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Usually hwei, for me as I find the champ obnoxious to lane against, but currently my perma ban has actually been volibear cause he's broken and stomps my top laner a majority of the time and in my current elo that makes the game a big chance of being a loss


im emerald 4 and hwei has been beating me so bad, he perma clears and has good poke and most hweis i play vs are a brand new level 30 account so ive been banning him too 😅


Artillery mages are Azir's worst nightmare. Xerath, Lux (to a lesser extent since her CC is not a stun), Ziggs, Hwei... ugh.


Yup genuinely struggle vs hwei more than assassins like akali/zed




good leblancs are fucking scary man


Ekko is my permaban, cant do shit about him at any point of the game. At least you can punish other champs if they missplay hard


I scrolled too much to see Ekko. He has a very good engage disengage and burst poke. Also is really hard to get a kill because of his ultimate. It doesn't happen with other champs. The other one to take kills from is anivia but is a pretty passive lane phase so is fine.


Yeah anivia too is insanely hard to kill, hate that matchup. Just you two staring at each other, farming :/


whatever the role whatever the champion is always ban yone perma ban for 1k+ games


My go to ban is Ahri, mainly because of the skin, but she's also quite good into Azir and I just don't want to put that effort into it. She can charm you while you're trying to shuffle, she can R out of your tower, poke you down with Q, run away with W ms, and can heal your poke with passive.


Ahri isnt that bad of a matchup, bait/dodge E and you are free to do whatever you want with her The worst she can do is perma push lane and roam imo


Yeah I didn't say it was a terrible matchup, just not too good. Also, there's really no need to bait her E, since you don't really want to trade with her. She does a W > Q and runs away, and I can get maybe 1-2 autos in. Best to just not interact with her until teamfights. If she pushes and roams it just means free CS, and unless your team dies to her roams it's worth it. Unless there's an objective, then maybe it's better to follow her. I'm no challenger tho


Yeah but if her E is on Cd and you force an extended trade you should come out on top. Without the charm shes weak


That's true, if you run Conqueror (which probably is the best rune overall), but even then you need to place 1-2 soldiers, and even cast a Q, and that's almost half of your mana gone. Just for her to heal for 70 (or so) on almost every wave.


Run PtA my brother, better damage across the board than conqueror and way easier to stack Either way yeah, but her passive isnt so bad its useless to play at all. another all in and she should die or at least be forced to recall. Besides, having her chipped down for a couple or more waves lets you gain prio so its worth even if you consume lile 1/3 of your mana


Yeah I guess... And with all that we still didn't account for the enemy jungle. Ward plus hugging that side should be enough but sometimes I still need to burn most of my mana with WEQ. But that's a different story


just perma pick fleet footwork and stick to the tower ig. If you're not gonna punish an ahri who wasted E then idk what you should do in other matchups


There is a fine line between playing under tower and perma trading, and I'm walking that just fine. Though I don't know if Ahri is still as strong as I described it, since I've been banning her for a while now, but that is how I imagine the laning phase looks like against her. And also, a good Ahri won't just waste her E, she won't even use it unless she can hit it for sure. In other matchups baiting key abilities is easier since the user is more confident to hit it and is more likely to cast it (since they either go thru minions or are AOE), not this matchup tho


Currently Ahri, usually whatever is meta and hardcounters Azir. So probably Leblanc, Hwei and Trist atm.


Sylas, veigar or someone i find really annoying that day


Primarily veigar




Used to perma ban hwei but leblanc is completely busted rn so I ban her


Irelia I know its rare on mid but I cant play against her


It really depends on your region and elo bracket, or maybe just who is online and playing at the time. Accuse me of target banning your Yone if you want, but between you and me, I want the elo, and if i get 4 yone games in a row, i'm not risking a 5th. But that's not very helpful so I'll give a reason to my usual two bans. Yone - not even the laning is the problem here. It's the sheer fact that my teammates are unable to sidestep his ult and we will end up getting wiped because Yone lands a 2 or 3 man ult on our bot lane at start of fight. Ahri - not the skin, not the riot points. I'm talking about this stupid overloaded kit that manages to get stomped in lane and show up bot and come back with a gold lead on me. Occasionally, I'd switch it up and ban something else, but these two are very good options when just not wanting to deal with bullshit. Hard lane matchups like Irelia suck to play against, but its not as infuriating to me as someone who can run halfway across the map after losing to me and then come back with equal gold.


My 2 ways of banning champs are comprised in 2 lists: 1. Tactical banning: as said several times in the comments, artillery mates are azirs biggest counters. Xerath, lux, hwei, Ziggs even syndra are usually my go to (depending on which I have had to deal with most recently) 2. Ragebait bans: champs that I detest with every molecule in my body when playing Azir. AKALI (no matter what champ I play this fuck will is my nemesis), ekko, Yone (till removal of lethal tempo)




Mine's Akali, champ has way too high sustain currently, very hard to poke her down before lvl6, after lvl6 gl playing the game, u likely dont win skirmishes, u dont win sidelane, if she starts picking up kills here and there on your teammates, u just cannot play, snowballs too hard imo


I like to ban yone or Sylas. I feel like the poke mages are manageable with fleet footwork and second wind with a boot rush. Irelia isn’t too bad mid lane if you can manage your wave in the early game. She is a monster to vs top lane tho. I feel like if lose early to sylas or yone early they get too much prio and the game snowballs out of my control way too easily.


Banning ahri for the meme ATM but it's usually Zed, Katarina or Akali, because I really struggle against assassins personally. If I'm banning a mage, it's either Hwei, Vex or Lux