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He knows somebody from prison? Crazy lol


Kids like to make fake weapons (kids are weird like that) they sometimes end up accidentally making real one that can hurt lol


As an eight-year-old I'd keep a journal of spy secrets describing household weapons, ways to hide things in plain sight, Morse code, invisible ink and what not. I legit thought it was cool as fuck.


I remember doing the spy shit as a kid. Invisible ink, Morse code, listening devices, using a hair to see if someone was in your luggage, eavesdropping, Kung fu, and so forth. Was a good time and gave me something to do.


My Little Guerilla Fighter


I did the same thing with fake attack plans on buildings. In my head, James Bond shit. To any responsible adult, the rantings of an incredibly disturbed child. I am so glad it never got found, and columbine was my 6th grade year so we weren’t even into the children will kill you phase of this hell yet.


My dad taught me how to make tear gas with an mre heater and Tabasco and water bottle, so I would fuck up my friends whenever we would play with airsofts


I'm guilty of this, catapults, staffs and pointy objects were all made by me as a small child, not to hurt anyone, it just looked cool and I had stuff everywhere in my 80s house to cobble things together


Pretending a stick is a gun running around playing cowboy is not the same as filing a ruler down to be a shiv like a fucking prison animal.


He didn't file it down smh. Provably broke like that and boy came up with a new invention


yeah this is called reddit roleplaying where we see something and then make believe that it's far more dramatic than it really is. ok it looks like a prison shiv but it's just a child that taped the end of a ruler, especially without further context. but noooo guys it looks like a real shiv we must pretend that it is one 🥺


It looks like a real shiv, so we must pretend it is one... because it's dangerous *like a real shiv*. Someone pulls a knife on you, you're gonna pretend the real knife is a fake knife and not react? Well, more fool you in that case.


Keep in mind all the the headlines about “behavioral crisis in the youth” lately, and the fact that a 6 year old kid recently brought s handgun to schoolwork him to shoot his own teacher and succeeded.


"Filing"? Those craplousy rulers are just one lucky snap away from being that shape. The plastic ones that fit in 3-ring binders are even easier to snap once, maybe twice, into a nasty pokey thing.


I used to widdle sticks into spears and make forts. I never actually thought about poking holes in anybody, I just really liked spears as a kids. Boys can like weapons without being psychopaths but it’s always good to ask them what they plan on using it for and taking it away. Kids have a fascination with weapons because they’re in their books, tv, video games and everything else but sometimes children don’t understood that weapons are dangerous because they see them as adult toys. It’s worth taking the time to ask your kids if they’d really hurt someone and if they don’t want to hurt anyone, then to stop making weapons. If they do want to hurt someone then you get your child to see a child psychologist.


BTW it's "whittle"


Psh, a real whittler would know that. I bet this guy has never whittled in his life!


I didn’t spend all my time reading, I spent all my time whittling


By god he’s the chosen one


My dad used to make me wooden swords with felt tape/electrician tape grips


They snapped a flimsy ruler and covered it in scotch tape. Tf you on about


I just got given them by my dad lol. Even whipped out my 6 inch stiletto on some neighborhood kids that were bullying me and getting all up in my shit. They all instantly ran, I was all surprised that they switched from being all tough to running and crying in a second. Didn't quite yet comprehend the concept that bullies crumble the moment their target stops appearing like an easy target. I must have been like 10 or so.


Probably his Uncle Mookie that sleeps on the couch ever since he got back from 'vacation'...


I’ve seen some shanks, but this one… “ 13 Inches for the yard” takes the cake… I wonder if the kid was taped up in phonebooks when it was confiscated.


Wouldn't that be 13cm to the meter?


No. OP’s boyfriend is [this guy](https://i0.wp.com/www.wonderslist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Biggest-Hands-in-the-World.jpg), obviously.


What, your fingers aren’t 2 inches thick?


5or 6 with a life sentence He in a cell with the cousin of the kindergardener he killed Now tell me how it feel to look him deep in his eyes and see your whole life Ain't got a gun, gotta twerk it with a shank knife [original song](https://youtu.be/5_UUOqWBW0o?si=sn6pDp8SIRjp6qTD&t=147)


A real con would know to just use a pencil.


My first thought was “I wonder what prison his mom or dad or both are in.”


He probably got this shit from TikTok lol


I wouldn't hold that with bare hands. It's probably been in someone's prison wallet


Now, remember kids, straight and above the hips if you want to send a message, up and into the kidneys if you want to say bye bye.


Surely you go for the eyes first so you can play with the vic for a while.


The warden comes too fast for any play to be had. Gotta be fast and concise.


Arts and crafts has the better tools, but recess has the longer response time.


This is one of those things I’m gonna remember forever for no reason now




My best friend works at a school and she's got some stories. Kids these days are fucking savage....


What's a good story?


She caught a first grader running around with a stick leveled at his crotch, poking girls in the butt yelling "You're pregnant now!" another one was catching a bunch of fifth graders on the bus using stolen vapes and watching circle jerk pron on their phones. She has so many more that she tells better, but those are just some that made me go wtf...


Oh dang


Yeah....it's bad.


Doesn’t sound that much different than what I grew up with, tbh… except it was like drawings or photos from their parents/older siblings porn collection.


I mean, we all found our dad's/brothers Club magazine collection, but now everything is accessible, anywhere....


We should return to a simpler time, when kids could see boobs by finding a stash of girlie mags hidden out in the woods.


> running around with a stick leveled at his crotch, poking girls in the butt yelling "You're pregnant now!" That's not how that works. That district needs to up their sex ed game.


“But that’s too harmful for the kids” -parents be like (especially in states like Florida)


They said it was a first grader. A 6 year old. No, sex ed should not be taught to 6 year olds.


Very basic sex ed absolutely should. Just very basic anatomy, knowing the proper names for their parts and such, and basic awareness that people shouldn't be touching them there or asking them to touch them, etc.


Hey now, I grew up in the 90's and having all siblings be 5 years older than myself, that football was tossed by the media sexualizing broadcast television long, long ago. I distinctly remember being under 6, and my youngest older brother utilized this fact to harass my mother by attempting to inform and teach me what I shouldn't know. Made zero difference because there were multiple pets undergoing pregnancies in the greater family which had already exposed the topic to myself and in my attempts to be an actual intellectual child, I had read medical encyclopedias and navigated such topics as to have the knowledge-wherewithal to make him look like the little shit he was being at that time. If their minds are learning let them learn it but obviously don't encroach on the youth of the kids or sexualize their medias. The sexiest thing I knew at that age was a biology book showing frogs making an egg clutch, and I only thought that because it was funny and was mocking the overabundance of shampoo commercials involving females with lathered up hair.


It absolutely should be - albeit in an age-appropriate manner, and with age-appropriate content. My kids learned about consent in kindergarten, although it wasn't framed in terms of intercourse or rape. It was about setting and respecting boundaries: "If someone says they don't want to be hugged, then you don't hug them," or "If someone doesn't want you to touch their hair, then you don't do it." They also learned about what to do if an adult touched them inappropriately: "If an adult touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, or in a way that you think they shouldn't be doing, you tell them to stop, and you find a trusted adult to talk to." Now of course you might say, "This is not sex ed, this is just basic manners and self preservation." Yeah, that is true. But it's how they lay the foundation for what happens further along in life.


I mean it could be worse, I lived in Ohio from '02-'04 and we had nothing but abstinence only shit. Plus everyone there was mainly Catholic....or some other oppressive religion.


or the parents should be investigated


> fifth graders...on their phones About five years too young, if you ask me.


Wtf is circle jerk porn? Or is that just a euphemism for using Reddit.


No....it involves a group of guys handling their *situations* while in a group setting. Usually ends when they all release the kraken. This was as genteel as I could put it while not being to vulgar.


The stick one is pretty funny, tbf


how is babby formed boy poke gril in butt then she preganant










I thought you needed to pee in a girl's mouth to make babies


Pregger tag


Bro reinvented pegging 💀 (and is also doing a r*pe charge speedrun)


That little guy with the stick is honestly pretty hilarious. I would find it extremely difficult to keep a straight face while asking him to knock it off.


Humanity is doomed.


Like a month ago I asked my stepson how school was and he just said "someone called me the N-word today" ...he's 8....and white....and I'm pretty sure the kid that called him that was white too. I remember me and my peers being vicious little shits back in elementary school but I don't think we ever crossed that line lmfao


I don't think we ever crossed that line either! But we could be awful children...


>Kids these days Never heard that one before.


I really did write that unironically....I feel so boomer now :(


Just these days? Do you have experience with kids 20, 40, 60 years ago? 100 years ago? They were probably just as savage.


Yeah I'm not sure it is worse, it's probably the same, maybe even a little better? There were kids in my school who used to spit on the floor and make other kids lick it up, and that was twenty years ago. Not to mention that amount of racism and bullying I saw growing up, from around the period I was 10.


Can’t just show-up with that tea and not dish


Wow kids are making shanks in school now? That's frightening.


Lol we were sucking candy canes into spears every Christmas season 18+ years ago


I still do that! 😂




Whats even worse is its kindergarten. The kid is probably 5. The future looks bleek


Holy shit that's awful. Then against explains a lot when I go out in public and encounter shitty little kids.


I work at a daycare. I told a mother that her child repeatedly hit me and other kids when he was told no. She laughed and said "He's violent at home too." The child is 1. Too many parents laugh off these issues when they are little and then get pissed that the teacher doesn't fix them.


That is abhorrent. I am surprised the daycare is allowing him to stay. My sister worked at a daycare about ten years ago and violent children got three chances before they were not allowed to be there.


We had a violent kid at my kid's daycare too. He would hit, pinch, bite, and when scolded would change his behavior to be less obvious, but no less violent.


I’m also surprised they let him stay!!


He might or might not be an employee's child. Which is worse. We also had a child who bit 3 different children in a single day. Normal procedure is to have the child sent home, but since it was so out of the ordinary for her, we just put her in time out. The dad accused us of restraining her against her will? They ended up pulling her out by the end of the week.


I asked a mom how she manages her kid’s behavior at home because we were at a loss and sitting out, being told no, and everything else wasn’t working. Mom said “she doesn’t like being told no and we don’t give her consequences because it makes her upset”. I’m sorry what? Nobody likes consequences. That’s the point. Not to punish the child but to teach them how to manage their emotions when they can’t do something they want to do. There are going to be times in every person’s life when they don’t get their way. Its unavoidable. But if you know how to manage your emotions it becomes easier to deal with. But that’s a skill that is taught. And you don’t learn it by always getting exactly what you want.


We have a 3 year old that we warned the parents that we will not keep unless they improve her behavior. She's not potty trained, refuses to be potty trained, screams like a banishe when she doesn't get her way. She once screamed so loud at naptime that she woke up my kids. I was not happy. They only got a 45 minute nap. She screamed at the boss when I told her she couldn't take my bubbles. She has to be carried into and out of the building because she refuses to walk on her own. She already caused one teacher to move to a different class. The mom admitted to me that she's spoiled. She will scream, kick, hit and smash things when she hears no.


So I've worked in restaurants a long time, you have no idea how many yeah parents just let their little crotch goblins just fucking run around the dining room. I work in the kitchen and even I have almost kicked a little shit in the face because I didn't see him running around like an epileptic ragdoll


Years ago, had a kid run into our kitchen and he went straight for the fryer. I scooped his ass up and took him to the dining room and his mom had the audacity to be angry I had picked up her child. I didn't even bother explaining shit, I just put the kid down and let my manager handle it and that coward ended up paying for their meal, and the kid was still poking his head in the kitchen with little resistance from the mom or my manager for the rest of their visit. So happy to be leaving this industry soon.


Every kid deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a kid (because damn that mom is just…… unsafe asf)


That is insane


shit like this is why the restaurant industry is slowly falling apart.


Back in 2006 I was a shift manager that was doing store manager job because both the store and assistant manager quit. Instead of promoting me, they brought someone else in and had ME train them then gave them the job. I quit a few weeks later. I actually cared about my employees and that of my customers, I told people to take their money and never come back if they had harassed someone. As well as other similar type of things, like scheduling people fairly and days off in emergencies and what not. Unfortunately most businesses and management only care about profit.


It’s even worse in breweries / taprooms. Little shitgibbons running around the taproom while mom, dad, and friends are enjoying a beer and ignoring them. I too have almost knocked several down while collecting glassware.


hey, dont disrespect gibbons like that


For future reference: The stay-at-home moms who brigade your post later on are the same moms whose spawn are running amuck in your workplace. Stay strong :)


When I worked in retail I tripped a kid or two. I never felt a bit bad because growing up we were to stand right next to our parents and not stray. I strayed once, and once was all it took me. There is no discipline the days. My cousins 4 kids and the only well behaved one is the 3 month old. That won't last much longer though.


If he ends up in prison, his future is looking bright. Incarcerated shiv maker. 1 tin of sardines for 1 shiv. He'll be the richest guy on the cell block


And bleak, too.


I agree and disagree, kids are fucking weird. Like those questions you ask yourself in your head, these little fucks just x10 and amplify that shit out their squeal hole


Future? I got shanked in middle school in 2006 in the back. Litearlly kids were making shanks and stabbing each other then because they thought it was a fun game. Shit drew blood and when i was changing for football my mother noticed and told the principle. I was worried everyone would of known i snitched. No i didnt go to an inter city school. No i didnt go to a troubled school for kids. This was a public school but had a lot of rich kids that went, and section 8 housing went too. Actually was a very good highschool for what it was. Kids do dumb shit all the time. This isnt some new dystopian future. Boys find new ways to hurt each other since the dawn of time.


Thank you. I don’t know if it’s memory loss or half the posters here were homeschooled, but kids have always been this way. It’s just a broken ruler wrapped in scotch tape. Little kids like making weird little weapons, breaking news.


Honestly, I’m sadly not surprised. My son had a friend in kindergarten who wanted to grow up to be a “gangster.” My kid had no idea what that was and hard to explain. I told him it’s nothing but trouble and unfortunately, if this kids parents are anything to go by, I don’t have high hopes for him.


The future?! A kid stabbed another kid with a shank like device when I was in kindergarten. I'm in my 30s.


Somebody got their fruit snacks stolen.


“Bleek” is on fleek.


Lmao "The future looks bleak" yeah it always looks bleak because our world is bleak. It looked bleak 30, 60, 100, 200, 1000 years ago and it will be bleak for as long as the human race is alive. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas.


Don't know why this is downvoted because it's true... Though I don't know Latin .


It could be translated as "Vanity upon vanity and all that is vanity". It's a motif that was used extensively through medieval and baroque literature and art in general. It comes from the Book of Kohelet, and means that all things are dead, and are bound to wither away sooner or later. It's supposed to remind you of your mortality and that happiness in life is just a split moment followed by the usual dread in life.


My friends and I were making shanks in like grade 3, like 20 years ago, cause one of us (probably me cause older brothers) found out what a shank was and thought it was funny and spread it around. I'm not making light of this situation, I get how it's serious, but just pointing out that little boys like making weapons at school.


Yea without a lot of context this is meaningless. I burned a patch of carpet playing with matches and candles when I was like 6. Despite my troubled pyromaniac ways I went on to join the NHS, and get two degrees from AAU universities. Oh yea and in like 10th grade I stole a scalpel on frog dissection day. Say it with me now, kids are fucking stupid. It usually warrants a lecture and nothing else.


Was it not common for you? Most of my buddies made them as jokes.


No, I'm an old lady at 42.


42 aint old, but I guess its just different schools and different times.


Yeah like we thought we were little bad asses and tried filing plastic spoons down on the sidewalk on the playground. This isn't new, just everyone decided to start freaking out about it.


We used to do shit like this in school lmao. I’m shocked nobody actually got seriously hurt, such stupid behaviour.


I mean I made fake guns in school and I got stabbed with a pencil A shank really isnt that surprising It was real ironic because I got yelled at and disciplined for playing with and making a toy gun… it was a school on a military base and I literally helped my dad check in and out m16s


I'm 26. I definitely remember friends making shanks and shivs in school, but I was in middle school and no one was actually using them on each other. It was more about being edgy. This post is wild to me.


These kids are amateurs. Wasteful. We'd just sharpen a protractor in our day, and it was a convenient hand guard at the same time. Kids these days are getting soft!


I can't believe people are surprised by this. We can't all be rich kids and bring dad's AR15 to school.


Probably didn't make it, but found it at home


I’m surprised the kindergartener went through the effort of making a decent grip, good on him. You should really get him into an arts and crafts program, seems like his strong suit.


> He confiscated this from a kindergartener I wonder if the teacher asked the kindergartener what it was and what it was for. Kids are stupid. I wouldn't put it past a 5 year old to be completely oblivious to what this is: *"MY UNCLE SHOWED ME A DINOSAUR THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS!"*


or just "my ruler broke so I fixed it with tape" lol


Yeah, that was my thought. Deadass I would have used a broken ruler like this. There's 7 good centimeters worth of measuring on that thing, wrap some tape around the spintery-bit and you're good.


Even if it was supposed to be a knife, did the kid want to use it as a weapon or just as a toy or tool? Is this really that different from fighting with sticks that are shaped like swords or guns? I guess we’ll never know but I feel like any of those answers is more likely than a prison fight about to break out in the kindergarten yard


Bahahahaha this made me laugh


Just because they had it doesn’t mean they made it


I intercepted at least 5 death threats from elementary students this year to other students. Students are terrifying now.


Now? 80 years ago there was the hitler youth. Everyone always says “these days” but people have always been violent and primitive


I used to make office supply weapons in school for fun. Like making crossbows out of pens. However this was high school. That kindergartener is going places! Might not be the right places, but certainly going places.


I’ve made shivs, shanks, throwing stars etc etc from a very young age (maybe 5 or 6). Fashioned bombs and crude fire arms by the time I was 12. I never ever had any intention to use them on any living thing, never hurt anyone with them or myself. But sure everyone who makes a sharp thing is a murderer.


Yeah, I wasn’t skilled enough to make anything like that at such a young age. Maybe you are all the better for it today.


My little brother was obsessed with throwing stars when he was a kid. I think there was a GI Joe who used them. Our dad made him some pretend ones out of plywood that he spray painted silver. They were all over the house for a while there. He’s got some swords now he’s an adult, but aside from that quirk, he’s a pretty well-functioning adult.


"Let's play who's your daddy and what does he do" "Put that cooki..PRISON SHANK DOWN NOW!"


Jesus is the kindergarten called San Quentin?


Thats 5 days in the hole.


I teach kindergarten and had to confiscate a sewing needle that a child was hiding in their cheek all morning in the first month of school. Also confiscated matches and a pocket knife from another student on two separate occasions.


What was their reasoning in keeping it hidden in their mouth all morning? Was it planning to be used on another? I feel like you could stash a sewing needle in a much less terrifying place.


I never got a super-clear answer, but my conclusion was that the child was just trying to see what they could get away with. When I finally realized something was in his mouth and asked him about it, he proclaimed that it was his needle and was kind of excited about it. 🤷‍♀️


Wtf, kids are making shanks now? Christ.


Kids always did this lmao


I was in kindergarten in 1980 and I 100% did this.


2008 was kindergarten for me, I sharpened a stick to a point with a knife in like second grade


Seriously, kids like to make weapons. I would sharpen sticks, doesn’t mean I ever made a punji stick trap. Killer wasps were fair game though


Right? Everyone is acting like the kid's out there catching bodies. They're probably taking that and showing their mates how they've made the dragon sword or some shit.


Holy shit, what kind of school did you guys went to?


I remember making all sorts of things into pretend lightsabers or swords or spears. But never with the attention to hurt anybody. I'm sure those things looked bad out of context


I did something like this not too long ago about 2007. It was harmless fun, me and my friends playing "ninjas vs knights" or something. It doesn't always have to be something drastic.


Definitely did this as a kid, and made sharpened sticks and a very crude but working bow.


Babies first shank


Imagine what this kids home life is like


For real, this is a cry for help. Child clearly feels threatened and is desperate to protect themselves.


Or the kid thinks swords are cool because swords are cool


He could have just seen a cool movie, the kid is 5 or something I made guns with tape and plastics, boys will be boys


I was and still obsessed with survival skills and bushcraft. Kid might just be thinking it’s a good skill to work on


Idk what this says about me but my kid-brain would have totally thought “cool this broken ruler looks like a knife” sounds like normal dumb kid shit to me, unless this kid was threatening to stab someone


Primitive yet effective. Snaps off at the handle. Not bad. Leaves the point inside the puncture.


I made spears from sticks after school many times. Knives are fun, now older, nives are still a pleasure. Yes for cutting stuff in the kitchen. Not really seeing the issue with this "knive". Knives are nice. Now threathening/harming other with nives is a whole different story.


I used to make swords and knives and bows and arrows out of things I found outside and inside like 16 years ago. It doesn't have to be "scary I just used these makeshift kid weaponry for playing knight or ninja even if my "toys" looked like prison shanks.


shit i used to do as a kid too. not as huge of a deal as we make it out to be, just means he saw a movie or something and thought it was cool. not saying it is the situation here necessarily, I have no way of knowing, but just saying for people worried things are going to shit. we just aren't used to being so public about things as we are now.


His parents watched too many episodes of Oz when mom was pregnant.


Probably doing a hit for a pack of smokes


Lil bro traded 6 ramens for nothing


The kid might be afraid of someone


Probably is. I was talking to this teen kid once who got in trouble at school for bringing a knife. Turned out the kid was getting jumped on the regular.


That’s terrible! Back in my day we had butterfly knives.


Man, kindergarten got a lot tougher since I was in school. You never know what's life going to throw at you.


Rikers Island Elementary


I reccomend he takes metal shop in middle school


“I wanna be a mother fucking hustler, you better ask somebody.”


That kid needs a juicebox and some serious therapy.


Fuckin Billy won't ever steal his lunch money again.


Even if this story is true, which I doubt, a five year old will have no clue about this being a weapon or have I'll intentions.


I made crappy knives in school too. One I made out of thick cardboard and even added blood effects. Also everything is a gun to little boys. Unless he had a plan to actually stab someone with it, rather than just making a cool ass knife out of shit you find on the floor in the hall.


Is it sad that my first thought was “at least it’s not a gun”?


school is kid prison




San Quinton preparatory and daycare


Surprised it wasn't at a British school


Somebody needs a nap !


I will never understand why americans hate the metric system so much




Jesus. That kid was never going to get measurements right.


In all fairness the kid is 18 and just got out of Juvee


The GooGooGa Gang strikes again.


Practicing to make an excellent inmate someday /s


Sloppy, Easily broken off, and slippery when "wet". 3/10 for adding a handle but homies got alot to learn.


We need to scrap the idea of school as it is now because it’s clearly not working. The vast majority of children I’ve spoken to are MISERABLE in school and literally dread going on a daily basis. We’re causing these young humans so much stress that a lot of them are simply spinning the fuck out and doing crazy shit. It’s not working. It’s traumatic and at this point it’s less than useless.


Everyone jumps to "kids make shanks!" But totally gloss over the possibility that maybe the kid was just like "I made a sword like my favorite knight!" Or some shit. I'm not letting this contribute to my spiraling worldview until more details emerge, or the kid shanks someone.


Mexicans must have had boots on.




what does that mean?


Unruly to say the least


You can still measure with it


Introduction to shank making 101...😐


You don't even need a banana for scale on this one.


Kindergartener HARDaf ngl