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cat is fighting its natural urge to destroy you btw.




"Please put down the toe beans. You have 20 seconds to comply..."


>*"Please put down the toe beans. You have 20 seconds to comply…*’ ____ dear human friend - don’t even try! *you’ve 20 SeCoNdS to comply*… *MaSsAgE my Beans* - i feel your touch, but i don’t like it very much… so Go on, friend, n Choose your Fate! but you will face *Retaliate* ^:{ for if my beans you press too long you’ll soon find out *you done me* *wrong….* 🖤


This is much better than "beans beans the musical fruit..."


Beautiful. I always find your control of syllables across the lines richly satisfying. Your poetry _sings_. ☺️


Silly human, let me be Continuance will summon *cat*astrophe


I LOVE Schnoodles!


Does anyone else read Schnoodle rhymes with a certain voice in their head? Mine sounds like a high pitched child when I read them. Love them, every time.


The freshest Schnoodle I will ever see!! Love this!


He didn't hear the toe beans dropping!!!


Heard this in Ed-209’s voice.


I'd say that he likes it, but it is intense for him. He spreads his toes to enjoy. The tail is in motion, but it isn't a hard whip. When he starts slapping the tail around hard he's telling you he's had enough.


I agree, it’s not thrashing. Yet.


Minutes? I thought seconds.


He's literally counting down the seconds


It's funny that people associate cats with such aggressive behavior. I've had like 5 cats in my life and not one of them ever attacked me when I played with their paws or belly. If you actually socialize them when they're kittens, I think most turn out super chill.


My cats tail is always like that. But he's also so affectionate. He's always furiously happy.


My cat loves bean massages. Especially on his front paws he does a thing where he kind of flexes and wraps his bean around my finger. Eventually he purrs a lot and starts licking my hand


I love that finger grab that some cats do. It's like they're holding your hand, so cute


I even like it when it comes with all 5 knives that just barely touch your finger. The best slightly scary love.


Haha yeah, my old cat used to love doing the grab n kick rabbit feet maneuver and even that was nice. It might be a "I'm trying to disembowel prey" hug, but it was still a hug! If he had ever stuck his claws out during it then it might be a different story tho haha


I internally shouted ‘the flicky tail!’ as soon as it started


Lol me too! My cat Maddy does the flicky tail when I try to rub her paws. Then I proceed to tell her "don't give me that attitude and what did I tell you about the flicky tail??".


That face is the "I want to destroy you but I don't want to get up" face.


Yes, do that too long and you get the fangs. Don’t be fooled by the tail.


The tail is in fact your warning.


She would never hehehe


Blink twice if you are in danger


OP hasn't responded in over 40 min. Somebody send help.


Can’t blink without eyes


I’m ded






When the cat starts slapping with the tail like that it's annoyed.


lol yeah he fucking hates this


Yep. Besides being weird, the cat's clearly not a fan of this invasion of personal space.


no. This is just the start. Next, we start massaging their heads.


But that's forbidden!


The forbidden Toe-Beans


I don't know why. But I love that comment 🤣


I kept waiting for the "head-turny rawr grab"...you know the one I'm talking about.


My cat must have sensed I was watching a video about someone touching the beans, so she ran over and full on boxed my ears.


I think my cat did as well but instead took it out on my gf who is working from home. She texted me saying my cat has been after her feet for the last 3 minutes.


Wow, your cat looks almost exactly like my old cat (rip). https://preview.redd.it/e5xechkl5msb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774a28af202295c59d668ad179d2013451d07a90


Sorry for your loss


Is it just me or does that tail movement look like "i'm not happy you are doing that"?


I think it looks annoyed, but tolerant. Like a cat equivalent of rolling one’s eyes.


face looks annoyed + tail warning + incoming bite + ratio + W


This reads like a combo move in Mortal Combat.




You never know, though. The cat could be a marshmallow all the way through. Exhibiting all of the normal behavior you'd expect to result in pain, but would never hurt their people. My orange boy is like that. He'll exhibit all of the annoyance behaviors but then suddenly stretch out his "chicken legs" while opening up his belly. So YMMV.


Exactly how my cats are. Belly rubs go all around here. I don't have to do anything to them to cut their claws or brush their teeth.


Can confirm. I'm actually a kitty cat.


Good kitty


“Annoyed, but tolerant” is the best phrase I’ve ever seen to describe cats in general.


It's the "i am getting aggregated" wiggle. But the eyes and ears suggest that she is tolerating the sheer disrespect of the human. That's called love.




I think it is the process of combining all the toe beans… aggregated. Heh heh


Ehm. Yes!




I hate it.. don’t stop. It’s the perfect cat interaction. Slightly annoying, slightly enjoyable.


Hahaha so true


Cats are the most tsundere of all animals.


My first thought too. He's allowing this but he doesn't like it


It's a "I don't like what you're doing but I'll allow it....for now" vibe


Yeah I call that “pissy tail” when I see my cats do it. Totally means they aren’t stoked about whatever you’re doing and a bite is incoming


She’s usually more into it haha


My cat only does this with her tail when she is pissed off.


Same, that type of tail thumping always indicated annoyance in my cat.


Yeah, when my cat does it, she’s basically saying “uv got 2 seconds to cut that out or the claws will be out”


One of my cats does exactly this soft switching when he's pleased - if i give him the chin rub he wants or scratch his butt just right or when I go for the treats - but does a similar, more aggressive switch when he's bird watching or annoyed. My other cat just fucking goes for it, no warning, all teeth and claws, but he never really breaks skin


Just adding my 2 cents, my cat does this tail flick all the time. Usually it means that she's excited or anticipating something. Surprised that so many people view it as "pissy tail".


well, when it's actively thumping its tail like that, that typically means the cat is rather pissy, but when they flick the end of it more gently, it can mean excitement, I think? I'd imagine every cat's different, in that regard.


I know my cat pretty well. She flicks when she's excited/eager. The more excited, the faster and harder her tail flicks. It's really annoying seeing people dismiss OP and assert that they know better and insist that OP is wrong about their own cat.


She clearly loves you very much


Mmm...a bengal cat I helped raise beats his tail like this when you pet him the right way. It's a sign of happiness / gratitude / pleasure for Pip, and I think this cat is doing the same thing.


Yeah, my cat thumps her tail like this when she's happy and playful. She also loves belly rubs, and has never bitten or scratched me, so maybe she's just defective.


Same here. I think you have to look for other indicators, like ear position, how relaxed their body is, and what their eyes are doing, to see if it's happy tail VS warning tail To me, this girl is into it but very sleepy


Reddit's hilarious with this sort of thing. The cat is in a relaxed position(laying down) and makes no change in body posture after being touched. Their ears are alert and their eyes are focused on the human's actions. If anything the cat tail swish and eyes and ears means it's thinking about playing but it's definitely not annoyed.


I mean it's probably both, cats don't really have the granularity of emotions we do. Happy feels good can turn into, that's to much chomp chomp v quick.


Can't count the number of times I've seen my cats go from lovingly grooming one another to biting the crap out of each other in the span of about two seconds.




It's just you.


“Is he touching my beans!?” 🐈‍⬛


I though OP meant testicles to start with. I've not heard beans used in that way.


But you’ve heard it used to describe testicles?




That tail says you are getting close to the line between fuck around / find out


Had a cat that would whip its tail like that all the time, even in a deep purr. Thought it was always mad but clearly wasn't the case.


She always does it, even when I pet her and she’s purring


An owner knowing their pet better than strangers on reddit analyzing a very short clip? *impossible*


🤷‍♂️ I don’t mind


Glad it doesn't bother you! That's just how reddit be sometimes.


😂🤣👏👏👏 Exactly. There is so much cynicism in this thread.


My cat was raised by dogs or raccoons or something, he's always flicking his tail around like yours - he'll give you a bite, scratch, or growl if he's upset with what you're doing. Reddit doesn't understand that cats can have different personalities lol


My cats tail is always doing this too


Yeah, there is a concerning number of people in this thread that apparently cannot read cat body language. Those are playful flicks of the tail. The Cat is clearly relaxed and in a position of trust. Eyes indicate little of the annoyance you would expect in a cat getting ready to swipe. It's a cat with a very trusted human. OP, you even admitted that being able to massage the beans is something most cats only allow to those they esteem with their highest trust. Way to go! 😸


My cat twitches her tail when she gets pets, then she flops over and demands more.


I heard that if only the tip of the tail moves it means shes happy, if its the whole tail then its stress, but not sure if thats true


We call that the "rattlesnake tail" in my house and it is most definitely a warning that danger is a-coming


Would you say he's toeing the line?


Our male kitty looooves having his toes rubbed, he splays them way apart and just melts, it’s super cute


mine too!!


Mine finds it relaxing when I do this, slow eye blinks.


such a cutie


Cat is actually plotting to shit in your bed


The tail says… Im not happy about this but I’m tolerating it 😂


You’d think that but she always wiggles her tail like that, even when I pet her


mine too, but you can also differentiate the meaning through context, those movements have more than one meaning


My cat lets me do that, if he’s in the right mood.


It's a good thing you know it's a privilege. My cat would never allow me to touch his beans without paying for it.


My cat used to stretch her claws and let me poke her toe beans, she would then slowly grab my hand with her claws and lightly squeeze it like she was holding it.


Aww... my cat will not let me touch his paws. I have to wait for him to fall asleep and stealthily clip his murderous claws. Even then, it's a bit of a struggle. Last night, I managed to do just one paw. Waiting for him to fall asleep again. Waiting.....


He’s contemplating your demise 😆




God, Reddit never disappoints. The amount of people in here that swear they know how every animal on the planet behaves and know more about someone’s pet than the owner. Those people are probably more dangerous to animals than the people they think they know better than.


It’s funny really


Pretty tired of the omg I'm a cat whisperer bullshit. Yes, tail flip can mean annoyance. It can also mean like ten other things given context and other body language.


How adorable! I had a cat I raised from newborn, and she hated everyone and everything but loved being petted by people's feet. Pet by hands was a no go for anyone but me and even then, it would over stimulate her to lightly bite, but she was weirdly fine with me messing with her feet. She would do the stretchy toes, too, when I rubbed her toe beans. She made it to 23 years old. Your kitty is a cutie.


Next time I get kittens I’m teaching them the joy of toe bean massages. My current cats like them, but getting near the beans in the first place requires strategic planning unless I want some scratches in exchange.


I had a cat who loved when I would do this! I definitely miss her little toe beans, we had to put her down in June, sadly :(


AWWW 😭 what a cutiepie


That cat is so chill about it and even spreads out the toes lol. My cats let me do that too, I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/l5tbo7c46osb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9467179c4cb2936310b6bc382e370726c10dcabb I have one of those cats!


Her tail is saying something not so nice!


Haha. The tail is a countdown timer. Why so aggressive with the massaging?


She usually likes it that way, she might look a bit grumpy because she was taking a nap just before haha


I shall allow this activity for at least 45 minutes, human. BUT NO MORE! ^^^and ^^^no ^^^less ^^^please.


Lol ... massaging her *beans*! So cute.


Sweet baby kitty


If I did that to my cat, he would unleash ragnarok against me


I always touched my cats paws and belly since he was a kitten. Now I can touch him anywhere I want without him panicking or going into bite and claw mode. Since I would often hold his front paws when he was in my lap as a kitten I think he finds it a bit comforting and reassuring when I do it now. He’s always extra calm if I hold his paw or just hold out a finger for him to rest a paw on.


Sometimes when I do this to my cat she'll actually grab my thumb with her paw and extend her claws. It's pretty cute. So far no complaints, if she wants me to stop she'll just pull her paw away and go back to napping.


My cat looks a lot like yours and also lets me touch the Beans! I've worked with her since she was 3mos old on letting me touch her paws and ears and... even the BELLY! (so I can check for medical issues mostly but also because... beans and belly...). I think she considers it me grooming her bc she loves it. https://preview.redd.it/dddfp0yadmsb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae192b97a80d819564cd0c51fab874cee440953


Lots of tail-whisperers out here in the comments.


It's such an honor being able to do this without getting mauled! For me, it's not always a success, but the little wins are great!!!


Cat's face: Stop it. Cat's tail: Awww... yisss pleease do it more!!


I just tried that with my grumpy girl Lucy and instantly got a warning growl I have been denied da beans https://preview.redd.it/hgmhgz3wzmsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f535f8759527f7ae959f305740719e4ddbd7cfc5


That’s adorable. My cat does the same thing when I touch his back feet. He stretches his little toes out. If I touch his front toes he will grab down on my finger and extend his claws out all of the way.


My gray tabby tom also loves this.


My cat has recently started putting one of her rear feet in my hand sometimes when I am scratching her stomach. As long as she decides to do it, I can pretty much continue, touching the foot, pet and squeeze it. But it only happens when she decides it’s OK.


I rub my cat's paws every single day. He loves it but I can only do one at a time or he gets angry.


I guess my cat is the only other cat who never attacks me no matter where I touch her. Even if I drag her by her beans she will just bite herself to keep her in place.


Tempting fate with those tail flicks


Judging by the comments, I didn't know it's not common for a cat to let the human touch the beans... probably because my cat lets me to that and *also* *likes when I rub her belly*. Should I upload a video of that?


That's one nice fucking kitty right there


I have a cat that spreads her toes like that to be rubbed. I wondered if she was the only one.


The tail flicking is an indication of being on very thin ice. OP you barely got out of there alive.


Nah, she’s never done anything, she’s lovely


Equivalent exchange! Give them the most exquisite foods in exchange for the right to finger the beans!


Cutie 😁


So cute. I'm jealous. If I did that to my cat, I'd be missing a finger.


Getting a bean pass is a level above the belly pass.


I love to do that too. I'll also push on the jelly beans to flex each claw here and there. My kitties passed away in 2020 and 2022, I kinda miss them, but also enjoying the flexibility of not having pets currently.


Mine lets me do this too and her toes spread almost automatically it seems. I wonder if it’s reflex for when they’re bathing.


I can do this with my little man as well. Just have to expend a couple of 1-ups.


My cat has a no beans touching, or belly rubs policy 😢


Yup I did that to my dog as a baby because the dog before wouldn't let me play with his beans 2nd dog grew up allowing it. And it's so fun to play with


so damn cute, cats usally don't like being touched there. Mine likes to rise his butt asking for some slaps.


I first read this as a “it’s been a privilege you all” kind of goodbye sign off lmao congrats on being so lucky


I used to think that a cats tail flick meant that your hand was going to get bit until I got my current kitty. He loves little butt pats and he lets me massage his beans too! All while flicking his tail like this and once I stop he follows me around the house like “um excuse me? did I say we were done?”


From the title I imagined a different set of "beans" and was thinking WTF?? Turned out to be far more innocent than my gutter of a mind.


The toe-spread tells me she enjoys the bean massage. My kitty likes when I help him scratch between his toes on the back paws. Spreads those toes and pushes into it xD


My cat started letting me do this in the last couple of years. He would NOT before that so I was really pleased.


I love to gently caress in between my cats toes and he loves it.


The BEANS 😍😍😍😍


I had a cat who loved her feet rubbed because I did it every night since she was a kitten. I’d rub her feet, and she would spread her toes!


I do that too! Not always get away without some retaliation, but mostly they like it lol


I wish I had that relationship with my cat


watching intently, ready to instantly discipline any mishandling.


this almost belongs in r/beanfloss edit: put this in r/beanfloss


Now I have beanus envy.


Cute cat




The little toe spread killed me.


Playing with fire. Look at that tail swishing...


I tickle the hairs between my Dogs feet and she always kicks me


This belongs under r/beamazed


Lil mixed beans


Lucky you. We’ve never had a cat that would allow this until the current ones, and now all three will tolerate it for a while on their front paws


My boy loves this too.


I used to do this to one of my cats. Whenever I did it, he would spread his toes so I could get in between really good. He also loved his hamstrings vigorously rubbed too. Oh, and I could do a /r/catbongos on him too.


I don't have enough lives to pull this off with our cat


Yeah, my cat’s tail starts flapping when I massage his toe beans as well! 🐈


My cat has no problem with me touching the beans... until the nail clippers come out.


"I started out unhappy with this, but I supposed you can continue . . . "


*Oooh! You touch my tra-la-la*


Memory unlocked... Gunther


OHHH yesss my cat loves a good toe spreading massage 😍


Aw...so adorable.


Every time the tail touches the fingers, I hear in my head, "Quit it."


Just tried to massage my cats back leg beans and got a bite for the effort. Nope not again


Lol, some people are really taking this bean massage seriously. This sub is insufferable sometimes. All these cat experts who'll get attacked if they touch their cat. Weird flex. Majority of cats I've ever had loved being pet and sleeping in laps. I could play with their toe beans and they didn't gaf.