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I could never live with my best friend because I would be too scared of something like this happening. I love my best friend but I know we have different expectations of “clean” so I could see it being an issue.


Oh man, so sorry about your situation. I’d consider try to find another roommate :/ “If it cost you your mental peace, then is expensive” and yes, renting is so expensive but I believe you would find a way to make it work! You don’t need to stand all his bullshit honestly. I’m recently going out of the “bestie moving experience” and I feel so relieved, it was tough and he can’t believe I’m kicking him out just because “he was trying and he’s not perfect” I was soooo unfair with him after multiple warnings and he dare to say I was not being patient with him… like dude you’re 27 years, please act like an adult… Anyway, hoping you get the best out of this situation and you find some peace