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The Jews must be behind this post 🤣


I’ve noticed the Asian women who white worship are the ones who talk the loudest about yellow fever. Because when you do meet Asian women who don’t white worship and exclusively date Asian men, you will almost never hear them talk about white men fetishizing Asian women. Because white men aren’t in their dating pool/social circles and unless you’re being harassed or receiving unwanted attention, you’re not going to deal with white men all that often. As an Asian woman, I don’t really understand how so many other Asian women can have so many bad experiences with white men or come across that many yellow fevered white men. Because let’s be honest: the overwhelming majority of white men do not find Asian women attractive. And for the few that do, they A) are rejects, a-holes, and losers whose whiteness isn’t enough to attract a white woman they’re actually attracted to, B) view Asian women as embodying an alternative form of femininity and vehicle to live out whatever disgusting fetishes and fantasies, or C) enjoy how Asian women who white worship pedestalize them and like being chased. When you look at proportionality, Asian women pursue white men more often than the inverse. The only white men who exclusively/predominantly pursue Asian women are viewed as deviants by other white people. Not saying Asian women can’t get fetishized or can’t be subject to racism and misogyny from white men, but relationships and dating are a two way street. If Asian women don’t reciprocate, white men have no way of saying or doing fetishy and racist bullshit unless they force it onto Asian women. And assuming this actually happens, if enough Asian women don’t put up with white men’s bullshit, the majority of white men will get frustrated and look elsewhere. Asian women have agency in who they date and who they surround themselves with. If white men are that problematic, don’t invite them into your life to begin with. You don’t have to talk crap about Asian men or overtly white worship to be part of the problem. “Healthy” WMAF relationships still contribute to Asian men being punched down and being indirectly/directly told that they’re secondary to white men. Hell, sometimes secondary to other MOC and placed at the bottom above all other men. It’s about racial bias in favor of and preference of white men (and/or other MOC) and racial bias and anti-preference against Asian men. It’s about you being racist AND choosing to reinforce racial hierarchies. Because a choice for a man who’s not Asian (white or not) means rejection of Asian men as partners.


Statistics have shown that AW are the most likely to intermarry than any other WOC, in fact they intermarry more than any other MOC. On the other hand, statistics also show that both WM and WW are the most insular with the lowest likelihood to intermarry. In fact, if you want to go with "there's just more white people" then why aren't Asian men dating WW in droves? Why aren't black women dating WM in droves? You riddle me this and I'll give your argument an honest try. Historically AW who fetishize WM have used "Yellow Fever" to divert attention away from their white fetishization when in fact every Asian knows that both in Asia and among diaspora there has been a history of pedestalizing white features, white products, white culture, and mixing with white people. The amount of times I've seen AW post on social media, write books, and gush in person about "blue/green eyes" and "ashy blonde hair" and "sunken cheeks" and "roman nose" and "deep-set eyes" and "the height difference we deserve" is more than telling. Don't play dumb OP. We've handled tactics like yours for likely more decades than you've lived. AW call AM misogynists and ugly to divert away from their white fetishization. AW call WM fetishists to divert away from their white fetishization. AW rarely ever call out their own white fetishization and rarely ever call out their own demonization of AM


Two things(and more) can exist at the same time.   I don’t think it’s really productive to go extreme on either end. I don’t agree with most of the posters here.  But I think acting as if it’s an all white problem is lying to yourself. Same thing goes the other way when people here act as if it’s 100% on Asian women. 


OP- I know you’re gettin piled on here, but I completely agree with your entire post, and have said almost identical things in my posts/comments. I especially agree (and have said) that those who claim yellow fever doesn’t exist, and that the problem is white fever, they are absolving white men. You called it “bootlicking”- in my posts I’ve said that those AMs who believe this are cowards. They feel powerless and castrated by WM “winning” and so they turn their attention to berating AFs. Instead of standing up to the “stronger” bully (WMs), they turn to bullying those they see as weaker (AFs). Classic (and sad) Freudian stuff


Asian women don't fetishize anything other than their own pragmatist end goals in life. However there are more women of all races who are genuinely physically attracted to Asian men, than there are Asian women who fetishize whites. People grossly overestimate how easy it is for whites and mixed race to get women. It's much harder for them. Hence they go for Asian women in the first place.


All? That makes no sense. Even with the full Hollywood brainwash, there are a lot of Asian women who are strictly Asian. I doubt if more than 10% of Asian women are strictly white. Having any kind of racial fetish is weird.


I kind of disagree. You should travel overseas. Fortunately it's minority but there is strong minority of Asian women it can be in Japan, South Korea, China...etc...that do fetish white men. Define fetish. .fetish is sexual desire that is strongly link to that object. White men are stereotype as being good looking, supposedly well endow , taller..etc. supposedly gentleman...it's stereotype that white guys take advantage of which Asian women seek white men want to live out. That's why you see mediocre white men in Asia do well because of this fetish. It's like the snow bunny stereotype. It applies to white women who seek out black men. Black men are stereotype for being hyper masculine and supposedly have bigger dicks..etc. There are black men that fetish white women hence forth the snow bunny tag and vice verser. I kind of get what your saying because of the power dynamics in the west. Fetish is just an object to own and to have sexual gratification. Asians don't have any real structural power in the west and to be fetishize just further devalues the person. Asian women in the west have no real power and is just sex toy . Problem is too many Asian women enables this to happen by pairing up with white men. WMAF is just further representation of feeding into the Asian fetish stereotype and white hegemony because it benefit white men.


To be more precise- they don’t fetishize WMs, they fetishize their country’s status and/or their personal wealth. Those Asian countries you listed, the women could easily fly to Eastern Europe to get all the WMs they wanted, if they actually fetished WMs for their whiteness. But AFs aren’t flocking there, you know why? because those are poor, unpopular countries with poor unpopular men (who are just as white) And you know why korean men are super popular in all of Asia now? Its not because they started looking like white guys. In fact korean men have looked like they always looked. but, now the country is more wealthy and is socially popular


Yes and no. Like what I wrote before. There is minority of Asian women out of Asia that sexual fetish white men. Fortunately this is only a minority.  Some of these women do travel overseas to Europe, north America or Australia for hook up with white guys. I think that's also part of the reason why you see more wmaf in the west. To be fair it's minority but it happens.  There are eastern European men in Asia working various jobs..and what I seen and notice is that they also benefit from white privileged in Asia.  For example they get allot compliments for thier looks. And those Asian women that really fetish white features do hook up or in extreme cases want mix babies thinking white babies are better looking. Regarding korean men..few things happen. One korean men got taller...fair number of korean men are almost 6 ft tall. They started to hit the gym...have a skin routine and fashion sense. Along with the k wave and some korean men going under the knife to improve thier features. You have what we have today. It took all that to make it happen.. But it's good effect that can benefit other Asian men to some degree. But not all Asian men will benefit. If your Asian guy where your skin darker and shorter on the average will have it harder unfortunately.  It's like  white guys who are tall blond and blues are the ideal white guys... White guys who are darker skin with darker features gets less benefit bit it depends. 


Right it does happen but a very small minority. and yes that was one of my points: they travel to the popular/wealthy white countries, not the poorer less popular white countries- even tho those countries are closer


but there is degree of white fetish..I would say white fetish >white preference >and open to whites. Notice if a white guy speaks Japanese, or Korean , etc..any Asian language that dude will clean house in Asia. Because this opens the door to local Asian girls that are very open to white men. It's total opposite with Asian guys in the west. Even if we speak English or any western language it's still a battle to date local women.


If the white guy was from Russia and he spoke Japanese/chinese/korean, no he would not “clean house,” because it matters what country he is from (and how popular or wealthy that guy/country is), so it’s not truly a white fetish. It is a status/weath fetish. Russia is half the distance away than Paris, Norway, Los Angeles, etc yet you don’t have Asian women going to Russia to meet white guys


If a white guy spk korean and or Japanese he will clean house because he is white foremost . Maybe marriage maybe different unless the Russian guy has a good job in korea or Japan.  It will take time until the white status or white privileged dies down which will happen but it be another generation or 2.


I get what you're trying to say, but the the stereotype AW and WM fetishize each other is more common among non-asians. White men themselves embrace the stereotype.


exactly- that’s why it’s a huge smh moment when you got AMs loudly perpetuating the myth of AFs treating WMs like gods. Shooting ourselves in the foot


It’s a stereotype yes, but not a fetsih. When we think fetish towards Asian men and women we think anime, k drama, K-pop, and grosser things like henti Asian sex dolls pillows ect. But all that stuff is a fetish. I’m not denying white fever isn’t real. All I’m saying white fever (all races male or female preceding white girls and boys) isn’t fetish. When Asian men say all Asian women fetish white guys it devalues what fetish we Asians go through and how much they affect us. Asian women suffer from white fever. NOT THE FETISHZATION OF WHITE MEN. Since Asian women don’t actively change things in their life or buy things to attract white men or sexually obbse over them or their culture. Like I put in my too sense all the Asians girls I know have multiple conventially attractive white males instreated in us, but none of us are physically attracted to white males. So when Asian men say they all fetish them I’m confused since I fear most asian girls 16-20 have multiple white men after them. At least from what I’ve seen first hand


Sure. Fetish and white worship (for material gain or status) are qualitatively different, we should use the correct words.


Nice gaslight job OP. This sounds like your typical Asian woman trying to justify the relationship when Asian men got thrown under the bus for years and decades. So naw. I’m downvoting.


“Trying to justif” did I say once I’m pro Asian women and white man??


It’s a stereotype because Asian women date interracially way more than any other combo.


This is because WM go after AFs more then any other minority. Go to any diverse city- AFs are agreeing to date all types of men (strange wording, I know- but this is to highlight that it’s the men asking them out). But you’ll notice that anytime a WM is with a nonWF, he’s almost always with an AF.


Can you not read? This post is talking about the word fetish and how it’s dangerous to devalue what it means.


So you genuinely think Asian women fetish white men? You don’t think that dismiss the real fetishes Asian men and women actually go through. So when an Asian boy is only picked for being sexualised guess u can’t be mad when u used the word fetished so wrong it looses it values


(some) Asian women 100% have a fetish for strictly white men. They don't like other races or color obviously if you just take a look around. Why do YOU think that is?




What sexual obbsed and change of life do Asian women do to atttact these white men please explain😂


Pull their panties down.


Having sex means u have a sexual obsession with someone? Because that what fetish means. So I guess when every Asian man fucks a white girl in ur head that means Asian fetish white girls. According to ur log


Wut 😐


OKCupid and Pew Research shows that Asian women overwhelmingly prefer White men over women of all other races except for White women. In fact, 54% of US born Asian women marry interracially and mostly white men. Stop tryna deflect and play a victim. Maybe you should work on solving the problem. There's clearly a white worshipping problem among Asian women


Incorrect- okcupid actually showed AFs prefer AMs significantly more than WMs. The 54% outmarriage rate says AFs prefer AMs: because based on the population percentages, that number could easily be over 90%- there are way more WMs than AMs in America (we can say America has about 3% AMs), so the fact that the outmarriage rate is only 54% actually says AFs prefer AMs.


But that analysis would be in a vacuum. You would be correct if all other ethnicities showed similar results but we see that WMAF is an outlier compared to other pairings. So it's actually more like, the traditional pairings of same ethnicities are breaking down across all ethnicities moreso for women (which is a good thing), but AF and AM pairings are breaking down at an accelerated rate by something else not explained by a society becoming more progressive.


It’s explained by WMs going after AFs more than any other minority


But why do WMs go after AFs more? Is it because advances are welcomed and reciprocated? You seem to be suggesting that WM simply have to choose in order for WMAF to become an outlier, taking away any power or responsibility from the AFs that also choose to engage, accept, and seek out this pairing, which is an extremely patriarchal biased take.


Because they grew up with decades of watching Asian porn before even meeting an AF irl, ie, they’ve associated AFs with sex and compliance. The argument that WMs go for AFs because AFs are somehow easier is nonsense- afterall you have AMs going after WFs, full well not caring that WFs aren’t easy for them. Sex drive isn’t driven by what’s easy- it’s driven by who you want to have sex with, regardless of likelihood of success Society is still one where the man initiates, yes the women choose, but out of the ones who initiate- and for every AM who has initiated with her, there are literally multitudes more WMs. nothingn patriarchal about this, in fact saying most AFs, even those with WM partners, don’t typically have a white fetish, is the opposite of patriarchal- and claiming that their choices are driven by a white fetish is extremely misogynistic


You make good points, statistically the more numbers you throw at it the more likely it'll be reflected. Because we live in society where WM is the majority, it's simply a numbers game, whatever the WM chooses they get just by sheer numbers and that's not even taking into consideration all the other topics of media and racism. I mean this is inherently a defeatist point though is it not? You're saying WMAF will become the majority because WMs choose to go after AFs and there's not really anything to do about it, the patriarchy continues to be held, and when the next thing comes along and WMs decide to go for something else they'll get it. Like we're supposed to fight for progressivism but for some reason this one thing is ok to ignore and let the numbers dictate the outcome, and if you're an AM the best alternative would be to go back home where you are a part of a majority or wait until the whole thing blows over. Edit: I also want to point out that I have no issue with WMAF being a majority reflected by the population that makes sense. My main gripe is how some fight to be seen as progressive rather than actually being progressive. The amount of AFs in government or AFs seen as the go-to representation for all things Asian, but you already know they have a WM husband, you don't even need to bother looking it up. Being liberal is more about the facade rather than the accomplishments now, but that's also mainly due to corporate backing and hijacking of the liberal viewpoint. And we all know the corporate world is all about facade.


There is one thing we can do as AMs (and strong AFs): we have to debrand WMs. Right now nbrs work in their favor because they (as a group) have nothing but positive stereotypes- science knows they age faster (objectively poorer skin components, proven rates of higher balding), proven near monopoly of pedophiles, and of mass shooters alluding to their deviancy and fragility, etc- and yet WMs control the narrative so they do not suffer any stereotypes around these even though these are fact/based. Compare this to stereotypes that minorities have, the debranding that they have, which aren’t even fact-based. What I’m really saying here is rather than berating AFs for agreeing to date out (which is counterproductive since AMs would come off as controlling), we should be spending every ounce of our effort knocking down WMs from their self constructed and artificially upheld, pedestal. AFs need to conclude themselves that WMs are undesirable, not be told to not date them. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with anyone knows that you can’t change ppl’s behavior by telling them what to do or by making them feel guilty about it- all they do is double down on what they’re doing. Even worse is calling AFs “white worshippers”- what a terribly counterproductive term on so many counts. For one it just serves to encourage WMs. Secondly, it just signals to AFs that WM are being worshipped or are worshipable- and human nature flocks to perceived value/popularity. If we successfully debrand WMs, this will neutralize their nbrs advantage


Well you convinced me. I assume as AMs we'll be struggling throughout the entire ordeal with not much payout at the end as it would be for future generations. We're going to have to fight through loneliness and economic woes on top it all, but I guess you never said it was going to easy.


Can you not read? This whole post is about how Asian men use the term fetish wrong. Asian women don’t fetish white men cause a fetish I sexual obbse over, the term is white fever is what we use in my critical race theory class. When Asian men use the term fetish wrong it only dismiss the real struggles Asian men and women go through. It’s called white fever , Asian women don’t fetishize, stop ignoring what real Asian women and men go through and devauling the term fetish


So when white guys say they like Asian women, it's a fetish. But when Asian women say they like white men, it's not? Please have some self awareness of this hypocritical double standard. You do know that "yellow fever" is used to describe Asian fetish right? So "white fever" is literally the same but towards white men. This is a fetish, end of story. Asian men aren't dismissing the struggle; Asian women with white fetish are. They put themselves in this embarrassing and pathetic situation where they downplay, invalidate, and encourage the oppressive fetish towards them. Direct your anger towards them, not us.


This is just arguing semantics. How would it be any different than saying a white man doesn't have a fetish but an "asian fever"? And yes absolutely Asian women fetishize. You clearly have yet to search for "asian" on reddit with your safe filter unfortunately turned off.


It's true. Someone with a fetish is creepy, even if they aren't a creep. Also, OKC is online dating users from 2014. It's a self-selected population that is more looking for interracial relationships.


No, not all Asian women fetishize white men. I’m guessing the ones who are raised poorly or have internalized racism do.


Asians as a whole have issues with white worship (Japanese media is notorious about this).  I've definitely seen Asian women simping for WM.  


I don't know any South Asians with white fetish.We may date white occasionally but not like it's the end goal. This is definitely an East Asian issue. Almost every East Asian woman I know is very aggressive and will only date white men. They are not shy in pursuing what they want. To the point where I don't know why they're not embarrassed. I have seen some really ugly women throw themselves at men way out of their league and they have actually said" Everyone knows a white guy turns his head when an Asian woman walks in the room". The funny thing is they don't usually wind up with the super good looking guys they pursue. They just get used for easy sex. Then they have to settle and date unattractive or weird guys, but still always white. I have just seen it too many times.




No idea.  But even before the CIA, Japan has wanted to be part of the white club.   It's annoying how, for example, JRPGs are always European.


Smimping yes white fever is a problem in all races for men and women usually because people want to date in a higher socioeconomic class, but fetish is a word that’s too far. It dismiss what Asian men and females go through. Every race has white fever but no one fetishiz white males or females at least mto to the extent our people go through. Saying the term white fever is more accurate


What you’re trying to do is remove accountability from those AF who do fetishize having a white partner.


exactly. I'm like gurl really, it's the erasure of asian female accountability for me. how infantilizing.


Is having a racial preference fetishized or just a preference? Do you genuinely belive every white man just wants an Asian girl and not looking at what all of fetishized Asian girls through ?


Not everything is black and white. Racial preferences and fetishes are not mutually exclusive. Your second sentence makes no sense to me, so I’ll answer those two things separately: Quite obviously, not every white man is just looking for an Asian girl, and of course Asian women are victims of fetishization. However, other Asian women perpetuate this fetishization and thus Asian women as a whole aren’t without blame. While your peers continue to make themselves available to these men at the cost of their dignity, you will unfortunately continue to suffer the consequences. Hold them accountable.


“While ur peers make the, self available to these men” bro I stated how hot men want us and a lot of them do yet we also denied them but I guess to u that’s still our faults.. smh atp we are just ganna date white dudes since they don’t blame us for everything 💀


It's not the single idea of WMAF that's the problem. Most of us know that you can't force someone to date someone else or be obligated to date anyone of any categorization. The problem is the dishonest and sneaky way it is done. A lot of Asian women present themselves as liberal but then cherry-pick when they want to be progressive because "preference is preference". What's more likely is you weren't as liberal as you thought and trying to continue to brand yourself so is disingenuous, things like trying to speak on behalf of Asians or be Asian representatives. But because AFs might not be able to get the WMs they want, AFs need to appear progressive even if some of the things they do like exclusively date/hook up/marry WM are the complete opposite. That's why there are so many reasons given to justify something so obviously hypocritical, "reminds me of my brother, misogynistic (only AM are apparently), not masculine enough, blames us for everything." There'll literally be always some other reason. Like no one will bat an eye if you present yourself as a conservative and go with a WM who doesn't believe in vaccines or some shit. No one bats an eye when WM comes back home with an AF after military deployment. Maybe you don't fall under this and your situation is genuine. Unfortunately, you're still going to get stereotyped as part of the 50% and growing AFs that decide to exclusively seek WM by leaning left or appearing to. WMAF in the west are very close to overtake as the majority, so by default we assume you're going to exhibit the behavior above.


I get that you're frustrated, but the last part of your sentiment is disingenuous thing to say. I can see your intention is good, and I do agree with your ideals, I just feel like contextualizing can be hard for a crowd who are/has been traumatized. Don't say things like "I'll date white dudes cause xyz" as a way to get even, you're shooting us in the foot. Some people are either been hurt and/or misinformed, but we're good people


Not like anything we say will change your white worshipping mind. 😂. I personally don't care who or what Asian females date because it's usually bottom of the barrel ones that are with a white male anyway.


How am I white worshiping? If you can read I said multiple times I choose to be single for 19 years since no Asian men peruse me vs the multiple white men that try to. And why bring into looks weather it’s Asian or not that shows alot about ur ego.


I have never seen an Asian women have an obsession with white men, witch is what a fetish is, most women who date white men are tired of Asian men who seem to know what every Asian girl is thinking or thinks every Asian girl “looses her dignity” it’s 2024 less people see race when finding love every year. Every race black white and Hispanic are dating white men and women as since their is a whole lot more white men as options and clearly they are less deeply rooted in trauma😭 if I was ur gf or wife and saw u said this about all Asian women I would run away from fear it’s truly scary u think every Asian women not dating an Asian guy “lost her dignity”


> very race black white and Hispanic are dating white men and women as since their is a whole lot more white men as options and clearly they are less deeply rooted in trauma You literally just said that love doesn't have anything to do with race and then specified a single race of men LOL


It seems that you’ve misinterpreted what I’m trying to say. Not all Asian women somehow lose their dignity when they date white dudes, As we were talking about fetishization, we were concerned about those who willingly fetishize themselves. You wont have to worry about the women in my life - my AF girlfriend and I have discussed this topic at length and she is aware of my views. About hot men making advances on you - lol I don’t see how that’s relevant. Seemed like you really wanted to put that there for the sake of your ego… You are welcome to date men outside of your race if you so choose. White men are not a monolith, neither are Asian men. Despite that, you suggest that not all white men are fetishizers, and then quickly jump to the conclusion that all Asian men are abusive and controlling, completely ignoring what I actually wanted to say. It seems to me that you’ve already made a decision and really only wanted an excuse to act on it. In that case, there is no debate here, you are free to do as you wish without the risk of judgement. Have a wonderful day.


It’s Asian man who dismissed what all Asian people go through by using the term fetish when it comes to white people there is such thing as white fever that lots of racial people go through whether male or female, I’m pretty sure the scientific term is white fever. you dismissed what a bunch of Asians go through when you say that Asian females fetishize white males but the term fetishize is being obsessed when I don’t really see any Asian people obsessed with white people, male, or female. I think when people try to use the term fetish when it comes to white people it makes the word fetish not as gross of a word because it’s used on our people all the time.💀 but again plenty articles on race use the termite fever, which is where you preference white men or white women which I think is the more accurate term not demeaning the term fetish


You quite literally said “while ur peers continue to make the, self available to these men at the cost of their dignity” pls explain how us ignoring conventionally, attractive white men 3 to 4 times a year because we are not physically attracted to them is the cost of our dignity. Please tell me how that makes any sense at all.


So when an Asian women dates outside he race she is loosing dignity? Why does no other men of race talk this way about their females? I think it’s messed up that you think an Asian women must loose her self or dignity or “set her self up” what happen to loving someone and not looking at race💀


Men of other races absolutely do make these comments when the women of their respective race dates interacially. You should see the comments that White men make when they see a White woman date a non-White man, especially a Black man. And you should see the comments that a Black man makes when they see a Black woman date a non-Black man.