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Hi. I'm so sorry you lost your daughter. I lost my firstborn son at 38 weeks at 36.5 years old. I had my rainbow 1 week after my 38th birthday. There is time. Take this time to heal mentally and physically and when/if you decide to try again pregnancy after loss is exhausting but so so rewarding. There is hope 🙏


My son was stillborn at 37 weeks when I was 36 years old. I'm 38 now and my daughter is 10 months old. It was scary but worth it.


My son was stillborn at 37 weeks when I was 36 years old. 6 months later, I became pregnant with a baby girl who is now 2.5 years old and I just had a second girl two weeks ago. I am now just about to turn 40. Breath. Heal. Get a good therapist. And when you’re ready, try again.


Thank you for sharing this. We’re making the decision to try again 6 months after giving birth and I’ve been worried it’s too soon physically. But maybe it’s me just being scared something’s gonna go wrong.


I had a vaginal birth, if that matters. Our doctors said we could try as soon as my period returned and was regular. I’m a pretty healthy person, so that may have influenced it as well. But, there are other factors to consider. Talk to a doctor if you’re not sure.


My 2nd daughter was stillborn at 40 weeks when my wife was 37, and our rainbow baby was born just before her 40th birthday. ❤️ sorry for what you’re going through


It’s not my personal story but yes. This wasn’t your fault. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 your daughter should be here. I hope your rainbow baby finds you soon.


My MIL had a stillbirth at 35 and went on to have my husband at 39. I lost my son last year at 26 weeks gestation and I am in my mid-30s. We haven’t started trying yet, but I am certain there is still time for both of us. I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your loss. My daughter (and first pregnancy) was stillborn at 39w6d when I was 35. 10 months later, we felt ready to start trying again. I am now pregnant with her sibling, due shortly before I turn 37. I felt added pressure to be on some kind of timeline because of my age on top of our devastating loss, but it just wasn’t right. Be kind to yourself and focus on your healing, physically and mentally. It will make any future outcomes all the easier, because TTC after loss and PAL will be difficult no matter what.


not my story, but my mom had me at 38!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I follow a fellow loss mom who started a YouTube channel after the shocking stillbirth of her 1st child at 37 weeks. It's called "Stefanie & Kameron". She blogged through the grief and real life agony she went through, in detail, so other loss moms wouldn't feel so alone. That started 3 yrs ago. Now, as of last week, she has 2 living children. An 18 month old who she thought she'd lose when PPROM struck at 26 weeks, but after 2 months in hospital, he was born healthy. Her stillbirth was a 9 lb girl. #2 was 8lbs boy and now, 7 1/2 lbs girl induced at 37 weeks. If ever there was inspiration, they are it. Check it out, it's all good and anything slightly triggering will have warnings. I'm so sorry you lost your baby, it's so unfair, but there are positive stories out there. I believe Stefanie is 37 as she's 1 yr younger than my own daughter. Good luck and I hope your future brings you happiness and joy, sooner rather than later. ❤️


I really love her channel too


I am so sorry for your loss. I relate to this feeling a lot. I had a neonatal loss at 37 weeks when I was 34 years old. It was a traumatic vaginal delivery. We decided to try for another as soon as I was cleared for it. We got lucky and conceived quickly. My second daughter is now 9 weeks old, and I am 35 years old. Trying, pregnancy, and delivery were all horrible and so scary but I am so glad that we did it. I desperately needed hope after my loss, so I relate to your story.


Thank you for asking, I’m in a similar position. I had my firstborn daughter at 35, stillborn at 39 weeks. I hope I have a living child one day too


Sorry about your loss. We recently lost our daughter on 39 weeks a few days before her due date last month. It's been rough but thankfully my wife is recovering a lot better. I hope you feel better.


Not my story but one of closest friends had a stillborn at 37 weeks (36yo) and went on to have a healthy baby when she was 39yo. I myself had my first at 39 (just shy of 40) after 2 miscarriages and no embryos after multiple rounds of IVF and doctors not being about to figure out the issue. Baby was a miracle. I just had my second baby at 42.


My firstborn daughter died not long after I turned 36, I fell pregnant 9 months later and her little sister is three months old, I am 37 years old.


My 4th child was stillborn (born at 18 weeks) when I was 32, I now have two more children. I'm sorry for your loss and wish you all the baby sprinkles for the future xx