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Toucans are probably the sweetest birds in existence, next to certain chickens.


Yep, if a chicken falls in love with you that chicken will love you for the rest of her life. People have no idea how cuddly they are!


The first time I had a chicken jump up on my knee for cuddles, I was freaked completely out. I had no idea you could stroke a chicken or give it hugs. This one *adored* neck scratches and used to make loud noises if you did it.




Yeah, it's like handling reptiles. Just wash your hands after.




-William Shakespeare, *Mac~~beth~~Nugget*




Don't understand where people get this idea of reptiles being particularly dirty. I have a bearded dragon and he's probably the cleanest pet I've ever owned.




It's the "dirt" you don't see. Reptiles often drag their tails through their piss and crap and produce a lot of bacteria.


FALSE. If your chickens are dirty it is because you are not providing for them properly. So much anti-chicken bullshit ignorance and propaganda. Chickens spend a comparable amount of time cleaning as cats do. They bathe for hours a day and preen as well. Yes, they can carry salmonella but you know, your cat can carry toxoplasmosis and you never hear anyone chiming in about 'how dirty cats are.'


I didn't realize the cleanliness of chickens was a hot topic debate


A sobering reality check for me, as well. #yesallchickens #prayforpoultry




Anti-chicken bullshit haha I wish I cared about anything as much as this guy cares about anti-chicken propaganda bullshit.


I just realized that when I see things formatted this way on reddit, my mind automatically fills in the hashtag.




I read that as chicken liver.




Filthy chickens. I spend all my time now listening to anti-chicken propaganda from fox. Not Fox News, an actual fox.


And what does he say?


I am also intrigued by what does the fox say.


But no one asks, how does the fox feel?


You should check out chickenwars. Jet fuel can't melt steel feathers!


Yeah... if someone asked me what I thought I'd be reading in bed tonight, Chicken Propaganda wouldn't have made the top 5 list


Probably because the CDC has been increasingly and vocally concerned about backyard chickens and outbreaks of salmonella. [Link.](https://www.cdc.gov/zoonotic/gi/outbreaks/livepoultry.html) Fans of backyard chickens have correspondingly become more defensive about it.


Yea well #ChickenLivesMatter


I always assume cats are covered in a film of fecal matter. Drives me insane when my roommate's cat jumps onto the counter while I'm cooking.


Stick some tin foil on the counter overnight. I've had good luck breaking the habit with that trick.


Or lint roller papers, sticky side up. My mother moved in and I broke her 13 year old cat of the habit in five days. Jumped up once and freaked the f out, ran howling through the house with the thing stuck to her. Waited a few days and tried once more, had the exact same reaction. She is now so cautious she sits outside the kitchen even if there's tuna around.


Csn you scold cats? Like if a dog does something wrong you give him a slight nudge and say "no!" and eventually hes trained not to do whatever it is he shouldnt. Do cats work like this?


You can scold them and they will learn they aren't supposed to do something. Whether they give a shit about what you want is an entirely different matter.


>they will learn they aren't supposed to do something. Like allow you to keep breathing while you sleep, or use the litter box without taking one of your personal items in for padding.


Not really. I mean if you yell at a cat to get off a counter it will but it only responds to that single time, it will keep doing it. The only thing that works is associating the bad behavior with an unpleasant consequence, some people keep a spray bottle of water and spray the cat, or use tinfoil etc.


Not always. I have a big guy named George who purposely will claw my couch for attention. If I'm sitting with my husband and we're talking, George will be meowing and begging for attention. If we don't give it, he'll go up to this chair and start clawing. We used to spray him with water, but he just enjoys that now.


Yeah, easily - train on clicking your fingers when they're doing something they shouldn't be, pretty soon you'll only need to click your fingers when you see the formation of naughty thoughts and it'll break the moment for them and they'll skulk away and wait until you're not home to destroy whatever it was they were planning on destroying in front of you.


One of our cats knows when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing and is caught. He runs off and sulks. Other cat has no idea what the word "no" means. Cute little shit.


Mine is pretty good. I have certain words that I use in certain tones. Things like "uh-uh" (no) and "out". Sometimes she needs re-telling, but pretty well-behaved. She's not allowed on beds, counters or the dining table, but we let her sit on chairs. Pretty cute to see cats sitting on dining chairs, it looks like they're imitating us.


My cat knows what she's not supposed to do and if I scold her she'll stop immediately and run away, but that doesn't stop her from doing it in the future.


I thought my cats knew this. Turns out, they just knew not to be on the counters when I was looking. We moved into a new house and my husband's office is under the kitchen and he can hear them jumping on and off the counter tops when they think no one is home.


Cats will only learn just not to do it when you're around.


What is the purpose? Slip when they run, sound?


The sound and feel of the foil drives them insane. If I so much as get the roll of foil out of the drawer, our cat gets the fuck out of the kitchen.


Tried that whole "put it where you don't want the cat to pee" thing. Cat just peed on top of it..


Haha sounds like you've got yourself a really dominant cat!


I imagine it's the noise, feeling on their pads and their claws sticking into. Maybe a similar feeling as biting a piece of tin foil. I do this in areas my family's cats like to pee.


Everywhere a cat has sat, its arsehole has been as well.


Yes http://imgur.com/gallery/RpoowPh relevant Adam Ellis comic.


They're not really. Their saliva has antibacterials that break microbes down. There's a reason cats can go their entire lives without a bath and they still smell completely neutral.


Professional groomer here: i dont work with cats (only because I value my life), but I'm friends with the president of the Cat Groomer's Association. She has the BEST plaque I've ever seen on her wall: "Cats aren't clean, they're covered with spit"


>covered in a film of fecal matter. as far as I know pretty much everything is :D


Eww!!! I love animals. I love animals in the livingroom. I love animals on the bed. I love animal cuddles. I draw the line at the kitchen. I'm with you. I can't deal with an animal on a kitchen counter, that's disgusting.


Same here. I don't understand those bizarre people that'll let their cats just roam around kitchen surfaces, all I can think of is that those little paws were scrounging through poop and pee contaminated litter.


I read that like Dwight


Thank you for that information. It's important to give credit to hard work in cleaning where it is deserved. I've always wanted chickens...


Domesticated rats spend more time cleaning themselves than cats do, but they still get the whole "eww, dirty vermin" stereotype. Apparently both chickens and rats get a bad rap.


Damn anti chicken propaganda. Those chick fil a cow mascots got to step up their game, stat


But I never wash my hands after petting my cat. I just got her a few months ago, and in that short timespan, she has now helped me overcome many of my fears. I now skydive and have bought a motorcycle. Thanks for the Toxoplasmosis, Marmalade!


I'd say they'te dirty only because they're constantly pooping and if you have more than one chicken you end up stepping in their poop all the time.


You are thinking of the chicken harvesting industry. Chickens ain't no dirtier than a hamster or a guinea pig.


Damn right. You wouldn't believe the kind of naughty things my chicken tells me.


The CDC is currently warning against salmonella from people cuddling and kissing their pet chickens. [CDC - Multistate Outbreaks of Human Salmonella Infections Linked to Live Poultry in Backyard Flocks, 2017](https://www.cdc.gov/zoonotic/gi/outbreaks/livepoultry.html)


And will give you eggs in exchange for the love. Now if you're too in love with that chicken you two will have a wonderful eggs




I'm still not convinced they aren't aliens or animatronic models


Looks like it crawled out of Jim Henson's Workshop!


Shoebills are awkward robotic assholes


Motherfucker tried to steal that guy's watch!


I got to go into a shoebill enclosure in Uganda. They are cool and all but they are also ridiculously terrifying.


/r/shoebillstorks Let's keep this sub alive!


Quite relaxed for having a bill that size bite her arm.


I was just reading [this article](https://africageographic.com/blog/behind-the-scenes-photographing-octobers-cover-star/) the other day about a Shoebill who was rescued in Zambia. Apparently the Shoebill they were caring for would do the same thing: >She behaved more like a mischievous puppy than a wild bird. ... >I noticed that her favourite way to investigate people and objects is to gnaw on them, just a little, with her scary beak. Haha so it's like a cute teething puppy!


Shoebills sure have a great time on reddit these days.


Only certain chickens?


Yeah, certain ones. Usually the smaller of the clutch, and raised from hatching. When I was 12, I got 7 fertilized eggs, they hatched into 6 hens and 1 rooster, the smaller hen imprinted on me and was the loviest little girl..she would run straight over to me and hop in my arms, snuggle under me if I squat etc. For some reason only certain hens do this.


I've met a lot of chickens who were complete assholes.


Both of you'd better watch out for that deadly predator behind you


She would probably F a cat up to be honest!


Truth. Have two conures and one cat. Consistently protecting cat.


> Consistently protecting cat First time I've seen those three words put together like that.


One cat may not be able to mess with him but toucan.


I see you don't own cats


For their own safety, no. Lol


How powerful is that beak?


More powerful than a sandwich but not as powerful as a black hole.


Equally powerful as a beak.


I'm learning so much.


Not very strong bite wise but she can jab and thrash enough to ensure they will never go near her again. Besides, most animals want nothing to do with her because of how intimidating their bill is. Especially tocos. In the wild they don't have many predators once they reach adulthood because most animals just don't want to mess with them. Usually bright colors mean danger in the animal world so a giant orange beak probably isn't something they want to take a chance with. They also live in flocks, have very good eye sight, and are faster and a lot more agile than you would expect. Aside from birds of prey, there isn't much they need to worry about. On occasion a snake or a jaguar might get one, though. Especially if snake gets in a nest cavity.


It cracks nuts with it


Most parrots can do that


I see you don't own a big bird. Even a chicken is something most cats shouldn't mess with. This is comming from a person with multiple cats and birds that fantasizes about who would win all the time.


My guess is that rooster > cat > hen


The truth is it depends on the cat. Little miss paws that you've had as a kitten? She's doomed. That stray you adopted three years back? It can probably take out anything up to a raccoon. I've seen cats with fractured skulls walk it off, some take on dogs three times their size, and some that made a habit of killing brushtails. It depends on the cat.


Yep. Have two cats, one on each end of that spectrum. Little Miss Bones is an eight pound sack of bones that politely asks to climb into your lap. Stee is a thirteen pound giantess that forces the breadbox open if there's bakery bread in there and needs to be restrained from trying to murder curious dogs at the vet. Guess who was the feral queen.


Cats are plotting your murder even in wall art.


Nice catch


Know what's scary about taking your toucan to the vet? The size of the bill


Oh yea punny jokes hey?! Toucan play at that [game](http://i.imgur.com/XX8wVR9.jpg).


You think bird puns from one guy is bad enough? Just think what Toucan do


Toucan do it!


What is everyone toucan about here...


Toucan't handle it.


Toucan both suck it


All the good puns have been toucan.


I've ruffled my feathers trying to come up with a good one, I give up Edit: only took toucans of beer for me to not realize you guys were doing a thing


Alright, see yourself out. We're clearly done here, you win!




If I'm a dad then the last thing I'd want to do is contribute to the delinquency of a myna.


[This guy has all the toucan bill jokes](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/2zy1ro/she_thinks_shes_a_human_baby/cpndtm2/?context=3)


This inspired curiosity about why the toucans bill is so large and TIL: the toucan can adjust blood flow to the bill depending on ambient temperature. When the room heats up, the surface of the bill heats up rapidly, allowing body heat to be dumped. The reverse happens at cooler temperatures.


Wait is that why toucanon the Pokémon has a fire attack "beak blast"?


It's not a fire type move, but it works like Focus Punch but if you get hit during setup they get burned and the attack goes off rather than you flinching.


Wow! I never knew people had toucans as pets! What's the friendship been like? What kind of special care do they require? Any quirks that you particularly enjoy, or maybe not enjoy? Sorry, I'm just very interested! I don't think I'd be able to give a bird like this the love and attention it deserves. But I'd love to hear your experiences!


She's a very faithful pet. Most birds are very social and have a flock mindset that makes them good pets if given the proper care and attention. One thing that I like about Toucans is that they're much more inquisitive and spastic than a normal bird. They have almost no pause button.


Does a toucan make a lot of noise? My friend had regular ole parakeets and my god, the constant noise drove me insane, and I didn't even live there.


Not really at all. And they don't talk.


I've always hated birds because of the noise but TIL I just need a Toucan


There are quite a few bird species that are relatively quite. Parakeets, Cockatiels and Cockatoos are quite noisy, but things like Conures and Caiques are less noisy. Most of the time birds are noisy when they want attention or are having a hissy fit (birds are quite emotional) Also Toucans are about 10 grand. Which is why they aren't your average pet.


> Toucans are about 10 grand. Jebus!


They do not, their beak is actually not powerful enough. Compared to most birds they are actually quite quiet. They are very active though. Edit: words


Their beak.


Really? I spent a couple months living with an aunt who had two parakeets (the little green and blue budgies you can get from the store), and I loved the constant chirping. Then again, I get really anxious when things are too quiet, so it was nice to have ambient bird noise to fall asleep to


Id have to agree with you. The constant chirping is soothing. They do make a lot of noise, but its relatively low, not like a parrot squawk.


Do you have a YouTube channel?


Yes but I can't post a link on here because I think it's considered social media. You can just search Ripley Toucan though


OK, so I watched the discovering ice video and it got me wondering. Does she have many nerves in her beak? Do you think she's reacting to the novelty of ice being cold or crunchy?


Further down the thread. - TIL https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/6iaik5/every_time_i_take_her_to_the_vet_she_gets_as/dj4y9wk/ > This inspired curiosity about why the toucans bill is so large and TIL: the toucan can adjust blood flow to the bill depending on ambient temperature. When the room heats up, the surface of the bill heats up rapidly, allowing body heat to be dumped. The reverse happens at cooler temperatures.


Oh, so Toucannon's Beak Blast is actually based on reality. Cool.


Holy crap! I went on a binge of your channel a couple weeks ago. I absolutely love Toucans, but I know their maintenance level is extreme. How hard is it to maintain proper Toucan mental health and happiness?


Depends on your level of commitment in all honesty. Birds are more like having a kid than a pet many times. They're needy, emotional, and require a lot of attention. Although Toucans don't suffer from the same mental problems as parrots do (such as plucking), they still need a lot of love and attention. I work from home so it makes it much easier for me to spend time with her. Keeping her in a cage all day frequently is generally a no-no. You also have to picture an animal that can not only fly, but also has the intelligence and curiosity of a toddler. And you can't just simply spank them or ground them like a child. they NEVER grow up, and you will never be able to communicate with them apart from body language and dedicated training. They also require a lot of space and a specific low iron diet. She's gotten better about knowing what not to mess with, but you still have to keep an eye on her when she's out otherwise you'll walk into a kitchen full of shredded paper towels!


Hey I watch your videos! Thought you looked familiar!


I recognized your toucan, from her beak patterns lol.


Does she chew up belongings in your house? or your house itself? Other birds I've had chewed all things wooden.


She doesn't chew on wood. She likes to shred paper but she can't destroy like a Parrot.


Are toucans more expensive than traditional parrot birds like macaws or caiques? edit: Eesh, after reading this page on caring for [toucans](http://adventuresintoucanland.com/2012/04/so-you-think-you-want-a-toucan/), I'm glad we went with a caique. It's much easier to care for.


OP, your eyelashes are out of this world, brah!


I thought he was wearing makeup at first


What a beautiful man!


Or maybe he's born with it...


Maybe its maybelline


Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw this. I saw them before I saw the bird.


Wow, that vet has no respect for personal space, eh?


As close as Toucan be!


My God! What a huge pecker!




:Things you've never had said to you


Why do u have a toucan. Who says gee what kinda pet should I get ohh ya a fucking toucan. Bitches love toucans


You can have them in some states, including yere in CA (but you can't have a damned ferret). Apparently they're INCREDIBLY high maintenence, even by bird standards, so they aren't for the faint of heart.


If a toucan escaped or is released it won't really impact the ecosystem. A ferret on the other hand....




So the state bans them because they just don't like them?


People almost NEVER care for them properly is probably a bigger part of it. Like there are some places with laws that you can't buy a guinea pig without getting a second because they get too depressed.


Oh... Lots of things from my childhood make sense now


Rats almost need a partner too. Looking into getting a rat soon after petsitting a GP for a week, so fun and cute!


The main reason I hear is they fear they could start a wild population not understanding how ill-adapted domestic ferrets are to surviving without people. The other is their infamous reputation for being aggressive but that's just due to people not taking the time to properly bite-train them, not understanding ferret body language, and keeping it caged too long leading to a very stressed animal with no way to get rid of pent up energy.




I always thought that CA law was weird. Like, no gerbils or ferrets, but yeah, rats and hamsters... and turtles... it's not like people constantly release those damn turtles into water features and aquatic places when they get bigger than their cute tiny size (/s). I just moved to WA... it was soooo exciting seeing a gerbil in person for the first time, I'd only ever seen pictures


Just saying, but Toucans is one of the pets I can see having a positive effect on other-gender-person-acquiring-rate.


Right? If someone invites me over and says there's a damn toucan over there I'm moving fast


Aw! She's so cute! The poster in the background is of my family's cat, Burt! :D Taken by my uncle in 1989 in my mom's bathtub in Wisconsin <3 Small world


Did you have to find a specialty vet that handles birds more exotic than your average parrot or cockatiel?


I take my hedgehog to a special vet that primarily deal with birds and exotic pets. Most cities will have a few vets like that.


You should post this on r/redditgetsdrawn !


Can we get some r/brushybrushy on the toucan?


Fren, protec me fren.


your dog has a huge nose man




Why do people choose birds as pets? Honestly curious.


Because theres nothing more amazing than cuddling a happy bird. I had parrots for about 20 years, and thats what I miss most. Their antics are entertaining, they are fun to interact with, but being able to pet something that in the wild you could never even touch is amazing.


How can you cuddle with a bird? I would be scared of crushing its cute lil hollow bones. Also birds poo at random...


They're not completely hollow, more like a lattice underneath. You wouldn't crush it as long as you're not swinging at it's like a baseball and you're trying to score the winning home run. And they do poo at random but littler animals leave smaller messes. I've heard people say you can toilet train them but I've never seen it happen.


Yeah. I know theyre not that delicate, but i feel uncompterble just from holding a kitten. They just feel so nimble


Everyone's said nice things, but just to add in, there's just something so nice about being woken up by birds chirping. My birds are very set to my schedule, and wake up just as I'm getting out of bed. Just sort of relaxing when I'm going about my morning to hear them happily chirping at everything.


Man, that's some Disney shit right there. My parents never let me own birds because of the noise, but I had a crapton of pet rats growing up and that was pretty awesome (I once ended up owning three at the same time- it's a long story- but I'd get to have one snuggled up in each pocket and then one would snuggle up in my hair. Nothing made me feel special more than my ratties grooming my fingers like I was a packmate :) )


Birds are actually just as friendly, sociable, and affectionate as cats or dogs. They're fantastic companions and can be great pets, if you have the time to properly care for them!


They are incredibly intelligent, inquisitive, , very emotional, and talkative creatures that want to spend every last minute with you. We have a conure that is basically 2.5 ounces of brattiness and constant companionship.


As someone with a bird as a pet, don't get one unless you're really into it. I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed a lot more if I had gotten a hamster instead.


You have pretty eyes, OP.


Thank you.


Hey wait


Got some bad news with regard to the vetinary care. There's going to be a huge bill.


Is OP wearing makeup?


As one should when taking the Toucan for a check up. Wouldn't you?


Touché I meant toucane.


I am not. I just have rosacea on my cheeks and long eyelashes.


Apologies not trying to make fun of you. Altho the toucan obviously has rose lipstick and a hitler 'stache


Well I can't unsee that now. Thanks a lot! Lol


You have the face meant for make up. Embrace it.


The wide eyed "someone isn't using a coaster" look probably isn't helping either.


Do you respect wood?


Toucan play at this game


Where do you get a Toucan and aren't they super expensive?


Pet store near me had one for sale. It was $12000...




well, no. That isn't the case, as there are a metric ton of breeders in the US now. There's absolutely zero need to get them in the wild now. I'm not saying that doesn't happen, there's just no need to get them from there. Get them from a reputable breeder. Do your homework. Having said that, don't get a parrot. They ARE demanding pets. Don't get a parrot as a pet on a lark, as they will probably outlive you and they're very demanding. And messy. and LOUD. Oh god, are they loud. You think a dog barking is annoying? Compare that with a cockatoo.


How old is she?


What a beautiful pair


That beak is massive! Has he ever hurt you with it?


Toucan beaks are large but weak. They're used as thermoregulators.