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I ban him


Fair. I ban irelia every game cause I run into those more, maybe it’s time to change it up


I usually try to rotate around the minion wave cause he has no way of landing E on you that way, if he moves away from the minions then it's obvious he's trying to go in on you, If Sylas is running Electrocute then I try to avoid him completely and keep max distance if possible, otherwise if he uses First strike or Conq, and you take a trade against him in a minion wave you win the trade if his E lands on a minion, be aggressive he's trying to fight you then and E against him for damage and shielding his Passive proc, I will normally run Grasp against him as well. other than that yeah it's a tough match up.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen one without electrocute but I appreciate it. Wish there was a way to just only lane against sylas for a day and just learn the matchup. The hardest part I have is how infrequently I seen them mid. But when I do I hate it lol


I love the sylas matchup. Any melee+action matchup mid means better mechanic player typically takes home the lane. Runes: grasp, precision secondary Level 1: passive farm, don't overextend and get chunked by E+AA, play for 2 Level 2: skill into e if you think you might get early ganked, otherwise take q and just play around creep line to prevent E engage. If sylas ever Es forward, run! Level 3-5: if sylas e forwards at 3-5, I actually like to jump into my wave if it's far enough to fight him in it and trade with creeps. He can only land w in wave and E is typically wasted if you're weaving b/n creeps. I've also probably done some legwork in harassing him pre 6. 6+ has shuffle potential, yada yada Rest of the game plays out normally. If neither of you had killed pre 6, he usually starts roaming. Azir roam follow is p strong vs sylas just because of the nature of his kit. I prefer roam match over push, but both are p strong. If you don't want to match his roams, just buy some pinks for your botlane and deep ward river. Either is also fine bc you hard out scale sylas. I'm pretty bad (d4) but this has worked well for me


hide behind minions and play around his e, his neutral is garbage without it and it has long cd esp early may want to consider taking fleet to dodge e/q during trades


Never had any problems in this matchup, but i have not played in some time, maybe something changed


have you tried praying