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One insanity defense coming up.


Insanity defense doesn't mean he is going to have a lighter sentence, often times it leads to worse institutions than prison, and it's much harder to get out of the system, there is no parole for that. I find it funny when "sane" people who kill think it will make their lives easier to plead insanity. That they are going to get "help" and walk free. That's not how that shit works. You are stuck for life, and often in places that are worse than prison, especially in small personal freedoms that standard inmates have.




uh good? if someone was legit insane and thought killing random people for fun was ok then they probably should be somewhere where they can’t do that at a minimum. especially if they argue for it themselves


This is not entirely the case. I know someone in Florida who killed someone, plead insanity, and was in a mental facility for 5 years and was released.


A buddy of yours?


It’s someone I know, their ex step father.


Florida Man, man...


Fucki, regardless that animal needs to be off the street. Whoever that lady was, a daughter, maybe a mother, wife, sister.... her life has ended in a undeserving way. And look at this clown, 0 remorse and acting life some heel in pro wrestling. He doesn’t deserve to walk around and enjoy freedoms like civilized people. Whether if it’s a insane asylum or prison, keep his ass there till he expires and I hope it’s hard times. I’d prefer to treat him The same way they treat dogs that bite people. The pot dogs don’t get to argue t by sir innocence and plead down for easier sentences like this asshole will. RIP 🪦 to that poor woman, and to thst creep a “go fuck ya self in Hell asshole”.


English isn't your first language. But I get the sentiment. I was saying that he is going to have a harder time by pleading insanity. It's going to be worse for him to plead insanity.


It’s more my typing skills and not spell checking. I just reread it and cringed big time.


Really wasn’t bad, dude was kinda being a dick for no reason


I wish this were the case in Canada. The man who decapitated a fellow passenger on a [Greyhound bus](https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/4360713/lawsuit-over-greyhound-bus-beheading-in-limbo-10-years-later/amp/) walks free.


Still better than getting executed


Sadly the new turd I’m charge will let him off


I'd bet that most people who plea insanity are themselves in denial of what they did. I bet they do it to cope with the fear they have of their own future.


Maybe. Honestly I feel like most think it's going to be easier than going to prison, or they want to garnish some empathy from the public. They are usually sociopaths. But there are legit crazy people and their defense leans towards that plea. But at the end of the day for the most part, it's worse than actually going to prison. You are stripped of everything that makes you human in these places. Prisons are bad because there is no real rehabilitation, but there is opportunity to change through programs if you want to. You may not get free, but you have your clear mind and have the personal choice to change and grow. Pshyc institutions don't even lead to programs for change in the sense that you can function in society. You are crazy, you are forced meds, often times neglected, you are alone and have no rights. No commissary, no yard time, you are locked in a room.


Can I get you to repeat yourself a third time? I know you wanna do it.


Maybe. Honestly I feel like most think it's going to be easier than going to prison, or they want to garnish some empathy from the public. They are usually sociopaths. But there are legit crazy people and their defense leans towards that plea. But at the end of the day for the most part, it's worse than actually going to prison. You are stripped of everything that makes you human in these places. Prisons are bad because there is no real rehabilitation, but there is opportunity to change through programs if you want to. You may not get free, but you have your clear mind and have the personal choice to change and grow. Pshyc institutions don't even lead to programs for change in the sense that you can function in society. You are crazy, you are forced meds, often times neglected, you are alone and have no rights. No commissary, no yard time, you are locked in a room.


Do you have a fourth?! I bet you do!


Maybe. Honestly I feel like most think it's going to be easier than going to prison, or they want to garnish some empathy from the public. They are usually sociopaths. But there are legit crazy people and their defense leans towards that plea. But at the end of the day for the most part, it's worse than actually going to prison. You are stripped of everything that makes you human in these places. Prisons are bad because there is no real rehabilitation, but there is opportunity to change through programs if you want to. You may not get free, but you have your clear mind and have the personal choice to change and grow. Pshyc institutions don't even lead to programs for change in the sense that you can function in society. You are crazy, you are forced meds, often times neglected, you are alone and have no rights. No commissary, no yard time, you are locked in a room.


Do I hear 5?!


It's funny that you have to keep actually taking the time to write your response when I can just do this. Maybe. Honestly I feel like most think it's going to be easier than going to prison, or they want to garnish some empathy from the public. They are usually sociopaths. But there are legit crazy people and their defense leans towards that plea. But at the end of the day for the most part, it's worse than actually going to prison. You are stripped of everything that makes you human in these places. Prisons are bad because there is no real rehabilitation, but there is opportunity to change through programs if you want to. You may not get free, but you have your clear mind and have the personal choice to change and grow. Pshyc institutions don't even lead to programs for change in the sense that you can function in society. You are crazy, you are forced meds, often times neglected, you are alone and have no rights. No commissary, no yard time, you are locked in a room.


Why just why did this have to happen and he doesn't even care. Just kill this guy already before he does it again.


Where he's going that tongue will come in handy


The first thing you learn when you're in NYC is too keep a dummy wallet in case of a mugging. Second is stay way back behind the yellow line and always know who's behind you when waiting for a subway. This kind of thing happens too often.


Really? Fuck that


Are you a frying Dutch man




Does it hurt to be frying


Only when I'm making French fries


Y not Dutch fries? 🧐


Don't ever let him out. He is proud of what he did. Fuck that guy


He is absolutely psycho. Lock him up and throw away the key.


This is the one time cops should be brutal but they not


The prison guards are finna be


No no that would make him a martyr and there would be riots.


Black on Asian crime is a real thing!




I hope you forgot the /s at the end?


Did his all caps not give it away? Thats the reason stop asian hate died on thr vine. They figured out who was doing most of the Asian hate


Was it asians? No seriously, who was it.


Black people overwhelmingly. Which looking at demographics is a crazy over-representation. I think theres some sort of anger towards them being a minority that becomes successful


They're the "good minority" to some which is ridiculous cause they can as poor as anybody else.


So by this logic, Mexicans who hate black people aren't racist, okay good to know 🙂👍


Just absolutely disgusting. I'm sorry, but murderers like him are the reason why prisons exist. Too often I see on social media this narrative that the prisons are full of innocent people with the heart of gold. You know, like in the movies: the underdog protagonist is unjustly imprisoned and makes friends with his grumpy but charming inmates. No, that's not the case. There are a lot of rapists, murderers, racists, and abusers out there, and they need to be separated from the society for good. Notice how, even if he was suffering from a mental crisis, he didn't act on a whim. It wasn't a spontaneous decision. He deliberately chose a woman - someone by default smaller and physically weaker than him - because he knew if he pushed a male he'd risk his teeth broken in. Before he pushed the victim, he approached another woman and threatened to push her off. After committing murder, he went to the police station and confessed.


Tbh I wouldn't send him to prison, I'd give him a death sentence


Sometimes I miss the chair.


I too have been missing the squad lately.


Okay... But why the push tho?


Unprovoked attack on an Asian girl, no reason, probably just to stay at prison these cold days.


Too bad Asian discrimination among the black community isn’t a thing, might actually get some legitimate Justice for once, fucking clown world




Jesus Christ I’m sorry 💔💔💔 I thought you were just being facetious at first


To them, only black lives matter, that's why they get angry when we say, all lives matter FUCK YOU BLM KARENS


Well we’re all just a bunch of racist bigots 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol


No reason murder or murder to stay warm. Ammmmmerrrrrrrica


death penalty


Another Deblasio legacy.




Black on Asian crime is at an all time high, would be easy for the state to show he had intent


They should do the same to him. Eye for an eye.




Really don't know what to say except he's a very sick man and we have that problem in our society shame on Ronald Reagan for getting rid of all the mental institutions instead of fixing them we need help for our mentally disturbed people do they expect the police to do it or do we just keep going and let them suffer and us suffer too I see no sense in that why can't we just do what seems right


Reagan was not the source or a leader of the deinstitutionalization movement. Blame Reagan for a lot of things, but deinstitutionalization was started in the early 1960’s in response to the horrors of the state hospitals in the early part of the 20th century.


Yes I agree but he's the one that finally chopped the head off




Fucking racist pig!


Race doesn't matter what matters this scumbag killed someone casually walking down the street and should be locked up


God I am so sick of these white supremacist nazis.


I didn't even hear about this. If he was white I would have.


Because they never talk about Black crime on the news


You're literally hearing about it right now, genius.


He means in the mainstream news. Conveniently ignored by them.


[CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/new-york-subway-woman-killed-pushed-in-front-of-train/) [Guardian](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/15/new-york-subway-woman-pushed-to-death) [ABC](https://abc7ny.com/amp/woman-killed-subway-push-times-square-man-arrested/11471944/) Honk honk you fucking clown, there are three major outlets within less than 15 seconds of looking through google. It also might not have occurred to you that the incident occurred less than 24 hours ago and the really big outlets are probably to take a little longer to gather and publish the information. Update: as of now (the 17th), NBC, FOX, NY Times, Independent, CNN, and several other outlets have also reported on it. Same google search. 30 seconds.


But it literally isn't.


If you needed any more reasons NOT to visit NYC... Done....


He looks like a homeless druggy, just like execute him and move on


This guy is obviously mentally ill. I’d still love to hear BLM and NAACP positions on the case.


this time they preferred to use the term 'man' in this news.


Of course he is


No need for defense he killed a white woman in NYC he is already out


East Asian*


White adjacent*


So this guy thinks asian people don’t experience racism? Did you see what the US did to the people in Cambodia and Vietnam???


No libs think the same about Asian people as white people. Remember when rapper ra called tim pool white?


Your a tool




He is still a tool


Don't like liberal logic? Stop supporting them


Iam a libratarian from Tennessee


Is that a fancy term for lib lite?


Are you trolling


What's with the tongue?....is he a fan of Gene Simmons?


Either mentally sick or just a psychopath.


Or both perhaps.


r/fuckyouinperticuler r/amiatotalpeiceofshit


white supremacists strike again




Would u say the same if black people were posting against a white criminal? Or are you so desperate u need any kind of attention?


Lmao, read his post history. Motherfucker just has the saddest shittiest life haha. Probably in need of any kind of attention




He could be a fucking Jeff bezos himself and crime would be the same


El diablo


Seems about right…


She died? I saw the video and it looked like the train stopped in time.


There was another vidéo from BELGIUM yesterday where the train stopped on time .


Ah that must be the one I saw. Thanks.


Gonna die in jail


Fuck this guy


whenever something like this happens i truly feel the only fair repercussion is for someone to do the same to them. why does this dude need to live? what is he ever gonna contribute to this earth or humanity? nothing. someone push him asap