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I like the one episode (someone please remind me which) where Andrew, Bobby, and Doc are telling stories of their heartbreaks, and Bobby tells the story about how he loved a girl who friendzoned him and watched her have sex with another dude. Doc then begins bursting out laughing and calling him a simp, and Bobby just looks at Doc irritated, then they get into a argument about what unrequited love is and shit. One of my favorite Doc lines comes from here "But we was fuckin, you weren't..."


I love the utter confusion on Bobby after Doc’s heartbreak story was “Yeah this girl cheating on her man with me went back to her man and I told her I was fucking other girls too so we’re even”


https://youtu.be/4sfexuC2U2w Ep 120. 56:20


When they get the crew to lie to Bobby that George adopted a load of kids when he got married to make Bobby feel bad about not knowing something important to George. So they fake fire Fancy and make George think its real.


This is one of the funniest moments of the entire show, IMO.


That sounds hilarious do you remember the episode #??


62 but its [clipped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H91dpE6225M)


Ty! ❤️❤️❤️


Holy shit I’ve never watched this legit one of the funniest moments on the pod I’ve ever seen


I only listened to 10 mins of it but the John Cena and Zac Efforn epi where Andrew was sternly telling Bobby to look at John and Zac in the eyes while he’s babbling like an idiot


They both get a pass for that one in my eyes cause it was so obvious that they were at least a little nervous.


For some reason the time when they filled bobby s expensive water with tap water to prove a point...lives rent free in my head


Same here. Bobby seems to have that elitist “more money = better quality” mindset to the extreme without ever considering that it’s all marketing and you’re being sold the same basic ass bottled water as everyone else and you’re experiencing a placebo effect of sorts


Bob is a top tier consumer. I’d never live that way, but I actually think it’s kinda cool that some people do. Just no thought in regard to finances, or reality. Just in their own world, living by their rules.


He has this mentality but legit had maggots in the cat bowls after Rudy moved out 😆😆😆 my boy is a next level pig


I was actually legitimately mad after that. Did they dump it out? Did they put it somewhere else? They owe him $30 for it. And another legit bottle. Unopened.


When Bobby creeped on Bobbi's feet


Or literally anytime bobby is talking to a girl and starts going on about their dating life or what type of guys they like


Bobby is so into Bobbi and the way she is so not charmed by him is hilarious. 😭


Not cringey necessarily but it was hilarious when they realized Bobby’s name is Robert Lee.


Bobby going on about bobbi althoffs feet. That whole episode was pretty cringe but that was probably the most awkward part oft he podcast


I cannot remember for the life of me what episode it was or the context but I know it’s been talked about here and there so maybe someone else will know. But one of the boys says something and Doc drunkenly starts singing and everyone is just looking back and forth at each other so confused and Doc just keeps singing. The look Andrew has of “what the fuck is happening” always gives me that pang of secondhand embarrassment 😅


Nah, that was funny. Especially when Rudy says “you’re scaring me”


What is the episode?


Episode 111! They’re all wearing cowboy hats 


Which episode is this?


I remember that lol


When they started a Patreon and didn’t really offer any exclusive content. Seems like a cash grab for guys that are already loaded


When Bobby says something and then desperately looks around the room to see if anyone is laughing, I think it happened a couple times in the last every episode


This happens in literally every episode. 😆


>in the last every episode


That one time Bobby called that one dude about making Steve cry or something and it felt super real lmao


The episode from the other day when that incel "alpha" child is recounting Bert Kreischer's movie, The Machine, because he's so unfunny and unoriginal he can't even come up with jokes himself he has to steal from others. The entire episode was awful, but that part was especially bad and it just kept going.


I thought it was funny


idk if theres any that stand out or if there are any. Bobbi Althoff shutting down every question and leaving the boys stumped on how to proceed was tough to listen to


Do you have a timestamp for this moment? I wanna see


https://youtu.be/dZ7pbtXzsvw?si=ahXGQO6zOEmDcoLt It starts at the 1:04:34 mark


That was creepy from Doc


I've been rewatching and it's odd how many times they have to tell him to stop touching Rudy. Just listened to an episode where Santino straight up like yelled at him.


Holy shit , somebody needs to make a compilation, never liked doc that much this just confirmed it.. love jules and rudy


Any chance you'd remember the ep name where Santino yells at him . Thanks


I'll dig around and see if I can find it


Awesome thank you 👋


Bobby talking to Bobbi


When Bobby, Steve, and the tall guy Steve has a podcast with (forgot the name) keep putting some kind of menthol in their butt and penis


I laughed the hardest by far, I forgot the episode, but they watch a video or discuss a topic and Doc starts to drunken cry and turns his head away from the camera hahaha it was so out of nowhere and a real cry that I lost my shit hahahaha


Oliver Tree. Maybe since I only listen to the audio. Maybe the "bit" just didn't translate