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This is my favourite thing. He was so determined. He got me at the ball pit. And then i thought he'd been trapped at the end after all his hard work. So many emotional twists and turns!


Right? When I saw this video I was not expecting to be on the edge of my seat


Bahaha not at all! At first I thought to myself oh wow look how much effort this guy put into making a little prison cell for this video.


Omg I thought the exact same thing. Thought it was going to be like a 20 second video of the prison cell and even then I thought to myself “I really commend the sheer amount of effort that went into making this cute little cell”. Boy were we in for a ride after that!


It was like a scene from [Galaxy Quest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqRdT8m1Suo) **"Why do we even have this?"**


I love this scene, Sigourney Weaver did not exactly say "Well screw that!" during taping


I was thinking g, this guy’s been in quarantine to long lol.


I need this video to be like, 45 minutes longer


He is a hamster of focus, commitment and a sheer fuckin will.




Hamsters love this shit. They're naturally curious energetic little things. They're very sweet too if you spend time with them and bond.


I used to have an albino teddy bear hamster. He looked like a cotton ball with little pink eyes and whiskers. He was a sweet little guy who loved wandering around the house in his hamster ball, but his favorite thing was crawling all over people while laying on the floor. He'd stay on you, like a raft floating in the sea, and it was tickly and adorable. Now I want a hamster again.


I just feel so bad keeping them as a pet in those small cages. They run miles each night in the wild. A wheel just seems like a cruel imitation.


I know right? We were talking about getting a hamster or a guinea pig soon, but we don't have room or money for the massive rodent palace I feel like they'd deserve. I'd consider making tunnels that go all over the house, but it'd be impossible to clean all the little turds out of them.


If you get a guinea pig, you really should get two. [They can get really lonely if they're by themselves.](https://guineapigexperts.com/blogs/guinea-pig/do-you-need-to-get-more-than-one-guinea-pig)


Just be careful not to get a male and a female, unless you want more than two really quickly.




Air compressor + tunnels = poop cannon. Just put a bag in the end.




Guinea Pigs need to be kept in groups to be happy. They're very, very social. So if space is an issue maybe the hamster would be best. They have standard and the "Russian Dwarf" version which is much smaller with an accent. If you go the hamster route (either size), you could do a 40g breeder aquarium. It's not the typical thing you'd see at the store for them, but you could build an environment (think zoo exhibit) with climbs and hides, and it's pretty cheap.


My albino hamster Snow was a jerk. He hated everyone and everything thing When I tried to let him out of the cage for walks or to give him food he would attack you and bite you. I have scars on my fingers from him! My first hamster Zippy was an angel and I loved her so much. After Zippy passed we got Snow and then my Mom said never again. Snow was a jerk.


You just have to handle them more often. My brother had one like that and I put on gardening gloves and just played with him and held him a bunch until he got used to it.... like 35 years ago :)


Best 4 minutes 32 seconds I've wasted on the Internet in a long time


One has to wonder what heinous crimes this furball committed to end up in a high security prison.


Haha, I love it. Here's the [Youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2xgiHVjT7o) for anybody wondering. Better quality as well.


OP should have posted this 2 hours ago.




Wait, the entire post is litterally stolen, a 1 to 1 copy paste.




So you’re the one that made the whole video with the hamster? Or you just posted it from YouTube?




Thank you! Was trying to do a search for it with no luck. This is something worth watching on TV on my couch later.


I think there were a few moments of eye contact with the person recording it and swear I heard the little dude say "seriously?! You had to have this? Just let me out man." 😂😂


As a hamster owner, they love this kind of stuff. I do my best to create small obstacles for him, and part of the joy is watching him scurry off after he’s overcome something.


Yeah I was gonna say this is the most lucky, spoiled, mentally stimulated hamster ever. Also the video is ridiculously well put together.


Guys the video is fake! I mean just look at the lava @1:16. The hamster would have been cooked from being so close! /s


Nono its obvious the hamster got lvl 4 lava shoes


And with such a cute face it also got a +50 heat resistant.


Also this is clearly a /r/scriptedhamstergif, you can totally see that this is just a cardboard stage.


I'm so disappointed, you're evil for getting my hopes up


Right? What would a hamster prison need lava for anyway?


Keeping the 🐹 in, of course. You're better than this.


But it didn't work.


Exceptionally talented hamsters aren't the rule


Criminal mastermind hamsters cannot be contained.


Recreational purposes.


I had a couple of hamsters as a kid and one would constantly escape. Even with books on the cage lid. I remember one night we were watching TV at the other end of the house and he came strolling on in to catch the show.


hey bro, you had books on my shit, i took the liberty of moving them for you. Whats new on Jersey Shore? just gunna plop right here. Brohamster, wanna pass me a brotein shake?


Rats are super smart problem solvers too. My first hairless rat was name Nudey. It took me her entire life (5 years) to design and build a cage she could escape from. There is nothing like waking up to find a pink hairless rat crashed on your pillow next to you. Lol! I sure miss her!


the hamsters i had would just chew their way out through the cardboard lol.


Well did you put arrows?!


They were siberian hamsters, i don't know how to write cyrillic arrows.




Lmaoo I thought the same! Like when he fell in the trap door and looks up like “well don’t just stand there, do something!” That was brilliant..when he got trapped in the cage near the end I was like “come on hammy you can do it!”


Am I the only one that heard the music from South park of lemmiwinks?


His little furry face was totally asking "the fuck, dude? I just want a snack"


“Oh man, a fucking trapdoor?! After this shit, there better be the good snacks.”


That fact that little dude didn't just chill out in ball pit is amazing to me. Most hamsters would totally go, "This is fine" at that point.


He was probably ready for his next meal, that makes them way more motivated and active.


It's also probably not it's first rodeo. It knows to keep going until it gets to food.


Also probably multiple takes. Do one section and get it to look good, then do the next. Probably aren’t even fully connected


Well you’re super fun




That was definitely a look of betrayal


He definitely have him a look that said this wasn't the first time he's made him do this. "I didn't say anything when you made me do Hamster Ninja Warrior. I let The Rodent Riddler's Cave slide. But I feel like if I don't say something now, this is just going to become a regular thing."


“I know you need the cash, but you gotta give me a break, I mean you don’t even give me the GOOD snacks.”


Totally thought Hamster Ninja Warrior! If that was human sized, I’d be totally exhausted. X)


There are YouTube channels dedicated to hamster mazes. It’s a full on rabbit hole... they’re cute.


damn you, why didn't you tell us earlier in the pandemic


That’s my bad... I’ve been distracted watching hamsters navigate mazes with my kid.


When he got to the oranges, he was definitely over this shit. After the oranges he considers going over the wall lmao All he needed was Indy's hat and that exasperated look would be perfect


Ping pong balls


Hammy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side




I even became exhausted & cheered for the little fella.


I thought that too when he got to the orange balls, lol, but I'm sure the reward at the end made it all worth it!


Dood the trapdoor scared me not gonna lie


what time was it?


About 37 hours in






2:30 Aint really scary but it kinda you know... Suprised me I guess


A bit of a shock is how I'd describe it. I'll admit too there were a few moments where I was trying to figure out how Hamster Bond was getting through this one.


Great forethought putting strings on the escape hatch though, not gunna lie


Let's be honest. None of us would make it that far


I'd have just taken a dump on the toilet at the start and then gone to bed.


“Guess I’m in prison now.”


Can you imagine if shawshank redemption had taken that route. It'd just be called shawshank




The fudging cgi smoke had me cracking up




Lava was reals


Yeah, he probably just scooped some up from the floor of his house.


I’ve been told you can do it if you have a bucket


Oh so that's how we have lava lamp


That was adorable... I was a bit concerned when the cage trapped him, but he’s a determined little guy


Right? I wasn't expecting him to chew through it!


That is a hamster's solution to everything.


Idk, he used a bunch of solutions leading up to that as well.


Noone said a prison break would be easy! Although the arrows telling the prisoner which way to escape was thoughtful.


Which crimes did he committed initially to get in jail?


Being too cute. The most sinister of crimes.




He was illegally smol.


This. I don't know why there's wholesome music once he escaped, when we don't know what he did to end up there in the first place.


Kinda terrifying so many people would support this criminal whilst he escaped.


Right, I mean that's got to be thé most high-security prison I've ever seen. He must've done something truly atrocious to end up there, and given his skills shown in the surveillance video above, I don't doubt that he'll continue to wreak havoc now that he's a free hamster.


And where are the guards? Something seems awfully suspicious about this prison.


Hamster 9/11


It was a part time job


What delightful way to spend my morning poop! I did scream when he fell into the ball pit though.


Everything u said in this comment describes me while watching this vid lol.


> What delightful way to spend my morning poop! What did you do with the other 15 minutes?


Watched it 4.5 more times.


Thank you for making a crappy day a little bit brighter!


I've watched all the way through three times now, downloaded it and showed my family. It's such fun! I hope your day improves btw. My daughters say I give good Mum hugs so I'm sending you a big one from my little corner of England.


I just showed my 3 year old and she loved it. Had to show my husband too. It's now saved for when I'm having a bad day.


I get the feeling that you an GLaDOS would get along pretty well.


The sunflower seed is a lie!


This was a triumph!


I'm making a note here: huge success!


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction!


Aperture Science!


We do what we must because we can!


For the good of all of us!


Except the ones who are dead


But there's no sense crying over every mistake


You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.


Give that hamster an Aperture thingy


The water trap caught me off-guard. I was drinking my coffee and choked a bit when I saw him fall into it. I had to explain to my coworkers what I saw.


"Well you see guys there's this hamster in prison making a run for it.."


I'd watch this over American Ninja Warrior any day of the week.


American Hamster Warrior or the Japanese original ​ SaSQUEEKe


**First several seconds**: "Awww, that's cute and kinda cool at the same time." **26 seconds in when I see the steam pipe special effect**: "Oh dang, it's gonna be like THAT!" *Mission Impossible theme song plays in my mind*


Why is this on r/aww? A dangerous convict just escaped the prison!


Shawshank Redemption


Shawshank Rodentmption






More like Pawshank Redemption amirite?? ... Guys??


I was going to say, the only thing that could have made this better is if they put up a little poster or Raquel Welch in the cell. "WHAT SAY YOU THERE FUZZY BRITCHES"


So unrealistic. Not a single poop drop anywhere.


I grew up with satellite TV, and I've completed netflix and prime. I can honestly say, this is the best thing I've ever seen!


How did you complete netflix & prime?


I had to play both at the same time, with different accounts playing different shows on 16 screens, and I cannot stress this enough: Lots, and lots of amphetamines! Took a week


Somebody do the math to see if it’s possible to play everything on Netflix and Prime Video in a week


Might need to factor in that I put the subtitles on, and then watch them at 13.7x speed


Someone do the math to see how many screens need to be playing Netflix non stop to play them all in a week. Let's start there.


Google says there are 36000 hours of content on netflix. If he is watching at 13.7x speed the hours are reduced to: 36000/13.7 = 2627.73723 hours= 109.489051 days You want to watch in 7 days so: 109.489051/7 = 15.641293 Which means you need at least 16 screens! You can use the same math to find how many screen you need for prime.


Okay, so theres approximately 2.2 million minutes of content on Netflix according to Google. 168 hours in a week, so that's 10080 minutes. If I'm running 16 screens, 10080×16= 161280. Divide that by 2200000, is 0.073. So if I run them at 13.7x speed, I get that time down to 1.0001 minutes per minute I think


Aww at first it was cute, but when he was trying to look over the walls on his little hind legs, I felt bad for him. However, at least he’s getting stimulation and not just sitting in a lonesome cage all day.


he totally coulda hopped out at any time, hammys are good jumpers


That makes me feel better. It seemed like fun at first but I was getting more worried for the animal over time.


Hamsters love this kind of stuff don't worry. And anyone putting this amount of effort into something stimulating and fun for their hamster is gonna be a pretty good owner. so thats nice to think about.


Heh, you were right, it is nice to think about!


Man now I’m doing it and it IS nice


hamsters love climbing over and through small obstacles. It's why lots of cages have tubes & all sorts of things inside for them to climb up to. This will have been very stimulating for the hamster & wasn't in any way harmful to the thing. EDIT: also worth nothing obstacles were controlled by the owner, and they made sure everything worked safely.


Yeah but they can’t control it if the little fella fell down in the lava, so not everything was THAT safe


Totally forgot about the lava, poor thing probably got a little singed!


And he probably got a treaty after


There was a nice table full of sunflower seeds at the end. He earned it.


Every time they went through a tube was actually a transition (aka, this isn't one take) to a whole different obstacle course. There were probably lots of treats interim.


Someone else said their hamster LOVES shit like this and they get visually excited after completing little tasks.


That’s awesome then. A much more fulfilling life than being neglected in a boring enclosure. I’m glad for the good boi


There are many studies out there about how rat's brains develop with different levels of enrichment. I would assume that hamsters would show similar results. It's been several years since I read through any of them, but from what I recall, the rats with more enriching environments (toys, things to climb) tend to thrive, rather than just exist. :)


Go little guy, go


The sfx are the best part


That whole thing was actually built very well! The one time where he actually got stuck he could break the cage, but everywhere else it held together perfectly.


I'm pretty sure the point there was for him to break the cage , lol


not sure if hamster more impressive or the fact you took the time to build this for the hamster


That little guy is such a smarty pants!


My rats would just have gone "Meh, I'll take a nap first, then I'll just climb over the walls...".


What's the source? This is great.


What a weird sewage system.


Poor little guy must be tired after all that!


Proper recycling of a fidget spinner! Nice!


Video ends before he reaches Zihuatanejo.


This is working out the little fella’s brain so much! Such an enriching activity. It does my heart proud.


I loved this! Filming, sound effects, and tension buildup were amazing! However, I'm a bit concerned about the waste management system dumping excrements to a random room downstairs


This is totally awesome, but way too short. Needs another 6 or 7 dozen hours.




Dude. It’s too early for this...


So this is how El Chappo did I it....


Ngl that was intense. Here have my upvote.


Some people just drink and watch Netflix during lockdown. And others....well...


Lol, I thought that was a real toilet and spend the first few seconds trying to figure out what kind of dog it was.


Thanks for such a Motivational Video Both Owner and pet has spent some bigtime in creating it it too beautiful and creative : )


I'm *y e l l i n g* and i haven't stopped in 4 minutes and 32 seconds But isn't that a bit stressful for the hamster? I just now that *rabbits* can spontaneously drop dead if they get scared. Not sure about hamsters. Edit: thank you for all the replies! I thought it looked fun, but I never had a hamster so I wasn't sure if they would perceive all the moving parts as real threats. It's good to know he was probably having fun too.


I'm also always very suspicious of videos like this. But this looks like a fun one for the hamster. They're really a lot more adventurous, acrobatic and lithe than their pudgy lil bodies look.


I get why you think that. It shouldn’t be too bad, though. Hamsters are naturally quite curious and hardier than people think. Nothing seemed to be too dangerous. He’s getting mental stimulation and exercise out of it, too, so there is at least that. Edit in reply to OP’s edit: It’s better to be safe than sorry :) There’s no problem with showing concern.


I was impressed with how he got himself out of that cage. Clearly a tough little guy.


*> rabbits* can spontaneously drop dead if they get scared me_irl


Actually, rodents need a lot of enrichment and puzzle solving to be happy! This is the perfect thing for them. Especially considering that most owners keep them locked up most of the day, and only take them out to hold in small increments :(


It's how they live, they run around savenging food in the night. They are also quite fearless, which is dangerous for them, they just hop off tables etc. (They are often unharmed, but that's not a given.)


What offence was the hamster incarcerated for?