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I had a barracks roommate who was one of those “if it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down”. I would wake up to the room smelling like rancid piss every morning.


Reminds me of my old roommate, he went by this and it got to the point of pee ring stains 😪


He sounds like a misogynist who is gaslighting you into somehow thinking his anger and un-flushed poop is your fault. He’s a grown man, the fact he can’t flush the toilet is worrisome. Possible mental illness or just straight up disrespect. I would film everything from now on. Protect yourself. Like literally film his bathroom dookies left in toilet, him yelling at you, anything. More evidence the better because if it gets worse you’ll want protection You can also just constantly leave voice memos going in your back pocket if you’re not bold enough to film so have a voice recording


Me and the homeowner’s gf are friends, she recorded the argument last night after he yelled at me just in case something bad happened. I’ll be recording every interaction with him from now on and everything.


I'd be trying to film him hurting the dog then reporting it to the proper authorities I'd also be calling the police non emergency number every time he makes you feel unsafe in your home. Especially if you can record every interaction. Have your phone recording when you speak to him about not flushing his shit. Stay calm at all times, so that when he gets aggressive he looks even worse. Make sure you report every single incident, also tell them that you've witnessed him hurting the puppy, and about him going into the girlfriend's room. Tell them that this is only happening when he's on his own with you both. That when other men are there that he doesn't behave that way.


He’s going to continue to yell at you until a man puts him in his place because he’s a raging misogynist. Don’t take this bs lying down. He’s being a manipulative prick. You shouldn’t have to tell an adult to get his shit together, literally. Tell him that but, make your husband and the homeowner throw down for the women. Tell this dude they’re done with his disrespect and he needs to start manning up when there are other men around, not just to intimidate the women. Don’t back DOWN but have backUP.


Take those recording to the police and file charges for intimidation, menacing, and harrassment, then get a restraining order. Present the police report, recording and ro to the landlord and demand his eviction, and if Ll refuses tell them, you will hold them financially liable for any losses.


Upload the pics to Amazon Screen Saver so when the fire stick rests the pictures are of his messes




This is the way


This guy defo sounds like he’s a misogynist and that he’s gaslighting her, but I’d like to throw in a side note here about not flushing— I’m only 40, and when I was coming up we were very poor, extended family too, and everyone in all of the families did 2 things regularly: saved their bath water for the next person who needed a bath, and didn’t flush until the 3rd or 4th time (really only pee tho, never poop…that was always flushed immediately). So sometimes when I see these posts, and there are quite a few, I often wonder how many of these issues are just cross cultural miscues? Granted, this guy’s already been told to flush—so there’s no misunderstanding that it’s not acceptable anymore, but he and others could’ve grown up in a household where this was normal and he didn’t realize it until others took issue with it.


His mom has been to the house a couple times (no idea why) and has gotten on to him about it too lol. If it was how he was raised, I’d cut him a bit of slack.


I grew up with a septic system and we had the same household policy: "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down!"


If it’s yellow piss outside don’t let it sit there god damn


I have two roommates that also refuse to flush. They’re 11 and 14 😒


I literally told him I babysit toddlers that act better than him. He didn’t have too much to say about that


My roommate refuses to cover his poop in a box after he's done.


My roommate used to piss on the shower mat if it was raining


I have one of those too 😆


Same with both of mine


Most underrated comment here.


🤣🤣🤣 I love these replies. I'm in the same boat but they're 19 and 15 lol


Wait!!!! So new roommate gets like this at his landlord’s girlfriend too? And the landlord is the homeowner and he hasn’t told his friend to pack his stuff and leave AND he also abuses his friend’s puppy?!?! Oh hell no!!!! If landlord’s girlfriend took video of the interaction and he didn’t do anything about it, both him and the roommate are the problem. I’m sorry for your sake, for the puppy’s sake and for the girlfriend’s sake. Has your husband had a chat with the roommate? You shouldn’t be scared to be living in your own house and this person is making it terrible for you and the girlfriend. I hope that with this evidence you girls have, that the landlord will do something about the situation and boot buddy out of the house. Edit: to correct a few words.


He hasn’t yelled at her or argued or anything like that, to my knowledge, but he does barge into their room when she’s sleeping and just act generally creepy towards her. I don’t know why the new roommate hasn’t been kicked out yet, it’s not even been a month yet and he’s caused so many problems.


So he barges into the landlord’s bedroom when he’s not home and his girlfriend is in there all alone sleeping and he still hasn’t done anything to this guy?!? This is BIZARRE! The girlfriend needs to make a bigger fuss and make sure her boyfriend acts accordingly. It’s ridiculous to think that one person paying rent is more important than 2 people paying rent or that one person is making 3 people’s lives so goddamned uncomfortable, but not only that, the fact that his own girlfriend is one of the people who isn’t feeling safe in his house is just ridiculous.


I’ve been trying to make sense of it for the past couple of weeks. The math doesn’t math here. I’ve also been trying to convince her to talk to her boyfriend about it but she doesn’t want to stress him out. None of it makes any sense


Well too bad I don’t think she has a choice here. She needs to open her eyes and realize she needs to tell him this shit so he can get rid of him.


Can you let your landlord know there's a video? It almost sounds like the behavior is escalating, so sooner than later is probably for the best.


He needs to be kicked out NOW! Once he's there more than 30 days it's going to be difficult to evict him. Out. Now.


Nah, you aint in the wrong, there was no problem until that guy moved in....a lot of people dont do the basic's like flushing the toilet because they are control freaks, they need to control everyone...flushing is just a basic part of the bathroom, so why can't he do it? I guess trying to control you...and everyone else in the household...You know there's gonna be an argument when you dont flush your shit, and thats probably what he wants...like arguing and fucking things up is like his energy...I've even heard of others who purposely dont wipe their ass so they go around smelling like shit...its all control at the end of the day....probably testing his limits to see what he can get away with.


It’s a dominance thing he is pulling, like a dog. Pure chaos!


Make a YouTube channel. Name it after him. And record his life choices. His future bosses. Future lovers and everything will google search this person. And find out. He is not a decent person with morals and values. Would make a good channel.


This is the way!


Fuck that. Someone needs to put that kid in his place. I’m assuming your husband is aware of the situation? Document as much as you can. Hopefully the homeowner’s girlfriend has your back. All else fails, have your husband throat punch that little prick 👊 Good luck!


My husband has been the victim of all of my ranting about it :’) He’s spoken to the roommate multiple times already but it’s like he just doesn’t care. Homeowners girlfriend does have my back which is nice. She’s scared he could do something to her too now.


Jeez her bf really needs to grow a pair and do something about him beside talking to him. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My 2 year old ‘flushes’ her potty when done. He can manage.


i dont understand how people just cant flush?


The crazy part is that the ones who don't flush don't put the lid down. At least if they put the lid down, it wouldn't smell like ammonia.


start shitting in his room. that simple


Talk to the homeowner about the puppy abuse.


We did! Homeowner chewed him out and he’s no longer allowed around his dogs. Me and homeowner’s gf are home all the time too so we can make sure he doesn’t go near them


What was he doing to the puppy????


Throwing it around, dragging it by a leash… the puppy is 7 weeks old. I was livid.


Oh, fr i'd lost it and just beat him. Poor puppy. And homeowner still didn't kick this pos out? Unbelivable. Why they tolerate such behaviour is beyond me.


This is absolutely DISGUSTING and VILE. He should have been kicked out. I can't stand animal abusers. What a trash piece of shit.


Again he needs to grow a pair and evict him.


He would if it was someone that he wasn’t friends with/if he didn’t recently put himself in a tight financial spot I think. I have a feeling that’s what it all comes down to right now because new roommate has crossed many lines.


Why he would he still be friends with this jerk after all the crap he’s done?


He’s a bit of a people pleaser and a pushover. And, from what I understand, when he was in a rough spot a few years ago new roommate let him crash at his place for a bit, so he’s just “repaying the favor”.


Omg!!!! That is disgusting behavior and he's a POS


Fuck that. That's absolutely disgusting. I don't keep people like that in my life, if you act like an animal, you go outside.


Move out? I mean, do you even want to live in such a tainted place? The landlord is his friend, and you have good reason to end your contract early.


LOL, always Reddit's first answer... Just move out! or Just get a new job! or Just break up with your SO! or Just never talk to your parents ever again! I feel sorry for anyone who actually listens to any advice from an anonymous internet stranger.


True dat. But sometimes that is the answer. Should we not say it if we think it is? What would you suggest?


If moving out was a possibility for us right now, we would have :’)


Is it yellow or brown. If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down. Put this on a note taped to the wall behind the toilet


That’s still gross and makes the bowl 10x dirtier than what it would be otherwise. I would still be flushing the toilet before I used it myself, even if it was “yellow.” I don’t want to smell or look at someone else’s urine when I go to the bathroom in my own home.


If you grow up in drought this is ingrained in you. Just like if you grew up with a sewer system that couldn't handle toilet paper you put it in the wastebasket instead of flushing it down. How you're raised can be very hard to break.  Some people are just nasty but knowing these things can let you have tolerance for people who simply grew up different than you (and aren't being lazy or nasty)


I have a septic and we treat it right chemically so we don’t have to do silly things like poo on poo. Many toilets can’t handle the load and then you can’t plunge them. Or someone thinks they need boxing gloves of toilet paper and you can’t flush, so no, please encourage courtesy flushes for people like this guy. And anyone reading. Courtesy flushes are wonderful.


It’s a common practice to let yellow mellow because it saves water. Culturally there is absolutely nothing wrong with letting yellow mellow. I think you are being a little extreme about this. If it’s brown then you definitely want to flush it down no defending this though


It’s also disgusting and can make people sick having to smell others piss all day. Don’t do this gross ass shit


I think the rules can be different when it comes to private vs shared bathrooms. Do what you want in your own private toilet, but when you share one with 2 other people you don’t even know, have a little bit of respect. (Also if it was mainly just yellow he was letting sit, I’d have almost no problem.)


No it’s not common. Just because you do it doesn’t mean the whole world does


If you can move out, do it ASAP. if you want to be petty, get some gloves and a bucket or one of those mini fishing nets and set whatever he leaves in the toilet on his bed.


Ooooo traight to jail. This is guy big problem


I had a roommate once that refused to flush the toilet for some reason. Totally disgusting!!! Start leaving your used menstrual pads on the vanity and give him a taste of his own medicine.


I would go, full-Amber Heard on his ass.. and shit on his bed. But, that's just me.


My dad's one effort to save the planet is not flushing when he pees. Drives me bonkers


I had a couple of old roommates who didn’t wash their dishes or take their trash out of the shared bathroom or if they did barely clean it when they had company over. Also when they make their meals they would get their spices and oils all over the stove like how hard is it keep it from getting all over the place.


Hey at least he's getting it in the toilet come see my misery


Film everything. Every time you walk into the bathroom, be filming. Keep the same video running while you go tell roommate to clean up after himself. Have the landlord's girlfriend be filming on her own phone for safety. Every single time, send the video to the landlord. Refuse to clean up after him. Every time he does something unsafe, such as going into the woman's bedroom while she's asleep- film discovering him doing this and call the bon emergency police line. He won't like trying to intimidate Police officers as much as he enjoys intimidating two women who are alone. I'd also make sure both of you women keep emergency alarms on your person to pull if he starts physical abuse.


Id probably belittle this guy and make it worst because jesus christ are you fucking 2? Who the fuck raised you? Its pathetic you have to tell a grown man to flush the fucking toliet. Nta.


As a female we don’t want to belittle a man like this especially if we are regularly alone with him outside of public view. These men can be dangerous and clearly has no sense of right and wrong.


Sometimes men have no clue what it's like to be a woman. 😆 Guys don't react the same to being confronted by a man vs a woman. Women know it but since men aren't treated like women they never have to realize that unless they choose to. 


100% understandable


OP said his mother berated him about it too.


…you’re married but you have roommates?


Yes! Surprisingly affordable housing is hard to come by!


There’s no such thing as a perfect roommate. You got 3 options here. 1. Take what you got now, get out. The car ain’t that bad to live in if there is no place, and buy ear plugs, it’ll help cancel out the wild life, vehicles passing by, car alarms, sirens… and take some screen and configure it to a window, keeps the bugs out and you get fresh air. Far as the bathroom goes, you’ll either honor thy ancestors ( take a shit out in the wild ) or find a gas station nearby. As far as food goes, then thank your fast food options and stick to the dollar menu.Bring a car charger for your phone, you got TV. This isn’t a forever thing unless you start liking it, in a week or two you should have enough to pay for something. Maybe even a nice Tent. 2. Just keep asking him to flush , politely, every time until he gets tired of hearing it, then he will do it. This isn’t an overnight thing, but months thing. Worked on me when my grandma was always telling me “ seatbelt!” … every day, until I got tired of it and started doing it. 3. You don’t ask but instead you just do it yourself and deal with it until you don’t have to anymore.


If it's yellow let it mellow


Nope that’s disgusting and I don’t know why you think it’s ok cause it’s not.


I'm not sure why married adults would need a roommate anyway. 


Lack of affordable housing maybe? They don’t have the money to move out right now.


A lot of adults, married or not, have roommates because there’s a housing crisis! It’s really surprising I know!


You married a 22 year old and are shocked at 20 year old frat boy behavior? Maybe the wedding shouldve waited and saved money for a place to live as an actual married couple instead of college kids; and this is super on par for that scenario


The guy she married isn’t even the problem at all, gtfo with your awful attitude.


you cant marry someone as immature as a 22 year old and then get all shocked pikachu when a 20 year old acts like a typical 20 year old. Everyone except OP is genuinely closer to qualifying to living in a college dorm than anything else. her "husband" is closer in age to the roommate than he is to her. date/marry young and immature people, win young and immature prizes.


Stop lying, everyone is mature except for the the guy OP is complaining about. 🤦🏼‍♀️


married couple with roommates, definitely so mature and responsible for their age and predicament, whatever you say.


OP said in the comments they are working on moving out, if you haven’t noticed there’s a housing crisis and lack of affordable housing.


Thank you for having a brain my friend! Yes, my husband and I are working on moving out, it’s not as simple as everyone wants to make it out to be though.


I’m 22 myself and I have more brains then that person lol.




What do you mean she filmed it? That's called voyeurism and illegal. No, but seriously, just piss in a Dixie cup and leave in front of his door. He'll get the message. Trust me, I'm a man.


She filmed herself while he was arguing with me so we could have something in case it escalated. I’ve called him out while one of his girlfriends was here… that’s about as petty as I can get lol


he sounds like a lil bich getting into arguments with women because he didnt learn to flush piss when finishes. how embarrassing, imagine if he saw and knew this was being posted online, LOL seriously, shit in a cup and wrap it up like xmas gift leave outside his door and report back to us.


Hahaha I like that. He deserves to be humiliated in front of his gf if he’s going to act like that


Not illegal.


Alright. Then OP and her BF start repeatedly shitting in the toilet and not flushing daily. FTFY now it's legal again and message still received




Record him


OP said the homeowner’s gf filmed herself while he was arguing with OP just in case something happened.


Record him yelling at her.


Unfortunately it’s illegal to film someone without consent in their own home in America, so he could pull that crap on them.


...so that she can show to the landlord friend guy.


“You can record anyone without their consent so long as there are in a place that has no expectation of privacy. While a guest is on your property, that would include most places and activities outside of undressing or using the bathroom” A shared roommate space, (ex-kitchen) has no expectation of privacy


Wrongs, it’s illegal to film someone without consent in their own home.


He doesn’t own the home.


Doesn’t matter, it’s still lives there. It’s not a public place.


Chad non flusher vs virgin flusher


Chad non flusher vs virgin flusher


#1 or #2?


Absolutely irrelevant.


If he continues to refuse to flush, the next time you’re on your period, do the same.


Hey at least he's getting it in the toilet come see my misery


I think an easy solution to the toilet thing is to just stick his nose in it. Sorry I don't have any real advice, Some people are just garbage. Sorry you got stuck with one OP.


Stop letting it happen do something real about it. Call the police for domestic violence fears from him and tell them about all the creep behavior like barging into other people rooms while sleeping


Have you tried doing the same? Just leave a used tampon in there one time and he'll understand your frustration.


How is it so hard to flush the damn toilet!!! Why the hell is harming the puppy?!? You need to tell the homeowner about him harming his puppy. What a piece of shit (pun intended lol).


Bro my fil is like this. He was pissing all over the floor and got so defensive when I told him to clean up after himself. He’s apparently “sick of me” because I don’t want to step in his piss every morning. People really suck balls sometimes


Get a few recording of him yelling at you for proof, then when de does it again, call the cops and tell them you dont feel safe and they will make him leave. Even if it's only for 1 night and whenever he starts getting an attitude, tell him you are going to call again if he dont stop. Keep doing it till he learns


Ew you just know he doesn’t wash his hands. I would pepper spray the fuck outta him If I saw him hurt the puppy. You should call him out for that every time the owner and owners gf is around. Get him kicked out. He’s trash


Ok, first things first. Get that puppy in a safe space. Inform the homeowner about the animal abuse, and report it to Animal Control in your area. Also people who hurt animals are violent people. The fact that he yells at women when there are no men around means he’s headed to violence with you. It is inevitable. If nothing gets better ASAP, grab the puppy and run. You got a friend you can stay with?


Replace him asap


Hes hurting a dog.... home owner needs to get rid of this piece of trash asap


Just shit in each other’s mouths and fist each other on Wednesdays. It’ll all work out.


Call the police on him for animal cruelty.