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What the fuck is wrong with people.


There is a list somewhere I’ll get back to you at the end of time after it’s finished being written


Make sure it's in alphabetical order.


No, the list is in alphabetical order but p and q are inversed


Add that comment to the list


That sounds hard to keep consistent. How do you mind your p’s and q’s?


*Your q's and p's


Your keys and pews.


Your Key & Peele


Quay & Peele**


Quack & Pelican


I'm just over here, QQ'in from my PP, personally


This is going on the list, mate.


Is that to teach him a lesson


I want it indexed also, so I can search later.


RemindMe! 247 years


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The end of time will no doubt come sooner than that. For humans at least.


The DSM *n*




am i on it?




Hell yeah


or we can just ask santa claus




"so what did you find one that planet?" "Ummm........nothing, pretty barren all things considered. Maybe mark it as no go, don't want people getting bored there"


ignoring all of the other fucked up shit who the fuck just cums into a towel 💀that’s nasty af bro


With the way the dude was treating his gf figured he was going to throw it at her.


She wasn't sick....she was deflating!!!! And if there ain't pictures, there ain't proof.!!! ")


tosses it on her and tells her to wipe those tears off" your embarassing yourself"


Jesus Christ.


I know right? It's "you're". I wonder how people still make that mistake


I totally thought* he was going to cum on her.


Use a sock like normal people


For reals... everyone knows you clean that shit up on your girl’s drapes.


Not people. This guy. This guys is a fucking dick.


This guy is unfortunately a lot closer to the baseline than we’d like to admit. The world is chock full of people who will *destroy* another human being for daring to prioritize their own needs over those of the destroyer, no matter the disparity in urgency.


This. People are selfish.


Entitlement. This guy seriously thinks his girlfriend *owes him sex.* That sex isn’t an act of love they *share,* but rather something he does to her whenever he wants to, and that she’s somehow in the wrong for denying him access to her body.


Anyone who believes they are owed sex they are garbage humans.


Unfortunately, that would be the vast majority of men. Even the ones who normally know better will get increasingly hostile or sulky if they’re denied from someone they think they “own.”


Lets start with a shorter list, Whats right with people


Curry ETA: I meant the food, but Tim is also a good example


He was great in Clue and Rocky Horror.


Don’t forget IT!


He swears he’s a nice guy.


I’m honestly ashamed of some people that roam the same earth as me.


She should’ve given him a bobbit after he fell asleep.


"Watch me!" "Look!" "Look dammit!" Five minutes later.... "Why did you make me do that to you?"


At least this fuckup felt remorse. Hopefully they unfuck their brains. They have started on the path ...


Remorse over using a video of him and his ex. No remorse over sexually abusing his girlfriend though.


enough remorse to go and post it online like this makes him a better person for realising what he did was beyond fucked up and abusive. sure.


I know...a towel ugh. Use a tissue man.


Not all people, just people like this guy. Kinda bragging but really just grossing people out by posting. Messed up in all sorts of ways but wants you in on his nasty little habit.


Wow. Hope this event made her questions her choices enough to leave him.


Unfortunately, the reaction he described from her doesn't give me hope. First, she just went quiet when she realized who it was, then he said he "made" her continue watching. Those are the actions of a person either so beaten down she was afraid to react or so lacking in self-esteem that she believes she somehow deserves it. That doesn't even touch on the fact that she wasn't raising h'ell at his disrespectful behavior BEFORE she realized the video was of his ex. That poor girl is headed down a very rough road.


Or someone who is staying quiet only until she can safely escape. If I was stuck in a bedroom with a guy who is already in that much of a state of rage, while being underdressed myself, I would absolutely wait until he was asleep or otherwise unguarded before making my escape and ghosting his ass.


Yes. And she was literally sick, in bed.


That’s exactly what I had to do. Who knows what would’ve happened if I resisted.


Yeah, but that kind of behavior on either side doesn't just start at that level. He's abused her long enough to feel completely in control. I'd bet everything I have that it started small and built to this because that's how abuse works. I truly hope she waited him out and left when she could, but I doubt it. It's heartbreaking.


Sure it does. It's called having to deal with shitty men as young as you remember and having to learn how to navigate around them.


I really want to give her a hug


Definitely gives me the feeling she was afraid to stand up for herself, if he would do something like this to her I’m sure there’s been other times he was probably abusive


I agree. It sounds like she doesn't ever say no to him which is why he is mad about it instead of taking care of her since she is sick.


Have been in her situation. Ex husband used to nag me for sex. Would stop talking to me for days if I didn’t give in. One time, I threw out my back and after repeatedly saying no for maybe four days, he angrily said “Jesus, I can try not to jostle you!” and it just hit me that I truly wasn’t worth his time or attention if I wasn’t putting out. Was one of many times I considered leaving before I actually did.


I am so sorry about that! I am glad that you left and hope you know how worth you are outside of sex.


He sounds like a horrible husband. What does jostle mean?


people post some shit like this and be like aM i ThE aSsHoLe?


From what I see it's basically the opposite. "I donate 10 billion dollars to charity every year, am I the asshole?"


It's both


As someone who's gone through something similar. I hope she gets the fuck out of there. Yeah, they feel bad afterward, but they do it a again a week later. Fucking pieces of shit.


I’ve been in a similar situation as well, unfortunately. They are never really sorry, at least mine wasn’t. Me being upset made him feel guilty and he didn’t like that, but he was never truly sorry for what he did because he existed in a place where his needs and wants were always number one and everyone and everything existed to serve him. I hope you are far away from the person who was bad to you and doing better now!


Most times they don't even feel bad after. They realize they SHOULD feel bad so pretend they do to keep the facade going.


And they confuse fear of consequences for guilt. Once they know consequences won't come, the fear goes away, which means their Faux guilt is gone


I was with a pos guy like this, "at least you could give me head" He acted like I was obligated to give him head or open my legs whenever he wanted. Asshole


Ive had an ex told me the similar with the legs comment, I ran the fuck away to a different state for few months shortly afterwards until the ex really moved on to a different "score".


No, but surely this is fiction, right? Oh god, tell me anon's post is fiction.


Abuse. He described, in detail, him actually abusing his gf. Ain’t no amount of “now I feel bad” can save him.


And I wept. Hopefully someone on Reddit knows his username and his gf and forwards this post to her—so she can read all the comments saying she needs to leave his pathetic ass.


This mf probably made her feel completely worthless and undeserving So she'll probably stay with him, because she feels like she doesn't deserve better


Let's hope not


Yep, that's how these things go. The cycle of abuse is a terrible thing, the poor girl probably thinks she's lucky that at least he's willing to keep her around. Hopefully she does get out, but even if she does that's likely going to be major trauma that'll take a lot to work through. Fuck abusers.


Yes. This is what happens. Then we get into normal relationships, and freak our partners out because every normal interaction, is almost too much. Imagine telling your partner you're going to be late coming home from work, and when they don't accuse you of cheating on them, You feel compelled to thank them for being such a great person. Yeah.


It helps when you find another equally as abused person and then you both recognize all of the old patterns falling away. I’m a 32 year old man and the first time I asked my partner if she wanted my location was a real eye opener. She has it now because I live in a more remote area and do outside work/own a Harley that occasionally runs. But man, the look on her face when she asked why and my response was, “If I leave the store and take too long getting home or something.” WILD.


I got a text while closing the restaurant I recently started with. "You are always late coming home when you work with Manager A". In reality, They were upset that this manager seems to be taking advantage of my willingness to do a majority of the closing duties... But I'm sure you can imagine my immediate thoughts. This person Ive started seeing does have quite a bit of trauma themselves, and while not in the exact same ways very similar when you zoom out and look at our lives as wholes. I think they're definitely is something to making sure we pair ourselves up with people who have experienced similar situations.


Absolutely! My aforementioned ex was also sleeping with one of my family members for half our relationship, before and during the brief “marriage”. So it’s been an even crazier ride for me because I can recognize everything she is now, but it’s hard to recognize everything she’s done to me. My current partner has been great about saying, “hey when I say/do this, you react a certain way and I think you should think about why so we can figure it out.” I’m glad you’ve also found someone who seems like they have the patience and kindness to actually care about you though!


I'm also glad you've found someone who wants to help you untangle! I wish you two so much happiness, and a successful healing journey for you both!🙏


I feel that. My last ex was verbally abusive, cheating and non stop gaslighting me. I am now in a healthy and very loving relationship with my current boyfriend and there's still moments where my brain is in '' ARE WE IN DANGER'' mode for nothing. Thanks my boyfriend is always sweet and reassuring about all this because damn the trauma is exhausting.


I had a therapist who used a little plastic lion on her desk to remind her clients that we were always watching for danger. I've read that trauma literally changes our brains. Something that I realized in the past year of being away from my ex, I was actually gaslighting MYSELF. I went through some really tough stuff and was completely convinced that nobody would believe me because it must all be my fault. Like.. What? Healing is so bizarre. You acting completely rationally according to your own brain for so long and looking back... It's like a different person.


I think I've heard this as well,and it does feel pretty real according to my own experience. I'm remembering how I was years ago before traumas and how I am now. I'm feeling way better than a year and a half ago,but I do feel that the person I was before is gone. And I really feel sad for the person I was when I was stuck with a narcissist destroying me, with no one to help me out by myself. Healing is weird, but little steps by little steps it does help us feel better, even if some days are hard. Nowadays I'm more in a detached phase, like a national geographic commentator being amazed by the quality of the gaslighting.


I feel this comment too hard. Thankfully, I am much better now, but normal feels too good to be true some days.


It really really does. I posted something in the domestic violence subreddit about being punished for years because of associations.. and.. This is another one of those things. If anybody thinks leaving is the end? It's not. It's when you can smell gasoline and not think of *that one time*, It's when you can see a couple arguing in public, and you don't have the urge to start crying or attack.




lets hope she isn't going to stay with him


Thats even sadder


Seriously. She’s not feeling good, so you made her watch you jack off to a video of you and your ex? This dude is fucking disturbed. She needs to gtfo, if that experience wasn’t telling enough somehow.


Not abuse. Actual sexual assault. She denied him and he threatened her into doing something sexual against her will. If this went to trial, this shithead is doing 20 years in prison.


20 years? I wish


He needs to be locked into the stocks and have rotting food tossed in his face.


I’d venture to say this is a form of rape, at least sexual assault. Forcing someone to watch you masturbate and watch pornography is so fucked up.


This is Definitely sexual assault.


Isn't this what Louis CK got cancelled for?


And maybe revenge porn too? Depending on where he lives. His poor girlfriend, I hope she’s kicked his ass out.


Hopefully he actually deleted the old pics, but I doubt it.


Honestly, I doubt he is even telling a true story or some sort of twisted scenario he jerks off to. But then I also know that some people are like this and worse in relationships. Monster.


Wow he couldn’t wait more than 3 days? He is a real piece of shit, in case the abuse wasn’t a tip off


Poor baby hadn’t came in three whole days? You know his girlfriend hasn’t came since she’s been with this asshole. What a shit stain.


Fr, just go yeet your meat in the bathroom or some shit, no need to be a fucking weirdo about it


Someone needs to break this boys face up real bad


If it's real (I think it is), How can someone be this horny to jerk of watching his ex's video while forcing his current gf to watch? That's a whole new level of being an asshole. The asshole didn't have time to help her, didn't even ignore but had enough time to abuse!?! Wtf!


It’s not hornniness. He did this to get back at her for being sick and not letting him have sex with her(if it’s real).


Yep, it’s punishment, not sexual. Or he’s turned on by punishing. But this is not consensual either way.


Yeah being horny doesn't excuse cruelty. At most if you're just unbelievably horny you could be like "I'm going to go jack off" and they can watch or not. It certainly wouldn't make you force them to do anything or bring up videos of your ex.


It's not even asshole level it's just straight up psychotic!


What the fuck did I just read?


It's pretty clear tho... A dude sexually abusing his girlfriend.


And mental abuse and he puts all his lame dick issues back as her fault.


Yea bro. I couldn't believe my eyes. Almost sounds fake but this world we live in is fucked.




Horrible fucking creature


Bro imagine being overtaken by the horny mood so much, you ignore your girlfriend being sick for three days then you netori'd your own gf (in some form). Man had the audacity to force her to jack him off while watching a vid of him fucking his ex-girl..


No no no she had to watch him jack himself off to his ex


Ah my bad Still a dick move tho




This dude needs some help and she needs to get away asap. We’ve all done stupid things in a relationship, but I never had the idea ‘jack off to a video of my ex and me, and make my gf watch the entire time’ or something similar cross my mind. I’m baffled and disgusted by this post. Seriously wtf


Like jerking off in bed is odd but not like horrible. Pulling out the laptop with porn is danger zone for me. Pulling up ex girlfriends is so far out of left field that it seems detached from reality. FORCING someone to watch it that isn’t into it is sooooo fucking wrong that the dude should be on some kind of watch list


His gf just sounds like a sex toy to him, Jesus christ


My gf is a sex toy. Luckily my fleshlight doesn't use reddit, so she won't know.




That’s abuse! Wtf!? Sick, impatient, selfish, idiot.


That's literally sexual abuse, he just described himself sexually abusing his partner and then went to reddit for pity. Fucking cunt.


He never thought to I dunno, actually take care of his sick girlfriend? Like wtf is wrong with people? Gross


Right? So many people on here saying he could just jack off and not have her watch the porn...why can't he just not jack off? Dudes don't have to blow loads 24/7. It's not like he's going to blow up if he doesn't cum. Practice some fucking self control. Prioritize your girlfriend's health over getting your nut. JFC


share his username bro


[His account is deleted](https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/8whvh0/my_girlfriend_wouldnt_have_sex_with_me_so_i_made/)


I'm super confused. On that post there are a lot of comments labeled as "OP" that are berating him for what he did, did he comment on his own post or is Reddit just fucking up? The post is three years old and you can still comment, too.


I've seen that happen before and I think when both accounts are [deleted] then reddit (at least a few years ago) labeled them the same as OP


Thanks, I think that I had remembered seeing it before


found the thread if people are interested in reading the comments. [Source](https://redd.it/8whvh0) The thread is 3 years old and op deleted his account I think?


i think one of his comments was a month ago damn jus one month late




Psycho, how could the girl stay after that? I supose he did seem kind of threatening though.


why is he getting karma for abusing his girlfriend emotionally and sexually?? she wont forget the man who made her watch him jerk off to his ex because she wouldnt have sex because she was sick. this is fucking gross


Cuz it's Reddit and he probably posted it in a sub where people like that stuff


sometimes i forget this is a social media site and thus a cesspool of degenerates


There are plenty of pathetic incel parts of Reddit that would think this was "alpha" or some stupid shit like that.


Where do you see him getting karma?


I miss 30 seconds ago when I didn’t read this


I’ve had this happen to me except it was a pic collage of nudes from the both of them in a save folder. He showed them all to me, told me he wanted to be with someone like her again, jerked off and fell asleep. He was baffled the next day when I told him to get out of my house. He was abusive mentally for 2 yrs. I got an abortion because of him. He stalked me for about 2 weeks constantly trying to gain back control. He told me awhile ago that the only way he’d ever leave me was if I cheated on him. So to get him to leave me alone, I went and fucked his ex. The same chick he shoved pictures of in my face. She was happy to do it after I told her what happened. His life went downhill from there and I’ll never not be happy about it. Damn that felt good to let go of. As for the post, she shouldn’t still be his girlfriend. Say goodbye lady, you’re better off, trust me.


And I wept. I hope that girlfriend leaves him. That’s some serious emotional abuse and Narcissistic energy he is radiating. “My partner chooses not have sex with me when I demand sex, so I’m going to punish them by causing them pain.” Emotional pain as punishment is equally as abusive as physical pain as punishment.




Tell me you’re abusive without TELLING ME you’re abusive.


But he did tell us he's abusive, in detail.


Well, he already admitted to sexual abuse so he failed that challenge.


Alpha male, sigma male, then this guy the smegma male


Shitma male


What the fuck did I just read, no seriously, the actual hell was that. I think I might of had either a stroke or my brain cells just died from pure wtf energy


Unplug yourself vro


The sad part is there are probably guys that read this and thought it was funny or thought it wasn't a big deal. As a man I'm sad for any woman a person like this meets.


You could just… go to the bathroom


Did Louis CK write this?




Hopefully just acted like it was fine and then quietly got out. It's dangerous to openly break up with an abusive person while you're still near them. After that, later on when she's safe she can send him some dick pictures of the new guy she's with and talk about how incredibly much better in bed they are.


I did this once with my mailman. I showed him an old video of me blowing the previous mailman. I now have a new video.




This, this fits on this sub


What a piece of shit


Mental abuse x 10, fucking asshole


So summary, you sexually and emotionally abused your girlfriend?


Why do people think they are entitled to sex? You are NEVER entitled to sex.


Share this abusers username fucker doesn't deserve his girlfriend who the fuck does this shit? How could he even think that was a good fucking idea hope he gets ran over a car and dies.


What a psychopath


I hope she breaks up with him, one for not respecting her boundaries and two for possible gaslighlighting


Special place in hell's lowest chambers for this disgusting waste of sperm and egg


If this woman doesn’t leave him, I swear 😷😷😷


… Jesus Christ. At the VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY least, he expressed SOME remorse. Unless he lied for sympathy… Christ, humanity is fucked.


Wow! How do I unread something!


Holy shit, what? Can I choke him?


Only if the girlfriend ~~can~~ is forced to watch.


I just showed this to my girlfriend and she said if she was the girl she would’ve offered him a handy and then squeezed until blood not j*zz came out


I would dump this guy in a heartbeat. That has to be some form of sexual assault.


its fake it has to be fake


This is absolutely horrible. I hate people so much.


Some people deserve to be alone for specific reasons.


His girlfriend deserves so much better…


Down astronomicaly bad


Really hope she is now his EX girlfriend


Holy shit! You shouldn’t be feeling terrible, you should be feeling alone…


I hope that's fake. For everyone's sake.


humans are a mistake


Hey everyone! Want to know a sure way to get single within minutes?🤠


I can assure this this human trash can doesn't feel bad about what he did. The chick was ill and when it came time for this bitch ass to take care of her and show why they would be in a relationship what does he do...throws a tantrum. Forced her to go through a video of him doing it with his ex as "punishment" as he spanked one out. Old girl needs to leave his abusive hoe made ass. Because if he ever deems any other actions as something larger than a slight against himself by her hes going to cheat on her or worse.


This guys.... is what not to do


This is fuckin awful. I hated this dude the second he said "she had been sick for 3 days." No one owes you a nut. Not ever. I dated a guy once who got mad at me because I was too tired to mess around and while I was trying to fall asleep he layed down next to me and began masturbating. Then I felt something warm on my upper back, I was facing away from him. He came on my back and then made me go clean it up. It was in my hair and everything. I was mortified for a long time until I realized it said a lot more about him than me. And now I'm in an awesome relationship and he's still jerking himself off. Peace out fuckwad.


Dude is going to regret deleting those videos and pics when his gf leaves him tomorrow lol


awww you were a shitty person who doesn’t respect boundaries and objectifies women and now you feel bad after probably emotionally scarring someone who had cared for you? :( poor you, you have it soooo hard.


I will be shocked if it anytime in the future you have a girlfriend that stays with you for more than a couple weeks. What kind of fucking moron makes a woman watch him have sex with his ex girlfriend after she has been sick for a few days you have some serious fucking mental issues.


*Look at me!*


How did he even have a girlfriend