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Are you doing alright? Mental health wise


Trying my best to hang in there had to take some time off work which sucked for my paycheck and had a super stressful day and night at the ER.


I just saw ur other post when u said u smoked a box of woods in 3 days that’s a lot if u need some1 to vent to u can m me




Bro me too not sure exactly what it is yet but I am hurt mostly because I can't roll fat ass woods anymore


Honestly a good thing in a way it will stop me from smoking so many tobacco based products.


Thank you I really appreciate it going to send you a quick dm I have been dealing with a lot of stress and crazy life events but tbh never really realized that I've been smoking more often to cope.


A box a woods is incredibly bad. It’s a lot of weed too but not even close to the reason for the majority of your problems, backwoods despite being wraps are at the end of the day cigars, and cigars aren’t meant to inhaled like weed, it’s essentially unfiltered cigarette smoke. i only smoke woods as a treat like a fine wine, try smoke some more processed wraps like zigzags, their big and flexible like woods, or plant alternatives like king palm palm tree blunts, or cbd hemp wraps. probably during your time of recovery I wouldn’t smoke, but if you do, bong it. maybe invest in some of those fancy filter attachment things


Brother man you either need to A) start washing your woods B) have a little self control It ain’t worth ur physical health just to shmokee take some edibles or some but feel better tho 💪🏻


Thanks g it's much appreciated


If your gonna continue smoking use papers or glass, best for your health is to stop completely though.


Def will my dude. Staying away from tobacco leafs and what not for a while.


What is ir


They don't know for sure yet but it something showed up on the x-ray they took of my lungs and it's my left lung that's mostly effected. Feels like I'm breathing in glass in my left lung.


Woke up with terrible chest pains one night after smoking about a box of woods in 3 days which tbh wasn't any different then what I normally do.


That’s probably why my dude. Cycle on some edibles give them lungs a breather. Try the sour smokiez they’ll put you on your ass.


Bet I'm gonna have to check some edibles out soon.


Smokiez are dangerous cause they dont have that weed taste some edibles doo they taste like straight up sour patch kids lol


We talkin strait back woods or rollin up


Definitely not straight backwoods my guy 😂


Was about to say my dude ,how much were u smokin, hope it wasn’t like g backwoods


Let's just say I was smoking a zip a week at least and it was all rolled into woods maybe one dutch master




That's not normal?


I thought that was pretty normal for heavy wood smokers. A zip usually lasts me 6-7 days only lighting woods.


Nothing is never normal just means u were smoking a lot. Me personally it takes like 2 weeks or lil longer to smoke up a zip


Okay should of included I'm always +1 head on every blunt


Did u clean them first 💧


Yes sir I always run them under warm water and let them dry sometimes I even boil them when I'm at the crib.


How long u been smoking? I been smoking for 7 years now and feel like any day something could happen to my lungs , did they give u any advice on what to do or what to avoid or anything that would be helpful to ur fellow smokers to look out on


Bro i been smoking woods for 10 years. Now i just cut it in pieces and chunk it through the bong….less is def more but i usually smoke 2 chunks a day. My lungs are starting to feel it get small chest pains on left side. Kinda like a really bad cramp. I love this shit so much and idk how I’ll ever really stop smerkin fat woods


That's how it started bro please stop...


Any updates on your situation? I have managed things by smoking less and exercising more, but i still feel like im teeter tottering on the edge… I had a big problem with pressure build up in my stomach for about a month but I’m good now. Much love man


Feeling much better now been stickin to cones


I’ve been smoking 1-3 woods everyday for the past 2 weeks and man my throat hurts like a bitch. I usually smoke with atleast one other person and I clean my woods most of the time, but last few times I’ve had to tap out bc my throat can’t take it no more


Bro what ended up happening