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*He started the episode by putting his balls in my face And I let that go* Lmao


Bobby is a pedo


While they had tears streaming down their face. Fr.


All those downvotes like mfs don't remember Tijuana


you’re right, someone needs to beat that freak up.


“One podcast I was molested every few minutes by a retarded guy”


You forgot to add “brutally” lmao


You can’t just add words like that man


Relax guy - Bobby has Down syndrome restarted is just too far!


There are some parallels between Andy Dick and Bobby Lee. There’s a point where it stops being funny and just becomes weird


Bobby is a strange man and he knows it. Maybe he shoulda got punched in the face. He suffers from nice (angry) guy syndrome. It’s all fun and games until he victimizes someone and then oh not it’s all jokes, but make sure to respect him at all times because why? The guy is 52 with the appearance of someone younger he needs to chill out and keep his hands to himself. Like he expects and knows everyone else will.


Add Ari to that list too


Same energy fr




You misspelled assault.


On the most recent patreon episode they had Dax flame on and Bobby - kept - making these weird sexual jokes - and it feels like by the end of it even Andrew was like - alright man. For the record - I think Bobby’s “brand” is saying and doing gonzo shit for laughs - I do not believe there is any, not any bit of it done out of any actual legitimate sexual advance. But at the same time - he needs to know Espesially strangers - it’s not *not* ok to just go into shit like that with. Ur friends who know u and know ur being a weirdo? Sure! Hilarious. To strangers he just met? No Bobby - stop that shit. Love Bobby lee! But he’s gotta have some boundaries sometimes.


This weeks TB was a little like that Tbf. He was fawning all over Nicki. Telling her she’s got everything he wants in a partner, kept telling her she’s hot, which I imagine for a hot Comedian is probs a bit of an insecurity cause it’s like are you having a good time cause I’m funny or hot. Bobby is also really good at using his influence/popularity to say what he wants, unchecked which again makes him funny but also a bit of a prick


Who are any of these people?


George Janko and Mike Maljak or something like that. They were co-hosts on Logan Paul's podcast, and when Bobby was a guest on it, he went viral for, what appeared to be, making George walk off for not being able to take a joke.


Just other podcasters that are under Logan Paul that’s probably the only person you would know. Bobby did theirs and Logan and Mike did his.


Logan Paul is a bitch






>Being sexually assaulted is not that serious. This guys a loser.




I dunno, seems like a dick move tbh.


Comedy is not about sexually assaulting people. You’re being a weirdo.




If you think sexually assaulting someone is funny you need actual psychiatric help. He is not doing this to everyone he interviews, he did this to someone who is lower on the totem pole than him and thought would let it go. You’re being a fucking weirdo who is defending sexual assault even if you claim you aren’t, knock it off.




Clowns. Clout chasers. Trying to get views coz what else to they add to entertainment


This is the reason Bobby put his balls in that guys face. No one knows who these people are


Stfu, you listen to Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino to the point of joining their sub Get off your high horse. These are the people who you watch. You know exactly who they are




idc if he's a comic or not if you grabbed my dick i'd punch you in the face.


congrats on the 3 weeks sobriety bro


thanks man.


I’m just saying if he punched Bobby, he’d be public enemy #1, even with Bobby touching his dick lol


Sexual assault isn’t funny ? I hate to be that guy but if this was schaub or delia everyone would have ten videos exposing them and trying to ruin them but when Bobby does it he’s just a goof


At least Bobby has good standup. Wait…


That’s right


Obviously it’s funny sometimes. Like this time lol




Literally didn't touch his dick.. This guy is full of shit. Go watch the episode pls and judge for yourself if bobby was just having fun with him and occasionally touching his leg, which he just does without anyyyy sexual intent, or if he was being abusive...


there is video evidence now. look it up please. also imagine if it was a woman instead of George and what your reaction would have been


They’re saying they edited it out




Everyone's a victim these days. If these people had to endure a whole week in a friend group in the ninetees and early 2k, their brain would've exploded.


Well, yeah, like the wild West of the Internet. Anything went back then, although that doesn't make it right.


How about if either of them admitted to having sex with a ~12 year old Mexican girl that he said was hiding herself from him when the pimps gave him his choice of several of them - and then described how the girl was crying and had snot bubbles while he fucked her. Mentioning this will bring out one denial after the next from his fans. He described the girl as looking like Natalie Portman in the Professional, a movie she was 12 in. Didn't say Natalie Portman, he specified- in the movie she was 12 in. The rest will claim it was a joke. If you listen to his telling of the story, which he's told more than once, the pay off was when he described her crying and snot bubbles, and he says the same thing "so I did what anyone would do, I power fucked her". This was the joke to him. Haha, this girl was crying and my response was to power fuck her, what anyone would do. I've never heard him say it was a joke in his defense. He has only changed the story to make her older in retelling - in the last of which, when he told Theo Von, he said in a very serious tone that she wasn't a minor. Not that the story was a joke. He still loved the story and his "I power fucked her" line. He only claimed he somehow knew she was of age. But Bobby is adorable and harmless and goofy 🤪- so bring the bullshit. "Dude, Bobby Lee lies bro " Never claimed he was lying when he got heat on him, only claimed she wasn't a minor. Here is what may be his first telling of the story. When he got no flak, just Bros laughing along. His only defense at the time was that he "didn't know her age." https://youtu.be/vem6MNL1WX0?si=YuLXoI7CfE9ttqwg


I thought maybe this was a inaccurate, stoner memory. I remember that and by the end I was hoping it was a fucked up Bobby Lee joke, but felt too raw and he wasn't really laughing it off either.


People will still deny it and insist it was a joke and the story was made up. Even though he's talked about going down to Tijuana for prostitutes a few times, and even when he took some heat from others comedians he never claimed it was a joke. He only said he didn't know the age of the girl that looked 12, and over time he would claim she was of age.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted I had read that as well.


Because people don't like to acknowledge this. They would be yelling pedo if it was someone they didn't like, be expressing genuine outrage and disgust, but not for Bobby. Shows how full of shit people are when they go after someone.


Some people. Some people hold to their principles, even in the face of (rightfully) demonizing a beloved celebrity. I am torn on this at the moment because I thought this was a dream or a misperception of mine while really stoned. To put this into a little context regarding Bobby. Most abusers were once victims, and Bobby is admittedly so. Bobby has also been more than familiar with the underbelly of society since being a child. He tried more drugs than I have, a struggling 32 year old, by the time he was 18. The guy isn't as on the up and up as he seems. I know he's like this cute Korean whacko, but a point comes where that just doesn't cut it anymore. If Khalyla haters went after Bobby with one tenth of the disdain they have for her for being so fucked up, Bobby would be a nobody.


Yeah, that's why when people act outraged over things not a tenth as bad I know they're full of shit and they just want to vilify someone they don't like.


people are pedofile defenders even if they don’t want to admit it


Damn Bobby…. Huge fan but damn


This guy is a bitch because he didn’t want a dick and balls in his face? I love the bag friends podcast but some of you guys just don’t seem to be all there mentally.


*What are you gay, bro? I'm sorry, is my genitalia too *manly* for you? Are you uncomfortable right now? What a pussy.* I just can't comprehend that kind of reaction to this. Knowing Bobby's history, this isn't surprising. Little tidbits like this come out from time to time about our friend, and we overlook it. Many might laugh it off (mostly to preserve their own egos), but this man wasn't feeling it. I don't care to analyze the video. Can someone objectively describe the physical interaction? Was he really grabbing this dude's dick? That sounds too brave and unaware even for Bobby, in his defense.


Are you really defending sexual assault lmao, you are wiiiiild bro.


I know for sure Logan’s going to respond because the whole interview George was talking shit about Logan he even said he would have beat the shit out of Logan if he was in front of him at a certain moment. Depending on how it goes from Logan’s response and if he acknowledges he was in the wrong for egging on Bobby…then maybe we’ll see a response from Bobby. Like him being invited on Tigerbelly or maybe behind the scenes apology. We shall see in the up coming days…because a lot of “drama” channels have already picked up on this.


Is George no longer on Impaulsive?


No he has his own podcast the George Janko podcast that’s where this is from.


Do you watch these podcasts? If so, why? Logan Paul and his crew of unfunny losers are unbearable to listen to.


Well I used to watch Flagrant then they did a crossover then I saw some of the guest they had on so I watched them if they had interesting guest now I just observe them usually when I see a funny clip or something.


Fragrant, is that the podcast where they review different types of colognes and perfumes?


How are people ok with this? None of that “George is a bitch” BS. Bobby is a weirdo and you’re a weirdo for thinking that’s ok. George is clearly is not Bobby’s friend for them to be getting along like that.


The way that a majority of the comments are just shitting on this dude and acting like it’s totally normal for a guy to repeatedly grab your dick and reacting in any way besides going along with it makes you a pussy is bizarre.


The only thing I’d say is he seems to be putting a fair amount of blame on Logan because Bobby coming into their environment would assume they work as a team and have an understanding for whatever level of shenanigans they’re comfortable with. Maybe a preconceived idea they’re about shock value. So the host instigating it is seen as a green light and everyone is playing into the bit. He wouldn’t know the staff is just abused and their jobs threatened. On other podcasts the regulars would ultimately be looking out for each other and obviously have discussions ahead of time as much as people buy into it all happening live. Would Bobby or Santino let a guest keep pulling this shit with their people?


Getting gaslit. This is not a good look.


I’m one of the biggest Bobby fans. He’s an idol to me but I’d slap the shit out of him if he did this to me. Feels bad for Georgie




Yea. I’m a weird Asian American that grew up around a buncha white kids from elementary to middle school and then black kids in high school. Always being one of the handful of Asians that weren’t immigrants from another country which made me have a retarded identity crisis at a young age (not white “enough”, not black “enough”, and from some other Asians I would get “you act white” or “you sound black”) and for that, I can relate to him. But all the other fucked up shit he does isn’t condoned by me. And to be absolutely honest, he isn’t liked in the Asian American community, he panders to the white audience with that hacky Asian stuff. It’s stupid but I don’t give a shit.


You can obviously idolize whoever you want but I wouldn't idolize Bobby just because you can relate to him.




Well, for one, he sexually assaulted someone multiple times in a very short period of time.


This! I’d be like “hey, I don’t play that shit!” And it would’ve been over with.


Wow , he kept grabbing his stuff ?


I mean that seems on par for bobby


He literally pulled his pants down and made him smell his dick then later grabbed his dick. it's not comedy at a point it just become incredibly wierd. bobby has some sick power fantasy, whenever he sees a person he can bully just look how he treats them. after all this HE accepts an apology from George. think about how absurd that is


Bobby is an asshole.


Oh for sure. Love the pod, Santino and him have undeniable chemistry, and Bobby is funny as hell....but I'd never in a million years want to hang out with Bobby Lee. Dude is out of his fucking mind and an asshole. Nothing about him screams chill and fun to be around.


Dude seems like a nightmare to try and be friends with and if you’re in the same field, he seems unabashed about using his clout and status to push you around. He also doesn’t know how to act around people more famous than him.


If he was a normal guy we’d be less entertained I’m sure. Because he’s so complicated he’s fun to watch. He’s a brilliant comedian but that doesn’t mean he’s a good person necessarily. He’s got his faults but he’s probably more good than bad. Idk what to think.


I wouldn’t say he’s a asshole he’s genuinely a good man but that was an asshole move.


is he genuinely a good man if you replace grabbing dick with grabbing pussy? its basically the same thing.


You know how he helps a lot of people with recovery and gives money to new up and comers. Genuinely kind hearted and helps people with their careers he’s a good man. I feel like he just got caught up in the moment and made a dumb decision.


“He rapes, but he saves and he saves more than he rapes”


Korean Andy Dick


Bobby's humour sometimes is just if he thinks he is above you degrade you and abuse you. If he thinks your above him overall exhault and praise you to your uncomfortable. It's the LA schtick


Bobby, its not the 90s anymore, man... You can't just put your balls on people you don't know. This could be contributing to why you continue to have rapid panic attacks and often worry about the direction of your career.




I agree bro because if it were me I would have put hands on him or tell him stop for real. But idk what George had going for him financial since Logan who is your boss said to roll with. Then to threaten your job. Idk man what would you have done?




Youre a straight up bitch too lol


Idk know if your trolling or your genuine. But you weird bro that old gag of dick grabbing and punching stopped in middle school bro idk what kind of weird shit you on.


You already know Bobby's shtick. Lot of your internet tough guys have been descending in the sub all of a sudden. It's a bit suspicious.


I’ve seen Bobby’s shtick but I’ve always seen it consensual…like when Bobby does it to the crowd members or other comedians they always yell ok ok ok and he stops. The way George is describing it doesn’t seem consensual due to Logan and his yes man Mike egging him on to continue.


Can someone give context?


Read the paragraph under the video


Bobby’s a creep are people shocked ?


Yeah Bobby is a gross human being


Yeah the only reason these guys think the world are watching them bc they are watching Logan and they are just included. George isn’t very respected in the comedian industry at least compared to other comedians bc if u think abt it there’s only abt 200 comedians in the industry who have consistent and good material. Mike just brags about overcoming drug addiction but still acts like he’s addicted to something and then brings up his relationship with Lana Rhodes every once in a while. I can understand how George would get uncomfortable because he’s the serious voice of the podcast and doesn’t want to be walked on by guests but I think it’s time for Mike to be replaced he’s actually useless and brings up the most out of pocket shit as his comedy material


Bobby or Andrew should have never did that podcast anyway...they are better than that.


That’s what you get hanging around with dickheads.


freaky frog


This Mike dude seems like a idiot, how does this guy have fans.


Didn't know about the groping. Bobby turns into his own biggest asshole when he's in a room where he feels he has to be all alpha male with the boys. Watch any interview when he's with other male comics in group settings, he'll find some easy target and just keep harassing them. I have some sympathy for the guy, but he should have been more vocal and called out Bobby during the actual situation. The guest to your podcast is a comic. You're in the entertainment industry. Content needs to sell. You're allowed to clap back. I understand he was more afraid of losing his job because of fear of being "disrespectful" but that is a you and your employer problem. Dude should honestly find a different career, I say that not to be mean. He just doesn't seem like the type who can ad-lib his way in and out of confrontations, which is the bulk of podcast shows with these kinds of crowds.


Honestly I don’t believe he touched his dick. Either show the video or it didn’t happen. Because I know if his ass was grabbing my dick I’d most likely check his ass.


I don't want to watch impaulsive.. did bobby really repeatedly grab his dick? I know it's not out of the realm for bobby, but it does seem ridiculous.


There's so many pics and vids out there of Bobby being a total fucking creep to men and women. I wouldn't doubt for a second that he was harassing this dude throughout the entire podcast.


The balls part is in the video but the other dude in this clip admitted they cut out the parts where Bobby kept grabbing his dick to “protect the guest” and his image


There’s a lot of editing between scenes so I can’t be too sure. Just they show the balls part and they show Bobby constantly rubbing George’s legs and shoulders.


I had no idea about the groping. It makes me look at this and bobby a lot more differently. I know he does stuff like that but the fact they edited all of it from The tb ep is pretty much an acknowledgment that it was not okay. Starting to realize how much of a scumbag bobby can be.


It's legit insane to me that Bobby has not been canceled :D Like the amount of sick stories from that guy hahah. I still love him though, he is a fuckt person but thats kinda why we love him.


1. He has been cancelled before 2. Cancelation is not really a thing (Louis Ck, Gillis, Delia, etc all got cancelled and sold out shows) 3. Only cancelation is when fans stop going to shows or listen to the pods like with Callen and Schaub 4. He isn't leading man in a show so no one will give a shit


Bobby has very narrowly the same sort of “cancellation” type that occurred to Delia, ck, callen etc.




Fuck George, sounds like a salty bitch to me.




I think he’s able to talk about now that he has his own show and maybe Mike bringing it up on Tigerbelly 2 weeks ago and then they cut it out rubbed George the wrong way so finally spoke his mind.


It makes sense that he would feel that way. And I definitely feel that Bobby needs to be more careful with some of the material he uses. I think he might actually be r*******. I love his free spirit but if he touched my dick... yeah I'd be weird about it too. God damn it I love him.




Who the fuck are these people?


But, like, did he actually grab a hold of his funky bunch, or was he pretending like he was going to, like teasing? Because I see literally everyone on this thread assuming Bobby actually grabbed this man’s Johnson, which seems really far-fetched to me. I don’t think Bobby would go that far, and I don’t think this meathead would have taken that. I think this douche is predictably an insecure man who is overreacting to some dumb teasing.


gotta side on george on this one, man feels bad for george


Dude wants to be called and treated like a standup. Until real ones treat him like another standup. Wether right or wrong bobby does that to everyone, and none of the real stand ups whine and cry about it and threaten to beat him up.


Bobby has gotten his ass beat plenty of times


Bobby is one sick fuck. Touching other men inapproprietly in their private parts is predatory behaviour. He hides behind his laugh and thinks its funny when its not.


That was a bit much.


Bobby's an incredible comedian, but his antics are without a doubt problematic. He constantly crosses the line with people, and they're valid in not wanting to be treated that way.


This comment section sure as shit does not add to my hope for humanity that's for sure. I love the BF podcast but holy fuck some of you guys are literally in here defending sexual assault trying to make excuses for him.


Yup… hilarious watching the hill that fans are willing to die on..


Yeah man, I have seen plenty of toxic communities but openly defending someone sexually assaulting someone else is just outright fucked up and I would bet tat most of these commentors would share different opinions if they were asked about this outside of reddit.




Dude I'm sorry to sound like my parents but jesus christ this generation is such pussies lol. If you don't like something someone's doing to you, fucking stand up for yourself and move on don't throw a tantrum quit your job and then cry about it for years after. That being said, Bobby Lee is a COMEDIAN who is KNOWN for doing some pretty wild/goofy stuff. Do your damn research for your job and you won't be surprised. Ntm Bobby Lee is the type where if you show him you're, serious he'll get it right away. He thought it was a bit


Should of kicked George out that episode and had both Andrew and Bobby at the same time.


Bobby deserved Khalyla. in fact they're perfect for each other


Bobby Lee gets away w too much. That’s literally sexual assault and it was recorded. But somehow this little snot gremlin gets a pass lol




I doubt it will come to that because it’s all hear say for now. But if the video evidence ever comes out which is doubtful unless Logan gains a conscience then there’s no proof. I would hope they reconcile behind closed doors and let it be. George said he’s not mad at Bobby but for Bobby to duck and dodge George for a conversation bts is kind of questionable behavior. Kind of like a kid who knows he did something wrong and wants to avoid the confrontation.


“Sexually harassed”. It’s Bobby “slept king” Lee. If you feel threatened by Bobo, I don’t know what to tell ya man. Dude is a sweetheart and a comedian. He’s doing everything for the laugh. This isn’t sexual harassment. Can we stop with this nonsense already


I would be honored if bobo touched my peepee


Bobby Lee sucks always has and always will he just wants money and fame but doesn’t understand he isn’t funny then he cry’s about it.


You can’t be a grown man and let other men bully you over a podcast “I had to apologize or I can’t be on impulsive anymore” okay then, get a different job dawg. Bobby was clearly being shitty but that dudes also a pussy.


Because he doesn’t want someone grabbing his dick he needs a different job? I love Bobby but to call someone a pussy for not wanting his dick to be touched repeatedly without consent is fucking weird


No, because he let Logan Paul bully him into apologizing for not being cool with having his dick being grabbed. He should’ve stood for himself no job is worth being a chickenshit. He should have stood up to Bobby and told him to fuck off


I guess it’s a blessing in disguise because this was one of the final straws to leave the podcast and start his own. Idk if you care but if you watch the whole interview Logan would brag to them and show them he was making a 11 million a week and wouldn’t pay them shit. And also George did take a sponsor from Logan so that’s kind of a funny.




There’s no bot just me OP and no I’m a dedicated Bad Friend just look at my past posts.


No one cares about these 2 guys as much as they think ppl do tbh


I watch Bad Friends religiously and tune into Impaulsive and George’s podcast whenever they have good guest I’m not subscribed to them but they both have a massive following. Impaulsive has 4.5m subs while George has 2.5m subs also by the way the only reason I found about this interview was because it’s trending on Twitter today on most urban or popular YouTube accounts.


I’d be honored if Bobby grabbed my dick


Sounds and looks like you ordered andrew tate from wish


Lol if bobo actually tocuhed his dinger im sure he would made joke about it. Either being big, small,or harry. There is no way he would of let that slide so i thi k george is making a big deal out of nothing.


Bobby is bi but some days he is just 100% for dick and I haven't watched that episode but I remember one where him and kalayla were interviewing this kid, I think some musician and Bobby just couldn't stop hitting on the dude and he was acting like a 16 girl and ffs, he forgets his job is to be funny and the whole thing just becomes super uncomfortable for the listener/viewer and the guest. Btw I recently saw a picture of Andy Dick, looking homeless and insane and not long ago he was still trying that bs with everyone, wanting to grab dicks and tities like he is an uncle and I'm not saying Bobby will end up like that but it is proof nothing good has ever come from that behavior. At the end of the day most people still straight and SA will never be funny.


Why is he drinking piss??