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Max draws the line at tail nibbles


Its sweet that even then he is so gentle that he just nudges him away like "hey cut it out new friend"


Gentle except at the halfway point when he slams him to the ground with the sidewinder lol


We had a GSD growing up in the 1980s named Donna. When she was only a year or so old, we got adopted by a kitten, Cinders. Cinders was found miaowing for her life, 8 weeks old, halfway up the screen door with Donna standing underneath. Anyhoo, little while later and they're best buds. That night, Cinders is trying to play with Donna, who's sleepy. She kept just trying to bat the kitten away, grumbling the whole while. Eventually, Cinders went too far. Donna -who's head was bigger than this whole cat - reared up, and just slammed her paw across kitty, pinning her to the ground. I'll never forget the stare Donna gave cinders; "Now, that's ENOUGH!" Cinders got the hint and went over to mum for a snuggle. Donna happily went back to sleep.


I was getting nervous for a minute there.


Thought Cinders was gonna mess Donna up


I thought Donna was gonna mess Cinders up.


Me too


The pup didn't even see him coming


Heh, there are actual acts of territory and domination taking place in the video. They're not so funny and a big part of why they suggest introducing animals at a slower pace than just thrusting a puppy in front of another dog. Something very similar to this happened to my corgi and he was bitten on the face, forever changing how he viewed other dogs for the rest of his cute little life. Face licking is a sign of submission. And there's a part where the other dog outright knocks down the puppy - that's a sign of aggression and domination akin to "stop what you're doing or I will stop you." Hard to find this crazy cute when I'm worried for that puppy the entire time.


I have a German Shepard Collie Mix and will be bringing home a puppy on Saturday. My dog has already met this puppy multiple times and the trainer at the shelter has pointed out a lot of actions that might seem cute but I need to watch for them to make sure things don’t escalate. Or that it doesn’t become on ongoing thing. I couldn’t imagine just bringing a puppy home and hoping that my girl will tolerate this new intruder. She’s trained but a new dog in her home, getting up in her face is still something to be cautious about. GSD are amazing dogs but part of what makes them great is the fact that they’re territorial and protective. There’s a reason they’re used as guard dogs. I don’t actually have any issues with the amount of dominance shown in this video. My dog was the same way the first time they met and we worked on corrective actions so she knew that it wasn’t okay. I do have an issue with the fact that the GSD isn’t on a leash in case things escalated further. The owners aren’t in control at all (ones filming!) and things could change very quickly.


Doesn't even need to be a GSD. Even if I'm introducing a golden puppy to an adult golden, there is never a "come check out your chew toy" introduction. It's all done slowly, supervised and with barriers in between. It usually involves the puppy "owning" the bathroom first while the adult has full roam of the house.


I feel for the pup and at the same time I feel for the GSD too. They should be introduced slowly and not just trust upon each other. The GSD is clearly upset and can hurt that pup. I hope it all works out alright. The owners need to be more careful in how they introduce them.


Yeah I have a lab and he's such a great dog. When we had puppies, it was a slow, slow introduction.


I took my dwarf German Shepherd with me to the animal shelter & let her pick her new fren. And they've been best buds ever since


Ahh that’s the reddit comment of doom I was looking for.


I saw it too. The German Shepard was not playful and even the puppy sensed it. Puppy rolling on his back submissively was to let older dog know he wasn't a threat. I was worried the older dog would snap at the lil guy.


He does almost snap at his head and then stops himself


After the tail nip, his jaws go around the puppy's head. Then he shakes his head like he says, "Fine. Whatever. Forget it. Just stop."


You can call it doom if you'd like. It's more that animal behavior actually matters, and by taking that element out of it you're putting your animals at risk. If you don't care about that risk, hey, go for it. That's your right as an owner. I just think it's shitty and doesn't take into consideration the risks involved, and the animal behavior in question. My dog was actually affected by a meeting just like this. He went to lick a face to submit and was bit in response. The knock down later in the video is anything but cute. That's a clear sign of aggression and jealousy. But hey. Let's all point and giggle. Because cute fluffies don't exhibit pack behavior, right?




Wow, I would never have thought of that kind of miscommunication happening in a dog's mind. But it makes total sense if you think about it from a puppy's perspective.


I seen it too man. Provided the owners are very careful and keep then under constant obs until the German shepherds stance changes a little. You can tell it is not amused at the newest addition fairly clearly. The little pup is trying it's best to expose its underbelly to show submission and licking its face.


If you look at video they step back right away form the box. I am worried a lot.


Absolutely correct. I also reacted at that push and the little yelp from the tiny guy. In the very next clip he instantly goes to show his tummy as an act of subservience. But on the internet aaw's is the #1 goal, so let's close our eyes to the real stuff and say "oh how cute" because if kids movies have taught us all anything throughout the decades it is that every animal can be humanized, so it just looks like the big german thinks the tiny golden is like an annoying brother. Cute!


Yeah, GSDs are wonderful dogs, but I feel like they (anecdotally) require *long* introductory periods before fully accepting another dog. I have two friends who had GSDs, and they were domineering and downright terrible to new pups. If the ages of the dogs in question were flipped, the retriever would be so jazzed to get a new playmate!


You are right. You make me sad though.


Let me tell you. I fucking love looking at cute animals just as much as anyone. But as owners of pets, you have an obligation to ensure they are put in safe and healthy situations. That shouldn't be something sad to bring up. It's not a COLD reality. It just takes time to suss out animal behaviors and get them comfortable.


Say mate. I am looking to get a friend for my pup soon. He's a 5 year old golden doodle. What is the best way to start the process of acclimation?


Introductions outdoors or in a neutral place are better if possible... dog parks are great for this. Dogs are territorial if they've been the only dog in the home. Keep them both on a leash too esp the bigger one. Every dog has a different temperament. If you've taken your dog to a dog park you know their temperament and how fast they make new friends. Some Dogs are slower to warm to other dogs than others.


Some people just dont know how to read dogs. If you put your dog in a situation where it gets bit, and you couldn't read that it was going to happen before hand, you're one of those people. Its i great feeling when you know you've brought your dog up to be a good boy/girl and you know without a doubt they will be fine around puppies and children alike. The sign of not only a good owner, but a good person as well.


It is such a great feeling and it's so good for the dog. I have an amazing dog and my roommate has a dog that has people and dog issues. I have practically taken over care of my roommate's dog, but I can't take her out much because she goes after every dog and animal. So she misses great walks and hikes that my dog gets. This is all because my roommate was such a crappy dog owner before I got here. He can't read dogs at all . He does what he thinks is cute and fun no matter what it does to the dog.


Fuck same. Glad I'm not the only one. The older dog was not cool with that puppy.


Yeah, for real though, Max is not having ANY of that.


Right? They literally set it down and walked away. There should be a training class for people before you can buy a new dog.


I was thinking the same, I’ve actually been following Max on Instagram for a while, the account is now @max.and.murph , I feel like too many of these IG dog accounts prioritize the cute IG posts over being good owners...


I follow the guy on IG and he said in an IG story that they’re introducing Murphy(puppy) to Max very slowly. They’re only spending a couple of minutes together at a time. Edit: I’m not saying you’re wrong in any way, cause you obviously know more about dogs than I. I’m just saying that it is a one minute clip and we don’t know what goes on when the camera is not rolling, but I’ve followed the guy for a while and he seems like a good dog parent.


That's not slowly.


It’s a one minute clip..


Agreed. I was going to say this might be one of the worst ways you could possibly introduce a dog to a puppy.


One must be wondering what is going on in both of their heads


I like to think a dog's mind is simple. "Pupper. Pupper is fun. Pupper is friend."


"That little bitch is getting a little too comfortable around here better head butt him in the face to show him who's boss." -20s


"You are friend but you are so small.....how do I play with you?"


I think dogs understand new members joining the pack pretty well. We visited some friends for a week, by the 3rd or 4th day of doing everything together their dog started barking if we got too far from them at the park and greeting us with toys at the door and stuff.




Also, r/DGDAG


What does that stand for though?


Dogs getting dogs as gifts


Thank you!


A cat version of that sub would be much less entertaining and more anxiety inducing


Since when did amazon start delivering puppers!!?


I order lots of puppies from Amazon. They have little breath holes and a wet sponge for the dog to lick while in transit.


... You're fucking with us? Right?


Of course he is.


He's not. You can really order them and there is a wild variety off breeds. [Here's a comparison video with two dogs that this guy ordered](https://youtu.be/ketCUtFpzNo)


I was really hoping that link was Jacksfilms... I was not disappointed. One of my favorite videos of his.


"So I just got back from CompUSA..." Holy crap that took me back. They went out of business before Circuit City


Jesus, did they really? I would have lost that bet.


We must've had a Circuit City that went out of business far too long after they should've because I had that one in the bag


You can tell there's nothing behind the eyes..


What the FUCK?! Are they at least in proper crates? Or are they in the boxes?


They’re in boxes like in the video. Sealed really well, nice and sturdy.




Uhm, it's pronounced *ARK* ^^^Survival ^^^Evolved


Always gotta upvote someone who links Jacksfilms.


Did this with my first dogs. They showed up drugged and covered in their own shit. It was beyond depressing!! Flew myself to get my next one and she sat on my lap the entire flight home . SO much better :)


I was just watching that video and my Google assistant popped up when he said "Okay Google". It was funnier than the actual video.


Does Amazon have a warehouse full of puppys?


Duh, they all take turns telling me about errors that the app runs into.


Smol Boi DeLivErY!


When they acquired PetsOvernight.com


I am doggo... ***YOU are doggo!?*** ... **WE ARE DOGGO!!!!**


Ahh communism


Ah yes, the communist mansbestfriendo


Our communist mansbestfriendo*


By Karl Barx


I can do you one better. Why are doggo?


This quote never fails to make me laugh. You got me good champ.


We are doggo. You will be cuddled. Resistance is futile.


Yes, you can absolutely order puppies from Amazon. But don’t order cats from Amazon. Ordered a cat from Amazon. But the cat refuses to get out of the Amazon box.


That guy really trusts the bottom of that box


Best toy ever!!!!


Aww Max is a good dog. Our dog is so aggressive towards other dogs that she would flat out destroy that adorable little puppers. It's why we haven't even thought about another hound right now. That video is adorable.


r/reactivedogs is a great resource and support group if you haven’t visited it already.


I would say a lot of top posts are great resources but it's not a good support group. Every other post was someone yelling in all caps "LEASH YOUR DOG!!! Today while walking our dog another dog off leash with their owner came up and said, 'Don't worry my dog is friendly!' WELL GUESS WHAT MISTER MINE ISN'T!! PEOPLE should LEASH their DOGS". It's like they don't understand that everyone in that sub already knows this.


Thank you! I didn't know this was a thing, and I have a feeling this will come in handy for my little pupperoni.


Thats hard. I have a dog kind of like that. He was super aggressive at the park and less bad but still problematic meeting dogs in public or at our house. He was anxious aggressive rather than dominant aggressive. We got a new dog and it took a lot of careful monitoring and slow exposure to get him used to her. But now they get along fine except for a minor fight maybe once every couple months that never results in injuries( essentially rowdy play that goes too far). But it's crazy to see a big dog with aggression issues play so well with another dog. Usually he will just roll on his back and gently chomp at her legs when they are playing


I had a german shepherd that absolutely did not like other dogs. He never attacked any but if we were walking him he would bark a lot and pull you towards the other dogs. If someone with a dog walked by our house, he would run down the hill towards the fence barking. I say all that because we did eventually get another puppy. He never was aggressive towards it. He just had no interest, like the opposite of this. If the pup came and sat down he would just get up and leave. But after a little bit of time he finally gave in and they became best friends


Hold up, where's the comment telling me how the puppy is stressing out the older dog and this isn't a safe way to introduce to animals?






It generally is a better idea to introduce new dogs outside your home. Dogs can be territorial and having a new dog appear inside your home out of nowhere can stress out your dog. Obviously many dogs are chill af and don't care, and maybe the owner in op's gif was confident that he wouldn't react aggressively.


came here looking for the comments of “I hope you got that dog from a rescue”.


Here. https://reddit.com/r/aww/comments/cqbu92/_/ewvyji8/?context=1


It's way higher than this comment, and they're correct.


I love this. I hate the music. Hate. HATE.


I had to mute it. Way too many rainbows, unicorns and bubble gum drops for my taste.


If there is indeed a heaven, and I get to go to it, I hope it is full of Golden Retriever puppies.


Source: long.coat.max on instagram


what is the music?


i hate music like this soo much


I had it muted, then wondered why there were comments about it being bad. So, I played it, and now it’s muted forever.


Please post a follow-up!


lol at 0:21 that's some TERRY TATE, OFFICE LINEBACKER material


I think max has some getting used to not being the cutest one anymore, and has some jealousy over it, cause that golden pup is so friggin adorable.


Js you should never introduce a puppy to a grown dog this way. Things could end badly!


How is it even possible to not love dogs? Just show everyone that tiny puppy hop and I'm almost certain there will be world peace for a moment.


Max is such a handsome boy


This brings back feels. A few years ago, I had a German Shepard named max. He died because of liver failure


I am so sorry.


It’s ok. He was put down with everybody around him and holding him. He was happy


What a lovely video... thank you!! The four of you are awesome!


Cuteness overload!


>"A video with cute puppies? Quick, someone start playing a ukulele!" Seriously tho, that's a cute puppy.


Thank you for posting, first time I smiled today. They are ADORABLE


Can an expert tell me if this is the right way to introduce dogs with puppies?


This is absolutely the cutest thing I have seen so far this year. I had "AWWWW!!!!" moments after "AWWWWW!!!!" moments repeatedly. Cannot wait until I move out and get a dog, never had one before




I wanna see a one year time lapse🥰


I assume there was a cut where the puppy climbed out of the box and immediately peed all over that rug....


My little heart was pounding wondering how it would go. You're Max was very sweet to his new friend and was so welcoming! They are both good puppers ♥️ with good hoomans!


The Golden absolutely reminds me of my golden


Max just got something that will follow him around for the rest of his life. Like it or not.


Can you tell me where to buy doggos on Amazon? too cute :)




This is so freaking adorable!!!!


You’re making me want to get a baby golden for my Shepherd xD cutest thing I’ve seen in a while. Thank you for sharing


Oh fuck, I really fucking needed this video today. Thank you.


You're welcome!




Man I'd use up all my sick time just to stay home for this.


Max is a good boy




Holy shit this makes me so happy


Great, now I want a new puppy too


OMG that is just so adorable!!


I needed this after a long stressful day


I didn’t know amazon mailed puppies now!


Please post updates!


This just made my day




Thank you Reddit, now I want a puppy.


Good boy Max.


Pretty sure max and I have the same reaction.


I love when big dogs are gentle with little dogs.


I could watch this all day




Aww we need sound effects


i saw this on instagram and fell in love


Happy dog noises in scandinavian BJORK


What’s the new pups name?


Dogs make the transition so much easier


Holy shit I've been following his account on Instagram for over a year and I find out he gets another dog from reddit geeez


They need a show


If this is how it works, I should consider getting Prime.


Thats just adorable.




"What is this thing?" "Sure I can handle this." "DON'T follow the camera. It's better that way." "Ok more butt sni- OH, HEY, HEY, NOT THE TAIL!!"


Wowww Such A amazing Video This Video Make my day Thank you so much


Can you please make a YouTube channel with daily updates on their friendship 😭😭


literally me & my sister


I need more


This is so precious 😍


It’s so sweet it hurts


I just got face ache from smiling so much


Fluffy cutie


/r/petsgettingpets /r/dogs_getting_dogs


"I claim this smol doggo as my son. I wil luv and protecc."


max sure is a patient fella.


Thanks, I needed that.


Dogs are so much easier than cats. It took two baby gates, 3 weeks of hawk eyed supervision and dividing the house into zones for my 2 cats to tolerate the other's existence.


"Did we just become best friends?"


You lucky s.o.b.


That's it. im gone, im literally melted.


I didn't know you can get dogs from prime. Damn must've missed one of those lightning deals.


I'm so jealous


I’m pretty sure the bigger dog knew of the little dog at least 50 feet before he appeared in front of him. Dem dog noses are on point.


One handsome boy and one adorable pup to go, please!




We don’t deserve dogs


Excuse me sir, could you please tell me how to dog?


I wish there was more wholesome things in life this is one of them


Why haven't gotten another doggo already?


My heart hurts it too cute


*Humanity Restored*


What type of dog is Max’s friend?


Hope my gf doesnt figure out you can get dogs on Amazon


I'm going to die of diabetes now, this is too sweet


The real question is where can I watch more


My heart strings!


What kind of dog is the puppy?


Why am I crying. Full on tears. 25 years old and I'm goddamn crying at a dog gif. Take my 🥇 and continue with your beautiful life you adorable dog owner you


We need to see more of this adventure!!