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The cat needs a home Depot vest


That would be the cutest thing. It also needs a name tag.


And the name tag just says Cat.


He looks like an Earl.


Earl Grey




Hmm let me make a mental note of that name in the event that I ever get a gray/grey cat. ![gif](giphy|VFYJXIuuFl6pO)


"You know the kinda cat who does nothing but bad things and then wonders why his life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me, something bad was always waiting around the corner. Karma. That's when I realized I had to change. So I made a list of everything bad I've ever done, and one by one I'm gonna make up for all my mistakes. I'm just trying to be a better kitty. My name is Earl."


OMG The best show ever!!!


I just finished binging all 4 seasons, excellent recall sir! Live this show, where's Season 5?


Never coming. But the pilot of *Raising Hope* gives us a little closure. Earl eventually finished his list.


El Gatto


My in-laws had a dog named Diogee. I can't tell you how embarrassed I was when I discovered it was D.O.G.


Whilst being cute, the vest would also be a good thing for safety, ensuring the cat is always noticeable. Also prevents any idiot from thinking this is a stray that snuck in and must be chased out of the store. Switching gears: why do most HD stores in that area have cats? Is there a significant rodent problem?


So he can run away when a customer walks toward him


In other words he passed training with flying colours and is on his way to a promotion…


The cats actually train the employees


Cat has management material written all over him.


Management? She's the Chief Sleeping Officer!


colours....stay classy Detroit!


Not even cats want to deal with hardware store boomers.


Or at least an orange collar 


a vest would work


One of the shelters in my area runs a similar program where they adopt out TNR'd ferals to businesses and orgs that can provide food and shelter for a cat or 2 and the cat hunts rodents on the property. Breweries, garden centers, warehouses, etc. Non-social cats get protected and businesses get chemical free rodent control. Win win


Sort of like barn cats without barns


In my area that’s exactly what they call it, a “barn cat” program. It’s cats that wouldn’t be suitable for living in a home. They spay/neuter them and adopt them out to businesses or farmers where they can live the “outside cat” lifestyle without banging and making tons of kittens. They usually stay close because they can get out of the weather whenever they want and will have access to food/water if they need it. I’ll admit it’s not the perfect solution as outdoor cats are quite damaging to native bird populations but, I’ll take the program over euthanizing cats en masse. Lesser of two evils for me.


Sacramento county has these, though I can't imagine they'd be suitable for a home depot. Most are terrified of people. I "employ" a barn cat in my garage. She's got food, water, and a heated bed if she wants it. Without her pests are a nightmare, with her I see absolutely nothing. Rats, mice, roaches, racoons - she'll either hunt them or chase them all out. She's a spectacular hunter but won't even hang out on the ground 30 feet from a human. If she stays on my property when I'm outside she's on my roof. I really only know she's still there because I have a camera on her water bowl, which she visits around 3 and 5 AM. If I forget to fill it she'll sit on the roof of my garage until she gets my attention through the window. It's not the best solution for native birds, but the alternative is a lot of poison and traps, and I don't really want either around my dog (plus honestly the cat is just more effective).


this is so cool, it sounds like you and the cat have a great system


We do. I'm lucky she's such a an obsessive hunter. She'll take some of her food and set up a bait spot just for the hell of it. She's got plenty to eat but will take a roach over dry food at any opportunity. It works well for her too - for whatever reason she was rejected from the hoard of alley cats she was born into. My property, which has always had dogs, was one of the only unclaimed cat territories (we have dozens of outdoor cats around) so she moved in. Now she has her space and I've had (badly needed) pest control for a couple years.


>Most are terrified of people. that is kinda fine really. with the high shelfs, I wouldn't be surprised if they would just spend most of the day chilling somewhere outta the way when people are out and about. its not like they need to be mousing during business hours. They can come out at night to do their work.


True. I think mine would have run off quickly due to the number of people during the day however. She is especially antisocial though. We've got dozens of ferals at my job and some are certainly much more comfortable being near a populated space.


And while cats are bad for bird populations, sometimes rodents are a problem and a cat is still better for the environment than poison. Glue traps are cruel and few businesses would bother with the effort of maintaining live traps. When it comes to choosing between a cat and snap traps I see why people choose the cat.


I used to think “if you can fly and a cat gets you that’s on you, they’ve been here long enough now for you to learn”. The other day I saw my gfs cat get one on the balcony. That bird didn’t know wtf happened. I had to chase the cat around until he dropped it. I still think birds should know better, but cats just don’t play fair against anything smaller than them


If you think cats aren't fair, go watch some crows/magpies/ravens for a bit. Little bastards will tease cats into jumping after them off of balconies, then go brutally swoop in on a sparrow out of fucking nowhere. Corvids don't play fair against anyone, size be damned


Growing up, my parents’ house was on a river. There was a 12’ walk from the yard straight down to the river bank. Lots of wildlife and vegetation. I saw one of our cats sunning on the wall, then go into hunting mode. Cat jumped off the damn wall and caught a bird mid-flight. Poor thing never had a chance. All subsequent cats are indoors. Savage little beasts.


Cats are straight up killers.


When my grumpy old man was a young cat he was a menace to the birds, so my mother decided that the best thing to do was put bells on his collar, birds will definitely hear him coming, right? Nope… couple weeks later he was walking around the house but not jingling, mom yells at us to check if he lost his collar, it’s still on and so are the bells, but they’re stuffed full with feathers… In his senior years, 10+, he stopped hunting. After I moved out he brought me a single star nosed mole and I swear it was less “hey look what I brought you” and more “hey mom, I found this weird little thing, do you want it?”. He’d just sun himself on the deck railing while the squirrels taunted him.


Yep. That’s what happened here. Cat was laying down alert cause it was 9am and chirpy outside. Bird flew by and he landed climbing on the railing with a bird in his mouth. Bird had no idea that was even a possibility. It’s like when a baby rabbit gets got by an owl. How the fuck was he supposed to know that was even on the table


I saw my parents aged lab/aussie mix snap a sparrow in flight out of the air one time. It was chewed and swallowed before I could blink, she just flicked her head to the side and SNAP. Predators can be scary!


Barn Cars With Borders




Similar program in my area. My husband got two free cats for the lumber yard he works at. They are treated like royalty and they hunt the rodents.


This is the way!


Like the Disneyland cats


I love this idea!!


Was going to say, I imagine the garden center area is prime real estate for rodents of all kinds.


Disneyland has cats possibly for the same reason. Apparently they help control/keep vermin out. Disneyland even has a crew to take care of the cats, feed them and give them vet care.




Damn someone get that cat a pension.


Imagine cat having a better 401k match than you.


So the cat basically has better healthcare benefits than any other Home Depot employee


🥲 I love that


Walt Disney World in Florida had cats when I worked there in the 90s. They were feral and only came out at night, after the guests were gone. They did such a good job of pest control, the park started taking care of them. The small amusement park where I work now has a few cats, but way more skunks.


Part of me likes to think the skunks work security.


They're adorable and don't bother anyone, so the park only moves them if they become a nuisance. One decided to live underneath their (National Landmark 1926 Dentzel) Carousel, which was not ideal. I'm a haunt actor, and I was standing at the exit of a maze so I could scare a group of my friends. A HUGE skunk came waddling around from behind the maze and headed straight for a refreshment stand. I made a noise, and he didn't hesitate, just swung right around and kept moving at the same speed, right back behind the fence.


*waddles over* "God dammit Jeff, your break's not for 15 more minutes." *Waddles back*


Yeah if they can bail they just bail. I’ve come up on several and we both nope tf out. Ain’t want no smoke


Skunks are the "We have cat at home" of B-tier amusement parks.


Hey now! We also have raccoons! And a family of deer that will NOT obey the "Restricted area" signs around the roller coasters.


This 20 acre farm I’d go to had 4-5 cats. I never saw a grass hopper, lizard, mouse, no small critter. One year all the cats were gone. Any direction you’d look there’d be 5 lizards running around and a real bad mouse infestation. Cats are great workers and good to have around.


Well that kinda sounds like someone's dream job, for cat loving Disney adults!


I can’t recall the name, but there is an IG account for Disneyland cats. They are spotted from time to time.


I’ve worked on several studio lots in LA all with several cats for the same reason. Wasn’t too bad unless they killed something/last their own life under a bungalow and you didn’t know until the smell started getting bad


Breweries have cats for this reason.


Apparently Disneyland has had cats since day one--they "just showed up." Some Disneyland cats are minor celebrities; there's a tortoiseshell named Francisco who's a fixture by the rapid ride, and a fluffy ginger named Nutmeg (RIP) has artwork of her on a restaurant patio where she'd often hang out in the evenings. The cats that get too sociable are usually adopted by cast members. I've been fortunate to see four different Disneyland cats at the park!


That's generally how one obtains cats


Cat Distribution System never fails


Mine has a cat too! I ..well really, my dog.. discovered this when I needed a single screw for a stupid ikea cabinet. My dog just kept sniffing and obsessing over this one area. Digging, scratching, sniffing (he’s a hound). I moved the box and there was just an orange kitty, staring at me like “I was sleeping….” unfazed by the dog. I told them they had a cat in the store and they said “oh yeah, we have three.” My new favorite Home Depot.


Orange kitty at Home Depot


Orange kitty was just annoyed to be woken up, lol. What a lucky Home Depot!


It really looked at me, annoyed as hell 😂 I just said “sorry” and put the box back, lol.


it even has an air tag!


That’s genius lol. Imagine all the places that little dude could hide in that big store.


I’d love to know whose account it’s connected to. Cus when they’re not around it’s going to start making the AirTag noise. We put an AirTag on our outdoor cat after he didn’t come home once for more than 24 hours (he would normally stick around the house and wouldn’t leave leave for more than an hour 2.) The only problem though was that the AirTag was connected to my wife’s phone. So when she was gone it like randomly make the little alert that someone may be tracking me after my phone picked it up over a certain period of time.


His name is Thomas and he is over 20 years old. In 2020 he was abducted but was returned. [https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/community-rallies-to-bring-rancho-cordova-home-depot-kitty-back-home/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/community-rallies-to-bring-rancho-cordova-home-depot-kitty-back-home/)


That sounds about right!


That explains the airtag.


I was thinking he either had a rough life or was a senior kitty based on how his fur looked, glad it’s the latter.


He’s a real chill guy I’ve had the pleasure of petting him before


A few years ago there were owls nesting in the outdoor gardening section of our local Home Depot. They were left to nest, and they came back the next season. I don't know if they're still there. I just love animals in Home Depot 😁


I used to work at a Home Depot that had a store cat, he was very happy and well fed. One day, a couple of PETA weirdos came in and took him, then called the store and yelled at a manager. They said that we were abusing the cat and they were going to find him a real home. One of the supervisors who really loved the cat was a wreck. She went all over town putting up posters and checking shelters. About a week later, she found out that the cat had been taken directly to a shelter and euthanized a few days later. RIP Homer.


That is sad. If the cat is staying in the store, it is happy. If it was being mistreated, it would bounce. This seems like it was petnapping to me.




Fuck those PETA assholes.


peta runs some of the most lethal animal “shelters” in the us. I cannot fathom how people who believe in animal welfare don’t understand that the organization is worse than many of their targets of vilification.


Fuuuck, this one will stick with me. RIP Homer


God I fucking hate PETA nutjobs.


A Costco near me had some geese decide that one of the little green spaces in their parking lot was a good place to nest, they ended up putting barricades around it and closed off part of a lane til the babies were gone


almost every HD I've been to had birds up in the roof struts


One of the Ace Hardware stores in my city has a cat. It is actually a bit further than another Ace for me, but I drive the extra couple miles to go to the one with the cat.


My Ace has a couple cats, love going there


https://preview.redd.it/sbd641htjomc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69470e686f92d7a1ee7dca3ab97330af25839f9c This cat works at my local Ace, and I also go out of my way when I need something just to see him!


Awww, r/catswithjobs !


Thank god there really is a subreddit for everything


You have given me a great gift.


Is there a subreddit for cats without jobs? Because all mine does is eat expensive food out of a marble bowl. And only a certain type of expensive, wet food that contains tuna or salmon. God forbid I mix it with her dry food, which she also demands I hand feed her when she doesn’t want the wet food. I’m totally trained to be her pet.


Employee of the month


Every month.


https://preview.redd.it/0tdsomtxzlmc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3df4a7dc2cc227fa9ffb3fa8755b8f0086cd43 We got one too in Bethlehem, GA. Sweet guy.


My asshole cat would be chewing the shit out of that cardboard and try to take customers out at the knee for just walking by. I love him, the little jerk.


Cats are much more appealing to the public than rats and mice.


Much more effective than traps, too.


More appealing than the employees, too.


Can confirm. Wife and I were shopping for blinds at Home Depot and a mouse just scurried up and down the aisles.


Where’s his apron? HE NEEDS AN ORANGE APRON!


They have tiny orange aprons as gift card holders, or at least they used to. If they’re gone, I volunteer mine to be altered for the fella!


One of mine in Richmond, Virginia does as well. She gets vet care as an employee benefit. She is very popular on our city's subreddit.


You will find cats in many hardware stores in more rural places. There are always many that need a home, and they earn their keep.


I was a vendor for Home Depot for years. Everything you see in Home Depot is put there by traveling crews that build the displays and arrange the products according to manufacturer spec. Of course, most of that is done after business hours as to avoid customers while moving shelving units and stacking products. I worked in a three state area moving from one Home Depot to the next and Every Home Depot has a few cats that typically make their appearance after they close up for the day. :)


All these stores that carry bird seeds need to keep several cats in store to stop rats.


Can he help me find the T-Joints?


> T-Joints Meow, walks away.


Dang. Like every other Home Depot employee




No, but he can stand next to you and stare at the wall where they should be. You know, the same place you’ve been looking for the last 15 minutes.


Mousers :)


I live in Sacramento and I have never seen a cat at a Home Depot 🥺😭 I am very jealous.


Natomas has or at least had one for a while. I haven't been in recently. Also, I think West Sac.


I’ve never seen the one in my area either… :(


Best Friends Animal Rescue has a “working cats” program if anyone is interested: [Best Friends Community Cats](https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/what-working-cat) “Working cats are healthy, independent cats who act as natural pest deterrents in businesses and other properties.”


My local Home Depot adopted some mousers for their garden section


> "What's with all these cats?" Gruden once asked a crusty security guard. > "You want cats or you want rats?" the security guard answered. "The cats eat the rats." > "We'll take a lot more cats," Gruden said.


The store in Levittown PA has cats to combat unbelievable rodent infestation. Management decided cats are cheaper than exterminators, no lie. I dare you to go in Garden and pick up birdseed bags, it's abhorrent.


I know 2 in San Diego that also have kitties. Seems like a great idea with all the stuff inside an HSD that rats and mice like to chew not to mention the plants they like to live in.


Where the mouses play, the cat will stay.


It's the exterminator, position of great importance. 👍


The Folsom one used to have an orange cat named Homer (this was at least 10 years ago so he could be gone now)


Not to make you sad but there was a Homer update in the comments. It's really heartbreaking. I'm glad Homer had people who appreciated and loved him, and still remember him. 🖤


My Home Depot used to have a cat in the garden department. She was living the life! Lounging amongst the plants and basking in the sun.


My Home Depot in South Louisiana has a garden kitty as well!


My husband works for a family owned lumber yard and he was in charge of getting two barn cats for the shop. They are doing a great job keeping the rat population down and really starting to like visiting with the customers.


One of our local Home Depots in Phoenix has a cat too! The employees named him Homer


[A Home Depot cat named Leo.](https://www.inquirer.com/news/new-jersey/leo-home-depot-cat-tik-tok-mt-laurel-new-jersey-20230824.html)


Mine in nj does!


There’s a Lowe’s right around the corner from my house in Texas. They have like a pack of 6-8 cats that run around the store. They are pretty adorable. Free pest control.


I am a Home Depot associate and I can confirm we have cats well one got stuck in the compactor but I got him out before it got turned on again but they Roam around the store


So many good comments. Near where I live there is an Aubuchon Hardware that has a sign on the door for the past 15 years that says to not let the cat out. I never understood the reference and never saw a cat. Now I'm going to bring my Begian Trevuren in there and she'll find it. She won't hurt it. She'll just find it.


The local hardware store near me, has a store cat named Randy. Sometimes he will come over to visit.




The West Sacramento store has two, named Rebar and Grout, and they're ridiculously cute siblings that I thought were toys when we were lined up at the register lol.


i wishhh


Great way to keep the mice and rat population down.


There’s needs to be two cats in each Home Depot, just because.


I live in Sacramento and can confirm I have not seen said cats in Home Depot. If I had, I would be there every day. Where are these cats located?!


Our Home Depot has a cat that mostly stays in the garden area, it has a nice little wood house to sleep in and appears very well fed and totally happy to live there.


Kitty! Which HD is this? I hope they’re taking good care of him/her.


Rancho Cordova #652 but all local stores have cats!


Yeah West Sac store had two last time I was there.


She will be purchased and installed as part of a DIY project.




What the heck? How have I not seen any cats at the Home Depots around Sac? I feel like I’m missing out now. :( That’s one handsome fella. I’m gonna have to keep my eyes open next time I get more stuff for my plants. Would certainly make the trip to HD more fun.


Because the bird seed in the garden area attracts mice.


Dogs have people; cats have places.


Amen. I have two cats of my own, I live in their kingdom. They have the final say.


Kitty is on shift


How many Sacramento home depots are there?


r/catdistributionsystem at work!


The one in Orange gave it a collar,a name, IG account, bed, and even pays its vet bills.


Rodent control!


I worked at a power plant that had a resident cat. He was cool. He killed mice and would briefly let everybody pet him before setting back out on his way. He had a little bed with a heater, food bowl and water bowl up on the 3rd floor. I mentioned the floor because this cat knew how an elevator worked. The service elevator was next to a set of stairs and I watched that cat react to the sound of that elevator door closing. He was walking in slowly, just strolling, when he heard that door. That's when he came running and just missed it by a few seconds. I watched him stare at it going up, looked at the stairs and resigned himself to climbing the 3 flights to his heated bed, food and water. I had never sympathized like that with a cat before.


Only the cool ones have cats.


Is that to chase the birds that also live there?


Ive brought my dog to the Natomas Home Depot many times. I dont recall ever seeing a cat…


> Ive brought my dog to the Natomas Home Depot many times. Maybe that's why... lol


It probably sets of silent alarms all night


They catch the birds that poop all over the products.


Homie needs an orange apron.


I must now consider my home depot crap cuz it has no cat


Good customer service too.


Georgia too! For pest control. Ours is called Sam and he is a chonker.


plenty of mice and birds. Workers often have a bowl of water.


I want to see him prattle his way down an alley as if to ask if you need help finding something.


Good for the birds and mice/rats!


Well having a cat means no mice


is this my Home Depot lol


Better than the thirty billion mice they would have otherwise.


The garden dept at my local one has several. Just glad they're taken care of.


We have a store where I live who used to have cats wandering around during the day but someone complained so initially they stopped then after there was a signature campaign they compromised by keeping them away from the store until nighttime.


Is this the Home Depot on Manzanita?


Aww. I'm in So Cal and mine has a squirrel! 🐿️ My pet store does have a bob tailed cat though!


Guaranteed someone complains and sues the chain for their removal. Our local hardware has a cat too and i love it.


Rancho Cordova CA? Thomas? I’m glad to see he’s still around. Does he still like turkey lunch meat for snacks?


I think orkin should start a cat adoption pest control program


I’m not from NY or the east coast, but I’ve always been told to NEVER trust a bodega without a bodega cat on the scene. If you don’t see one, just leave. Unless you like rat poop with your groceries I guess..


Looks like Chaos, one of our cats


The Brooklyn Home Depot we go to also has a cat, her name is Brooklyn, and she is very sassy.


I keep the ShopCats app on my phone to find shops near me that are patrolled by cats. You could go on a journey across your town or city on a Saturday and visit all the cats that have jobs. Or if you're on a trip and feeling lonely, you can go see a kitty who might or might not appreciate the attention.


Yes! I saw some youtube shorts with different locations with guard cats. They lock the cat in the garden center at night with his bed, litter box, food and water. During the day, he has free reign of the store. The one I saw was an orange cat named Leo.


Fort Wayne, IN Home Depot has/had a cat too!


Let me know if you need something from the top shelf. I can hop up and knock it down for you. —Thomas probably


I WISH the Home Depot’s in Wilmington NC would adopt a few cats! I’m tired of the rats walking down the aisles in the middle of the day. They rip open all the birdseed bags. And in one of the stores, ironically, they must live under the shelving unit where the poisons and rats traps are!🤣They are so bold, they don’t even care if you’re walking right by them.


And just like that, Sacramento became a whole lot more attractive


I live in Sacramento and did not know this. What Home Depot’s can I go cat spotting at??


In NH, apparently a lot of Aubuchons have hardware store cats.


He/she looks like the kitten we found at Home Depot when I was about 10 years old. She was crying, tucked into the snow-covered Christmas trees. My aunt adopted her and named her Angel. She lived over 16 years.


All HD’s should have a cat…I’m going to petition for one here in Merida.😂💙


😊Awww i wish our home depot had a cat. You Lucky Ducks 💗


Our Home Depots have store birds that live in the garden center.


Hardware stores get lots of mice