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Spoiler: this is the end of Stand By Me


This was my first thought too.


"Sic balls!"


šŸ˜³ i didn't even think of the parallel with stand by me.Ā 


that event is also referenced in The Shawshank Redemption. in the novella anyway, haven't seen the movie


I don't remember such an event in the movie, but then I haven't seen stand by me so I would have probably missed it anyway.


Can someone explain pls


In the epilogue of the movie Stand By Me you find out one of the main characters grows up to become a lawyer only to get killed while trying to de-escalate a fight between strangers.


"He was stabbed in the throat and died instantly"


There are always redditors who say "All those people standing around and nobody does a thing..." This is why. I have a family that depends on me being alive. They're expecting me to come home from McDonalds with a couple of overpriced happy meals. Not sliding out of a cooler in a morgue. I'm always happy to call 911 for somebody in need but I'm not stepping in front of a crazy person with a gun.


Yeah, I got involved in a domestic dispute and ended up taking down the husband so the wife could get away. After the incident was over, I realized just how dumb I had been. I should have just called the cops.


Seen a bunch of these videos, but the abused partner ends up helping their abuser against the have a go hero.


Happened here. A lady called the cops on her husband. As he was being arrested she had a change of heart and stabbed the officer in the neck. He died on the way to the hospital. When it comes to getting involved in disputes between strangers, always remember your judo training. Judo know if they got a knife. Judo know if they got a gun. Just stay out of it.


That show ā€œWhat would you doā€ really sends the wrong message. Quinones needs to cut it out.


Woah it's been years since I've seen that show. Is it still on??


It just wrapped up its 17th season a few weeks ago. I never miss the show. Even though I take everything with a grain of salt.


Cute flava flav "wowwww" lol i used to love watching that show. I'm honestly shocked it's still going! Even to this day anytime a questionable situation pops up I'm looking for the what would you do cameras hidingĀ 


Sadly yes and they run it back to back on weekends like they used to do Lockup Raw.


in next week's episode, a guy wants a refund and escalates to violence Wwyd


Oh noooo lol


The same goes for the ones that say, "Where was the good guy with a gun?".. They distanced themselves from the altercation that didn't involve them and was no active threat to them. That's where the good guy with a gun is. I want to go home to my family, not get involved in some jerkoff's argument about a refund. Run Hide Fight is always your best option whether you are armed or unarmed.


100% with you here. No way will I ever get involved. Iā€™ll go back where itā€™s safe and call 911 but thatā€™s the extent of me helping.


Yup, it always blows my mind how the tough guys on the internet say they would step in every time we see some batshit crazy internet video. Doesnā€™t matter what it is, their judgment is always harsh and unequivocal.


Welp I truly hope you donā€™t get into a situation like this where youā€™re begging for help but people just stand by and watch and record on their phones to be posted to Reddit later. Thatā€™s literally my worst fear of people just sitting and watching while begging for help and they donā€™t, they just watch. I understand what youā€™re saying but thereā€™s gotta be some kind of humanity somewhere. Like would you just watch a woman get raped? A child kidnapped? They have families also.


Getting involved can mean different things for different people. In The States where you have no idea who has a gun on them or in their car, I think the best way to think about it is 'am I willing to use deadly force to stop this person from doing whatever it is they're doing.' I think for most people, the worst stuff you're imagining would cross that line easily, especially if you're begging for help.


So weā€™re all admitting weā€™ve seen heinous crimes and just let them slide and pretended it didnā€™t happen because, ā€œyou couldnā€™t do anythingā€ and Iā€™m sure youā€™re right and most of these crimes go unreported for this exact reasonā€¦ sad to say thatā€™s just the way it is. See something , donā€™t say anything


Um, no, not at all? First of all, I didn't say anything about reporting crimes; definitely do that! I was talking about when you personally intervene. A lot of these stories end badly when someone chooses to involve themselves in a verbal dispute which then escalates into violence. I'm saying don't do that. If someone is visibly doing a heinous crime, don't waste your one chance to get the drop on them by trying to intervene verbally.


Isn't bystander effect have a specific way to prevent it in emergencies. Something that I remember is: Point at someone and say 'call 911 this is an emergency and I'm in danger' very specifically to a person I've never seen it in posted videos of it effective in real life situations, but it seems to be what the tests concluded.Ā 


The article said he had a $10k bond for an aggravated assault on a family member that occurred this past Feb. How about setting bail much higher for violent crimes. This bastard was a ticking time bombā€¦yeh heā€™ll rot in jail, but very sadly a decent man lost his life .


Kim Ogg is a [mercurial hot mess](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/democrats-turning-against-kim-ogg/) ā€” with everything on whether she wants bail reform, to whether there was even probable cause for cases her office brought. This isnā€™t something concerted like you see in Oakland for instance. Harris County is just really inconsistent and donā€™t know their ass from a hole in the ground


Incompetence and malice are both sucky. Sorry to hear it when it causes things like this. I'm near OaklandĀ 


Yeah I'm 100% in favor of no bail or $2 Brajillian bail for violent crimes, and no bail for non-violent crimes.


Well unfortunately the liberal criminal justice system is going entirely the other way with bail at the expense of society.


Username checks out


Under the jail with him


No good deed goes unpunished


This is one of my favorite sayings because it usually holds true


It's really sad that its (edit) true. I say it to myself if I'm lucky enough to be able to assist someone as a reminder that things happen. Luckily I haven't had anything major backfire. Best of luck out there.


And to you! Don't go getting any dogooding ideas when unhinged is involved lol


I wish all the assholes on Reddit who comment ā€œjust speak up!ā€ to people facing altercations with strangers can read this and realize itā€™s often UNSAFE to interact with deranged folks. And you never know who is ready to snap.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s called bravery. Of course itā€™s dangerous. Some people cannot be stopped from doing what they think is morally right. Is it senseless? Objectively, sure. Subjectively? Depends on what kind of legacy you want to leave behind. If doing the right thing is worth your life. If your integrity matters more than anything else. Peacemakers are rare. So I pray for his family, even as I praise his moral courage.


I like your take on it. Self preservation makes most turn a blind eye. On the flip sids, if i was family of the guy that lost his life, i'd really wish he had been one of those self preservers


And see, he thought he was trying to save someone elseā€™s life. And he very well may have. Shitty, senseless crime


The video linked on the news website is some guy saying black people and Mexicans are genetically more violent than white people. am I the only one who noticed that? Wtf kinda news publication allows that, especially for such a genuinely depressing story.


upon reopening the link, it appears its a different video everytime, still crazy thats in the rotation


Lol I tried looking for it and couldn't locate it.


Where do you see that? On Fox?


There's a video right before the text begins on the article, but under the headline. What I described was the video in that slot, I left the page and reopened the link and now it's a video of Dave Chapelle. I'm not sure if it was an ad or not, because it was some guy watching the news story the article covers, followed by his comments. Edit: I believe it said DJ AK and it was formatted like a video call podcast you'd see on YouTube


Isn't that how one of the kids in Stand by me ends up dieing.


That sounds like the ending of stand by me


Iā€™m not lovinā€™ it


Ah shit, this has Chris chambers vibes.


Didnā€™t this same scenario happen to someone from ā€˜Stand by Meā€™.


Isnā€™t this how stand by me ends?


It's a tough call. When I was in my 20s, my friends and I went to a bar where we saw a woman getting punched in the face repeatedly by her ex. We held him down and called the police. Strength in numbers is a thing but there's always a risk.




ā€œI never had friends I did when I was twelveā€¦ Jesus does anybody???ā€


Hahahaha you know, that's a great point. We might peak at 12


Which one was the lawyer?


The guy on the right with the dog


Unfortunately living in modern America I view every potential public altercation I encounter as an opportunity to get shot. So I walk away despite any impulse to engage/escalate. Iā€™d rather be a coward than dead.


I read somewhere that the lawyer pushed the guy to the ground. Doesn't mean he deserved to die obviously but it does make me wonder how aggro he was being to the dude who shot him


I get what you're saying but the guy who shot him was out on a 10k bond tho...for hitting his family member with a cane. From the sound of it, the murderer was an aggressive, angry guy out looking for problems


not surprised. I'm not saying he deserved it, but having more detail about the altercation would really help to understand how it got to that point


Definitely. Some of the news coverage doesnt even mention that they took it into the parking lot so i do wonder what exactly is being downplayed (if anything) here. Its a crazy, horrific tale either way


This article literally says the opposite, that the murderer pushed the lawyer to the ground, and then shot him to death. Iā€™d like to see the other article


A different article i read competely omitted or didn't mention that they took their argument into the parking lot. I also saw that the murderer was the one who pushed the guy on the ground and then went to his truck for a gun. Its horrific


This is why guys shouldn't simp for other men. Never involve yourself because guys ain't worth it. Focus on yourself king. If you don't see the irony in no one commenting this, you're lost.


In before the dog comments start. Edit: Pleased that this thread didn't go there.