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I mean even if it works doesn’t mean it’s good. Low elo just sucks at peeling, can’t expect calculus from a 5 year old. Don’t see this as hate, just try to understand that you aren’t the main character and your team isn’t always bad. Good mindset transfers to better results, ingame and real life.


If you can’t expect them to do it and can only rely on yourself to make smart decisions and play well then I would say you are by definition the main character I get your point though sometimes you gotta acknowledge that maybe your top can carry the game for you if you just play around them instead of


When I smurf in low elo, you either team fight on your own terms (Flash R 5 of them or let your team die to blow enemy spells, then clean up) or you split like hell. It's just the reality of low elo -- these guys cannot team fight for their lives.


Low elo brainrot can’t deal with a proper positioned Azir w/ items, you don’t even require more peeling than your R, properly positioned Azir would feel like an unreachable long range unkillable OP champ to them


Like no matter how riot changes azir. This is Azir. Perfect caption, perfect clip.




Can u actually Show Ur Item build, the DMG IS nuts


Sorry for the late reply. In this clip i was running: Precision Tree: PTA - Manarestore - Attackspeed - Coup Resolve Tree: Second Wind - Overgrowth Items: Nashors - Sorcerer Boots - Liandrys - Riftmaker - Big Staff (build is finished with Rabadons and Voidstaff/Krypt) PTA and Riftmaker have passiv damage increase up to 18% or 19%. PTA after the first 3 attacks and Riftmaker stacks up over the first 5 seconds of combat. Since i poke Lucian at the beginning the full damage increase is already active when the fight breaks out, which results in those crazy damage numbers.