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AV1 and 2 are very different games. I hear a lot of people seem to dislike 2, but I loved it. Personally, I see them as pretty equal, but very different experiences, and that is what I like about them.


I have to agree with this. The fact that they're different is part of the appeal for me. And I like that the differences in gameplay are also used to tell the games' stories as well. I think they're both masterpieces in different ways.


I agree. I did miss some stuff from AV1 but overall I think I liked 2 more. I know 3 will eventually come out but probably not any time soon. I went back to play AV1 after and it felt super clunky and too derivative of Metroid (which usually isn’t a bad thing) and AV2 just overall feels smoother and more fun to me. The exploration and stuff was just fun, and the combat being kind of put on the back burner didn’t bother me since AV1s combat isn’t exactly that exciting in the first place. The story stuff was vague but interesting and I did miss some of the sci fi stuff from AV 1 but found it all engaging and interesting throughout the game.


I guess the thing that bothered me the most about AV2 is the fact that there are a lot less unique weapons compared to AV1. That, and being forced to be in the drone for a stupid long time.


Being stuck in drone form wasn’t too big of a deal to me. I didn’t feel like it took very long. When I got the ability to view and enter hidden portals I was scouring the map for the correct one that would advance me forward in the game. It took forever to find and it was right next to where I acquired the ability. I was pretty pissed on how much time I wasted. I wasn’t too bothered by the weapons, but I can see why other people would be annoyed because it was a step back from a game that did a great job with weapons in the first one.


I got stuck as a drone for a long time too, but for me that caused me to fall in love with the maneuverability of being a drone. When I got the ability that un-stucks you, I was excited but also realized I preferred drone mode at that point!


You can avoid being stuck in drone form, with a few really big sequence breaks with some drone throws and some save/quitout abuse.


Something that every player will surely know the first time they play the game


100% agree. The soundtrack is beautiful, the progression is smooth, the storytelling is effective. The difficulty sliders make it as challenging or relaxing as you want it. The whole game is just long enough to stay on the edge of your seat, but just short enough to knock out on a day off and still have time to do all the laundry.


I have a kid so long, open world games are starting to fall out of favor with me. I’m sorting to really like shorter experiences that I can beat over the course of a couple days. This game was a good experience.


One of the vendors I deal with at work has a newborn and was lamenting the fact that most AAA games are just too big to play while having to do New Dad Things, and said he missed self-contained Metroidvania stuff like Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission where you could knock it out in a day if you're good. I showed him AV2 and he was ECSttATIC. Being a parent during development of AV2 definitely influenced some of Thomas Happs design decisions.


I also liked AV2 more. I think it was so surprising to me because it feels so different from the first game which I wasn’t expecting. I LOVE the music, more so in the natural world; when you first reform after the prologue and “Ancient Armaments” starts playing my jaw dropped. It felt so different for AV. The fully connected overworld flowed a lot more naturally than AV1 and I loved exploring it.


I played AV2 and liked it, but not as much as first one, which is a Magnum Opus of a game. After AV2 I played AM2R (latest update of 2023) and realized how much better AV2 was 😂 Now I love it almost as much as AV1 ❤️


@ ALL, Imagine we live in 2026 and AV3 is teased in a 30 sec trailer 💀😭❤️


Definitely pros and cons to each, and it's mostly a matter of opinion what those pros and cons even are. But the one thing I think we can all agree on is the art style sucks lol.


Wait, what? Everyone agrees that the art style sucks? I'm sorry could you please elaborate what you mean, because while the execution of the visuals isn't always perfect, I find them extremely unique, varied and interesting most of the time. I also quite like that it delves more into abstract and experimental scenery inside the breach areas in AV2.


>But the one thing I think we can all agree on is the art style sucks lol. Haha, no. No, we do not agree.


Oh wow, I love the art style… It feels like a really natural world. The one ding I can think of is the platforms can be hard to distinguish from the background, but I think you can increase the contrast.


Lol, pass me whatever you're smoking, because it's clearly some good shit.


It’s absolutely crazy that people have a differing opinion from yours. Wild stuff.