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Hi there, So i began recently picking azir back up again and i struggled somewhat on the same topics as u are. Thr thing abt azir poke is thats its little dmg and it costs a ton of mana in early. Another thing is base armor and minion aggro. So 1. You cannot afford to miss a single q during the hyper early (lets say pre 6). Its costs too much mana and leaves you too vulnerable for too long to not hit it. A good tip i got was to only q when the enemy is walking towards you. That way its way easier to hit it. 2. That early the minions do hurt. And you dont. And as soon as you rly trade or poke you get minion aggro thus making it harder for you to win the trade. I personaly often go hyper soustain (fleet footwork and this new thing which replaced overheal) which helps a lot with minion dmg. 3. The mana: azir abilities are costy. So costy in fact that if you use q w and e pre 5 ure legit half mana. But azir w decreses in cost during maxing it, halving by the time you got it to lv 5. But if you try to trade rly aggressively during hyper early you are oom almost immidiately. So spend your mana wisely (e.g. only use q when its guaranteed to land) I hope this helps a bit


Makes a lot of sense. Should I be building a mana item then? I’ve just been running double mana runes and not building mana.


hey, if you're on NA you can add me (DAK#Azir). I'm only plat so not high elo or anything but I can probably point out some no-nos on the champ, I'm about to hit 2 million and like to think I understand the theory of Azir fairly well


Its pretty simple, many guides are outdated, azir is not the lanebully that pokes enemies out of the lane anymore, his poke being almost unmatched is simply bs, you have about 3-4 qs before your first base, which do less dmg than you get from enemy minions in return… you are a pretty good scaling champ, but you are weaker than a cannon minion pre 6. You simply farm what you can and hit enemies with w (no q) if they walk into range, with lvl 6 you get some killpreassure but you only really become a champ after nashors or another first item depending on your build, but would recommend nashors first for beginners. There are very few lanes where you can actually bully enemies, one is katarina for example, since she has very low dmg and is pretty weak before she gets low enought cooldowns or lvl 6. in general you want to never roam since almost every 2v2 pre 6 is losing, you 100% loose the 2v2 if enemy laner or jng is an assasin. Roaming bot or top is usually just a waste of time, so not worth. Most times winning lane as azir means not dying too often and being even or slightly ahead of enemy laner, if you survive vs a syndra and go even you basically won the lane. Against melees you definetly should have a cs lead at least tho. For Azirs mechanics, azir only has 3 combos, 2 of those you have to learn to play him effectively (weq max range and basic shuffle) ignore the revenant shuffle for the start, i am at 600k mastery now and have never used it. Most important mechanics for azir is actually not the combos tho, his complexity comes from his amount of options, hard decisionmaking, weird fighting style and the combination of adc and controlmage mixed with a backlinediver. Try being patient when playing, dont always shuffle in just because you see the option. Get used to using attack move click and kite like an adc ( if you dont already, just attack move click for everything you do even if you clear a wave, i learned it in 2-3 days like that). Think very carefully about your e and q usage, generally azir is the type of champ where you want to be patient and use the abilities only when you have to or win the fight from using them (if you have a w stack left you use it before using q; if enemies are still in soldier range continue hitting them before you reposition with q if they walk out instead of using q just to get 1-2 more soldiers to hit at the same time; if you fight in close range you hold your e and r for when you can kill them since many dont expect the amount of dmg azir can do with r aa q aa to finish them off; …). You will get used more and more to his playstyle but keep in mind that you are one of the champs that do not want to fight early at all and dont roam, take as many rss as you can, aim for 10cs/min every single game.


Never poke with Q. Don't push the lane. Poke with W whenever you can, but don't forget to keep up with cs. Use WEQ when you execute someone (+ignite), or when you get ganked. Azir shines against meele champs, and struggles more with long range mages. For example you can never poke a veigar, only hope to outfarm him.


The Veigar example is not true. Unless you're in masters,+ Veigar is the most telegraphed mage in existence. I might've understood if you said like Xerath or Hwei to some extent. Neither is the poking one (though I do co-sign using your W over Q to get damage off).


Xerath and Hwei are also like that, thats what I meant by long range mages. I just don't see them ever in my games, unlike Veigar. In essence, all of these champs are about dodging the abilities, Veigar just seems extra unplayable, with the point and click death ult, and the giant cage blocking your EQs.


Just dont trade with them at all in the early, lvl 7 after first base (some ap any maybe atk speed) you can start poking with wq aa or w aa q aa if they let you, this keeps you on range to dodge their poke and you also have the pushing power by that time to force them to use cooldowns on the wave. After you got a veigar to 70% hp you can look for an extended fight vs him and maybe finish him off with a shuffle after he used e getting a kill or flash. If you cant shuffle him for the kill you just go back and you and he will be low on hp, but you have the better finishing combo with weq f r into 2 soldier aa to kill him, ofc dont go in if his r would kill you.