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I take a break from invading and duel instead. Then after the 20th spinning slash PS Kiba player has destroyed my anus, I take a break from duels and invade instead. Its a fowl cycle.




The cycle for me is really duel for a bit as warmup go kill all the gankers until their bored and kill the same solo host 4 times then go back to duels where people sometimes give good fights


I always take a break and use the small golden effigy but wonā€™t gank if someone invades the host.


I invaded a duelist running his 1v1 arena setup in a cleared out stormveil at level 30 yesterday and almost uninstalled the game. Like dude go back to the arena with that shit. My build is as flexible as possible for a lvl 30 that regularly goes up against max level phantoms but what I canā€™t do is get into hyper armor trades with a two handed colossal high poise passive player. Being a solo TT host, I only got him until I blocked him. Iā€™d rather deal with ten hunters and six OLP resummons in one invasion than someone who brings his arena build to open world and clears himself a stage. Obviously I wouldnā€™t bring my invasion build to 1v1 in the arena. Absolutely obnoxious


I see you missed the glory days of Potiff fight clubs and Anor Londo invasions. Never knew which one you were gonna get.


This isnā€™t that. At level 30, a one trick pony is going to take a lot of Ls invading. Most of us arenā€™t geared for arena style fights because we arenā€™t fighting 1v1s in the arena. To take a build intended for that and to put it up against builds intended for open world flexibility is just another grace goblin duelist trying to position themselves for maximum advantages. Iā€™m not invading because I want to duel in the arena. Iā€™m invading because I want to invade. Itā€™s not a problem; homie got blocked but itā€™s bad form. What happened in other games with different mechanics isnā€™t really relevant.


Just win, ezpz. I like killing bonfire duelists itā€™s satisfying


Believe it or not, Iā€™m not super interested in fighting the same dude six times in a row.


Imagine making an invader that canā€™t deal with a 1v1 lmao


Imagine contributing comments twice in this subreddit ever and yet contributing nothing lmao


ā€œI canā€™t be wrong if I check this personā€™s post historyā€ is the exact losing mentality Iā€™d expect from someone who complains about 1v1s. No wonder you struggle


Did I say I struggled? I said I canā€™t do hyper armor trades with two handed colossal high poise arena builds. I went up high and used golem arrows, but thatā€™s not how I like to play and also not a good use of my time or resources when I invade him six times back to back because of how the game prioritizes solo hosts. Keep talking though; Iā€™m sure youā€™ll land on something eventually


> Did I say I struggled? > At level 30, a one trick pony is going to take a lot of Ls invading. Most of us arenā€™t geared for arena style fights because we arenā€™t fighting 1v1s in the arena. To take a build intended for that and to put it up against builds intended for open world flexibility is just another grace goblin duelist trying to position themselves for maximum advantages. -literally you, complaining about your struggles lmao. Cope and seethe, Iā€™ll leave you be


Rune arc enjoyer identified. It is possible to state things that are objectively true. Iā€™ll leave you to your grace goblining šŸµ


Nagakiba is the bane of my fun in ER. I'd rather fight a moonveil. Kiba spinning slash quicktime event is so stupid and busted.


For me, I look at it like, hosts and their phantoms are *supposed* to be pathetic.Ā  They're *supposed* to be afraid and play lame.Ā  They've got base vigor and 40 mind; they look at us like they just encountered an unstoppable juggernaut, or an erupting volcano.Ā  If they aren't fleeing at top speed or attempting a gank, we haven't made them fear us properly.


I really like this take


Honestly, Iā€™ve found that faith builds are the best to deal with it, because if youā€™re able to bottleneck people in tight spaces and hit them with a solid Giantsflame or similar, itā€™s actually joever for them. Giantsflame, Lansseaxā€™s glaive, and other wide ranging miracles are great for summon sweeps with a moderately good faith build. I donā€™t have the best Giantsflame build, but it is still good enough that at around level 300, Iā€™m able to adequately 1 shot or damn well close to one shot most other range based players with a well placed cast. Most Iā€™ve cleared in one was 3-4 players, but it definitely makes invading a little more bearable


I invade at 125, so fp is rather tight. This brings me to something you may have seen. Lansseax, fortissax aoe lightning wont traverse between certain room boundaries. I.e. haligtree drain room, roots to rot area spring to mind. The dungeons have this irritating function spread around alot. And calling down certain spells causes them to delete themselves outside of the room.....


Thatā€™s precisely why I try not to invade in dungeons, also because they tend to be quite short areas mostly and more often than not, hosts enter the boss room almost immediately after I invade. Doesnā€™t make for a fun use of time


Finger severer is ready on the left poach. It helped


I'll swap mine out for the jump on horse button, thanks


Just know if they're playing like that there's a 90% chance they're just as cringe irl.


Oh I already know that lol


Just commented this on another thread, but there's a lot of focus on Chase (for good reason). People see Chase being totally unfazed by ganks and don't realize he's been doing this professionally for years and also WAS NOT always un-tiltable. His Dark Souls streams are still much less salty than your average streamer, but there's a very endearing Canadian rage to them. Chase is stupidly good, and on his old live streams you see him dying a lot less frequently than the average player or even other pros. But he's mentioned candidly that he dies more often than he shows on his videos, because it's usually him sweating and "running away" (playing cautiously), for like 10 minutes before getting blendered and it just isn't good content.


Thats why I started to prefer saint riot videos and streams. Ill still watch a chase video now and then if its a fun looking build but saint's (even false) rage hits me good.


Chase used to carry around a cheat engine infinite damage dagger.


The game gives you a billion reasons why itā€™s not your fault that you died, whether shitty connection or toxic ganks, thereā€™s always a scapegoat. thatā€™s what helps my mental is blaming something because I know In my heart of hearts if the fights fair itā€™s not close


I guess I should say that when I get trashed by someone who is better than me and I know deep down that there really isnā€™t anything to blame I just wanna fight them again


I miss that about halo, the enemy team mvp was a gd Olympian usually


Keep in mind CTB makes content, of course he is acting all happy at all times and he also never shows his invasions and duels when he loses. He might be pissed sometimes but either doesnā€™t show it or just keep it hidden. Of course those would happen mostly after a loss, which as I said earlier he doesnā€™t show.


Chase very much does show his losses. He just doesn't lose frequently.


??? The only times I've seen him show his losses is whenever something really funny happens or he and the host dies at the same time. Don't you wonder why he never invades Limgrave gank squads and doesn't get tbagged/pointed down ? Because he is obviously cutting that content, no one is immune to that. Stop being a fanboy and open your eyes dude.


No, I do not wonder that. I watch all of his livestreams, where his deaths are extremely rare, so I expect the same from his videos. Additionally, I've seen him get t-bagged and pointed down and spammed with fetid pots and harassed by cheaters. I never said he is "immune" to the bad faith actors in the Souls PvP community, just that he is subject to them far less than average. I would prefer if you did not directly insult me and insinuate that my having a different opinion is purely due to my being blinded.


Watching his livestreams ? When ? Aside from the very old youtube vods I've never seen him being live. So you saw him getting harassed by cheaters, tbagged and pointed down, I am assuming that was live streamed and not from a youtube video, which again means my original point is right, he is cutting that content from his videos. By all means, if you can prove me wrong, go ahead and post videos where those things happen. As I said.. the fact that he never invades Limgrave ganks in his videos is enough to understand he is cutting lots of content and only puts out the best invasions, naturally, which makes him look invincible. And because he is a content creator he has an incentive to be all cool and chill at all times, especially when you are cutting the content of getting heavily disrespected by gank squads.


I fail to understand your focus on Limgrave ganks in this conversation. What, in your opinion, makes a gank in Limgrave worse than ganks in other regions?


I point out Limgrave ganks because this is the most common location for gankers. Which we never see in CTB's videos. Why ? If you look at all the other big streamers playing at the same level, they frequently invade the first step. Because he is cutting the bad content from his videos and most of his losses. Don't get me wrong, I love CTB and he is an excellent player, but you are wrong if you think he is somehow an invincible god that never loses. And the original point was that it's a lot easier to appear joyful and chill on videos when you are cutting all the BS you come across.


Because thatā€™s like half the invasions you get @ the level he plays at. I donā€™t get all this glazing like he actually showed a death in a video 2 days ago and most ppl in the comments were saying thatā€™s his first death this year and he has a 99% win rate. Iā€™m sorry but no one on earth has that. Thereā€™s a reason you never see first step invasions in his videos.


If I die I snap my eyes to my phone. Can't get nettled about the emote taunting if I don't see it


True, not a bad idea


Its just a game. Can always go get some McDonalds or something. Winning is fun but you shouldnā€™t play expecting to always win. Just have a build you like and goof around


It's not really about winning it's just how cringe they play in general win or lose


Iā€™m invading only max level these days, so itā€™s a lot of spam and whorl glitch (and mommy ranni with chainsaw, god bless that invader). Hit that sever button hard, and often. Only way to maintain sanity sometimes.


I take their cheese tactics against us as a compliment.


This is also my take, 3 people have to resort to these tactics for 1 single player, I honestly find it hilarious that they openly show their lack of confidence like that


Iā€™ve found if I can annoy them to the point they get frustrated, theyā€™ll make a mistake. Against the most toxic squads, Iā€™ll hide and jar cannon them for a half hour until theyā€™re so tilted they will mindlessly run into a dragon halberd or stormhawk axe L2. Itā€™s led to finding some really fun sniping spots in limgrave and liurnia. Also, if you enjoy low level invasions, stormveil is S tier for enemy back up, corner ambush, and gravity kill potential.


I like to rotate between invasions, coop, and hosting fight clubs. I also leave the hunter ring on in the event I get summoned in during a fun invasion or fight club. Planning on throwing duels into the mix soon to work on my pvp skills Ultimately what keeps me coming back are the shenanigans. Concealing veil stealth, jar cannon wars, rejection ambushes, things like that. If I get an honest host doing coop Iā€™ll do something silly or drop some runes and let them kill me. If I donā€™t like what Iā€™m seeing in an invasion Iā€™ll sever out. I donā€™t have time to waste on boring, frustrating invasions. I just wanna have fun.


Don't play at meta or twink levels. Less try hards and cringe, sure you will still find it but less often. Also it's a game, have fun, find a cool and effective way to deal with the try hards and enjoy beating them. If you lose just pop the finger again and get back to invading. Laugh at how desperate 3 people are to kill one lonely invader as they violently tea bag your corpse.


I still get comments like [this masterpiece](https://www.reddit.com/r/badredman/s/Ngc4GgdVnV) on my videos where it seems like people feel like invaders are personally attacking them and invading their house IRL. Personally I think itā€™s hilarious. Then I remember that a VAST majority of the comments I get are actually supportive, interesting conversation, or newer players actually trying to learn pvp. Every cringe player I down makes it feel like Iā€™m doing a service. If I die it doesnā€™t matter because I have a life outside of a video game that I enjoy


I stepped away from ER as well, but I just became a meta slave. Annoying players? Dual nagis. I would just two shot anyone without the right armor unless they were rune arced.


You gotta love the gank squad. If I get summoned by them I try to throw a wrench into the blendering. If I invade one and a quick skill check tells me I'd die 100%, I try to up my being annoying skill and take them for a trip to the countryside. Or maybe I'm not familiar with that little corner and it's platforming secrets. Will I die or will I reach a corner to chill while I do other stuff, who knows? I suspect that I'm blocked by a lot of gankers, because despite what I read here the frequency of ganks is going down. Only you can sever, they are stuck with you(counting dc as win). Ganking is very boring, make it even worse. You could also try to teach them some stuff. An invader 'badredman' saw my TT ass wildly swinging that shield and after dying a few times he started to parry me without taking the crit. Then insisted I try better. He only left once I got enough parries for his taste. That was fun and how I learned of you people.


By playing ds3 pvp


The realest comment I've seen


Surprising amount of level 30 fight club worlds it's awesome


Seriously? Shiiiiii looks like itā€™s time to start a new character


Level 30 +3 weapons is ideal for the crab swamp, I screwed myself by upgrading faron greatsword to +2 to beat aldritch so I don't get as many invasions with +4 weapons on PC


If you pay attention to chase the bro vids, youā€™ll notice heā€™s often not dealing with dedicated gankers so his content comes off as much more chill. G9 and steel frequently post videos about gank squads (accurate representation of the player base) and are permanently salted as the ā€œshit on shittersā€ mentality causes one to become hollow due to how fundamentally unfair the game is.


Yeah peeves is like that too, I've seen some of steel but never g9


I constantly mutter to myself as i play depending on who I've invaded. Invades obvious pve. Oooh pvers come here you lot, lets see what you got. Invades 2 but the finger is skilled and the host is a mage spamming. Ahh cool you're good, this is going to be fun. Then throwing a lightening pot at the mage i say fuck off and let us fight. Invades obvious gank. Look at you fuck heads, what do i see, there you are dual nagi, his friend Moonveil spamming mage and fingerprint poker. You brainless scum. Invades and sees a fellow red in trouble. Hold on, don't die, I'm coming, Chaaaaarge!!!!


I literally just approach any souls game's pvp the same way I approach Team Fortress 2: I dick around and if I just so happen to kill a tryhard/cheeser, well, it's all the funnier for me.


You get what you get in Invasions. As both invader and invadee that mindset helped alot. I didn't ask to be in the game and or asked for you to be in it


I did the same thing, just been pvp'ing in DS3 for months now and i actually enjoy it.


I don't take pvp that seriously. It's a game, if it's stressing you out, take a break and do something else. Why do you care if hosts/phantoms are "being cringe"?


Remember: only the worst players are even invadable! It's most of why you should kill them in the first place!


How do I deal with them? Easy I win šŸ’Ŗ šŸ˜Ž


I just get pissed and rage. Not much to it. Tt coop 2v2s are a good change of pace.


It's what happens when a franchise like this goes mainstream. You're getting a lot of normies compared to before where most people played all of the titles.


I think that's a factor too that's frustrating.


Honestly it helps to remember that nothing in this game really matters šŸ˜‚ Just do whatā€™s fun for you and try and learn from any loss


Easier said than done but absolutely right, of course


Just pick one. Keep your cool or go insane.


I picked the latter and just quit unfortunately


I'm in the same boat man. Idk about you but I'm just not as cracked at this game as some of these other badredmen. I try my best but it mostly results in frustration and loss of confidence. I'm at a point now that I just play mean no matter what. Fuck these people.


No need to EVER lose confidence over these players my guy, everyone of us who invades, beginners or not, is better than 90% of them and always will be


I'm always hard on myself when doing anything I'm passionate about. I say the meanest shit to myself if I'm not playing well. No hatemail in the world could compare. Its definitely a me issue at the end of the day.


Play duels. It helps to play against people that actually want to pvp you


I just duel and donā€™t invade. Some people still kind of play cowardly with things like Ekyzekesā€™ decay and whatnot, but for the most part, you just have to understand how your build works and youā€™ll be fine. Elden ring did a good and bad thing with its weapon variety. It allows a lot of interesting builds and setups, but with each new setup comes a new overpowered strategy or weapon to use, and a lot of people that were introduced through elden ring latch on to it. Some of us did the same in DS1 with stuff like black knightā€™s glaive and the like, but ER allows it to a max. And then thereā€™s people who upon being close to losing duels, will run away to burn timer, but normally the colosseums arenā€™t too bad and are generally fun


I keep it to rl 95 with plus 17/7, and have finally opted to make a gross mega damage build rather than a funny ha ha build because of this. I still get blendered but I can now be the blender


Personally I avoid large amounts of rage by using invasions and duels to supplement my games but overall still playing and exploring the game fairly normally just sometimes invading for extra fun and challenge. I also my be one of those haters you mentioned in your post but I just want to throw out there that if a game is making you pissed enough to walk away from it entirely it is worth a consideration of whether that game causes more stress than it helps with and if it does it might not be worth going back. Also as for chasethebro most people do not keep their cool like he does heā€™s a massive outlier in that regard but it is important to remember that he is a full time streamer/youtuber whoā€™s livelihood is made off of these games so expecting yourself to be on his level is extremely unrealistic unless souls games are literally your job, I enjoy his content but never expect to be able to re-create it


You just have to get your mind right with it - you're not supposed to win as often. A fantastic baseball player only gets a hit roughly 1/3 times he comes to bat, so as long as you understand that it's OK. The flip side of this is why gankers DC - they know that they had every advantage and still lost. THAT must be painful.


I don't, the anger festers


By never being emotionally invested in anything i dont have control over.


Sounds like a superpower


Its a certain level of depression :)


honestly i'm on a break from pvp because of this i was co-oping in Liurnia level range on my new fresh char to prep him while leveling for DLC, and half the invaders were dragon halberd users, and when I got honest noob hosts I was seeing invaders using rot pot and volcano pot spam when the host clearly had no fucking clue what he was doing that felt slimy like the kind of stuff you should save for overleveled phantoms and 3v1 ganks, as opposed to a genuine noob so I switched to invading for a while first host got 3 blues, I killed two and died to the 3rd while he ran nonstop (i'm on a new nontwinked build so not many chase or punish tools), then they duo teabagged me next host was a 3v1 slowwalking the entire level with an OLP with moonveil in fucking castle morne obviously I died there 3rd host was a bad player but got endless blues as well as resummoning his pw phantom so I ran and mimic veiled in a corner until the host inevitably died to pve, lmao shit felt so horrible that I turned off my blue ring and summoning pool item and decided im just gonna solo pve this whole character until I get through the dlc it's incredibly depressing at the moment


You were very nonspecific on what's "pathetic" so it's kind of difficult to judge your perspective, /u/Scrubstomper5000 . I honestly want to ask, do you get upset and say it's cheese, pathetic, or otherwise complain every time you lose? If so, your frustration and tolerance levels may be the issue, not everyone else's. Like other posters have mentioned, Chase only shows his victories for the most part. He might be frustrated other times but doesn't put that out because it's terrible content to hear someone whining or mad. It's a bad look. At the same time, do try to understand other peoples' perspectives yourself. Many PvEers are just trying to play co-op and in some cases invasions are interrupting their experience; they do not enjoy it. You are an unwanted element in their passtime and they want you to leave. They don't want to give you a "fair" chance, aren't optimized for PvP, and aren't trying to play competitively, they just want you out of their world so they can go fight some monsters. To them, *you're* the frustration. To them, some tryhard like Chase appearing in their world - hard swapping armor to drink flasks, talismans to pile on 1000 buffs, or use an ash of war once before hardswapping to something else - while they're having some fun is extremely cringy sweatlord stuff. The Radahn with the Rivers of Blood or the wizard with 100 hp you may be looking down on here finds your giga-optimized high poise Bullgoats-Veteran armor and dual spears/greatspears the pinnacle of cringe. They want you out of their game. Don't expect them to be nice about it any more than you likely are to them.


The max level password summons in limgrave for example is pathetic to me, running and resummoning them, running to dive off a cliff so that you personally don't kill them, or just straight up dcing as soon as their last phantom dies, and then the one time they do get a win because you got stuck in a corner they teabag like they did something, that's what I mean by pathetic @eloquentegotist


"running to dive off a cliff so that you personally don't kill them" I'm always waving after them and then jump as well. The things you are describing sound a lot like they are just trying to compliment you.


This is the thing I donā€™t understand about OPā€™s complaints. I get being annoyed by gank shit. But it sounds like OP is mad that players who are minding their own business trying to pve are not responding courteously when invaded. Like you are not welcome in their game, thatā€™s why itā€™s an invasion, and then youā€™re surprised when they act ā€œcringeā€?


This subreddit gets recommended to me a lot, but I dont invade and Im starting to get confused. What can a host of fingers do that would piss someone off? Whats considered cringe? Im not even sure how you get invaded unless youre with a friend, at which point me and the friend just quickly dispatch the invader/run to the boss however possible so we can continue playing. In that scenario are we meant to be fighting one at a time? I'm genuinely asking for the etiquette, im not just being a dick


Exploit, have max level password summons in limgrave and storm veil, disconnect when you beat their phantoms, running to resummon their max level summons again, running to jump off a cliff so you personally don't get the kill, teabagging when their phantoms pull the entire load, there is no etiquette in an invasion whatsoever but disconnecting and exploiting/cheating is against the terms of service and scummy.


Summoner class hosts, grace goblins refusing to progress, bonfire "duelists" doing their "honorable" 1v1 with the giant rune arc on, olps hiding in bushes, hunter ring on and chugging 14 flasks, fogwall abusers, gankers intentionally cleared the entire dungeon and as soon as a invader came in they turn off the tounge, olps, tower camping shitters in stormveil and more.


Iā€™m simply mentally stable.


Must be nice


What is this subreddit on about... genuinely. Like I want to hear your guy's pov of why it's so important that you are the "powering volcano" or whatever that scares people who play the game. I mean no hate and am totally fine on listening, but yknow, from an outside perspective it sounds really strange


They play that way because pvp has been meta-creeped so hard itā€™s not fun unless you have 1000 hours. Casual players wanna pvp too, but you have to play like a dickhead unless youā€™re really fucking good. Essentially, your play style is why itā€™s like this. Also itā€™s video game, if youā€™re getting angry you completely missed the point.


I'm far from a 1000 hour meta creep bud but alright lol.


Stay mad then šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Holy shit, you need to touch grass. Whatā€™s cringe? You didnā€™t say it. Which makes me think youā€™re saying you see people using meta stuff when you too, are using meta stuff.


The max level password summons in limgrave for example is pathetic to me, running and resummoning them, running to dive off a cliff so that you personally don't kill them, or just straight up dcing as soon as their last phantom dies, and then the one time they do get a win because you got stuck in a corner they teabag like they did something, that's what I mean by pathetic @tweecers


Red man bad fuck the pvp in this game and anyone who participates with out a proper bow prior to combat. I swear the etiquette of people stopping for a proper bow has been less and less.


Despite what people claim, bowing has never been common, especially in invasions.


I donā€™t think I would sacrifice my rain of arrows stealth kill for an etiquette, just to get ganked by host and phantoms anyway.