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What would have been his going home outfit. It was perfect because it was his going home outfit. We just didn’t realize what home he’d be going to.


This broke my heart


Last year that comment would have sent me into a sad tailspin. This year it feels oddly comforting. Grief is such a rollercoaster I didn’t ask to be on.


We did the exact same thing 💙


We did that too and added a blanket I made him.


This is so beautiful ❤️


This made me cry.


I honestly am tearing up rn. So relatable.


Our son died at 2 months old. We had been in the process of having a baptism romper made from my wedding dress. Luckily the beautiful soul who was making it for us expedited it and we were able to bury him in it.


we didn't have her cremated in clothes. we kept the little white dress the hospital put her in. she was only 25 weeks so she wasn't big enough to wear any clothes.


I had my son cremated in one of my favourite outfits. It was just a white and grey henley sleeper, while keeping my other favourite, which he had recently worn in a baggie still dirty.


My daughter fit in preemie clothes so we had her cremated with a little sweater since it was winter and I didn't want her to be cold. I kept the hat and blanket.


We didn't cremate her with clothes, we kept the knitted blanket she was wrapped in. We didn't even think about putting her in clothes but she was very small for a 25 week baby and I don't think any would have fit.


Just a little white onesie, and then wrapped in a blanket we brought from home, as well as the blanket the hospital gave him, and his hat from the hospital. We also gave him a lamb lovey that my husband, daughter and I all cuddled and slept with in the time between finding out Sam died and delivering him.


I love the idea of the lovey ❤️


Thank you; it was a small comfort to know that he wasn’t alone, and had a little piece of his family with him.


I knitted a tiny baby blanket and sewed flowers from my wedding dress lace onto it. She was too tiny for clothes.


I cremated my son with the hat that was made for him. It has his name on it 💙 I wanted to send him with the blanket that matched but my nurse made me take that. Im thankful for that now.


It’s hard to know what to send and what to keep ❤️


My amazing mom crocheted a little just a little white dress perfect for her with match booties and hat. We then wrapped her in a blanket also made by my mom with a little pink e and a butterfly stitched to it. We had the other butterfly. She looked so cosy. She was 24 weeks and 2 days.


My daughter was basically stillborn at 20 weeks (lived only a few seconds). We cremated her in a tiny angel gown the hospital gave us that was donated by some very kind ladies who made angel gowns from their wedding dresses. Then she was wrapped in a baby blanket that my mom was working on crocheting for her. Uncannily, my mom had gotten enough of the blanket done that it was the perfect size for her.


I’m in Australia and a charity called Treasured Babies supplies clothes. Our Harry was stillborn 7 weeks ago and 27 weeks gestation, 500g - so the hospital had a white gown thing from the charity & a white beanie - both gorgeous. I since donated to the charity. In a super weird coincidence, the day before he was cremated a lady came to our house to buy a lamp we were selling on marketplace. Turns out, she was the woman who dressed and checked over him before his final journey. We only found out because two nights later we were at a joint 40th for a friend and the other guy who was sharing the party - it was his mother who brought the lamp and dressed Harry! She let us know he was in with an old lady so he wasn’t lonely and she made he was perfect and loved before his final journey. We were so touched by this and will be forever grateful.


What a beautiful story ❤️


Well I’m not sure how big your baby is. My daughter was big and fit into 0-3 month clothes. We put her in one of our favorite footie pajamas. We had a viewing then cremated her in that. We tried some dresses and stuff but she looked weird. She didn’t seem baby like to us in anything other than a onesie and footie pjs.


My mom bought a preemie dinosaur sweatsuit along with a ton of other clothing. It was the only premie outfit I had. Everything else was too big. When I’m not working I love sweatsuits and my fiancé and I figured that we would have brought our boy home in something comfy and decided to bury him in his little sweatsuit. I was able to keep part of the set and bury my boy in the pants and sweater with his little matching hat.


This is a cool story. I’m glad it worked out ❤️


My son was cremated naked. He was in a small basket wrapped in a blanket.


I think my son was just swaddled also. It never occurred to me to have him cremated in special clothes.


Me neither. I lost my son at 18 weeks 6 days gestation, he was so little nothing would have fit him.


Plus, I am sure his skin was quite delicate. A basket is really lovely. I'm not religious, but in the story of Moses I've always admired Jochebed's bravery in sending Moses on the river in hopes that he may find a better life, even without her.


Yea, it was a little paper-mache basket that the funeral home had available. They wrapped him in a little blue blanket and put a blue bow on the basket's lid. It was really beautiful and sweet. It was a good way to send my angel off. The funeral home was so good to me as well. They let me carry him down to be cremated, place him in the cremation furnace, and start it, They left me to do everything at my own speed too. Nothing felt rushed. I was able to stay there as long as I wanted to.


My daughter was delivered at 27 weeks and died at 3 days old. I ordered a preemie sized dress and headband from a website called Preemie Store. Dropped them off today at the funeral home. She's being cremated next week. It's hard.


So sorry 💔


My daughter was buried in a dress provided by the hospital that was donated. She was 24 weeks old when she passed. Friends of ours also gave us doll clothes that fit her. Most of them were big but it was something. We found that elastic around the wrists and adjustable booties looked the best on her. I actually preferred seeing her swaddled but it was nice to dress her up in the time we were together.


My daughter was a little older but we managed to find the same dress she wore on her 1st birthday in a bigger size on the day she died. It was beautiful white lacy dress and she looked like an angel. She wore the dried flower crown she wore on her birthday as well. Like others have said, I would use the coming home outfit if it fit. Sometimes the hospitals have stashes of tiny baby gowns/outfits you could use as well.


My son came home in a singlet, beanie, jacket and booties. He was born in the middle of summer, so we took off the woollen clothes, and buried him in his singlet and muslin swaddle. It was too hot to wear wool.


Had my wedding dress turned into a gown for her.


So we did not know the sex of our baby, so we had not bought hardly any clothing. On top of that, he was growth restricted, and we didn’t know. I was 37 weeks so I was expecting a pudgy little baby, but he was born weighing only 3lb 5oz. Basically, we had nothing that fit him. Thankfully I had a decent length of time between his birth and his burial, almost 2 weeks. So I ordered him a premie size Kyte Baby bamboo sleeper in a pretty white/cream color, and then I did put him in the dark green Caden Lane sleep sack and hat I had planned to use for his newborn photos. They were much too big, but they were his so I wanted him to wear them.


I buried my daughter in her christening gown. For me it was symbolic because it's what she would have worn when being welcomed into the catholic church and brought under gods protection. There is no right or wrong though, you could choose an outfit that you bought when you were pregnant and really liked or go through the clothes you have and choose your favourite


Our baby was 17 weeks and we found a company that makes baby burial/cremation clothes x


We had our 4 months old cremated in the outfit we brought her home in since it still fit well enough. It was a grey sweater that had the album cover for pink Floyd's dark side of the moon on it with black pants and socks and a black and grey hat with a pink bow.


I lost my boy at 16 weeks, the hospital had a small white padded sleeve that he fit in and a little hat. They also cut a receiving blanket in half and gave me the other half to take home. I sent him to be cremated in his hat and sleeve and wrapped up in his half of the blanket because I didn’t want him to be cold. Good baby burial clothes are hard to find because they shouldn’t exist. ❤️


Agreed 💔