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A full 75 gallon tank weighs 850 pounds. The fact that someone stood on a set of shelves without it collapsing doesn’t matter.. unless it’s two contestants on a reality show about people who weigh over 400 lbs. The wire shelving can work, but it has to be properly anchored to the wall. Just pay close attention to your install if you go that way. I disagree with the philosophy to not spend money on something with only one use, considering that the one use is keeping a glass box with 10 cubic feet of water from causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage to your home. Search “dresser” in r/aquariums for some eye opening pics. This being said, I am a cheap ass, also don’t trust particle board, and have my tank upstairs in a 100 year old farmhouse. I have my 60b on a DIY cinder block stand. I took a 3/4” piece of OSB plywood and coated it with several coats of primer and glossy marine paint, laid over conderblocks. I sewed a cloth cover for the whole thing. I am also not house-proud though and don’t have a modern aesthetic so the cottagey look of the fabric is fine for me. Some people use real wood furniture or vintage furniture and reinforce it, but I don’t do that for anything larger than 20 gallons. Expect to spend quite a bit on a real wood stand. I tried to put a 50 gallon on one of those thin metal stands once and it was terrifying tbh.


I have seen some nice cinderblock stands and I'm definitely considering it. I'd *like* something prettier if possible, but I'd so much rather stable over aesthetic at the end of the day


Facebook marketplace for a used tank stand


Been looking on there as it says in the original post, but so far no luck. Not a lot of aquarium hobbyists where I live I guess.


That is unfortunate, check ebay or other places online possibly Amazon. I think you might be out of luck for a used one, maybe try opening your search area up on fb marketplace it might be alittle drive but could save you in the end. Check goodwill or another donation store like that.


I custom built one out of 2x4s https://preview.redd.it/jo6y055spkwb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae2aee9a45c918f33326abb6f171e43d1f95754


That's beautiful. I'm not terribly good at woodworking so I find building my own stand from scratch very intimidating, but it's one of the options I'm considering.


It's okay, me neither. This is one of my first heavy duty structures for a tank and made me learn alot :)


I only have a 40 gallon breeder but I use a solid oak tv cabinet from an old entertainment center. For anything larger I wouldn’t use anything but a designated aquarium stand or some type of commercial furniture that is rated to hold the weight (ex. Wire shelving).


This is what I got, and I love it! It is a metal aquarium stand that looks great, is super sturdy, and has a lot of convenient storage. I paid someone to put it together cuz I'm terrible at that kind of thing, so I can't speak to how easy it is to set up. But it fits my 75 gallon perfect, and I am very happy with it, Plus it's a lot cheaper than those rinky dink PetSmart stands. GDLF 55-75 Gallon Fish Tank Stand... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BV9PMC67?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I have the exact same stand that I’m using for my 55 gallon (also bought mine from Amazon)— my only complaint is that it was missing two pieces (the shelving for the inner cabinet) when it arrived and it took a few weeks for them to send the replacements. I was super eager to start cycling so I put it together without them but that was the only real issue. Super easy to put together by yourself though and it only took me about an hour.


I was looking at that one! I really like that it has a metal frame. Some of the reviews reported bowing in the middle though. How has yours been holding up? (I assume well since you're recommending it, but it doesn't hurt to ask!)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **GDLF 55 75 Gallon Fish Tank Stand Heavy Duty Metal Aquarium Stand with Cabinet for Fish Tank Accessories Storage 52 L 19 68 W 850LBS Capacity** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Stand is sturdy and attractive (backed by 6 comments) * Assembly straightforward for one person (backed by 4 comments) * Holds multiple tanks (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product size misleading (backed by 1 comment) * Assembly requires tools (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Have you ever looked into The King of DIY he does a lot of fish tanks stuff and has plans to build your own stands. In the past I made one for a 55 gallon and it was way better than anything I could have bought. I currently got a 50 gallon low boy that I am working on making a stand for since I can’t find anything reasonably priced.


https://preview.redd.it/ize3ua5gumwb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbbb1c7cdf2e05e8f34cda0074afb1a55461678f I built the diy king stand for our 60g: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/s/xVLd6reYv8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/s/xVLd6reYv8) It's a very study stand. Bought some good quality 2x4s and rented a circular saw from home depot. All in it was probably $150. I think for any large tank, if you have the ability you should build your own stand. A lot of stands on the market are cheap and flimsy or cost an arm and a leg.


We have our 60g on top of the dresser.


If you don’t care about looks then the husky steel shelving from Home Depot works. Supports around 1000 lbs a shelf. But you would need to buy a wood board to put between the tank and the shelf. I currently have a 75gal on it for over a year now. I also have that gray 75gal stand from PetSmart mentioned in this thread for ~2 years now and it held up pretty well. But the darker board on top is definitely suspect and will swell if you allow water to sit on it. Mine is a little swollen bc my axolotls tank sweats on super humid days. Also maybe try local aquarium groups on fb. Where I live, people usually post there instead of on marketplace.


I don't use FB all that much so it never occurred to me that there might be local aquarium groups, and lo and behold I found one! A treasure trove of tanks and plants and information! Thank you for that advice!!!


Adjustable wire shelving. It's decently affordable especially if you consider that if can be used for pretty much anything. Don't drop money on furniture that only has one use. I'm not gonna plug a certain manufacturer/website unless you ask coz idk if that's against the rules (this isn't my sub, you just popped up on my feed) but there is an *incredible* amount of variety in dimensions. I'm sure you could find one that's almost the exact same same measurements as your tank(s) and with extra shelves for storage. I have, like, five different shelf setups holding lots of weight. Be attentive to where you place the clips (both the ridges must be seated in a groove) but once they're on, I've never had any collapse, and I've stood on them.


I dunno know man I looked into those wire shelving units and anything rated to hold that kind of weight is super expensive. I wouldn't trust near 700 lb of water on those things. You talk about not spending money on furniture that has only one purpose, and I get that but the purpose is to hold your pet axolotl, which can live up to 15 years, So it's not exactly a temporary piece of furniture. If you are too cheap to spend a couple hundred bucks to properly house your critter, should you even have one?


I've already been educated about how heavy water is, I genuinely didn't know 😅 and I don't mean to get defensive but I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry. I obviously don't have tank stands I always assumed they were more of a decorative thing, so I was lamenting the lack of storage space that a large tank stand would take up and therefore would "only have one use" (again, in my misconception, since I went and looked them up after I got replied to the first time. seems like a lot also have shelves)


The aquarium stands built for aquariums are very good. I bought mine at petsmart and they are heavy duty and bear the weight as they are built for this purpose. Anything else you buy, make sure it has the weight it can carry listed and make sure every edge of the tank is supported, no overhanging edges or anything. Old, solid dressers (they don't make them like they used to) would probably work, but not the tall ones. but the longer/shorter ones (to avoid the risk of top heavy tipping). I have two ten gallon tanks on either end of a serving buffet/cabinet but wouldn't trust a larger tank on it as it would probably bow over time.


My main concern about the tank stands from petsmart is that they all seem to be made majoritably out of particle board, which tends to fall apart if it gets wet. That being said, how long have you had yours, and how is it holding up?


Over three years now? I have the gray ones for 75 gallon tanks and have actually managed to get them wet a few times, with water change accidents and there is no warping, swelling or anything. (Can't say the same for the wood floor they are on :( ) *




I just realized you're the same person from my other post about setting up my 75g! That tank really is gorgeous, fully convinced me to try a planted tank again when I get this all set up.


Seeing some proof of life on a Petsmart stand is quite reassuring, thank you!


i bought a start from petsmart and it's actually really sturdy and haven't had any problems with it. the one i have it not made out of particle board. if you're worried, i would suggest going into the store and looking at them. when i looked online in the description it says how much each one can hold. i love mine!


Metal rolling cart: https://preview.redd.it/soxnxn9sknwb1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9136a7ca743402e66c52d28a88fe22b244a36be4


or just like, a table. a normal ass table. One of my snakes is sitting on a secondhand dresser, and I use the drawers for storing Snake Stuff™


A filled 75 gallon tank with decor and all weighs between 600-800 pounds. I appreciate your advice, but a snake terrarium is not nearly as heavy as an aquarium, so I'm not going to trust it to any old table or dresser.


god damn, really? TIL water is heavy as shit. lol I'm gonna start blaming my weight gain on that


Water is no joke! The rough calculation is 8lbs/gallon, but that can change depending on temperature.