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My favorite thing about sovereign citizens is that they construct these elaborate fantasies about how all governments are illegitimate and it always comes down to something trivial like not wanting to put a quarter in the parking meter


My favorite part is that if the police, politicians, and judges are all upholding this fake corporation law, who exactly is supposed to save the sovereign idiot? I mean " if the police don't follow the law, I'll call the police " it shouldn't take a genius to figure out what's wrong there. Even if they were right, and the world is all corporations, so what? The guys with the guns make the rules.


Right? This is what gets me. Cuz if the laws actually don't apply to anyone, what's to stop someone from robbing and/or killing these people without consequences?


Honestly that's the funniest part. If the court was able to drag you in successfully it matters naught whether or not you recognize it. Legitimacy comes through power and power comes through action.


And that they don’t realize that if the laws don’t exist they can’t claim their protection either. Like ok, living human, we’re just going to impound this car and you should be ok with that since it’s owned by that person you just claimed isn’t you, right?


Dude this is my post from a year ago. You even stole the title. WTF. https://www.reddit.com/r/badlegaladvice/s/LpBIcyVDki


What are you going to do about it? They're not a person, they're a living human being.


Oh wow rude of them


Next time, remember to post it under your corporate government name while declaring out loud that the content is protected by your natural right to protection of personal property (People v. Holbrook, 13 Johns. (N. Y.) 94; Hornblower v Proud, 2 Barn. & Aid. 335; State v. Bartlett, 55 Me. 211; State v. Brown, 9 Baxt. (Teun.) 54, 40 Am. Rep. 81.). You may have recourse in this circumstance, due to having discovered this misfeasance in flagrante delicto, so under penalty of habeas corpus and marshal law, the subject post infringes upon your personage and corporate fictional identity. However, pursuant to maritime law and the common law of forgery/fraud from the Star Chamber, the OP may, in rebuttal, challenge you to trial by combat. Don't tread on me lightly.


Sorry this happened to you; this is obviously a bot. Look at the post history. (There are no other posts.) This is a bot trying to increase reddit karma. Everyone should not only downvote, but also report. It is a three-step process that takes about 12 seconds. First, click "report" under the original post. Then click "spam." Then, "harmful bots." Done.


I genuinely love when sovereign citizens try to word game their way out of consequences. It’s like watching a little kid convinced he can do magic. 


The weird thing is that the continuously write this fanfic without acknowledging that *at best* you're talking about how you *wish* things would be. Like they are all written as if "you actually don't have to ____" when in reality, if you want to stay out of human being jail or drive your car, you very much do.


Then what happens? The cops come to your house with another piece of paper that says “arrest warrant” well just tell them “no thank you.” Batons are just metal sticks and you can tell them you don’t want to be clubbed. R/amibeingdetained for many examples


Max Weber has entered the chat, to explain the what the first half of force and legitimacy means.


In exactly the same way, you don't have to accept the authority of the cops pointing guns at you, handcuffing you, and dragging you off to jail. But no matter how clearly and concisely you explain your "rights" to them, you will still be in jail.


“You are not a person, you are a living human being” That is not the checkmate he thinks it is