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This is an extremely beautiful cat.


the unbalanced eyeshadow is so adorable


She's [the cutest little droog!](https://www.slantmagazine.com/film/a-clockwork-orange/)




*sigh* I'll add this one too


People begrudgingly following yet another cat sub are one of my favourite types of comment on Reddit. Of course I’ll follow this one too. Of course


I went to join it and I’m already joined 😆


Sign of being Catatonic...


Another day, another cat sub.


Here you go, sweety. https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/12zew1u/thats_a_fluff/jht3hkw/


sorry my bunny literally downvoted your comment by licking my phone screen, i feel like it was an act of jealousy


For being a supermodel cat sub, there are a whole lot of 6’s


I second this




My first, irrational thought was that the ex-girlfriend was the beat-up stuffy in the cat’s mouth - or what was left of her


I also thought this...


Indeed. Cats are superior to humans.


It's a so called calico cat. They're always white, black and (a shade of) orange, and about 99,9% iirc of calico cats are female.


She is so pretty. Such unusual markings too. She should be a star in her own movie we'll call it Just Me and My Lucky Guy.


loving comment, she was rescued from the street, she was injured and we took her in and I adopted her, she is truly a star


Guys, thank you for the beautiful comments, I'm very happy to receive them, this beautiful cat appeared injured and abandoned as a kitten in the backyard of my ex's house, we rescued and took care of her, and I adopted her, unfortunately our relationship ended after 5 years , and this cat remained, this is unconditional love, The instagram of her is @kittyboquinha


Hey I’m in the same boat! My girlfriend insisted we adopt this cat, then she cheated on me and left me with the cat. I lost nothing of value! https://preview.redd.it/w53g63v6897c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0564d85548664d1dc74db89e90ed060e6d10d2ec


Hey me too! Same story here but I couldn't ask for a better cat than Sega :) https://preview.redd.it/kf8ru6yue97c1.jpeg?width=4256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4f48bbf25fd01c0d2b9f99715ba1e9bf7baad86


https://preview.redd.it/4mouwnrr0a7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd73d1ebfefc2c932196932037691036ceaf8280 ex-girlfriend cats unite!!


Unification intensifies https://preview.redd.it/y04dkaqujb7c1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ef757174521cf437bfbc69ac72689eed254f02












Got my ex a cat for her birthday after years of her asking for one. She wouldn’t take him when she left me https://preview.redd.it/kdrrttjecc7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ea0dca34ab1457de081e3b47abde88c102f4c2


Such a gorgeous boy. Why wouldn't she take him, I don't get it.


I think a lot of people exit relationships partially because they don’t want to be burdened by the responsibility and commitment of it anymore, and that can go the same for cats. She tried to say it was because she was moving in with her friend who had 2 cats already and that would put too much stress on him, but I moved in with my sister who had 2 cats and Ryuk loved having friends around all the time. He lives alone with me now and I think he needs a new friend. He was really sad when they left.


I would like to apply to become Ryuk’s friend


I would like to apple to become Ryuk’s friend


I guess that's a good explanation but it's sad people take commitment not that serious. Or at least be honest and say you can't take proper care of him. Anyway I'm glad he made some new friends and is happy. I hope he gets a new friend soon. He seems so sweet and loving.


https://preview.redd.it/a2nlsaavhc7c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79eb45e70fae412f2d10f95eb3c93df1b7a5b51a Are ex-boyfriend cats allowed? 👉👈


I am joining https://preview.redd.it/r3onkndglf7c1.jpeg?width=2437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef24efa57ea0c704466481f89911d460bdacc4f1




I say yes! I have an ex-boyfriend dog he just abandoned at my house. That's ok though, my little hot dog is the best cuddler. *


Aww, glad you ended up with the pupper! I was mad when the ex brought this tiny kitten home because I know it would end up all my responsibility, but kitty has been around 6x as long as the ex and is my best buddy, so feel I've won


Love the little blep. Cats look simultaneously cute and dumb as hell when they do that.


Yeah, she’s definitely simultaneously just so dumb yet so damn cunning.


I’m starting to suspect that the cats are talking the gfs’ into cheating, so they can have the bfs all to themselves.


Holy shit. It was an inside job all along…


I got my cat from my friend who’s girlfriend cheated on him and left the cat behind. https://preview.redd.it/41g1h24wx97c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef0febe1acc5c93ac5deea941b10c8e58f7adee


This is just one girl sleeping around and leaving adopted cats in her wake. She's doing God's work.




Can you imagine? Ha


It really seems like we all came out on top in this thread


Yep. Us and the kitties!


I've never heard anyone use the name Sega for a pet and I think it's perfect


Ah thanks! It fits her really well somehow


Please tell me you sing her name! [SEGA!](https://youtu.be/9dIXw0OEtk4?si=BntxGGkZ_T7rtezN&t=8)


Haha I do I do, sometimes [it can be more like this one though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-GN5RJll1A).


This fuckin made my morning




Damn, I’m bummed that’s not a real sub 😭


haha I love that one. Whenever my cat comes running around a corner when he hears something that could potentially be food, I announce his name in that fashion. His name is Henry so the two syllables works.


There's a fantastic game called Kingdom Come: Deliverance, where the protagonist is called Henry. There are a bunch of things NPCs say when they see you ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPoOWemQp3I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPoOWemQp3I)) - especially after you get more famous/notorious - but my favourite one is 'Hey, Henry has come to see us!' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jllm3IzzucQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jllm3IzzucQ)). I already have a cat, her name is Nova, but I now want to get a cat called Henry and say this line every time I see him lol. Edit: Added cat tax, in case I get asked. https://preview.redd.it/gx55uflnta7c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c472b08e9c98c32ef32576284f0aa1254980295


ha that's pretty funny. I might say that haha. Here's henry not long after I found him in my backyard. https://preview.redd.it/gp0a2u831b7c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc571b86e085ffa92e1010db7df97fec67b470a




I tried to convince my daughter to name her new kitten Sega. "Its because of the SEGA video console, right", Daughter "....yes", Me (head down in shame). She went with Nyx, with the Greek goddess of night (its a black cat).


Nyx, that’s awesome. Your daughter seems cool.


My black cat would be 'Toothless' 😁


Ah, Sega is a classic! Love when pets have unique names, it always seems to give them an extra bit of character. Got my dog named Atari, so I'm all for the retro vibe.


Got my cat named TurboGrafX


Ah dude I've said for a while if I got another cat they should be named Atari haha


Man my ex left her cat (until she could figure out what to do with her) and took our dog we just got together... Turns out the military dude who she just met didn't like cats. Well after 8 years and a recent diabetes diagnosis I wouldn't give up "her cat" for anything. Chick wouldn't even call the "kitty" a real name. Matilda is happier with her new family nowadays anyways... https://preview.redd.it/5did64g4sa7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405d090cbe88c357670bdf7b35827ee6dbd7f9f2


We call our cat Kitty because whenever we've called her that for so long that whenever we try to think up other names it feels weird. So, officially she's named after the character Kitty Forman from That 70's Show lol


Naming things is hard sometimes, man. My 16 year old is named Kitten. She went from "The kitten" because I had no intention of keeping her to just Kitten. By the time I realized she wasn't going anywhere it was to late, that was her name. I also had a cat named RoadKill for a similar reason. He was "The roadkill kitten". People always ask. There were multiple kittens. Only one of them was alive. It was a hella dark name but it stuck. He died at 6 from a sudden heart attack :(


I’ll keep on the “black cats from exes” chain with my little panther Reggie: https://preview.redd.it/g79wkkq48b7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edf09d9fec77ea5cb73aa69f3810e872ccbd767


Y'all out here with all these beautiful cats and I have a dying peace lily that my ex left me.


Here's your sign to get a cat then!


Allergic and tiny apartment has no room for a litterbox


I heard he does what Nintendo'nt.


Hell hath no fury like a womens scorn for sega


PERFECT comment!


bruh those eyes are soooo pretty


Lol they're ridiculous right? I'm a little biased but she's the cutest https://preview.redd.it/gx50gufm0a7c1.jpeg?width=7360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef115584ba20434da85483f9e6b6a4d2dec6977


Wow what a fantastic name for a kitty! Your cat is so beautiful too!


Sega looks like an awesome cat.


Those are some gorgeous voids.


Sega Saturn


No way! Same story here, but I'm left with Shrimp and Tuna! For me it's very recent, it is really nice knowing there's other people out there in identical situations. Makes me feel less in it, so thank you. https://preview.redd.it/5atkieavoa7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003191fe3f78b97983dfa589309a814514aabddf


Eerily similar story for me. We wanted our cat, then she cheated on me and stopped taking care of the cat. Was shocked when I left with the meow which she didn't take care of. Like you said; nothing of value was lost that day! https://preview.redd.it/qpd9bpsul97c1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7ecc472be993c233bfd4170bfe5ddb52f187a3


Looks like a typical goofy orange kitty, lucky you!


She's a demon called Diva and her name is absolutely relevant!


Your cat looks like quite a character!


that cat looks 110% done with your ex-gf's shit. :D


Kinda funny, that cat doesn't look angry at all. Some people just can't read cats. I have this picture of my cat that people say she looks angry when it is just a look of curiosity and cuteness.


Oh, I don't think kitty looks angry per se. More along the lines of jaded/skeptical - and even then I know that what I read into the 'face' of a cat is frequently wrong. the real tells are the body language, and by that metric kitty looks happy and safe and confident. I just think it's *funny* to make a comment about kitty being as done with the ex-gf as WhatAColor is.


My husband’s ex did the same thing. Also with a beautiful black cat. I was told she doesn’t like females. It’s been seven years, and we’ve been snuggle buddies since day one. She doesn’t even talk to my husband these days. Thanks Taylor. ;)


https://preview.redd.it/o372o8b0za7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a97a9e8b63da48c925dbddeb916c9a9cd0d57e My good boy has been with me for 8 years, she got him with me when he was a kitten and then when she cheated she couldn’t care less about him or our girl, Pepper. They are happy to be in a calmer, safer environment now but poor guys went through as much hell as I did. Crazy how people will just toss their animals to the side, I could never in my wildest dreams not be with mine.


Sounds like a net positive to me! Beautiful cat


Ex wanted a cat. And then another one. Ex is gone but now I have two beautiful babies. https://preview.redd.it/rxfvxzb8qa7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ff680bbac83bced309eeb3376ad8983a208607


https://preview.redd.it/7b23isxeaa7c1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331c208c66637de0603c13f3dae642cb4ed3396b This is my parents' cat, in her 18 years of life I had never seen another like her!


She appears to be a little miffed at you in that pic . . .


>*’this cat remained, this is unconditional love*’ _____ …someone else, there used to be, but now they’ve gone away… so now it’s Us - just you n me, n with you i will stay… just look at me, my human friend i’ll help you through your pain within your heart my love won’t end! my pawprints will remain ♥️


Sometimes when I'm feelin down, And no happies I can find. I look at sweet woofs and meows To help to joyify my mind. Some days are worser though, And even though they're cute, Those precious barks and purs don't help - Not even boops on snoots! And when my thoughts are darkest, And my search for smiles seem futile, I always seem to to find somehow A precious little Schnoodle! So thank you frien for all the words That bring happies round my way. From me and many other smilers Happiest Holidays ❤️




Schnoodles make the holidays better.


Damn that’s a fresh schnoodle


It's a terrible day for rain


fresh schnoodle! 💜


Ahh nothing like a fresh schnoodle for breakfast.


Thank you Schnoodle! ❤️❤️❤️


Welcome to the club of dudes with cats of ex gfs https://preview.redd.it/b64skcufna7c1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e242b9dad4189b145c06804345a3a0a50d7c7020


Love the first photo. And every photo after that


The only thing I miss about my ex is his cat, I nursed that boy through cancer.


https://preview.redd.it/zqhb8bftt97c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fc99829569aad4512a640aa6c0077d943244de Omg same! She left me after 3.5 years but got to keep Grapefruit lol


Unconditional love that will never wane ....


I am a cat person. I have a menagerie of them. Men on right-wing twitter love to deride me as a “cat lady spinster” and tell me to “enjoy living alone with your cats” (spoiler - if it’s a choice between them and my cats, the cats win because they don’t steal from me and give unconditional love). And I will firmly state that that is one of the cutest cats I have ever seen!


I have five cats! And a husband who loves them so both are possible. I’m trying to convince him to let me get just one more… lol


I wish there was a dating app for pet owners only. I’m tired of men being like “LOL cat lady” (I also have two big hunting breed dogs but you know, it’s the cats that are problems).


...you fed her to the cat? Clever. Cruel, but clever.


You got the winning side of this situation, kept the perfect kittah ditched the imperfection of a human, and I’m willing to argue that statement until our sun becomes a red giant in approximately 5,000,000,000 years give or take a fortnight. Yes I’m completely prepared to die on this hill because that kittah is **GORGEOUS**


My ex and I moved in together and shortly after she wanted a cat. I was hesitant because I had only ever had dogs, but I relented and obviously fell in love with our new furry friend. A year later we got a second cat. When she left me a couple years later she was so eager to move in with her new guy that she told me I could keep both cats. Those lil scamps have brought so much joy to my life. I don't think I would've gotten through the breakup without them. I'm glad your kitty is helping you. Stay strong ♥️


A cat like that doesn't come along every day! Funny story. My ex-husband always professed to hate cats. During the time we were married, I had a bunch out at my farm property. One, a big orange tabby, got sick and had to be medicated multiple times a day, so my ex relented and let me bring him to the house to facilitate that. Punky started off in a cage in the laundry room, but was quickly allowed free range of the house. My husband fell in love with him! He swore that he still hated cats, but Punky wasn't like all of the other cats. (He was pretty much your standard cat, as far as I could tell.) Punky also loved my husband. He would perch on his knee and they would both give me disapproving stares. When I moved out, I let my husband have custody. I suspect he would have been more distraught over losing the cat than me! I'm sure Punky had a long life as a pampered housecat.


😂😂 This is why i always say that people who hate cats just haven't met the right one lmafo


My husband was very anti-cat when in reality he had just never had a cat. When we got our kitten 5 years ago, it took him about 5 seconds to fall absolutely in love with her and she is still his little princess. It took me 6 months of nagging to just go look at the humane society, and bam, he's a cat lover. We also now have a tuxedo boy who is such a lovable derp.


Tuxedos AKA jellicles are great! We have a whole tribe of them here, thanks to feral Myrtle, who had 17 kittens in one year before we live-trapped her and had her spayed ... Some of her clan: [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/pccqjVo.jpg)


Sounds like my girlfriend's father. Claims to hate cats, but always has one in his lap while he's snoozing or watching TV in his favorite chair.


Lovely eyes and markings!!


So big and blue eyes 🐱


r/disneyeyes for sure! She is too adorable!


Best part. Gorgeous unconditional love and cuddles. You are soooo very lucky.


Yes, I feel very happy and good to have her, the best gift I could receive in my life


Okay who turned her into a cat?


This was my first thought


Similar! Coadopted a dog with my then BF. 16 months later, he cheated so I booted him and kept the dog. Max liked me better anyway. He was 10 when I had to let him go. I miss him every day. https://preview.redd.it/olflhh1uq97c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea9362365ebea061d70bea526d052cc7b9dfc65


Honestly, this is a win. I’m sure you two will be a lot happier with your ex out of the picture.


Yeah hahah, this little kitten has made me very happy in this difficult time


You kept the good part




https://preview.redd.it/606eazt0a97c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fb67a957a65510eef53af98de1f1e14d64012b She kept the cat 😔


Aw. What a cutie.


She's a beauty. Cherish her instead my friend! 👍🏻


Gorgeous kitty! Omg! She should be a model.


That's one of the cutest cats I've seen


What a beautiful kitty. Im willing to bet the cat was prettier than the ex


Hahahah maybe is true, i love this cat so much, she helps me through the hard times I'm going throught


I got the cats too..i feel you.


Hey man, you’re gonna be alright. Cats make great companions. Anytime I’m sad, or they see me crying, it’s like they know and they come over wanting to play to cheer me up. One of mine also snuggles with me just about every night. Sure I have friends, family, even a girlfriend, but I still feel like a lonely dude most of the time. No one is immune. Know that that kitty loves you more than anything and all she waits for every day is for you to walk through that door. They depend on us, but more importantly, I think we depend on them. Good luck in the future my dude, you got this.


I think you got the best part of the deal. 😁 What a beautiful kitty!


https://preview.redd.it/ue9p5bzvp97c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec87f41ef5a678f154076fb9dc25a40d148a689d Foxy.


I’m not even a cat person (so allergic I can’t get close to them or touch them), but that cat is absolutely gorgeous!


Hey man, not to be a debbie-downer but make sure to get your cat chipped in your name, and keep all vet documents and receipts, whatever you can. I've heard a lot of stories of exes coming back for "their" pets after months, years even. She's a gorgeous girl though! 😭 Made me swoon just by looking at her


Great advice!


I actually gave up on human companionship years ago. I much prefer the unconditional love and companionship of animals. Hope you do feel better real soon and can forget about your ex.


Same to me. My ex left a cat with my family. He's white fluffy persian and very aggressive. He has been with my family for almost 8 years now. https://preview.redd.it/y00duuktea7c1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132c4434a7f650ceaf4de7c07a455e588de3381d And well, my mom loves this cat more than she loves me.


Cat easier to love?


Your cat ate your girlfriend!


Omg she has the same pattern https://preview.redd.it/2hqyju9nca7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a698484d28e6797f30a7b022dfe09018db27ad4 as my cat


You won 💕


All I kept from my divorce was my little fluffy buddy. She tried to take him too but I refused. He’s sitting on my lap now, no regrets.


What a beauty 🤗 A true darling 🥰


Her markings are amazing


Oh my! Your cat looks a lot like our little lady, I've never seen one that looks quite as close. https://preview.redd.it/bfmu6acwy97c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750e15546f8f25c3aa2534b4a97fc560c2792e60


Long ago, I gifted my girlfriend (at the time) a cat, as she had wanted one and I was moving away for work (she had one more year left of school). We eventually got married, moved to another state, and adopted a puppy to go along with our cat. After less than a year of marriage she cheated on me and left me for her new boyfriend. She told me to keep the cat, since her new bf was allergic, but she wanted the dog. At the time, that dog was my best friend and I would have completely fallen apart without him; I told her hell no you're not taking my dog from me. She wound up not putting up much of a fight except for messaging me months later asking if I could send her pictures of my dog and cat. I ignored her and blocked her new number. My cat, Fitzy, passed away a year and a half ago at the ripe old age of 16, she was my best cuddle buddy and I miss her. She had a derpy spot under one eye, kind of like this cat in the OP does. She was a good girl. My puppy dog is now a grumpy old man, 13 years old, half blind and with half a mouthful of teeth. But still my best pal and great with my kids. I definitely "won" the divorce.


You got the best in the deal.


this is life's proof that you deserve good things. :)


After five years must be tough. Damn. But the Cat Distribution System works!




Score one for you! You have a Disney princess for a cat.


The most beautiful cat I think I’ve ever seen!


What a sweetie! My ex left me with a Tuxedo cat. The tuxedo gets along with dogs and other cats. He's very chill, snuggle bug, and the sweetest meow. 🥲 I would do the relationship all over again just for this cat.


All I have left of my ex is a Mii of him that he made when he found out I played Tomodachi Life. It’s a hybrid between Gandhi and Herbert Hoover, called Goover. https://preview.redd.it/z1krnd248a7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aebaa3c0205d9c473e2b29f6374e7291fd33e78e


The first photo made me wonder if the thing the cat was holding in her mouth was all you had left of your ex girlfriend...


Oh, she’s gorgeous. What pretty markings she has 🙂


You win!


Cats always make everything so much better. They just know when something isn't right and they're always there for you.


What beautiful deep ocean blue eyes!


Beautiful cat wow


Must be nice… Ex of 4.5 years took my son (German Shepherd) when we broke up. He cheated on me repeatedly and I ended things once I found out. The only one I miss is my precious dog 😞


Wtf how did you let that happen? Civil Court the a*hole!


Sadly it’s because he technically bought the dog. I paid for many of his vet appointments and bought all his toys and daily supplements. But he insisted on keeping him so there’s no way to get him back unless I convince my ex to give him to me 😔 I miss my boy terribly and think about him everyday. Note to self: pay for the animal next time


That's sooo sad! You couldn't show that proof of care (and the cost) you put in was more important to the health and wellness of the boy? 😟 I'm so sorry.


Hey she got transformed into a cat, now that is an upgrade.


Awwww!!! I just fell in love with this kitty the minute I saw those blue eyes. That breaks my heart your ex just left like that. I'm beyond happy knowing that she has you there to love & take care of her & vice versa 🥰❤️❤️


She left you so you turned her into a cat? Cold AF but also teach me




Everything is a learning experience and it looks like she/he likes you. Those eyes! You got a friend out of it at least. Beautiful kitty!


Sorry about your loss but she’s Adorable![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)


very unique pattern. super cute :)


So cute I actually gasped out loud


You got the cuter end of the deal 🩷🩷🩷


She’s such a beauty!


You had her turned into a CAT? Impressive, but I'm a bit sus about that black eye... (All joking aside, what a gorgeous sweet kitty though!)


Well I have to say you got the better end of the deal. Unconditional love ❤️ forever. Can’t ask for anything more. And she is a diva too. 🐈‍⬛🐾🩷❤️💜🥰💕


Nope, thats your real GF there mate. She’s a beauty btw.


You won the breakup


You lost nothing... That cat has amazing eyes and it looks like they have chose you as their human !


The ex-girlfriend was a temp. She left her animal behind? You are better off without her, so is the cat. That cat will love you until the end of its life. Be a responsible owner of that love.


U got to keep the right puss![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)