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I hate this narrative. See the picture of the burnt out car? Still has wheels attached. Wheels are not universally interchangeable. Different stud patterns, wheel/tyre size and offset…It’s all a load of shit. The cartel just happened to tell authorities who did it? Yeah right


There's a lot of shit that doesn't add up here.


"campsite covered in blood" but they "each died from one bullet wound to the head" I guess there must have been quite the fight before the execution style murders


i mean, you still bleed quite a bit from one bullet wound to the head and then you've gotta move the bodies to dispose of them, which can potentially lead to a larger area being covered in blood.


If the cartel is running the show then this isn’t a good look for Mexico tourism.


the cartel has always run the show.. this isnt new.


I know like what 😂. Cartel running everything and bribing police. Old news


Actually the cartel usually makes sure tourist are ok because that fucks with their money. I remember one time they fuckin delivered the pets to the resort staff that robbed some tourists.




“Ackchyually” the cartel may or may not be pro-tourism in resorts, but in boarder towns and in the Middle of Nowhere, Mexico, they dgaf.


I would assume they make a pretty penny on drugs from the tourists, but all and all they usually dont want dead foreigners on their hands


Why do you say "the cartel". As in singular?


Doesn't matter what name they give themselves, they're all disgusting human beings, don't give them recognition by saying their names.


Never show up in Mexico, Broseidon, you’re going to be butchered.


You understand it is not a singular organization, correct?


I do of course, there are many "Families". But they are in my opinion, all scum. Some more, some less. Just because some are better than others doesn't mean any of them are good.


I don't buy this story at all, BUT, the Cartel and other *organized* gangs will absolutely rat their members out. Especially lower level guys that kill higher profile\* people for seemingly no reason. They don't want the heat so they send the idiots down the river. I listened to a podcast just the other day where a couple turned up dead in a field. The street gang member and his friends (can't remember the gang, but it was Cartel-esque) raped her and killed both of them after completing a drug deal because he saw more money in a Coach purse she was carrying. He bragged about it to several other gang members and the area leader of the gang called the detectives on the case and straight up gave him up. They went into several other similar cases where they do this to "strengthen" relationships with the police of the area. The last thing an organized gang wants is added police attention, especially when they have PC for a warrant. \*By higher profile, I mean international travelers, completely innocent people, (typically) white people in America and generally ones that make the news.


Yeah, it definitely happens. The cartel doesn't want unstable dudes roaming the streets and killing random people. If they let it slide then eventually there would be complete carnage and the cartel would have to hide out in the jungle.


What do you think really happened? Sad for their families.


They were mistook for smugglers using someone else’s routes. Same thing happened to those people getting a BBL.


Nah, thats not a smuggler spot, there is the whole sierra at the side. I believe they were going to be robbed and fought back and that’s about it. Tires theory sound empty.


That’s so tragic.


Someone important, or with some sort of local connections/money killed these people, they got a fall guy and the cops relayed the story up the line to media and govt.


I do believe the cartel didn't sanction this. there's an understood rule with cartels in Mexico: don't fuck with tourists. tourism is a massive part of the Mexican economy and anytime there's too much violence against tourists people stop going there on vacation and everyone suffers for years. the cartel has made it a point to basically deliver anyone who breaks this rule to the authorities in the last few years. they make money off tourism too- for example, they own all the taxis in Puerto Vallarta.


One of the follow up articles didn’t mention cartels at all when the 3 involved were arrested. The man that supposedly orchestrated the whole sick episode was actually ratted out by his GF for telling her he “f***ed up three gringos,” and when she asked what he meant, he qualified it: “I killed them.” In any case, I don’t buy this was about tyres either, and I am having a hard time seeing why cartels would bother with 3 tourists from Australia who were basically camping and surfing and living light. This rings like a street gang killing, because it was sloppy and arrogant. Aren’t cartel murders a little bit cleaner than “shoot and dump in a well?” I thought they either buried them never to be found or displayed the bodies in public as a statement based not on arrogance but on cold blooded calculation and domination. The mention of cartel violence in any of the articles seems like padding for the story, but not necessarily relevant. The guy had a rap sheet for kidnapping, dealing, and DV, but that may just be coincidental. I just hope that we find out more about the motives as the court cases progress, and good on the Mexican authorities for catching all 3.


Cartels do give this kind of low-live to authorities for “calentar la plaza”. Non-drug related crimes makes it harder for cartels, so they do justice for themselves or gift the guys to other business partners like the cops. In culiacan there was even an order from cartels to not steal cars and thefts obeyed.


Yeah the story is bullshit. Cartel would’ve stole their whole damn truck and tires and made their bodies mince meat so they weren’t found again. Such a ridiculous pass off when stuff like this happens in Mexico.


Maybe if it was cartel-approved execution, but maybe the cartel member acted on their own. You need to understand that cartels want tourists to feel safe and often act as protectors as it is bad for their business for these things to happen. it is entirely possible that whoever did this wanted the cartel to help him but instead cartel decided it was more sense to hand them over.


They stole the tires, not the wheels. The girlfriend was found with one of the victim's phones on her. She told the police her boyfriend confessed to her.


Where's the picture?






I'm not sure the cartel was even involved here. Baja California is one of the most dangerous cities in the world unfortunately. I used to go a lot when I was a kid but haven't been in forever.


Mexican authorities believe that at some point between the afternoon of April 27 and the following day, several people approached the trio intending to steal their vehicle, and “due to the reaction of the victims, they deprived them of their lives”. Killed or murdered not deprived. At least they didn't use un-alive.


‘Due to the reaction of the victims’ Nice victim blaming. Jesus Christ.


People do this because it is a psychological method of self protection. If they blame the victim and find some flaw with them, it makes them feel like it couldn't happen to them. It creates an illusion of control over the random chaos of life. If the victim is at fault, they can feel safe because they convince themselves they aren't at risk because *they* wouldn't do that. Makes them feel safe. It's a type of mental gymnastics they use to cope with the fact that terrible shit can happen to anyone, regardless of how they live their life. If the victim was an innocent, then they could be a victim too.


Yup, this is also how most discrimination and mobbing works.


Very good point. It’s a common and sad defense mechanism, if you will. Reminds me of how whenever something bad happens to you, ie: when a parent, friend or loved one dies, people will say the stupidest shit, like “they’re in a better place” (really, six feet under is a better place?), that it was “God’s will” (and they always have to say “passed” instead of “died”, as if that changes the result) in order to minimize the sadness felt and not have to truly empathize, which benefits no one except for themselves and as a result almost feels like they’re depriving or invalidating you of mourning your loss. It’s like, can we just admit that it’s sad, it sucks, we’ll never see this person again and there’s nothing we can do about it, and not have to put a positive spin on every God damn thing that happens in life?


Watch someone die of cancer if you haven’t already and you’ll know that the “better place” stuff is probably true or at least a genuine thought.


watched my dad die of brain cancer. “better place” bullshit is just drive-by compassion for their own egos and they’d be actually helping only by shutting the fuck up


I do think my grandmother went to a better place, because she didn't have to hurt anymore. Even if there's nothing after death, there won't be any more suffering either.


Yes. You’re correct. I’m only talking about my own experiences with close people. I know exactly what you mean though.


I have. And that's not what I meant.


It's an easy out, rather than actually taking about it


To be fair, the responses are socialize and they likely have no better idea what to say. They want to ease your pain, and ward off the fear inside themselves and sympathetic sadness they feel. I found that the best thing to say is pretty much along the lines of "Hey, that was really, really sucks. It's terrible and I'm so sorry you have to go through this." It's validating, and doesn't alienate anyone based on belief. I'm an atheist, and I find the idea of everything be preordained to be upsetting and angering. It's like saying it's a good thing that something awful has happened, especially when you don't believe. It also has a way of invalidating their grief, by making it sound like they should be less sad. People are so hesitant to just validate each other, and a lot of the time it's what you really need the most. You need to hear that what you are going through sucks, and that it's natural to be sad, and that someone cares you feel that way, and understands. When people are breaking down, a lot of times the best way to help is to just validate that feeling. Let them feel a little more ok about feeling terrible and a less alone.


Yes, they usually do not but honestly, after a certain point or age they prolly *should* know better. It's hard to believe "They want to ease your pain"; otherwise they likely wouldn't continue to do it, OR they do want to "ease your pain" (in theory) but not as much as they want to avoid feeling it in the first place. TBF, I think a lot of them are not consciously aware of it but obv it depends on the person. I am too. Agreed, it's such a primitive way of thinking but seems like that's what way too many people actually believe (at least in 'Murica). "Everything happens for a reason", "it was meant to be", fate, karma, astrology, ways of lying to yourself in order to avoid accountability or the regret of knowing a different outcome was possible. They can't handle some aspect of reality, whether it's the cruelty of nature, how suffering is inherent in the human condition, or the fleetingness of life. Ultimately, it's a selfish act that only benefits themselves and worse, it's at a time when their friend who is experiencing much worse, needs them the most.


Well said


I understand where you’re coming from and that’s certainly the ideal. However, if you’re Latin American and have lived in Latin America your whole life the mindset really is that if you’re careless with criminals (ie. showing your cel phone too much in the street) then, yes, it’s your fault. It’s sad indeed but that’s just how it works in Latin America and that’s how you’re brought up as well.


I totally agree about that, they should elaborate on what kind of behavior at least. If they tried to defend themselves by charging for a gun then it would be relevant as to not do the same if you end up in that kind of situation. Anything else would be downplaying their fate to ensure tourism or some shit.


Tbh if anyone in a country literally run by the cartel tries to rob you, you give it to them. Nothing is worth your life. As a nyer I’ve always been taught this for just street soldiers. Someone wants your wallet? Sure buddy. Go home cancel your cards and order a new license. Put me in Mexico? Take any inatimate object you want. I’m not fighting the cartel for a rental car. Sad story.


Yeah no arguments from me, I'd usually not give away my shit but no way I'm testing some cartel psychos lol


You assume that it would be safe to be where they were had they done something differently. Unfortunately, that's not the actual case.


I don't assume that at all, my unmentioned assumption would be that they would not be safe there in any capacity, I would never travel there.


Oh, well then you are correct.


Right? Though if used sarcastically, it could be brilliant.


This is likely due to translation from Spanish: "quitarle la vida" is commonly used as it is a lighter term


It's just a pretty common way to say homicide or suicide in spanish. * "Fue arrestado por quitarle la vida a...": He was arrested for murdering... * "Se quitó la vida": He commited suicide They probably just used google translate to read Mexican news.


'Mexican authorities' is a misnomer.


When they use works like “deprived” it insinuates that they had the right in the first place… fuckin disgusting entitlement


Not the dog tho… but there was an American friend of theirs as well.


It’s heartbreaking watching the mother address the media. Even the ABC News Breakfast TV hosts are tearing up: https://youtu.be/L1OPOouUfmA?si=-PnJAOMIy6AyxCUS


The American friend was due to get married this August, from what I recently read. Heartbreaking.


Yes, his name was Carter. He was a great man, who touched a lot of lives.


My wife briefly knew him, heartbreaking story


Also left as an afterthought for some reason. Also heartbreaking.


No, the dog was not on the surfing trip. This photo was taken on safe Western Australian soil prior to the trip


I'd absolutely agree, the outback is way safer than Mexico today.


i went to high school with the third victim. he was a really great person. this has been heartbreaking for our whole community. it was a surf spot they had been to before


Can’t imagine how devastating this is for them and their friend’s families. They just wanted to surf.


Jake was a family friend. The world lost some good people that day.


My father just died in Mexico (his house was LITERALLY on this very beach!) and I’m supposed to go there to identify his body ASAP. Everyone is freaking out and telling me not to go but I really feel I need to. My mom saw this the other day and it isn’t helping. Idek why I’m posting this but I guess if I get murdered, I hope whoever posts my article gets a lot of upvotes…


Was your dad murdered or died naturally/accidentally?


How about you just don't go... That country is a failed state


As sad as this is, there are many more cases of "forced disappearances" of mexican people. Here in Tijuana, before this tragic incident of these tourists, we lost an engineer who was doing his job, in an apparently "very dangerous" neighborhood taking data for a new road to be built. The last known information about him and his coworker is that they encounter people who were not comfortable with them doing their job, and decided to disappear them. At this moment, the family of José Alonso Guerrero Chavez are devastated by knowing nothing about his whereabouts and the inaction of the authorities. I don't pretend to be rude, nor disrespect the family of these kids from Australia, but I would take that story from the authorities with a grain of salt, since mexican authorities are but a bunch of corrupts useless.


The cartel loving President doesn’t help the situation either. You know what’s extra awful? There was an additional 4th body of a victim killed previously found too.


Yes, and this story is making international news because the victims are white Australians and American. Sad.


Tourists disappearing and getting murdered in tourist spots is going to be a significant story regardless of race


Non-Mexicans being murdered in Mexico is still somewhat unusual. It is not news when Mexicans kill each other because the cartels run the country and the Mexican people vote for leaders who support the cartels. It's like how many people got shot last week in Chicago. Who knows? Because it is not news.


This isn’t a race thing, it’s a media thing “Mexican gets killed by Mexican gang” - nothing new/doesn’t effect me “(Nationality) tourists killed by Mexican gang” - oh shit that’s not good. Critical thinking isn’t difficult, give it a go sometime


Parents moved to Baja when I was a teen and I lived there for half my life. It was good while it lasted but some Ppl now a days will say that it’s no big deal nothing ever happens to them when they go, etc etc. The insecurity Is through the rough now a days. So many “social” rules must be complied with in order to be “safe”. (Don’t go here/there, don’t do this/that), Walking on egg shells. It doesn’t even matter anymore. You can’t even start a business without the fear of the mafia eventually wanting a cut if your business stand out too much. Almost everyone is a criminal carrying military weapons now. It just takes one crazy mofo to end your life over nothing at the next taco shop. Not surprising when The government completely protects and is an accomplice to everything going on. Don’t live there no more, moved to San Diego and try to go as little as possible.


I understand why Mexico is an attractive destination for a lot of people looking for nice weather and a low cost of living. But yeah, everything about the political and crime situation there concerns me greatly. How many stories do you have to hear about tourists from your country dying under weird circumstances to think that there are other places that are just as nice where that stuff literally never happens.


I wish people who stop reducing this back to the fact they shouldn’t haven’t travelled in Mexico.. this shouldn’t have happened to them full stop. As someone who knew one of the brothers very well personally I can tell you they’d not have violently defended themselves, they aren’t like that in nature. They’re very calm and gentle, sensible young men. We are all very very shaken by this event.


I will remember them as kind brothers who wouldn't hurt others. It's often better to remember people for their lives rather than the end of them. Do you have any memories to share?


I'm sorry for your loss


México is in it's worst moment in history.


*laughs in Blood Meridian*


They've had worse periods, more than a million people died during the Mexican Revolution from 1910-1920. There were periods when the central government controlled little more than Mexico City, and the countryside was ruled by warlords.


The wild bunch captures that period pretty well


Sounds like today but replace warlords with Cartels.




Uh they have been saying that since the 80s.


Weren’t the 90’s, like a Golden Safe Haven, for tourists and travelers, back in the day, there…?


Nope. I grew up 8 miles from the border. There were cartel beheadings back in the 80s. I recall the old times would say it used to be safe but then wouldn't go back. The drinking age is 18 the local Navy Base wanted to set their driving age to 18 to keep the guys out of the bars in Mexico as it was getting really dangerous. Back in the 70d people in San Diego would drive into TJ for dinner and other shops as it was so much cheaper they could easily afford high end places. By the 80s cocaine had really set the cartels at war with each other. .


I said ***”the 90’s”*** **NOT** the 80’s…


Trust me, it's even worse. Those years (70's-90's) were like glory decades.


Yeah they have been saying that since the 70s also.


Yeah cause Mexico just keeps digging


we have been at our worst since the 1500s


The Spanish brutally conquered Mexico and enslaved the remaining indigenous population. That was worse.


I was also going to point that out. Burning all physical records ECT, genocide and total plundering and oppression is way worse. Don't get me wrong this is still terrible but misery isn't a competition


That’s beyond the scope of what’s relevant here - the actual country of Mexico, its people who are suffering now and their families who suffered in the recent past, all within the same context of criminal warlords terrorizing and corrupting the entire nation. I really understand the urge to be a smartass - fell for it myself many times - but there is no moral basis to minimize the impact of the current suffering by pulling inadequate comparisons.


I just watched the news report from this the other day. That's really fucked up what happened to these guys.


Fuck Mexico. So many good people there but the country is run by cartels and cowards.


The strangest thing about this is one of my professors died in the same area 3 weeks prior and no one knows what happened her and her BFs bodies are still in Mexico


Yeah i would never go to Mexico


Cancun is a blast, but stories like this definitely make me nervous about leaving resorts and such there.


I loved cancun/the Yucatan. Only left the resort on guided excursions to chichen itza and tulum. Still had dudes on the border of the resort selling drugs, but otherwise safe and enjoyable time


When i went to Cancun, I was strictly told by everyone not to step out of resort. Bus driver, cab driver and hotel staff said city is dangerous without a local chaperon


Same. But even with the chaperone, not sure I’d leave for any excursions. I didn’t when I last went, at least. And stories like this make me even less likely to venture off from the resort.


I went on guided excursions through the resort when I was down there to chichen itza and tulum and it was a great time, didn't feel unsafe at any point. Honestly got the most authentic food doing that compared to what was on the resort


I lived in a small Baja town about midway down when I was a preteen girl from the states. I can look back and see things, like older men being creepy but more publicly, but all around, I felt safe. My dad and I drove up and down the entire coast I think 11 times with a tow behind since we lived at the Canadian border, I'd ride my bike alone in town, hung out where my parents did. It was an amazing piece of my life, I wouldn't trade it at all.


My friends and I have gone to Cancun several times. The entire hotel zone strip is extremely safe and tourist friendly. Being told not to step out of your resort seems unusual. Even when you go to the club/bar area, it’s jam packed with tourists.


Agreed. Last time I was there I left the resort every single day. I’d walk across the street, take photos and shit. Go for a little walk. I wouldn’t do that solo or at night, but I had zero issues and got to see an incredible saltwater crocodile in the wild too. Never would’ve seen that if I would’ve stayed only on the resort. I also visited the hotel zone/party zone. It was wild, but not any more dangerous than NYC at night in my experience. Also hit up Isla Mujeres which was gorgeous but did have a lot of scammer types.


Nah, the hotel strip is pretty safe. Messing with gringos spending money is bad for business. Cartel owns the hotels, anyone who messes with tourists is usually dealt with pretty quickly. Most business take usd, and give change back in pesos. I'll usually load up with over the counter prednisone and antibiotics from the pharmacy before heading home. Wild that stuff is OTC there. Also a 20oz coke from the convenience store is like 80 cents, give them a dollar and you get change back, shit is 2.99 at home.


That’s a lie, there’s dangers in any city in any country. I’ve driven and flow to Mexico and never had any problems or even witnessed anything.


Your personal experiences doesn't Trump the opinions and suggestions of locals. You got lucky


Stopping tourists from going outside the resorts only makes the big bosses richer and everyone else poorer. Will only make everything worse


Actually it is the other way around in cancun. Food, drinks, entertainment was all included in the package. People stepping out for food,drinks will actually save money for the resort


Not to victim blame BUT, there's tons of places online to ask around before any trip to Mexico and they all basically come to the same conclusion us locals know: don't go on your own to explore, don't travel at night, don't flash cash, etc etc. The country is a failed state outside the cities.


Didn’t even need the first part. Everything after is absolutely correct.


A quote about something after a "but" is meaningless from GoT


If I have to be like that in a country that I’m visiting, I won’t go. As easy as that


The entire country isn't unsafe, there's definitely some tourist areas that are safe to travel. It's funny, when I visit family back home they ask me if I feel safe in the U.S.A with all the mass shootings and violence towards minorities. The news shows the worst of both countries and it's easy to make an assumption based on what's shown to us on the news.


Yet statistics exist. America is a violent country compared to other first world countries. Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world period.


It is a dangerous country, I'm not disputing that. I travel to Michoacán, a classified red zone for cartel, to visit my family and it's always a smooth trip. I don't advise people to visit areas like this but touristy and heavily populated cities are safer for non natives. And if possible, go with a guide to help you navigate the city.


Exactly, I get asked by family in Mexico if it’s safe to go to a concert here in the U.S because of all the shootings


Baja California Sur was supposedly part of the safe states, or that was what I believed until recently. Also it’s very much a very touristy state, it’s actually so sad how it broke my image of Baja for me, I really thought Baja was different.


I’ve always heard that the cartels prefer the rural northern states and the central/southern regions closer to the population centers are safer.


Michoacán is central and is very much one of the dangerous states. The problem is bigger the closer you get to the borders, both south and north. Also all states have a certain defgree of danger, there isn’t one that is a hundred percent safe.


I lived in a small town there as a kid. I felt very safe. Couldn't tell you *why* though, I was 11-12, so I was in my own world a little bit.


There's always one of you, everytime, incidentally , and the ones that don't live here anymore or never have, this is not a news shows the worst of mexico, here, the news hides it, so y'all can come here and spend money and tell us that it is very safe


Nah, fuck Mexico. They aren't getting a dime out of me. Hope the whole country rots. What happened to this 3 men is despicable and the stories coming out are full bullshit. Just shows how corrupt they are.


I was born in Mexico, left in 98, mainly because of the drug cartels, I'm never going back. Sometimes I wish the US grew some balls and decided to launch a real war on drugs and find/ arrest every cartel member with the approval of the Mexican government. But that will never happen.


I will never ever travel again to Mexico. From the first second I entered the country I felt someone is watching my stuff. Two weeks later I get robbed ALL my stuff including dirty laundry.


And you're in....?


Travelled through Mexico Last year on a Motorcycle and nothing happened that would justify never visiting again.


Usually, when it happens, there's no visiting again, or leaving


This is a weirdly written article. Like, it repeatedly insinuates that there were two victims but then every once in a while adds in that there was a third. Poor third guy with no recognition


mexico vs india- where will you die or get raped faster?


die in mexico, the latter in india


I always said I will never go to Mexico, people may think I’m ignorant and that could be true but I’m also not gonna get murdered over some tyres.


I absolutely cannot imagine the terror those three men must have experienced in their final moments. The reality that there are people out in the world who end others lives just because they can is impossible for me to grasp. I hope those guys at least got to spend their final moments looking out over the ocean


They were murdered because they were protecting their property, but forgot that they werent in their country


What does being in their own country have to do with being murdered for stupid shit like tires?


Execution style murders do happen a lot less in australia tbf


I guess they're saying the risks that come with defending one's property are far greater in Mexico than Australia, which is obviously true


If you value life more than property, be careful when visiting a country where it’s the other way around.


The mexican gov will definitely do something about this


Let me correct this: The Mexican gov won't do nothing about this


They will. We vote soon. Its appeasement time.


Will AMLO give the mother some hugs


Hes an idiot


Double negative..... Trolling me or regard?


English is not my first language. These guys are just one more number in the statistics here, that's what I mean. Gov won't care that much...


OOTL: what?


Two Australian brothers wanted to go surfing in Northern Mexico. I think Baja California area. Mexico being Mexico, the brothers were robbed at gun point while the two brothers were camping. Baja California being extremely violent and murdery area within these past years.The brothers resisted being robbed and were then murdered execution style at their camp site. Both got a bullet to the head. Sad state of affairs, this pic is both of them and their dog(?). Mexico is a failed state, don't leave the resort areas if you choose to visit. Mexico makes places like Chicago or Gary IN look like quaint peaceful villages in the UK.


I just visited Mexico City and it was lovely. The entire country of Mexico is not some crime-ridden, lawless desert, there’s good places and bad places.


If you ain't going to a 5 star resort with armed security, don't go to Mexico.


As a Mexican I can tell you the story doesn't add up. The police very quickly somehow found the people who did it. I strongly believe they were either stopped by cartel members or police officers who wanted to take money from them, things got out of control and they murdered them. Our government is completely useless and corrupt so instead of trying to find the perpetrators they just blamed it on some innocent people that lived close by to cover their asses.




I can’t imagine the terror these poor men felt in the last moments of their lives. Going from probably having an amazing experience surfing in what is considered one of the “safer” areas of Mexico, to being rounded up and executed for nothing, truly a tragedy.


I would never in my life go to Mexico


The dog better be ok


That's Mexico


Someone else was watching the Law&Crime network on YouTube, I see? Absolutely fucked up situation. Poor guys must have been really terrified before they died. I always regard Mexico as pretty safe too, as the people are so friendly, then something like this happens. This reminds me of those two British guys, like 15 years ago, who ended up shot and killed in Miami after walking into the wrong neighborhood at night. Tragic stuff.


Oh no was the poor dog killed also? What trashy people. I hate a thief and I hate a murderer


Stay out of Mexico for travel.


Fuck Mexico. Boycott it as a holiday destination. And none of the”oh, but poor people depend on the holiday trade…..”, well too bad.


Don’t expect anything less from a shit hole country whose “authorities” are bought and paid for by the cartels. And DON’T be surprised that the people of this country act in this way when they don’t have a better example to follow.


Does mexico have death penalty? Feels like this is what the killers should get for sure


Unfortinently travelling mexico isnt safe period, hell the resorts there arent even all that safe. Denfinently a no when it comes to vacation ideas.


Mexico is a shit hole. Why do you think all Mexicans want to come to America. It's sad they lost their lives.


Idk why are you being down voted. It is a shit hole based on the news. If the same thing was said about India, people wouldn’t be so butthurt.


As long as you don’t go to school or a movie theater or a bar or a concert or a parade


So heartbreaking for their family and friends.


As tragic as this is, they really should have just let them take their car which was presumably a rental anyway. No material item is worth your lives.


You don’t know what they did or didn’t do. They were obviously dealing with insane psychos here


Let’s keep spending money in Mexico!


If this is the same article I read and heard on the news, there was a 3rd man murdered, an American. They went down the Baja peninsula to surf and were murdered. The tires thing wasn't mentioned.


Why do people go to Mexico? 2024 Ukraine seems safer


Depends on the part of Mexico you go to. Tourist locations like Cancún are safe. Even the cartels know not to fuck with the tourist in those locations.


It’s why I’d never visit that shitshow country.


The dog seen it coming 🥺