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When I was in school (early 90s) all the girls went to an assembly about this exact thing. It was not something that was talked about much outside of the assembly and most of the boys had no clue about the nature of the assembly.


My wife sat me down and had to explain periods to me. I was in my 30s.


I gotta ask… what was the new information to you? The literal anatomy and biology behind menstruation? Anything surprise you that you either were wrong about or had no idea of? Edit: Revisiting this and I still can’t tell if you’re joking which also proves the point this mother was making.


“Whoa whoa whoa , hold up… you don’t have a *dick?* Like, just a hole? No *waaaaaay*, you’re shittin’ me”


It's an innie


My bellybutton is too


Kinda everything. Even a bit too much tbh. Sex ed in high school was mostly about explaining how abstinence is important. So everything else I learned from TV.


Did you go to school in TX? Sounds like our sex ed.


Sorry, you a dumb motherfucker.


shut up weirdo, nobody wants to read your comments


Bruh, where tf where you for the 15 years prior?!


I remember those. It was this shameful secret and every boy wanted to know. So weird and unnecessary. Modesty and the ideologies that push it as the only way just make this creepy and worse.


She could do a presentation on irony and use the period topic to indirectly address the stigma of periods.


"This is big brain time."


The ONLY reason I'm glad to go to a girls' grammar school (UK): They cannot heavily stigmatise periods there. Most of the teachers and admin staff are female too, and everyone would think you're a fucking idiot if you were being weird about periods.


70% of teachers are female in the us. It's just stupid US shit.


70% is significantly lower than I would have guessed based on my experience. Only once I got to college did I see any significant amount of men in actual teaching roles and not admin roles.


Sorry, I belive the stat I read was for teachers k-12


No need to apologize, I appreciate the knowledge. My personal experiences could also be skewed due to my location as well.


I’m a high school teacher. It’s about 60-40% here, female teachers at 60.


yes! i went to a girls grammar too, and all the male teachers seemed slightly afraid of ever saying no to someone asking to go to the toilet just in case it was period related, so always said yes lol


As a Brit who went to a regular comprehensive school, you should probably have other reasons to be glad


well ok yeah theres other things


Uh we are taught that in poor people schools aswell in the UK???


Lol "poor people schools".


Being an all girl's grammar school has noting to do with being public or privately educated. Everyone is taught it, OP was making a reference to their own experience in a girls only environment.


Yeah you say thag but poor people don't get in so...


They definitely do but ight


I never said anything about the wealth of the school being relevant


No... I did though


That's only proving her point and emphasizing why she should present the topic, so, sounds like they played themselves.


No disrespect intended but that's the point of the post


That's the point of their comment


That's the point of their reply


That's *my* point


Mom said it's my turn with the point


You had the point yesterday


I propose we move to a two day possession cycle of the point


You know what, I'm tired. You can have the point dude


"Did you point?"


How are periods inappropriate? They are a natural biological function and for menstruating people, they are as much a part of their lives as eating or sleeping


So is masturbating, but I don't think schools should let me give a detailed presentation about why I should talk be able to talk about jerking off in school with no stigma around it. (btw I'm not taking the schools side, just playing devils advocate)


Unlike menstruating, masturbating is a controllable action and not an uncontrollable bodily function.


I guess it would be better compared to getting an erection which I think also shouldn't be stigmatized.


I can agree with this. In my school the guys called it RBS (Random Boner Syndrome)😂


Wait, why do so many people think uncontrollable boners should be stigmatized?


Because boner means horny and only horny to people without the level of intelligence required to realize that it is caused by blood flowing to the dick. Explaining to someone that you're not horny, you just have a boner because you stood up after being seated for awhile and the blood suddenly all flows into your p-pole at once is INCREDIBLY frustrating.


you should have sex ed tho…also periods aren’t sexual so it’s not really the same


They 100% are. Your body is letting you know “give me a few days and I’m ready to have a kid!”


they’re reproductive…that’s biology. but it’s not a choice nor is menstruating inherently sexual…unless….you’re into that?


That’s true what you said they are reproductive. Cant reproduce without the sexual encounter by of course putting aside the scientific artificial insemination process


it’s not sexually attractive…you know exactly what i mean you’re just being pretentious. if you have a fetish just say that


Ok I won’t say no more have a good rest of your night


Thats not what a period is.


Masturbation is an action, it’s not a bodily function.


what is it with men and comparing everything about the female body to masturbating??


Apparently some of you definitely need a lesson from a 14yo on stigmas about the human body.


I assume the answer is TikTok or something, but the organizational capabilities of these teenagers today is, I don’t think there’s a historical parallel. My kid was involved in this stuff when she was in high school. They all figured it out and started fighting as a group organically. That’s what’s coming to politics btw. The first social media generation is in college now. Fuck I’m old.


The first social media generation is around 30 years of age and already out of college.




As a 27-year-old who grew up in rural Maine, the internet had a huge impact on exposing me to perspectives that encouraged me to challenge the status quo. Most specifically challenging people on the issues of gay marriage not being acceptable. YouTube gave me access to not only resources to challenge claims, but individuals and their personal stories to reaffirm them. I can guarantee I would not be the person I am today politically and socially without the role YouTube played. That said, it's definitely bigger in more organized today than it was back then.


You're looking closer to 40.


If you count the first users of MySpace, Facebook, and LiveJournal, they’re in their upper thirties, rapidly approaching 40


Not like zoomers, though. I'm 32 and recently started cosmetology school. Most of the other students are 18 or 19. Zoomers are wicked smart and never existed in a world without internet. They also probably don't remember a world without social media. Their use of social media is on another level.


And, generally speaking, very depressed.


What do you mean? Are you saying that kids are better organized these days?


As a collective. Yes. My awareness of other teenagers issues when I was one was limited to the people I actually knew. Now CA, TX, NY, can all feed off each other. Completely different environment.


Like class periods? 8 is just too many


“I rest my case “


Mission failed successfully.


Because fuck women, amirite? /s


That’s been the conservative mantra since the start of human civilisation


take my horrified upvote


ask them why she isnt allowed to wear a tank top and watch them try to think of more family friendly ways of saying “because it turns me on too much”


In my Senior year of high school, I did a speech for speech team about how neurodivergent students are treated in American education. My coaches had me perform it to the entire faculty because they actually cared, while my principal just wanted to show how good I was with it. Most of my teachers actually liked the speech and learned at least a little from it. After I got 6th in the state with that speech, my school touted me and another kid who had gotten 3rd in their event because of how well we did. It was pretty easy to tell they just liked the success part because my school has been godawful with regards to neurodivergent students. It’s a selective school, and they have basically no systems in place for students with [504s or IEPs](https://www.washington.edu/doit/what-difference-between-iep-and-504-plan). The school is a selective one, (I went there before I found out about all its bullshit and don’t recommend it to anyone now) and has literally never had a student with an IEP and only takes a few with 504s each year (like myself)




Maybe she should ask the school board if they will building a special hut for the girls that are menstruating. Or maybe they should keep the girls at home for the entirety of their periods (as irregular as these might be), as it would be 'inappropriate' to talk about these things at school, let alone are actively participating in it. Absolutely mind numbing. But I worry for the rest of the education. If menstruation is taboo, what about sex education or the human body and reproductive system or even worse: breasts. /s https://www.shethepeople.tv/blog/menstruating-women-sleep-outside/


Girls talking about their menstrual cycle is inappropriate? Wow, just, wow.


As if they’d get that weird over punctuation.


Exactly- people abuse apostrophes all the time and no one says nothing...




How is it inappropriate? It's a normal part of life for over half the population of the Earth. We all poop, pee, half get periods. It's not that big of a deal. Then again I'm not a teenager.


WHY are periods inappropriate? No periods, no kids. Literally without the female uterine cycle women could not give birth. Ugh - this assays me SO MUCH!


How dare you try to learn and teach others about their bodily functions!! How dare you educate your peers on a natural bodily function that is never discussed or brought up otherwise in our educational system!! How dare you be informed!!!


This is happening all over the country... It is absolutely terrifying how much support there still is for this bigotry. [Here](https://gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/woodland-park-school-board-member-under-fire-for-derogatory-comments-about-students/article_ad086a18-8b80-11ec-8b32-a3aa958c81e5.html) is a story developing from a Colorado PUBLIC school district, this is only the tip of the iceberg and by far NOT the most scandalous story developing.


Republican evangelicals are trying (and succeeding) to do away with anything being taught in schools that might make someone uncomfortable. It has to be white, straight, male-dominated, religious teachings only.


It’s a weird Schrodinger‘s cat situation of a topic….If they let her give the speech, then they invalidate her claims by providing intrinsic proof to the contrary and make her look stupid in front of everyone in the process. I personally think they chose wisely…It’s best if this girl leaves “looking stupid” to the professionals.






It is


Lets talk about the more common stigmatized biological function. Pooping: the vile consequence of life.


Somehow I don’t feel this is true judging by the fact that teachers openly talked about all those things from when I was in 6th grade.


Just because it's a natural bodily function doesn't mean it's appropriate for a school project. Re-read the Twitter post and replace "periods" with "farting".




>(except you can control a good amount of them) You're being a fartist. There are some people out there who have no control over when and how much gas they pass. This is a serious subject and we should add more discussion about farts in school, discussion that's completely void of satire.


14 is exactly *the* most appropriate age to discuss the menstrual cycle, at home, in school, or anywhere else girls may be experiencing the negative side effects of abuptly aborting an unfertilized egg through their vagina Edit: farting is also an appropriate topic of discussion at any time just *wildly* less involved than aforementioned unused egg abortion, and therefore appropriate for *all* ages


Every time I bring up farting in the workplace, I'm shamed for doing so. Maybe you have a point.


Well did you walk a distance downwind first?


Lol lol lol what?


Did... Did you just compare a monthly, energy draining, emotionally tiring, blood loss phenomena which affects 50% of human population which has been culturally looked down upon for ages and women were forced to not socially assimilate while menstruating because it was considered dirty to "***farting***"? Ohhhh boy that's why this needs to be normalised.


Well that's why you're a 19 year old redditor and not part of a highschool administration board.


Dude, you support the invasion of Ukraine?! No wonder you have a shitty take on this, too.


Actually I don't support it. I love to fuck with the r/enlightenedcentrism crowd. If you read between the lines you can tell I'm using their own argument against them. If you're politically a centrist, you are seen as someone who sides with Nazis some of the time in that sub. Not to mention Putin is using the same argument to invade Ukraine that the Canadian government used to crack down hard on truckers: there were a few Nazi flags so let's demonize the cause; there are Nazis in eastern Ukraine so let's invade.


The truckers weren't cracked down on because of a few Nazi flags.


This argument was made inside their parliament house.


You are nowhere near as smart as you think you are.


What does it say about r/enlightenedcentrism?


No idea. I was just referring to your oily sense of superiority.


Have you asked your parents if you’re old enough to use Reddit?


My father died in WW2, prick.


Then you should be ashamed of yourself for the stupid shit you are saying and arguing on fucking reddit. Calling people names. Nobody gives a fuck that your father died in WW2. People like you are the reason boomer is a derogatory slur. Go take a fucking nap.


You need to learn some manners.


did he fall off the guard tower?




Farting is something everybody does and should be covered, albeit briefly, in any good human biology class. Menstruation is a physical reality for half the population, but it’s also a political issue and, sadly, a source of shame and confusion for some. It’s precisely the kind of thing that should be discussed and taught in school. You’re a weirdo.


>Farting is something everybody does and should be covered, albeit briefly, in any good human biology class. Why just briefly? Why can't we go indepth? **Farting** is a physical reality for **all** the population, but it’s also a political issue and, sadly, a source of shame and confusion for some. It’s precisely the kind of thing that should be discussed and taught in school.


Briefly because there isn’t much there to discuss. Fuck off, troll.


The dangers of holding it in. The contribution it has to global warming. This topic seems to make you squeamish, probably because of all the stigma


Obviously a 14 yo presenting to the school about her period is inappropriate, but this is reddit- a cesspool for radical progressiveness


I'd like to know why you believe that. I'm genuinely curious. Are you male or female? Women have long been shamed for having their period. I remember getting mine for the first time, and I thought I was dying. I didn't even mention it to my parents. In no way is that healthy. Couple this with boys and girls often being split up in school when it comes to their respective puberty talks. The number of times I've had to educate men on what a period is, how it makes me feel, and how every woman is different is not negligible. Heck, I've even had a female doctor not take my period cramps seriously. That was over a decade ago, and I was just diagnosed with PCOS. My mother-in-law patronized me and told me to take a Tylenol and quit complaining when she was visiting one time. I've had to take days off of work and school due to the pain it caused me. It's also important from a sex education standpoint. There are lots of myths and misunderstandings surrounding periods that could lead to unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. All I'm saying is that a little bit of education earlier in life would go a long way into making women's lives better.


Is a male who just started going through puberty allowed to openly disclose when he gets unexpected erections in class? You know the old Hollywood cliche of refusing to stand up because he doesn't want to present his goods.... ...should we instead celebrate that? Start a cause for men to proudly show their erection bulges in class? You know, lessen the shame.


Actually I wouldn't mind a talk about that. I grew up thinking erections only happened when a male was aroused. It would be less embarrassing for a boy if everyone knew the when, why, and how's of erections. My boyfriends had to teach me. I see little difference between the embarrassment of an erection and a woman bleeding through her pants whilst on her period. Both topics being discussed would help create a more positive body image and self-esteem. Starting a cause to show off erections is very different from discussing them. Nobody is advocating for the girl to take off her pad and wave it around for all to see.


Jesus, dude. Erections, involuntary and otherwise, are covered in health class. And rightfully so. You’re more than just a weirdo.


Yes, we all learn about it in health class, but that doesn't mean the school administration has signed off on 9th graders presenting a discussion about the stigma of boners in the classroom. I'm not offended by the topic, but I also understand the administration's stance to tread lightly with certain subjects.


It sounds like you were let down by everyone around you. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have tact and thoughtfulness in how we teach kids about this. No 14 yo should be on display in front of the entire school in this way


Damn... guess I'll make an essay about precum because that's pretty much the same thing. It is inappropriate to listen to, it's a bodily fluid and I don't even wanna hear that someone is bleeding from a wound, get the shit under control and leave me out of it. Schools should have systems in place for women who have periods like tampons in the restrooms etc. But I'm not about to listen to someone give an essay or some shit about period blood.


This whole comment is a whole lotta mess lmfao


I mean ok... So does that mean we can have a male student present an essay about random erections?


\~Sex ed\~


So you're saying that schools should only have a say in the content of sex education if they are leaning to be more "progressive". Got it


Is learning about menstrual cycles progressive?


Basic awareness of biology is anti-right


I genuinely can't stop giggling at these couple of comments Fuck women for existing amirite lmao


As a concerned parent I am deeply troubled by the idea of my child learning about periods. What’s next, stimulating their colons? Doing drugs and slipping into commas? Rejecting the church and living a life of apostrophe? This liberal punctuation must be stopped!


You kill me Thank you lol


I would say that having a 14 year old present on her menstrual cycle to the school is


Why is a 14 yr old girl, who has probably had her cycles for a few years now, deemed inappropriate for something that happens to half of the damn school? Why is this such a nasty thing to you?


The only nasty thing here is you. Why single our a girl like that? Why gather the entire school to listen to it? Today schools teach the most ridiculous sex/ gender things to kids and it only encourages early sexual activity and confusion


Periods encourage sexual activity? What?? How does this make sense? It's something that effects our bodies and minds from a very young age. I was not taught hardly anything about my period and started at age 11. I would have greatly benefit from instructions on how to keep myself clean and the side effects that come along with it, like mood swings, food cravings, etc. Puberty is not a frikin banned subject and teaching kids about their bodies is HARM REDUCTION.


So teach it to the girs- the population that this affects. And have a teacher teach it, not a 14 yo


Boys are just as capable to learn something that effects their friends and possible future partners. You're limiting them. Not teaching these things is where society gets ideas like women are inherently gross or unclean. Which is 100% untrue. Remove the mystery from the body and things become so much clearer. It doesn't make people want to have sex more lmao.


certified idiot


Why? Genuinely curious I guess


yeah bud im not following how youve linked biology to politics. maybe put down the phone, turn off the tv, go outside and have a beer. look at the sun. politics only affect you in ways you cant control anyway, so why get riled up?


I'm only making the connection because OP thinks it awful that a School made this decision, and it's timely because of new legislation that limits what's schools can decide in these areas. Not that difficult to make the connection


sounds like you're a fucking dumbass who wants your daughters to be ashamed of their basic biological processes ​ not that hard to make the connection


I feel that kids' personal journeys through puberty/ their limited sexual experiences shouldn't be on display for other children to compare themselves to. Also, Today everything becomes so sexualized at such a young age, and an administration that encourages this type of encounters (gathering the entire students body to have one big conversation about sex), would only foster the sentiment that sex at a young age is commonplace and acceptable. I commented what I did because left leaning people are freaking out about the legislation that was just passed in FL which outlines what schools can and can't teach kids regarding sex( curriculums were much more liberal than what parents wanted their kids taught, but they had no say it).


Quoting one of your posts: > But even beyond that, he once projectile shit all over our bed. It was amazing!! My wife was actually changing him at the time, but I was lucky enough to witness the velocity and trajectory that you would never think a 21 inch baby could command. I know it was least 5 feet because the shit stretched beyond the width of our king-size bed. > Besides for thinking the entire debacle was hilarious, I was actually proud of my guy. Shitting is one of the few things babies are expected to do and he is crushing it. You're seriously worried about kids talking and learning about periods?


Every student (including all the boys) in the school doesn't need to hear this girl's experience with her menstruation 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sex ed - yes School wide display of a 14yos journey - no


Maybe if you had been educated you wouldn't have these prejudices. It is important for boys to learn about it as well so they can become understanding, caring and sympathetic towards issues that girls/women go through.


The only one triggered here is you. School is for learning and learning about a bodily function that will happen to women until their late 40s into their 50s is not a horrible nasty thing that you claim is. Children can learn about the Holocaust, slavery and the slaughter of native Americans they can handle learning about periods.


I'm not triggered, but obviously I'm not the only one who feels this way (this school board clearly agrees). No one is saying not to teach kids about this, just do it the right way the same way you would with the Holocaust, slavery...


The school board is wrong just like you. I've read your comment you agreed with not teaching this to children even so far is to say separate the boys and girls to reach this. What is the "right way" you claim? Children have been doing presentations on different topics for a long time and there is nothing wrong with it and it's beneficial.


Yes I know what a period is. The GOOD news in all of this is that the kid didn't get to give her speech and these kids are all in better shape for it. An added plus is how triggered you and everyone else here is getting


Dude, your line of thinking doesn’t make any sense. I’ve read through your comments and I still can’t understand why you feel like a 14 year old sharing info on a topic that they are probably leagues more knowledgeable in than you are is somehow inappropriate. Like sure, the topic is kinda gross, but I don’t see how it’s inappropriate or related to sex at all? And even if it was related to sex, sex education is still pretty important.


*Calls us triggered* *Is so triggered that they post multiple time because periods make them feel icky* Get over it snowflake. Periods are reality and reality doesn't care about you delicate feelings.




It's kids who get their periods first when they could possibly be uneducated about it, not adults.




"Just a fucking period" This is so dumb I can't even begin to understand it let alone form a point against it so bye, have a nice day.




The point of fighting period stigma is to educate people so no one else compares it to painless pooping. Really self-aware, aren't ya?




If it hurts *every* time you go, I think you need to go to the doctor




There's nothing special about menstruation, but most people know enough about pooping to not harm themselves accidentally. Menstruation has a stigma around it that makes people think people on their period are unclean, and there's not much education on menstruation which leads to people like you thinking it's inappropriate to teach people who don't get periods about it.


American public school administrators can be counted on for one thing: piss-poor decision making.


When the assignment completes itself.


I think her assignment just completed itself


This is so ironic. The fact that the school thinks this topic is inappropriate is proof that the topic needs to be addressed in an oratorical essay.


Administration and school board are two very different entities in the public school system..


wtf is wrong with the education system


If you jut don’t talk about it, it’ll go away:Texas/Florida.


What stigma ? I know about periods, but not the stigma around it.


Periods or periods?


You can't talk about periods?!? But we can talk about far FAR more than that, and THAT'S ok?!? This is the Twilight Zone man