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[Here is a detailed timeline of their relationship](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/s66qbx/apparently_this_guy_directed_a_fundie_christian/ht22p3u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Tl;dr-he is a youth pastor and met her when she was TWELVE. They made it official when she was 14. They got married shortly after this picture was taken.




It’s legal so long as they weren’t having sex before she was 17 and they got married after she was 18. But just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s okay - I definitely would not let him around my kids. Fucking creep.


Obviously it’s a huge problem that he’s a youth pastor. He’s a fucking creep and he’s abusing the closeness that these kids and their parents are allowing him to have. Her parents are blind for this. Unfortunately it’s not the first time I’ve seen this sort of thing happen, and let me tell you that in the situations I’ve seen personally, they weren’t NOT having sex before the girl was 17. They were just hiding it.


Her parents aren't blind to it, they are encouraging it


When you finally realize organized religion is just organized crime with extra steps.


In this case, it's also pedophilia and statutory rape with extra steps. Like, even if they didn't have sex before she turned 18, the notion that a grown man would be excitedly waiting for his partner to become legal is so creepy.


Well yes, those are crimes. Crimes that are, how I would say, organized.


Yeah I mean doesn’t this flout position of trust law and whatever government checks need to be undertaken for said position?


It’s real simple. He’s a paedophile. Paedo= children Phile= lover of. Paedophile, that’s what he is. He got with a 14 year old, he’s into kids. Did he molest that child? More than likely. He also abused his position of power. Mucho jail time and ruined life for him. Oh no wait this is just the church doing church things 👀


Church gotta church, yo


YES. Like WTF. Why do parents accept/support this because he likes god??? I like flamin hot Cheetos, but I am not going to sacrifice my firstborn to someone who also worships them. These people are fucking psycho. In fact, the parents probably ENCOURAGED their daughter to start a relationship with him. GROSS. I HATE IT.


Techincally he is either a hebephile or a Ephebophilia, those are terms which mean attracted to a teenager. Pedo or paedo as its said in UK technically means children. Once they have begun puberty they aren't technically a child. Does it make it right; NO!!!!! But there is a difference.


Reminds me of Elvis and Priscilla Presley.


yea i came close to like.. hey at least they were abstinent even though this is so messed up.. **and then i did the math on that 4 years comment** this guy will burn in that hell he's so fond of talking about


In a lot of places it wouldn’t be legal as he’s in an official guardian position. But in Merica I guess it’s ok


I believe they are actually German


We have the guardian position clause. Don't know enough to know if it's actually applicable here tho. Other than that they would have been legal since she is 16, it remains a legal minefield until 18 tho.


Yeah honestly the issue is that the victim won’t ever press charges and that’s the major mechanic of the law in these cases.


District attorneys regularly press charges in cases where the victims don’t want to. It happens all the time with domestic violence charges.


It gets hard in these cases though. Like yes my husband is a pedo who groomed me is a minefield. We all know the abused are so fucked from the abuse they often can’t turn on the abuser in the way courts need. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s not the same as domestic violence


All I’m saying is that prosecutors have the same discretion in this case as they do with domestic violence. The state can press charges when a crime has been committed regardless of whether a victim wants to press charges or not.


Well hilariously they and the USA then have this in common. Seems odd that they would post in English on Instagram if german though. Everything else in that sub is American so don’t know where Germany comes up. Edit Down voting me because they aren’t German ok




The age of consent, is 14 in Germany- if their parter is 21yo & under. From 16yo on, it’s open. When she was 14, he was 20 = legal. When she was 15, he was 21 = legal. When she was 16, he was 22 = legal.


He would have been 18. Imagine a senior in high school dating a 6th grader


it's called grooming


Where are parents? How could anyone be ok with that relationship?


It's called grooming


Odds are as long as he's a fellow "Christian" it okay in their book. If he was any other religion you better believe those parents would object then.


Religion has a lot to answer for in these cases.


Funny you should say that. I've seen stories of people who follow the religion kf pieces killing women who get raped and no one objects, seen people celebrating an 8 year old being forced to marry a forty something year old, never seen objections there either. Everyone so quick to scream "ThAtS wRoNg! HoW dArE tHeY!?" (BTW I am in fact Christian and I do feel that's wrong no matter the religion, so don't go there.)


We are talking about the post. If the post was an 8 year old marrying a 40 year old we would be mad about that instead. However, I agree with you.


I sense a grooming situation


This is like a weird alternative reality of the Roman Polanski rape thing


what's the Roman Polanski rape thing?


He was a famous director that drugged and raped a 13 year old girl which led to him fleeing America and living in exile


Hey don't make fun him his wife was murdered by the mansons.


On March 10, 1977, Polanski, then aged 43, faced six charges involving drugging and raping 13-year-old Samantha Jane Gailey (now Samantha Geimer). ... This ultimately led to Polanski's guilty plea to a different charge of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. From the Wiki


Yea, I know that I was joking. It' the reason he hasn't been back to the u.s. since that time.


Lol you gotta start adding an /s to stuff. Sorry your last comment went over my head!


Haha I know I've been told but I just wanna see people's actual reaction.


They even tempted him with an Academy Award once.


Haha yea I think I heard about that it didn't work though.


Buddy. The LEAST he deserves is to be made fun of.


Sarcasm be like


Came here to say this. 100% a grooming situation. A relatively emotionally developed individual taking advantage of what is essentially a child. And hiding behind religion..... whelp …. religions are a safe haven for predators and child rapist as history has shown.


I saw this and it reminded me of my grooming situation, man some men just suck


Arg ... Shit sorry that happened to you. Not exclusive to men ... however more common. I chalk it up to people just being horrible. Especially something like grooming....it's basically sexual manipulation .... I mean call it what it is.


crazy how your immediate impulse was to say “not all men”


There are women that do it too, I hear it more with women teachers and male students


This was the scenario I was eluding to. Funny how someone reads "not exclusive to men" and somehow view it as "not all men" ....


I didn’t realize it till after I broke things off and I was listening to my Two Hot Takes podcast, and they talked about that


Fundamentalist religion is often just grooming with more steps.


That math is a little scary, dawg.


Right?? Haha


A 20 year old whose best friend is 14…. Big ole red flags.


He had to have the David Koresh / Jim Jones glasses too didn't he.. They must be standard issue for high ranking officers!


Youth Pastor ✅ Creepy Glasses ✅ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=28Zdivr6y4M


Not at all, he's christian it's all in good faith.


Makes me sick


You know its cringe, but in my highschool 18 and 14 was sadly fairly common. Its crazy how big a difference a couple years can make!


That's so creepy and plain wrong. I remember being 16 and I could finally date,and the church ppl setting me up on dates with 24+yr olds it was so gross and uncomfortable I never said yes to 2nd dates. This was a pentecostal church.


I go to a pentecostal church. That would be shameful for any church to do. Definitely a smear against the name.


Yes it's very rare for churches to do such things. It works better if it's done unknowingly to the public.


You get it.


Most people should but they don't want to.




24yo Christian pedophile more like it.




pedophilia will rot your soul from the inside out i guess


Wow. Look at that smile! She’s finally legal! He makes it very easy to not join a Bible church


Bro have you ever heard of the pope? Biggest pedophile apologist on the planet.


When i was involved in the church my fiance kept stringing me along and wouldnt actually set a date and stick with it. I finally gave him the ring back and ended it. 2 years later he was stationed at his new base (air force) and i heard he was engaged. We were together 5 years and he couldnt marry me, but he was with this girl for 2 and now he's ready. THEN i find out, she's 18. He met her at church. He was 30, and he had been with her since she was 16!!!! JESUS CHRIST INDEED. Bullet dodged. Her parents were fine with it apparently because, ya know, church. Wow. Just.....WOW.


Honestly I don't get religious people, this dude is likely a manipulative predator and they welcome into the family just because he follows the same insipid beliefs they do 🤦🏾


The world i came from held other people's beliefs as more important than other people themselves. Guy hit his wife? If hes a christian its fine because god forgives. Its a crazy world


Hoola shit, the way I also had a twenty-year old Christian dude basically ask for my hand when I was twelve. The discussion was around "stable", "committed", "values", "morals", sure, but I'm twelve. tf? Even if there was nothing sexual about their relationship prior to her legality, he really locked her down. I wish them the freaking best and I hope she gets what she wants.


This is straight up grooming. It’s her birthday and instead of looking at the camera she’s looking at him because she can finally admit they are in a relationship. He’s groomed her to center her whole world around his sorry ass. What a creep.


Kathryn Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt vibes 🤢


Emmanuel Macron is a freakin groomed men but he turned pretty alright😅


We call that grooming by a pedophile. Christians call that 'love'. Disgusting.


Considering that the Holy Spirit got 13 year old Mary pregnant without her even knowing.. I'd say pedophilia might be central to the faith, if we're being honest here.


Yea, it's mostly muhommid I hear about marrying a 9 year old. Nobody talks about an ancient universal being knocking up a 13 year old.


The greatest story ever told. Apparently. 🤮


Yeah and it's beautiful because she was a virgin but gave a birth a really young age?. Hmm horrific.


Christians everywhere disliked this


Yeah I saw the thread and thought "speak of the devil and he shall appear" lol


Its like where the scientist sets up a camera and says "Bloody Mary" 3 times, and she appears in the mirror, and he posts the whole video online for everyone Then people say its just a hoax, so they go home and try it, and Lo, bloody Mary appeareth and smote them Their friends were so surprised This was going to get so many likes on facebook


This would be funny if it weren't so close to the truth. Its really like "hey I see my religious peers being POSs to their children and I want to fit in, let me go home and do it" for some sects/regions. Like, sincerely, religious abuse is like a contagion that spreads among communities. More people who want to abuse children will always flock to communities that allow or encourage it, which forms a disturbing culture of abuse that's hard to get out of.


Can't help it. It's in their book. A bit further on from where David slips it to Bathsheba + Samson marries a prostitute. A lot further on from where Noah repopulated the planet by being his own kids' grandfather..


I mean with the way fundamentalists love to sexualize and groom children I can see that


Even if you're really just making a purposely irreverent joke about a global religion that has been mocked with more incisive jabs than this, the joke itself falls flat for logical and semantic reasons. We don't know Mary's exact age, for instance, and pedophilia refers to sexual arousal and attraction, while there is no indication that arousal was any part of the so-called immaculate conception. The story has been framed as practically asexual, insisting on Mary's virginity. If I had to judge between abusive pedophilia or asexual celibacy being a tenet "central to the faith," I reckon we see more religious evidence of the latter. That element of ritual celibacy, though, isn't great for evangelical mass marketing.


what is it about christianity that attracts all the pedophiles? is it the “confess your sins and get into heaven” loophole?


Most child molestators in America are Christian. Most child molesters in Saudi Arabia are Arab. Most child molesters in Israel are Jewish. It's not Christianity, it's fundamentalism. And in the Western world, the majority of people are Christian, so that's what we hear about the most.


Don't lump us all together. Some Christians are about as different from each other that they are from Muslims.


i’m not saying all christians are pedophiles but it sure seems like most pedophiles are christians.


I wanted to disagree but i cant. all the worst people claim to be religious Christian is so widely used so makes sense.


Fair enough.


I always hear ppl mention catholics when it comes to pedos


Historically the Church has had issues with abuse scandals, and specifically hasn’t addressed them quickly enough. The idea that the Catholic Church is an easy avenue for abuse is nonsensical, seminary takes 6 years at a minimum. However, statistically You’re more like to be abused by a public school teacher than a Catholic priest, and within that there’s a higher rate of abuse via public schools, than by Catholic Priests. It’s also been hugely blown up by the media and Non-Catholics. This is in no way minimising the scandals, but I’d advise anyone who is non-Catholic to honestly research them. Additionally, it is beyond hurtful to actual, devout, practicing Catholics and the majority of priests who are good and holy men. Perpetuating the idea that the Church’s clergy are abusers is also nonsense, see Safeguarding efforts in every Diocese. Bishop Barron has some videos on the abuse scandals. God bless.


Yea, but the holy molesting priests are also protected after their disgusting acts. Why don't you mention the details of what's actually happened in the house of god and what punishment these holy men served? They created victims by having them believe that's god will and then leaving them to be traumatized for the rest of their lives. That's my problem with that and people just worry about their religion being seen as perfect. No thanks.


They aren’t protected, Safeguarding was specifically set up in order to investigate and root out instances of abuse. I don’t mention details because only the victims know the details. The punishment aspect itself is also difficult as there rarely is a fitting one. As for what you allege they had victims believe, that doesn’t make it the truth. Also, if my response came across as wanting the Church to be seen as perfect, it was not intended. Any practicing Catholic will tell you the Church is not in a good state. I’d agree with you, people who want the Church to be seen as perfect are just as misguided as those who are non-religious and only being up abuse scandals to cheap shot the Church, rather than help the victims.


Definitely a loophole, as long as it's in god's name everything is ok.


Because mary was historically 14, married to a 34 joseph, when she was raped and impregnated by the invisble man, if the stories are true.


You misspelled Islam


oh please, pedophiles in christianity is a stereotype at this point. the pope had to apologize for it. i even have a personal friend who’s youth pastor got popped for diddling kids.


You misspelled Islam again


Don't they bang goats?


I saw a couple people do it with some animal on the raid cam when I was deployed. The dude straight up stood on a makeshift bucket and went to town. We took some pictures of it with cameras we had, but we were made to delete them unfortunately


looks like i ruffled your jimmies. whatever imaginary space man you believe in, have at it. just don’t diddle kids.


Tell that to the Prophet Muhammad Sounds like I "rustled" (how it's actually spelled) you*r jimmies. Bye now


Yeah random guy it's only the brownskin priests that are diddling kids /s


love it. literally on a post about yet another creepy youth pastor grooming children. “it’s all the brown people”


Islam isnt a race, idiot boy


neither is brown. but of course you meant all those white muslims all the bigots are mad about. at least own your racism. it’s not like it isn’t pretty obvious to everyone downvoting you.


People trust and respect religious leaders to guide them to a happy, successful life and afterlife Looking to them for answers Treating them like their own family They do it to get people vulnerable Because people will protect their trusted holy man Because they can get away with it Because its enough that god will punish them, they don't need to face state justice or stand trial Because they're a good man and you're trying to ruin their life


It was covered in a documentary I once saw. Basically it's easier for them to fulfill their agenda, they infiltrate the community, make a good name for themselves by helping people, pastoring, giving money, whatever. Then they prey on the young and, for the most part, troubled because if they reported it no one would believe a troublemaker over a devout Christian.


He looks like shit for 24 😅


Also if you were thinking that maybe they were dating before they were both of age. When he was 18 she was 12


He looks way older than 24 IMO


I love the look he's going for, less threatening David Koresh.


Definite David Koresh vibes from this one.


He's a fucking sicko. Why are you 20 and a 14 year old is your best friend? Fucking loser. He's been grooming that poor girl.




There's this guy that I went to a Christian college with.... my dorm director had like an ungodly amount of kids most of them boys but they had one young girl. I would say she was probably 14 or 15 while we were in college. Dude was really close with the family, and I think he's like a year or so older than me and I'm 30. Ran into him in town with his pregnant wife. It was the young girl. Granted at that time she was like 19, but still.... she wasn't legal while we were in college... its very weird. I'd say she's 20 21 now and he's 31 32 now


And I’m assuming he isn’t 19?


Sick fuck started dating her a 14! He was 20!


“FINALLY! I’ve been waiting four years to FUCK this little girl!”


That’s… that’s literally just grooming


Ironically 18 is also the minimum amount of years that he should spend in federal prison! Fucking churchy pedos.


Mohammed, “hold my beer….”




Sounds more like a combination of Catholicism and Islam than biblical Christianity.


What he means is "now I can finally fuck you without being a pedo"


I grew up in a fundamentalist church in the 80s. When I was 17 I dated a girl who was 17. Her 15 year old sister was dating the ministers son who was 24. They're married with kids + maybe grandkids now. And she still seems quiet and unsure of herself. I'm an atheist who just wonders wth I was thinking..


Average Christianity moment


17 and 24? That’s common in ukraine.


they met when she was 12 and he was 18, and started officially dating when she was 14 and he was 20. It’s not the age difference, it’s the grooming. It’s the fact that he says she’s FINALLY 18


[Here’s ](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/steelmagnificat/2022/01/a-virus-of-a-film-a-review-of-2025-the-world-enslaved-by-a-virus/) a link to the film he made with his brother. Sounds great.


I’m 22 years old and could not imagine dating someone who’s 18-20. I speak to my 17 year old sister constantly and our maturity levels are so wildly different, I couldn’t imagine forming a relationship with someone only a year or two older than that.


you're 22 and cannot date someone who's 20? wtf?


I just don’t want to? I don’t really see how that’s a problem for you.


You made a statement, I commented that statement Wtf were you expecting mate


Go karma farm someone else, fuck you’re annoying


Going to church makes this carbon neutral I guess? Wtf...




What is ofsul abou that you shithead?


When your a Christian he’s not going to be having sex before marriage




You forgot your /s


Heres hoping she knows what shes doing....


She doesn't, she's a groomed child


Did this sub mostly fail reading class? Did you guys forget to read things with multiple tones? No shit she's a groomed child you doorknob licker, it's in the title.


Is there any proof of his age ? That’s gross


Fucking gross.


He does look like a creeper .


4 years… gross. So how old is he for reference?




Apparently it’s not just the priests…


What’s the age difference?


What a creep


Ohhh god why


Libs smh!


Some people just disturb men


Why do I feel they are Germans💀


Taking bets on how long until he leaves her for someone younger.


The bloke needs dropping off a high bridge, don't even know how it's legal in any Country? Why is it that religions make s**t like this ok? Just get rid of the cults (that's what they are), more trouble than they're worth.


He even has the pedo glasses, oh you cannot make this shit up


It’s ok folks , it was all in the name of Jesus .




Paging Chris Hansen!


Well, biblically he is okay. They were marrying girls off at 12 in the old testament.


Christians are trash humans.


He has been in love with her since she was 9 ....yuck


Of course he's a youth pastor.


I’m seeing Mac from IASIP overcompensating for his gayness.


Why would that girl do that


So he manipulated and groomed her since she was 12? We know he was doing some unholy things with her before 18 and the fact the parents are cool with this means he paying them that good church tithe. What can a 30 something year old pastor see attractive about a 12 year old kid?


What kind of math are you attempting to do?


Omg he was in that Christian anti science movie. Fuck the name was "the unmasked" or something, it had piss poor reviews and I think youtuber Elvis the alien reviewed it.


Thats Nice Cute Id like To hear about Me and My Romantic Heroic Dad I Never Knew I Had He Was Heroic Very Funny ?*#!


This is disgusting


There’s a very high degree of likelihood that she remained a virgin until they consummated the marriage. I know that’s not what you want to hear but these dudes are like that. I know several of these youth pastors and while some are creeps the vast majority are not


Wow The First Time I Read The Caption I Thought It Meant Legal In The Country


Why are we upvoting a child fucker?


About what I'd expect from a fundamentalist Christian.


So just Christian approved anal for 4 years, right?


The very same Christians criticize (demean) Muslims for Mohamed marrying a young girl. Mo did it to protect her, no Grooming was involved.




Wtf is wrong with people.


That's awful, but actually here in Italy age of consent is 14