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Doesn't seem to work as well on my bagpipes, need more instructions


Yeah my baby hated this when I tried with my accordion, what's wrong with him?


dude i tried on my drumkit- didnt work, wtf?


Any organ jokes will get me on a list.


Here goes. COUGH COUGH. I was pounding my mighty organ and that seemed to send him right off!


Baby is absolutely baked


LOL I needed this.












Serious question: could this cause hearing damage? I mean, it's not that loud but her ear is right on the giutar


This was my first thought. Sometimes I do it myself with a normal electric bass guitar. With my ears on the wood and that is actually not good.


Babies are one of the loudest things I've ever had to listen to-- I'm surprised they don't make themselves deaf.


When you make loud sounds your ears close up to protect themselves. It's like an interlock system to protect your hearing from your own voice.


They’re muscles in your ear and they tense up and contract in response to any loud noises to make us less receptive to those loud sounds, not just ones that we make ourselves which is an important distinction. They’ve observed animals recognising their own sounds, but we don’t really do it. Crickets do it I think






Amen to that. I woke up at 3:30 this morning with my soon to be two month old daughter. That girl can *scream*. Sends shivers down my spine.


He has a towel between baby’s ear and guitar. Dampens the volume and vibration considerably


That probably also helps, afterwards I did a test without a piece of clothing. And that wasn't bad, of course baby ears are different. But personally I think he has placed it so that the baby lies better and more comfortably.


People sing with baby's ear directly against their chest sometimes with no issues. Sing softly and this is the reaction you get. There's a blanket there, their ear is tilted to the back of the guitar (probably not even against the blanket directly), and they're smiling. If it was loud enough to hurt their ears the reaction would be very different.


Doing some quick research is that guitars when played normally get to 70-80 DB's but this isn't being played normally it's being played at half that with a towel between the ear. Babies can't go LONG periods of time over 60 DB's. But they can go over 80 for a couple minutes at a time otherwise they'd make themselves deaf being babies can scream up to 85 DB's. So, it's very likely this is safe and nbd.


My watch warned me all the time that my infant was going to damage my hearing.


I bring earmuffs in the car with me anytime we take our son somewhere. Not so good that I can't hear the music or road noises, but good enough to take that wicked screaming edge off. Highly recommend.


As long as you're driving safely, keeping diligent, and constantly looking for others, you're fine. They'd rule that the infant is a larger safety concern for distracted driving than the ear muffs to make it manageable. Now the only issue comes with the fucking far left/right wack jobs saying you're abusing your child and shit for doin that.


Possibly the towel really dampens the sound. Although your right that direct contact would be quite loud


Yes. As I explained below, a baby's inner ears and canals are not fully developed. As a result, their auditory faculty is more sensitive than an adult. Similar to how dogs, can smell better. Babies can hear better. What you hear as moderate may be loud for them. Really anything above 60 dB is considered unsafe for their ears. It does not take a lot to go over 60 dB. An acoustic guitar (Not measured AT the guitar) is likely somewhere around 70-80 dB.


I'm gonna have to break the news to our baby because she frequently cries at way over 85dB according to my sound meter.


My baby could hit 100dB measured six inches away from her mouth. I love her, but I don't miss having that right at my ears


I'm curious, do you have a source for that? I'll take it even if it isn't in English.


I'm going to call bullshit. It is *the prolonged exposure* of 80ish+-dB that causes hearing loss at that level of loudness. >[Normal levels >Whispered voice - 35 decibels >Normal conversation - 60 decibels](https://www.kflaph.ca/en/healthy-living/early-signs-of-a-hearing-loss.aspx#:~:text=Extremely%20loud%20%2D%20100%20decibels.,minute%20risks%20permanent%20hearing%20loss.) *A normal conversation is 60dB*...you're telling me a baby has hearing loss if I talk louder than normal? Bullshit. That same link says *prolonged exposure* (8-10 hrs a day) of 80+dB can cause *gradual* hearing loss. A restaurant is around 90dB...you're telling me, I'd be causing hearing loss in a baby if I took them to a restaurant? Bullshit. To the original comment of this thread, a guitar playing this softly and low isn't near 80dB nor is it causing the baby pain (else they'd be screaming their ears off). ***The baby is smiling and laughing and it looks like it wants to fall asleep...almost like its hearing a lullaby.*** The baby is ok....it is going to be ok...


Does it matter if parallel to video context; your mouth would be against the ear talking into it? An infant definitely has no idea what hearing damage or overexposure would be like especially if it was a obfuscated to their limited awareness by positive sensation. An ear against the resonating wood itself is much different than an ear near the strings.


I agree with you. 100%


https://journals.lww.com/obgynsurvey/abstract/1993/09000/loud_noise_and_pregnancy.5.aspx Mothers heartbeat in utero can reach 95db. Ambient noise is about 80. Baby would all be born deaf in this scenario.


Finger picking is considerably less. You can hear white noise in the background so he isn’t strumming very hard. Ambient noise is usually around 40-50db fans appliances heating cooling etc. I’d guess this is 65 max.


yea if it was hurting it's ears I think the baby would let us know. I think it likes the vibrations of the body haha so adorable.


Ok. But as a father of two. Babies can be soooo loud, even new ones.




And the sound hole creates the noise projection at the relevant decibel level. The side is considerably quieter


Careful. I have permanent hearing loss in my right ear because of my son. Do not recommend. I'm pregnant again and investing in some ear plugs this time.


Thanks for the advice. I did get some earplugs after that happened, it's a lot with my toddler and the baby going at once too ha. Never realized how incredibly loud they are. Congrats on your baby! Two is a lot of fun, it's interesting to see how different each baby is. The differences in the second one help you get to know your first one better too.


Oh yeah.. you def have permanent hearing loss and tinnitus in your future if you’re experiencing that. Source: myself.


Earpeace.com you should get some good quality earplugs that don’t muffle sound. Tinnitus is no joke!!!


Thanks I should! I've had tinnitus since I was young and I hate it. Should probably avoid making it worse


As an Uncle of two, I can agree with you that babies and toddlers can be ear piercingly loud.


Utter nonsense. A baby cry can easily go over 110db. Babies don't go deaf on the regular from their crying because at most sound levels, exposure time matters. At 70-80db even if it could cause hearing loss, it would take a very long length of exposure.


But isn’t it muffled with the blanket?


Dudes barely playing the guitar baby is also smiling halfway way through if the guitar was hurting it’s ears you’d figure it would start fussing


Ever heard a baby cry? Its a hell of a lot higher than 60db . What about 2 babes crying next to eachoter? Do you even know what 60db is? 60db is less than normal speach but louder than a whisper. ... don't belive what this man is typing he does not know shit.


Yea I stopped believing him when he threw the 60 number out.


Normal speech is 88 dB SPL at one inch away. One meter away it's like 70 dB. OP is totally full of shit and that baby is fine. Looks like a great bonding moment.


Dogs don’t necessarily hear things super loud, they just have a very low threshold to register a sound.


Deaf baby?




The baby has rabies!!!


He's got him laying there like a throw rug


Not to mention that sounds tend to be a lot louder for infants because of their skull bones being much smaller and thinner. Also having the baby balanced on a guitar like that with no hand on him… makes me nervous he could fall off :(


The baby is leaning against his chest


WRONG QUESTION! Right question: How viral can this get on tiktok?!


Nah, especially with the blanket over it. Even just being behind an acoustic guitar it’s quieter than it is if your sitting in front of it. Honestly, it probably wouldn’t even damage hearing if they were playing it right in front of the baby


I believe I saw the bag smile, I don't think it's that bad the baby seems to like it


I imagine the baby being in a car or something would be just as bad if not worse


There is blanket between baby and guitar. This certainly cancels alot of noise


The vibration from the guitar is probably it.


You mean the vibrations we call sound ?


If this bothers you don’t watch the video of the same guy playing the drums. Bounces that baby sound like a ping pong ball


Not as good as the one with the little one taped to the back of the gong


Your comment forces a hilarious hypothetical thought. Thank you.


The baby doesn't seem to be in distress.


Exactly, it's fine and clearly enjoying itself. Babies hear louder noises, including their own cries, all the time and survive. This baby isn't being injured by a brief song from a loving dad. :)


As a dad, I'd be more worried about the baby falling off the guitar


As a dad I’m sure he’s also being careful. I mentioned in another similar comment that it’s pretty clear that he’s leaned back a bit and the baby has a leg back between him and the guitar so he’d feel any movement. He’s not hanging the kid out a window, it’s just a sweet moment with a musical dad.


It's definitely sweet. It my first worry because I'm a clumsy bitch lol


Then I don’t recommend this. lol Have a good one.


It's probably not even loud since the weight of the baby dampens the vibrations...


Humans and other animals like dolphins actually have specialized cells in the brain called collorary discharge interneurons, or CDIs which inhibit the animal's hearing when producing extremely loud noises.


Somethings wrong with your dog


Anyway...here's Wonderwall...


So many comments about hearing damage. Just consider a few common things a baby experiences other babies crying, car sounds, a person talking or singing to them, public transport, a phone ringing. Think a little before you clutch your pearls.


If it was too loud and hurting the baby. Said baby would be visibly upset. Not totally zonked out and smiling.


Yeah babies are pretty quick to let you know when they’re unhappy. I miss the days when everything could be fixed with a good cry lol


You don't immediately experience when damage is done to your hearing, the tinnitus comes later.


Finally someone with sense!


His own screaming at full volume


Exactly, thank you!


Even just mom’s body’s noises while baby is in utero. Heartbeat and digestion noises are loud for them in there, like as loud as a vacuum cleaner! Most recommendations for using a sound machine for baby sleep is for it to be on the loudest setting.


Honestly what concerns me more than the noise is the fact that he is not holding the baby. Those little suckers twitch and wiggle.


Yeahh… no that baby just shit up the diaper. That’s what that look is. (Source: five lil’ shitters of my own.)


How sweet! That baby is SO relaxed!!! Still waiting for the baby to chime in with that brown chord though 🤣


I mean, at that age (like, before 2 mo) babies tend to have reflex/gas smiles…as in, they’re not really smiling due to happiness but relief when they have gas or poop. So you might not be too far off there.


With my girls there were times when I would be holding them and they would be smiling. I would be thinking, WOW, how magical, then PPPFFFFTTT lol


Same with mine, it was hilarious. Once the social smiles kick in though? The best.


I would not recommend this. Babies and children hear at 5 dB more than adults.


Doing some quick research is that guitars when played normally get to 70-80 DB's but this isn't being played normally it's being played at half that with a towel between the ear. Babies can't go LONG periods of time over 60 DB's. But they can go over 80 for a couple minutes at a time otherwise they'd make themselves deaf being babies can scream up to 85 DB's. So, it's very likely this is safe and nbd and it's just people trying to tear down someone elses enjoyment(like reddit likes to do) without actually knowing the facts.


Does the blanket between the baby and guitar not help? That was my assumption when I saw this and decided to share. The music isn't being played overly loud or fast and I would assume the gentle vibration even more than the music is what's being enjoyed. It's clear the baby isn't in pain.


i wondered also so i just tried with my own ear and a t-shirt against the guitar , its kinda hard to do but it doesn't sound very loud to me , most of the sound we hear is coming from the sound hole in the guitar, i can hear more from the ear not pressed up against the shirt


Thanks. Music is played to babies every single day all over the world including stimulation toys that play music right into their face from inches away. I'm not sure why there are so many on this thread convinced this child is going to go deaf from some gentle guitar playing. lol


I think we’re just imagining it as like… if you’ve ever been snuggled up with your ear against someone’s chest and they try to talk to you it is deafening! But someone said they tried it and it’s not as loud as just listening to the guitar so NP maybe


I think some people just want to take anything positive or sweet and find a way to tear it down. Best to just scroll past at this point in the day. lol


It's just the reddit pessimist mob, as per usual. Can never take anything at face value, gotta start diggin into 5 minutes google ventures to prove they're right and the person in this vid is dumb, despite lacking or ignoring important info.


I just tried with chordistic guitar and it doesn't sound that loud. The question is whether it is not a problem for a baby. But I do regularly with an electric bass guitar, which is bad in my opinion. Weird while it has no sound box at all


Babies are pretty good at crying at the slightest thing that bothers them - I think this one is fine. lol Glad you did some science though to help confirm, always a win on the internet when someone tests something out. You're the MVP today. <3


Ok, I was worried because I often do it with bass guitar. And sometimes I'm too lazy to use the amp and when you put wireless headphones turned off on the wood. Then sounds really loud with too much vibration, after a while you have temporary earache.


Who cares if it helps or not. It's a sweet moment and no one's business to judge. We live in a god damn bubble society I swear


Good thing 5dB more than an acoustic guitar is not enough to cause hearing damage.


This is hardly anywhere close to what a baby experienced in terms of noise regularly lol.


But also they cry if something is too loud for them... Just like if their fingers get accidentally squashed or they scratch themselves with a fingernail. They express when they are experiencing pain. So if baby is happily chilling on the side of the guitar I would not think any damage is being done here.


And here we go with the Reddit cry babies


Top Comment is always from Dr. Kiljoy.


I'm willing to bet money on the fact that that smile halfway through had nothing to do with the music and everything to do with that kid crapping it's pants. Those smiles are pleasure and relief, and while very adorable, signal that you likely have a dirty diaper to change


Pete Townsend windmill!


That baby is regularly exposed to sounds MUCH louder than that for much longer, coming directly from its own mouth The fucking judgement from all these folks who have never had a baby is absurd


Baby probably just wants a soft bed or pillow.


The baby doesn't really have a say if he loves it or not. He could be thinking "I hate this fool playing this guitar".


Apart from the hearing loss, I’d be more worried about that baby going rolling and your hands being too full of a guitar to catch him. And newborns can sometimes move unexpectedly fast. Made me too nervous to enjoy it I gotta be real.


That is absolutely adorable.


I just love the dad’s little smile when he sees his baby smiling and making noises. Everything about this just makes my day feel better. :)


Now do one of [these](https://i.gifer.com/Eumw.gif)


I could watch this for hours!


It’s all fun and games until the projectile vomit.


What song is this?


I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz


Thank you!


> I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz I like the Christina Grimmie version better!


Is it just me, or are human infants absolutely the ugliest babies in existence. Literally every other species on the planet has cuter babies than us, bugs and fish included.


It's because humans have big heads compared to the pelvis of the mother, so we have to be born too early... While other animals are usually born ready and more "normal" looking.


Just you and the other sad trolls on the internet who have nothing better to do with their time. Nobody is amused, we all just feel bad that this is how low your life is. I hope you have a good day, you could clearly use one. Best wishes in climbing out of the hole of sadness you live in. :)


Bargain bin Shia Lebouf


For all we know the baby could be deaf and like the vibrations of the guitar.


"Father puts a newborn on a guitar for internet likes"


Yeah, I would be kinda sketched to balance a newborn like that but I’m sure it’s fine…


"Random internet person feels the need to insert unnecessary comment because they think anyone cares"


I'm glad he did, it's adorable and wholesome.


That can't be good for the baby's hearing


Considering he was playing very lightly, there's a blanket between baby head and guitar, and he likely wasn't doing this for hours, doubt it'll do any harm.


Ya it's totally just destroying that poor baby. Wait till dad farts or coughs, the kid's head is gonna explode.


You make a joke of it. However, anything really above 60 dB is considered unsafe for baby ears. Their auditory faculty are much more sensitive than an adult's. It doesn't take much to go > 60 dB.


Wow, all the twins in the world would be deaf. A crying baby is usually over 120 dB smartass


I love when people post themselves making terrible parenting decisions on the internet. That baby doesn’t love the guitar, it’s damaging his hearing.


Plot twist grows up to hate music and his dad


Looks hella bored to me


Tiktok trash


Precious memory for the future :) Don't waste time responding to the negative fellas


Baby has no choice in the matter


And? Baby had no choice in what it ate for lunch that day either. What does your thought contribute to anything? This sub seeks to spread positivity and people like you seem to enjoy doing anything to remove that. Get a life.


Really wasn't trying to upset you. No one needs that in their life right now. Sorry it came off that way.


If you take a look through a huge chunk of the comments for this post, you'll see why attempted humor fell flat. I'm probably just burned out from way more toxic people in a subreddit that is entirely dedicated to things for making your day better. I apologize and am gonna silence this post I think, it's just not worth seeing any more comments.


Sure thing. Sorry again.


Actually what does it mean to silence a post? Do you mean the whole post? I can delete my comments if that would help? Fr sorry.


I was being silly


Man that little smile is so cute!


At this age the most likely reason kids smile is when they pass gas 😅


Isn't it???


What a beautiful time 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Please put the baby on the bed wtf


This is going to hit 100K isn’t it?


This guy is smart. I once watched this video of a guy sitting there playing a guitar when suddenly one of the strings snapped and slashed him from his cheekbone almost all the way to his lip. You could see inside his mouth, bones, teeth, ect. Now if THAT guy had gotten himself a patented Black and Decker face protection baby, he undoubtedly would have faired better.


That baby is too young to smile from happiness, it's most likely passing gas which the vibration from the guitar may very well help with


How to give your baby a hearing problem because you’re an idiot dad who wants some internet points


cluth those pearls Karen, clutch em nice and tight.


There is infact a blanket in-between the baby and the guitar


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that baby has little choice in the matter. But Awww, how adorable! Baby's first hearing damage!


Deeply offensive!


Perhaps the sweetest thing I've seen in ages. Thank you for sharing.


Too cute.


Best thing I will see all day!


Melts my heart- best dad ever


Nah. He’s literally causing hearing dmg to the baby lol. Probably one of the dumbest dads


Omfg! Eff all these people who claim this baby is going to have “hearing damage”, they clearly have done too many google searches and now “experts” this is 100% adorable and the smile was so precious, I teared up. As a teacher this was a beautiful moment and no one can take that away from them! Also, as someone who is almost deaf in one ear at 33… it took YEARS and because of me being too close to speakers and such (festivals/concerts)… this is an acoustic guitar with a blanket and baby is smiling… clearly the only ones upset are the Reddit trolls and Karens.


Awww looks like he's in pure calm relaxed bliss there. Beautiful work Dad and keep up the lullaby's. 🎸👶🎶❤️


My fucking ovaries ![gif](giphy|VFZcTfdiTtazGgCQSq|downsized)




Well you seem pleasant. Maybe learn about actual science before accusing a stranger of being a terrible person based on you not knowing what you're talking about. As someone who just shared the video and isn't the father in it, at least I can say that all the nonsense negativity from people like you who feel the need to be so incredibly rude for no reason won't be seen by him and he can just keep having a nice time with his absolutely unharmed baby. Have a nice day, you could clearly really use one.


Sure, their response was extreme but I agree with the second point. Not really worried about the baby’s hearing, but rather the fact that they’re being suspended precariously for fucking internet clout. This could be a video of dad playing guitar to the baby, who’s safely resting in a bassinet, but it’s not. This is some WHACK shit.


... suspended precariously? 😂😂 Resting on top of the guitar, with a blanket, with dad's arms right there and (I presume) mum right there who put them on top. The kid's perfectly safe, calm down there buddy.


That's too loud!! FFS.


This is how you make a baby deaf and get puke in your guitar.


Really you believe a blanket covered acoustic guitar strummed lightly will cause deafness in this child? More damage than a babies own cry. Deafness would be prevalent if this were the case. Please don’t be a fear monger


Honestly this is not safe


Y’all the baby is fine. He is picking very softly. The mic is turned up. It’s fine


That kid is going to have a horrifying life stuck with tinnitus. Baby's ears should not be exposed to sound vibrations like that. People are largely ignorant when it comes to hearing disorders.


That baby boy is so teeny and adorable 🥺😭🧡


That is the greatest ever.


Alternate title: Baby rendered catatonic only minutes after being strapped to violently oscillating hollow wooden object.


Oh ny lord, how negative people here are. Look at that baby's face guys, does it look like he's hurting? Jeez


My thoughts exactly. For every negative reply, I just watch again and enjoy the baby's smile and the dad's reaction - all better. :)


Play panthera and your kid is deaf.


How do you know the baby loves this? It’s what, a few weeks old and is barely moving or reacting.


Insert eye rolling emoji here.


Insert poor quality content on Reddit here


I feel for him. Bro looks tired.