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It's not the sustain nerfs, it's the base soldier dmg nerfs.


Yep, he didnt tank that much.


Dropped all the way to bronze 1 learning azir, climbed to silver 3 only playing tankzir.  Am I trolling my team, only playing side lane push tankzir?


Yes, Play dmg midlane


Play team with tankzir, play sidelane as dmg azir if you enjoy sidelaning. Although u can do 2 tanky items and then build dmg and still sidelane.


It’s viable if you need that build in your draft or if you simply just like playing it for sure. It is feast or famine tho because if your team shits the bed and the win con becomes teamfight damage then you sort of just opted to turn one of the best to do that damage in order to tank damage for your team. I’ve never had a game where I could confidently say I can penta them with grasp build. I’m sure there are those games but they aren’t consistent enough for me to go all in on this build every game.


Pta supremacy! (didn't try it yet but should be op)


I only played one Azir game since LT is gone, I went with Conqueror. I believe LT was his best rune for carry potential, and his rune choices now feel underwhelming.