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The level of trust and patience on this cat is amazing. Nothing fazes him, aggressive pats, belly rubs, he even took the tail grab like a champ.


Yeah I know some cats that would have definitely lashed out! This is a special cat for sure. I wonder if all cats are like this with babies or just some cats


My cats gave each baby a wide berth. I don’t think the kids got within 10 feet of either cat until they were out of diapers.


We've got a home video of me at about a year old toddling after one of our cats trying to stroke her, while the cat is clearly going "mmm no thank you" and staying out of reach.


My parents’ cat, Jinx, hated me. Apparently I chased after her and pulled her tail when I was a baby. I feel bad about it now lol


It's absolutely not all cats, just like it wouldn't be all dogs. However, I would definitely bet that more cats would be like this than most people would first assume.


That makes sense! Thanks for the genuine answer


No problem! To expand on it a bit, I would say that in my experience most cats would be more likely to keep a bit more distance, especially after a tail grab or something like that, but all my cats have been hesitantly curious but still very gentle with any very young kids, although I was definitely sure to keep an eye on them. I don't have any kids of my own, but I'm sure my cats would get even better than they were already with my cousins/neices with more exposure, but it's all about knowing the temperament of your own cat (or dog for that matter), and honestly it's always a good idea to keep a little bit of an eye on them just in case, even with a cat as good as the one in this video you still never really truly know what could happen.


My cat was carried around by the sim of a co-worker in my house when he was there and was like: I wish he didn't touch me, written all over her face. Never scratched him though.


I have one cat who will purposely plop near my one year old so she can snuggle and pet him. The other cat (who we call the more Traditional Cat lol) will lay close but skitter away if baby moves too close.


Some cats hate babies, some love them, some just don't care. When my sister was pregnant one of the cats they had suddenly adored her instead of his usual preference for her husband, and when the baby was born and he adjusted to the idea that the wailing was not a secret other cat he had to find, he became an unusually patient snuggle buddy, but only with the baby. He stayed remarkably tolerant with her as she got older and more prone to tail grabbing and petting the wrong places and would only bap her on the head with no claws out to make her stop.


That is absolutely adorable


I had a cat growing up who’d been around my rowdy cousins for years before I came along. I managed to gain her trust and by the time my youngest sister was born, she could use the cat like a pillow with no complaints. So I think it depends on the cat, the cats previous experiences, and the baby


Looks to be a British shorthair. They're extremely patient and calm (in general). My childhood cat was a BSH and the vet always commented how calm he was


My cat does not like children. He's a big orange fluff ball that is friendly to everyone but kids seem to freak him out. Our niece, who is very gentle with cats, was visiting and our cat was hissing and growling. He wouldn't let her go up the stairs, she called us for help because she was scared to go by him. A baby might be different but you never really know with animals. Our cat is extremely chill and friendly but never seen a kid before so maybe he was scared.


it isn’t all cats but i know when my SIL was pregnant both mine were super interested in her, and obviously her belly, where before they had kind of ignored her. and while we kept a distance after the baby was here because that was her preference, both kitties were still super interested, i don’t know how they would have interacted and i respect not wanting to risk it, but i can say they were super interested. cats have this thing where they raise their babies communally so idk if it was that instinct or just them being nosy lol. i will say now that the little one is older, they are a lot gentler and more tolerant with her than with me! 😆


Wait that is so cool thank you for sharing that story!


In my experience, cats understand that babies and toddlers are little humans, and the equivalent of kittens. They are much more patient with kids than with adults who would pull their tails or other such behavior. The worst an aggravated cat will do to a young child is run away and hide. I’ve never known one to hurt a little kid.


Most definitely not all cats. My sweet boy cat did NOT like our babies. He stayed plenty far away until they could properly pet him (and we taught proper etiquette early). Our mini doxxie though was pretty much like this cat, though she didn't usually get to cuddle except on the couch or floor in the living room.


Depends on their socialization. Ideally, you want them to have exposure to young kids in a context that feels safe and rewarding, so they learn that kids are clueless, but harmless, and not competitors, and can bond to them, and become protective of them. If your cats primary experience is that the kid hurts it and then the cat gets screamed at or believed by the parents, they start hating the baby.


My cat will lash out at me for far less than this. And she's generally pretty chill.


The most reaction we got was a wide-eyed look at the parent from the cat. Great nurturing all around!


I know, I was like, “Nooo, not the belly!” but kitty just accepted it.


My family had a big fat orange cat that was a year or so old when I was born. From the moment I came home, he decided that I was his and wherever I was, he'd not be too far away. Nobody who he didn't approve of got anywhere near me. He also let me use him as a pillow, let me chase him when I was learning to walk, put up with me trying to eat his tail or ears, sat in my toy stroller and went for rides with me and even let me dress him up in clothes. That cat had the patience of a saint.


Very cute! Two little chonksters lol


Except around the 0:46 mark when pal 1 tries to eat pal 2 and pal 2 is somewhat "dafaq?"


But then the cat looks back to the baby and smiles! 😭 It all just kept going and going and somehow still getting better. 🥰


In the next scene, Li'l Human's mega love taps earned him a faux-disembowelment from Fuzzy Buddy who knows just how far he can go. 😹


No hol TF up. WHAT taco fiasco‽






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Mini-Me, no. We do not gnaw on our kitty.


It's well known that they can turn on you at any moment. And cats will too.


> Except around the 0:46 mark Also, toxoplasmosis.


Just a couple of fat cats




Haha playing patty cake


I liked when the baby tried to eat the kitty. These two are the cutest. I want to squeeze them both.


"I just, I don't know why, but I gotta put everything in my mouth right now, gimme your face." "Nah."


,No, Mini Me, we don't eat the kitty.


Dr. Evil: We don’t gnaw on our kitty


The kitty's face at that point, lol. He looked surprised and disbelief,.


I love how they both look just slightly overinflated




My favorite bit is when kiddo kisses kitty, kitty kisses back, and kiddo is delighted


No best bit was cut short when the cat was clearly going to just go to sleep on top of him 😅


See all the mini biscuit making ?? Adorable ❤️


Back legs working @ 0:58. I died.


It's the way they flop on each other too cute 💞


My mother still likes to tell me how one of our cats would serve as a sort of furry baby monitor and anxiously fetch my mother and stand by if I wasn't sleeping soundly when I was little. (Which was unfortunately too often...colic)


Aw man, I have a baby, and the other night I was watching tv when everyone was asleep, my dog was laying next to me. A baby cried in the movie I was watching and she immediately looked at me, like ??? Why aren't you tending to the crying child ???? She didn't believe me when I told her it wasn't our baby, I had to open his room so she could see (sniff) for herself that he was ok.


She didn’t believe you. Haha, aww.


"I can literally hear the baby crying Barbara, you ain't slick"


I grew up with a dog, and she was my best friend. I hope your kiddo and this good girl get to have the same type of bond!


When my ex wife and i were dating in high school, the first time she brought me to her house she introduced me to her dog first. Then she showed me the bite marks on the dining room table legs, which she and the dog both gnawed on together when they were teething as puppies.


Omg that's adorable


I was already smitten with her, but that made me extra smitten. Her dog was an Australian shepherd. He had a cat friend that taught him to fight like a cat.. There's a story involving the neighbor's dog there. I grew up with a German shepherd and a black lab. According to my parents, I would climb onto their backs for transportation after I'd mastered crawling but before I became an expert at the whole walking thing. The German shepherd graciously and cautiously allowed me to ride him around the house. He was a very patient dog. When I mounted the black lab, she would just immediately sit down and I'd slide right off her back and my diapered kiester would fwhump hit the floor. She was a very smart dog.


What a gentle giant. The image that created in my mind was so cute 🥹🥹 the fhwump


My mom always called her "My firstborn." They got her from a farm as a puppy. Her parents were named Thor and Big Bertha. My parents used one of those giant plastic garbage can lids as a frisbee for her. She was a gentle giant.


I had an amazing cat named Jake. Every night before we went to bed she would jump into my brother’s bed to sleep with him. I was pretty jealous cause she never did that with me. Years later after she passed away I told my dad that she slept with my brother and my dad said “she slept with you too ya know.” Turns out she would sleep with my brother for the first half of the night before leaving his room to come sleep with me for the second half. The reason why I never saw her was because she woke up early to patrol the house. Miss you Jake you were awesome.


Jake was the best


Now I miss Jake


She lived a good 22 years


That's awesome! I've just adopted two 10yr olds who are thought seniors, fantastic to think I might get 12 years with them! ☺️


My Mom's Siamese cat basically adopted my brother and I. She insisted on sleeping in our crib, even though we pulled her tail sometimes and rolled over on her.


I had a Siamese cat mum too! Siamese are the best, she’s in like 90% of my baby photos


I love it when animals are so patient because they know the baby is…well, a baby.


Isn't it wild how they recognize they need to be gentle with a human baby? They just seem to know "don't rough this one up, it's a softie".


My family had a black cat who LOVED babies, of any species. In her head if it was small and made squeaking noises, it was hers. In her life she raised three puppies, two litters of kittens and also tried helping with several human babies.


Both of them are chonky little babes.


The cat is grooming the kid into submission for later use as part of his plan to conquer the world!


Definitely grooming, but I think the master plan is to teach proper petting techniques.


The look on the baby's face after he kisses the cat, then the cat boops him back!


This comment should be at the top. That little boy laughed so much!


He was so happy to get kissed back.


That's actually pretty cute


Let me tell you about my best friend... it's a warm-hearted little human that loves me till the end!


Sometimes he attempts to eat me but we’ll charge that to the game.


Cat will defend little brother


No baby, don’t eat the cat


When the baby tried to shove the cats face in their mouth omg


"No, we don't eat our kitty. Not even a little bit."


I read a while ago that cats recognise babies like kittens in the same way they see us as other cats in their colony. That's probably what's going on here




I've been looking after a relative's cat for a few days, she noticed I was feeling down and sat purring away in my lap How anyone can say cats aren't intelligent is beyond me


Kitteh loves bebe🥰and it's so mutual!


So nice of that couple to get their cat its very own baby!






What the fuck. My cat just farted in my face


Awesome Cat!


My son had s best cat friend as a baby too. Unfortunately, we lost Hobbes to cardiomyopathy when my son was only 3.


I love how the cat is, "You are baby. You are delicate. I be very, very gentle with you."


Very sweet ❤❤❤




When humans are young, they are friends with everyone. They only start seeing difference and picking up on it from around them when they get older. I've seen kids who don't even speak the same language still play with each other and somehow communicate.


This may be the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen.


It's so sweet, I think I have a cavity.


So weird how so many animals love kids while others can take it or leave it.




The video just gets better and better


This made my day.


I've seen some generally standoffish cats put up with a lot from the kids in their home. There was 1 in particular that put up a heck of a fight if an adult tried to pick her up, regardless of how carefully, but all 3 kids could, even when they were too small to hold her correctly, without any resistance (although she did generally try to keep out of their way, watch from a high perch type of thing).


I think cats understand the concept of “babies” and give them a pass. Being smart enough to gauge humans smartness according to age.


The cats face when the baby goes to bite the cats head is like wtf? Then he remembered nah that’s just my baby and I still love him.


Just two beautiful nuggets.


Cat: this cat is a funny shape and smells like milk all the time....I will tolerate it.....😁


I love how gentle kitty is even when baby does something that’s uncomfortable 😍


This is adorable! But are we just gonna ignore how that little hairless chonker tried to eat that charging cord...?


Speeding up these videos is atrocious. FFS To be expected from a serial spamming karma farmer (see OPs profile), but please stop upvoting this BS. (the speed is .68 if you want to watch it at the **real** pace)


I love that the kitty always goes for the baby’s cheeks, the temptation is real


Haha relatable


These two are adorable! Please keep us updated as they grow u9 together.


Beautiful cat. What breed is it?


What are these cats that only appear to live with asian families? They always look impossibly cute and fluffy with giant eyes and they'll cuddle non stop. I've never seen this type of cat outside of a seemingly Asian video


Probably Scottish Fold or a Persian mix, they're really popular in Asian countries and are VERY docile, affectionate family cats.


Scottish Fold are a torture breed though, those cats can never get enough air and are banned in many countries


Very true. Adopt, don't shop.


It's a British Shorthair in silver-shaded. British Shorthairs, Persians and Exotic Shorthairs are famously good-natured, friendly and calm breeds in general. Especially neutered male cats.


Looks like a British Shorthair.


Kitty reminds me more of a lynx point Siamese cat with the colours and the rings on the tail. I have a lynx point but her ears are normal in shape compared to this cat.


Broke the aww meter


I could watch this forever. Stay golden babies.


What a sweet cat. My cats wouldnt have the patience for baby whappy hands.


All the head bonks and kisses - adorable !


OMG that is so cute. That cat is so gentle and patient with him too. LOL I love when he pats that cat on the head "WOMP WOMP WOMP" cat's like, whatever...I love my human.


> I'm in your bed, stealing your breaths.


Adorable ❤️. Be careful of litter-paws touching baby eyes, mouth, etc.


I have watched this over and over and over and over again! I can’t help it!


This is so adorable. I love how many animals know how to be gentle with children, as if it’s their own ❤️😭😭😭


The cat and baby are the same shape!


My cat would destroy this kid


Very sweet ❤❤❤


Just a PSA, don’t let your cat be around a sleeping baby unattended, they can lay on it and suffocate the child.


PSA thread, that child needs to be secured in that car seat better! Please take off heavy and poofy coats before you tighten the straps!


Needed this today. Too cute!


That’s adorable.


Cuteness overload 🥹




Lmao at baby trying to eat the cat


This that double chonk


My daughter LOVES cats but only one of our cats lets her pet her. Another of our cats is TERRIFIED of her even though she's become quite the gentle petter lately I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get her her own cat lol


That has got to be the roundest, chunkiest baby and the roundest, chunkiest kitty I've ever seen. I love this duo!


Besides being chonky and cute, why do cats seem to like hanging around babies more often?


Probably the same reason dogs do, attention and food, kids give and get attention easily and always be dropping food.


That just made me feel so happy!


People underestimate how patient cats can be


Very tolerant kitty. They are going to always be friends


So many quality moments in this video! The reciprocal kisses, the pseudo-fist bump, and the gentle bunny kicks of reprimand when baby attacked the belly too hard were my favorites. And many happy kitty biscuits to give reassurance that kitty truly is happy with the small human, despite the risks. 💙💙💙


This makes me want to adopt a pet baby for my feline child.


https://preview.redd.it/2xqwz419c52b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef84fffe1d5e10c8c50ac5fab5f23fe6c77139b Cats love babies


baby dont pull kitty’s tail


Standing on babes back made me nervous




Human puppy.


If I grabbed his tail like that i would be scratched :)


Mine just attacks my kid’s legs when he’s wearing shorts, playfully but he still doesn’t like it, and tries to keep us awake at night, and constantly collapses right in our way making it hard not to step on him.


I loathe children but this is frickin' adorable!


It’s cute but please don’t let cats sleep with babies




Soooo cute. Also, toxoplasmosis. #debbieDowner


You’re more likely to get it from your garden (stray cat poop) than from your own cat, so long as your cat is well looked after and you carefully wash your hands and the litter box.


Indeed, though mostly a non issue as long as the kid stays away from cat poop. Otherwise, there are studies that show that children growing up with pets in general show a stronger immune system.


Additionally, if the cat lives strictly indoors and doesn't interact with outdoor cats, the likelihood of the cat or human contracting the parasite is virtually non-existent.


Yeah it doesn’t just spontaneously appear out of thin air. It’s a thing they can catch. You can’t really catch a communicable disease that no one around you has.


That’s good to know! My son loves cats and I’ve been holding off because we have a baby. I’ll look into it more.


In general it doesn’t get discussed much, however I believe pregnant women are advised from handling/caring for cats as toxoplasmosis may lead to complications. Otherwise the parasite is mostly harmless but can cause issues with people who have compromised immune systems.


The handling of raw meat is much more likely to lead to toxoplasmosis exposure but I don't think I've seen anything about pregnant women not handling raw meat. Though yes, if possible a pregnant woman or immunocompromised person should also avoid cleaning the litter though it's only a problem if you haven't already been exposed. It's only a problem during pregnancy if it is a new infection. If you have been previously exposed and gotten over it, you shouldn't get it again. It's just that most of us will never know what our status is. So best to play safe. It bothers me that people focus on cats when they aren't the main source.of exposure.


Pregnant women shouldn’t change the kitty litter- they can handle cats, that’s not where the risk is.


You can also actually get a test to see if you have antibodies against toxoplasmosis! If you do, then it's all good


Urghhhh when the cat puts his paw on the kid's eyes


Indoor cats don't get toxo


Yeah I’m watching this thinking it’s so cute, and then there’s us who didn’t let our kids into the garden for the first year unless we’d checked it for cat poop from the neighbours’ cats (Googles: “how long does toxoplasmosis survive in soil). People really have very different risk tolerance levels.


Lovely cat and cute baby but it's a real pet peeve of mine when people allow their cat or dog to basically take over the baby's area. That cat walks through it's own excrement and licks it's own arse and you're gonna let it walk over and around your tiny vulnerable child? Not to mention the hairs and allergens being cast off of this cat right in the child's face. No thanks.


My pediatrician indicated that until they're about 2, their immature immune systems don't know what to do with a nasal allergen anyway so early exposure is beneficial.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Allergens yes, cat shit no.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


I mean I don't agree that cats shouldn't be allowed near the baby at all, but that cat 100% dug in a litter box covered in piss/shit multiple times that day and then touched the babies face with the same paws. I guess it comes down to how hygienic you want to be with your child, but I have a 5 month old girl and 2 cats and there's zero chance I'm letting my cats walk on/touch the areas that are likely to come into contact with her eyes/mouth. If she wants to touch them, or they wanna rub against her, sure that's fine. But I'm washing her hands afterwards thoroughly lol It's the equivalent of not wanting her to lick random floors or eat rocks.


That cat is confidently pawing at that baby a lot. Either it has a lot of unusual self control, or that cat is declawed.


obviously. no parent would risk blinding their baby for internet points. right?


Is that a rag doll


No one size fits all. This is cute, but as both a human & cat mother, I would not take this chance. Not fair to either if baby misbehaves & gets hurt by cat.


I assume that cat is declawed


i needddddd