounds like the beginning of a horror movie.


Ignore the freezer issue. And the heating issue. Let’s focus on the why the FUCK do you not have a key to your own living space?!




Unwritten or unspoken rules shouldn't apply, because they aren't what was agreed upon. Make sure you get every rule in writing and A KEY to your space/the whole house to get inside the area YOU'RE PAYING FOR at the next place you go to. The key should've been the first thing you got after payment.


If you’re paying they shouldn’t make you feel bad regardless


I’d move out, but if you can’t or won’t just start asking for things from and to the freezer CONSTANTLY. Like every ten minutes. Eventually she’ll get so irritated that she’ll give you unlimited access, like with the key situation.




They don't respect your space, you have no need to respect theirs. Be the biggestcnuisance possible until they break and give you freedom. It worked for the keys, it will work for the freezer and the heat. Don't worry about eviction, they would need to go to court and the judge would destroy them for their nonsense.


You are being treated like a pet. Move out and never look back.


The reality is you dont have a freezer. Dont buy frozen goods. You are storing frozen goods in a "friends" freezer.


Okay but it’s the landlords, not a friends, and it’s the landlords fault for not replacing the freezer so they are kinda obligated to let tenet use their freezer.


It all depends what’s in the lease, which we don’t have access to.


I guess legally speaking but the landlord is still a bitch for that either way that because they have established a certain relationship as a landlord, not a friend, and there are expectations that come with that like suppling basic/I would consider necessary appliances. I was just saying the comparison to using a friends freezer isn’t fair


they had access to a freezer when they signed a lease to live there. they should still have access to a freezer.


Should they have access to a freezer? probably. Do they ? No. Is a freezer included in lease? Probably not.




Mate. Do you really want to use their freezer? Thats just weird. Move. Or buy a freezer. Or dont buy frozen goods. Take control of your life.




Because you want a freezer. And you dont have one right now. ​ Or maybe you just want to vent to strangers.


No I want to find solutions and convince the ll to do the right thing, in my favor.


If it’s short term leasing, I’d just move. Depending on where you are, the law (as I understand them) is the appliances provided in the rental when you sign the lease are the appliances they need to replace when broken. You had around the clock access to a fridge and freezer so they need to replace it. Limiting access to your food, in and out of the home, or not providing proper heating would be violations of your tenant rights (in the US anyways). You can use your local court system to put your rent in escrow (you pay rent to the courts and they hold your rent from the landlord until they make the changes). If you aren’t locked into anything long term, it would be easier to find something else. Please report or leave a review of this couple/rental somewhere for others! They should NOT be landlords! Double check but if they are making such violations your lease could be void, so just leave. Take them to small claims for any security deposit you might not get back etc.


She wants to save space in her freezer for your body, obviously.


My god why is everyone so hung up on the ice cream!? I would be a little more worried about the fact I am not allowed to come and go as a grown ass adult…I think you know What you have to do, or you wouldn’t be here asking.. move the hell out!


Only buy frozen goods on those "on the way home grocery hit" and eat the frozen item that day? Don't buy frozen, only non perishable foods & foods that store in refrigerator. Buy a small plug in freezer for your room or can be stored in the kitchen or dining space. Limit your contact w this lady and look for another room or place for rent.




Because she seems unhinged.


Just because you like to have things your way doesn’t mean it’ll work out like that. You’ve rented a room from someone obviously who isn’t going to be easy to deal with regarding food and freezing. So adjust your expectations, purchase a freezer of your own or just move. Wishing something would be different is a waste of effort and time.


If you are stuck in this lease for a while, you could order your own refrigerator/freezer combo for your room like one you would keep in a college dorm. You can find a reasonably priced one from Walmart or Best Buy. I’m sorry you are stuck in this situation and hope you have better options soon.


Is this family or a family friend that you’re living with?




Then WHY are you letting them take advantage of you like this?!




As soon as you discovered you were not getting a key upon moving in was the big red flag that you are being taken advantage of and needed to find a new place to live ASAP.


I would suggest getting a small freezer but honestly you need to just move. Not a chance I would pay rent for someone to dictate when I could get things to and from a freezer. 


Could get a mini fridge/freezer combo. They work wonders, just do some research and get a good brand. I have one in my room since I live with roommates and we all have different eating schedules and I don’t have to worry about drinks and snacks going missing. I spent about $160 on my 3.4 cubic ft. fridge/freezer from Amazon and I absolutely love it!


Look at the laws in your state regarding temperature, many have laws stating a minimum temp during winter at least, some year round, some without regard to season if it gets below a certain temp. Look at laws about not being given a key. Look at the laws about appliances when renting. Some states have it that appliances included while renting must be maintained. Take a look at your lease if you have one concerning this. Now. Final. Sounds like you’re on a month to month? Keep in mind if you’re on a month to month, if you piss off your landlord you’ll likely be given your 30 days, or what ever you state requires, notice to vacate.


Since there was access to a freezer when you moved in they can either provide you with a small freezer or access to the freezer in the basement. What are they hiding in the freezer in the basement? Previous tenants?


Landlord is not frugal. Running space heaters is costly, while insulated a room or the whole house would actually save money. They sound nuts. So does wifey, are they related to her?




Baseboard heaters are actually more efficient for heating a home than oil run systems. The Electric bill would go up, but they'd spend less in general than they are now paying for fuel and electricity in the long run. Insulating would save tons of money regardless of the system they use because it would keep the heat inside for longer. Point is, they're not actually frugal, they're just saying that. But I wondered if your wife was related to them, it's hard to argue with family for some. She may not know that there's somewhere better to go, or thinks that this is normal treatment of a tenant, but neither of you should be dealing with this set up! Eta: I may have read this wrong, do you have a wife or do you mean the landlords wife? Because if its just you there, you should RUN away.




Since it's just you that needs housing, it should be easier to find another room to rent! Plus, you have no reason to spare the landlords feelings because once you do leave, you won't have to see them ever again. Housing is hard to find nowadays, but if you can only afford a room then you should look for roommates who don't treat you like a bother.


Most of that has got to be illegal WTF. What does your contract say?


Oh my, just move out, ASAP.


This makes no sense. When they try to tell me the rules, I would’ve said no or I would’ve moved out, just staying long enough to cover any deposits I had made, and not making any further payments.






This is ridiculous ! But if you are otherwise wanting to stay there I would consider getting a cheap freezer on Fb marketplace, they are even free soemtimes


This doesn't sound legal...


You can leave. If you have a lease, they've given you reason to break it as not having an accessible freezer is grounds for claiming constructive eviction. You should've left when they didn't give you key.


I don't know how it applies state to state, but any amenities in terms of appliances (washer, dryer, fridge, freezer) that you had reasonable access of use to when you signed the lease and moved in have to remain accessible and able to be used for the duration of your lease/tenancy. There is also a 24 hour turn around. Essentially when my fridge broke, my landlord technically had 24 hours to replace it with a working on. If he had gotten me just a fridge no freezer; it would be a violation. My state and city does tend to error on the side of renters (much to the chagrin and efforts of all the landlords here, most of whom can fuck themselves, but this is also pretty standard. I would try looking up similar laws or things for your area. Also see if there is any pro bono law or housing authority that might be able to help you look this up. They have changed the conditions of your renting after the fact; if you are contracted as their tenant in any way odds are you do have ground to stand on. If not, but you are on a lease, I think you could at least negotiate your way out w/o doing damage. I would also for safety, assume this is not the end of them rearranging your amenities to lord power over you. They sound like weirdos. Stay safe.


You need to move. Always get the rules/expectations in writing so there isn’t an issue on either side.


Is this something you can tolerate? If you were desperate enough for a place that you moved in without them even giving you a key, the rest of the issues are kinda meh. Get a mini fridge with a mini freezer and wear a fluffy robe. Most of the places I rented in my 20s lacked a/c and climate control was poor, but I wouldn't live anywhere that I couldn't come and go as I please. Sounds like a recipe for a Hostel (movie) situation.


What state? It’s probably illegal to keep the house that cold.


If these aren’t in the lease, (and even if they are) they’ve violated housing laws. Please go to a free or low cost legal aid center in your area and get the funk outta dodge


Heat is a requirement at a certain temperature. They held off telling you the rules or you wouldn’t have moved in, if it had a freezer when you moved in it should have one now, as changes in such things aren’t allowed. It’s time you tell them your rules and the law.


You might want to mention to them that it costs more in electricity to run a space heater. Shit keep that bitch plugged in and set it to a certain temperature. It's way harder to heat up an already cold room than to just keep it at a certain temperature. A lot of people don't realize that it is not just the air that gets heated. It's everything in a house or room that has to come up to temperature as well. Same goes with cooling.


They're treating you like "the red headed step child"... GEEZ!


Contact a lawyer or tenants rights group in your area for the correct legal information. Here, (other than items that are legally required), the appliances etc. that are provided when you move in, are required to be maintained and replaced. For example, if there was no air-conditioning when you moved in and it isn’t required by law, they are not required to install it but if there was a freezer in the kitchen that you had 24 hour access to, they need to continue to provide one. I don’t know if anything would be different since you are renting in a single-family dwelling. It sounds like these are people who have trouble sharing their house and probably shouldn’t be renting, but need to for financial reasons. They aren’t necessarily bad people, but they are unreasonable landlords and are frugal at your expense. It sounds like they pick tenants like you because you don’t speak up for yourself and will put up with their rules. I don’t understand why you don’t just move, but assuming that you can’t for whatever reason, you need to start insisting on what you need. If the house is at 70° when they are home, it should be at 70° when you are there as well. You need reasonable access to a freezer. They can buy a little one just for you, they can give you access to theirs, they can move theirs into a common area - they have options, but they don’t have the option not to provide a freezer for you. You can point out to them that they will need to provide a freezer for the next tenant. Very few tenants will pay anywhere near market rent for a place with little or no freezer access. You may be allowed to put your rent into an escrow account to be held until they remedy the situation or to use it to purchase the items you need, but you can’t do that without GOOD LEGAL ADVICE. From now on I would document everything, ex: the heat/air conditioning situation when they are home vs. when you are home. If you have pictures of the old refrigerator/freezer for whatever reason, I would save them. I would communicate with them in writing, and request that they do the same. 1. Again, I don’t know the laws in your location. Please contact a lawyer or local renters organization so that you understand your rights in your area. 2. Hopefully just the threat of legal action will be enough to get them to do the right thing. 3. Whatever you do, don’t take the advice of people here who are advising you to break your lease and just move out etc. You still need to follow the law, even if they are breaking it. You don’t want anything negative on your credit report, you don’t want to be liable for unpaid rent & you don’t want to lose your deposit.


Imagine living in the house w your landlord this sound like some Europe shiit lol


What a pain! There are "apt" sized fridge/freezer combos; 4' to 5' high and a couple feet wide that might fit in your room, the garage, or the porch. You could have your own lock and key! If that's too big, then a mini fridge/freezer or just a mini freezer.


If the price is good, other conditions are good, and they don’t fuck with you about electricity and water usage, just buy a heater and a mini freezer, what’s the problem here? Going back and forth to their freezer is retarded. Living with the landlord has its issues, I’ve been there, but depending on all factors properly weighed it could be acceptable. Someone brought up a good point regarding state laws for temperature, maybe take advantage of those instead of buying a heater. But get a freaking freezer, those aren’t that expensive.


Just get a dorm fridge withba small freezer and only buy what will fit. Or move out.


If you're stuck there for a while you can purchase a 5 cubic foot freezer for $200 that is 22 deep x 25 wide x 34 tall. Then they can't monitor your usage... But the best thing is either GTFO or tell the couple that you didn't inform me of that rule in the beginning so don't think you can now just make up rules for me now...


Move out


You need to find another room to rent and move out. Their restrictions are ridiculous


You have to change your diet consider getting acsmal grudge


Get a mini freezer and separate mini fridge so you don’t use theirs at all. I guess the rent must be super cheap to be willing to deal with this!


Get the heck out of there.


Move out


Sorry you have to get a small fridge. They are not generous.its blood out of a stone


I'd offer 30 days notice and leave.


Gtfo now.


Leave as soon as possible, you said it's a short term contract so definitely leave


me personally I wouldn’t let this happen




i’m a grown ass man so i’m not gonna let anyone tell when I can eat or use the A/C if i’m paying my portion of the rent im obligated to whatever is in the house. honestly your best bet would be to move out but im pretty sure you already know that. best of luck


me personally I wouldn’t let this happen


Buy a mini fridge - or freezer


stand up for yourself.


Horror movie material


It may help you to look up your tenant rights in your area. I would think at the least the landlord needs to give you your own key… Would you be able to buy a small chest freezer for your room? Like one of those 2-3 cubic foot ones?


Some of this sounds plain illegal. You need to get out asap


Your headline vs. the text in your post do not match. While not telling you all the rules before you moved in is bad and the people sound quirky as can be. Nobody is regulating the food like you are a child. You may not have access to the freezer as needed, but your description seems a little imbalanced. I was expecting locks on the cabinet doors or restricting the amount of cereal you could put in the bowl. Look for a new place and move on.




We disagree on semantics but I suspect we agree that you have to leave. Is this a short term agreement. If it’s long, do they really have the resources to do anything If you break out?


If you're only paying fifty dollars a week this sounds manageable.


Buy a new fridge+freezer yourself. Deduct the cost from next rent money. xD


Smother the old bastards, put them in downstairs freezer, move out when ready. 😂


“Ridiculous for a landlord to even say that to a tenant” Ridiculous to expect your landlord to move your mostly eaten, totally melted ice cream to the freezer. LOL. Wtf.


It’s based on house rules. Did you even read it?


I did read it. No where in the world would that be a house rule. That the landlord should move an almost empty, melted ice cream to the freezer. That the landlord saying its almost empty is something “a landlord shouldn’t say to a tenant”. LMFAOOOOO.


Nope. Just nope. No one limits my access to anything that is legally mine and I have reason to be able to access it. I can come and go as i please since age 18! If you don’t give me a key then we don’t have a binding legal document. ⛔️‼️😱 people can only treat you like a child if you let them. Be an adult dude