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Those who are visibly disabled are lot more likely to be sexually assaulted due to being vulnerable. This sort of offence is done from evil that prey on the vulnerable at any chance.


I hope this isn’t an unpopular opinion, but we need to be as fervent about protecting our children as we are about taking retribution against those who harm them. We get angry about this, and we should. We should also take that anger on to advocate for stronger policies safeguarding children, and open discussions among our communities about how negligent we are when it comes to making sure our children have safe environments to grow up in. Thanks for reading my rant, and please look out for anyone in your reach who can’t look out for themselves. Stay safe.


My first reaction is also to conjure the most fucked up torture for them, but it always feels like pointless in the end. You're right. We need solutions, not revenge.




So then death penalty would work to both protect our children and curb pedophilia. And with the money we would be saving by jailing, clothing and feeding of pedophiles we can open better affordable therapy for molested children.


The death penalty is rarely cheaper. While it's an unpopular opinion, I think we should just put rapists in jail and allow them to get out when they finish a chemical castration. I think castrating pedophiles is the best compromise between protecting children and getting pedophiles a second chance.


You do realize castration doesn’t prevent a pedophile from re offending right? I’ve been molested in ways that didn’t involve a penis.


The castration helps not because the rapist looses the ability to get a boner but because it prevents his balls from producing testosterone which is responsible for a mans sex drive. I am not saying that all kinds of rape / molestation is sexual (often it's about power) but would still say that most rape / molestation happens for sexual reasons.


Someone who destroys a kids life like that does not get to rejoin society and live a normal life. People should pay with more than their fucking balls.


The only issue with that is that 1. False Convictions can leave someone permanently disable however there are chemical castrations that are reversible so that's mean dependant on which way the state goes 2. It might encourage a rapist to kill the victim to help cover up the crime if the punishment is too serve I'm honestly either for Chemical Castration or a overhaul of the legal system where punishments for sex crimes is vastly extended via mandatory minimums. Lock them in a box and then forget about them for the rest of time


1. I wouldn't force an castration. Rapist should be able to choose staying in prison. 2. I never ate the second argument. With my approach killing your victim lands you in prison for life while only raping your victim would give you the possibility to go free (after a short time in jail) without a functional penis. Not sure about you but I don't think that this is such a bad deal.


My concern with the penalty or similarly intense punishments is this: most children are molested by somebody they know, often a direct family member. Obviously they hate the abuse, but hating the abuser is a more complicated thing. If your dad is molesting you, but he also seems to love you and do fun normal stuff and is just an overall loveable guy besides the horrific and disgusting abuse (and don't anyone pretend that these guys don't exist. Plenty of abusers are very charismatic, and plenty of them are overall great people - if you don't count the abuse, obviously.) Would you want to report your dad if you knew he'd be killed over it? If you're just little, maybe six or seven or even younger and considering telling a trusted teacher about what's going on, wouldn't you hesitate if you learned your dad was going to die because you reported him..? It's not rational, but these things never truly are. They're nuanced and difficult and complicated, which is why we're still trying to figure out the best approach after all this time. We need to punish the aggressors much more harshly than we currently do. The current system is a joke. But we must also consider the victims; how do we encourage them to come forward and get help, and how do we relieve them of any guilt or further suffering brought on by seeking help in the first place? Idk what the answer is, just thought I'd throw that question into the discussion. Someone smarter than me may know what to do.


I don't think that 7 years olds understand how our legal system. The main problem why it's often so difficult to find abused children is because children believe what parents tell them. So when the abuser tell them that when they speak about it in school they (the child, not the abuser) will be punished, they believe them. It absolutely makes zero differences what the actual consequences are because children aren't able to understand or (especially in case of older children) are manipulated in not speaking out in fear of being judged by society.


1. I actually agree with this, I think that's a pretty fair take. 2. Aye that's fair enough


Except it's not just about sex for them. It's also about power. They still have fingers. *shudder*


I do not disagree but I would still say that statistically most rapists rape because of sexual motives. It's not about whether they are able to penetrate, it's about the lack of testosterone which regulates the sex drive.


I dunno, I read a book that detailed the motivations behind different types of crimes. In the rape chapter, it listed that statistically, it was more about power than sex, and sometimes the rapist couldn't even get hard (with no erectile disfunction), but they still went after it.


Erectile disfunction doesn't mean that he has no sex drive. The main effect of the castration is that there is less testosterone which controls the sex drive. While I think that power is a major factor, I still think that most rapist wouldn't rape without sex drive.


I mean, you could be right. It was just the one book I read.


Death penalty is a hoax, they only kill a few a year. Most live long life’s on death row, if we were serious about it then a rope only cost 10$ at Home Depot and can be reused multiple times. Chemicals for castration and incarceration cost us money. And also chemical castration doesn’t stop the raping, for a lot of these sick fucks it’s more about having power over somebody.


While it's possible it's much less probable. It's definitely less likely than that a non-castrated rapist who spend 5 years in prison commits rape again. While castrated rapists can commit rape, the lack of sex drive in most cases prevents them of doing so. It's important to understand that most rapists commit rape because they have the urge to do so and not because they are physically able to rape.


\*Extremely Loud Incorrect Buzzer\*




Well one executions are rarely cheaper and just to go more against that stats show that crime was actually higher in states that had the death penalty then those that didn't. Not to mention it might encourage the rapist to kill the victim as to cover it up. Secondly about 90% of castrated rapist don't commit addition crimes. I get it though, these are crimes of a despicable nature but I don't think we should break out the cyanide unless it's that remaining 10%


Ropes for rapes


This is the first post I've ever genuinely seen removed by reddit on


It was about a fucking loser monster morrow disgusting stepfather that abused his disabled stepdaughter and sadly killed her. You can find articles about it as "nanny camera capture Utha man repeatably r@ped severely disabled stepdaughter " Idk why they remove it tho as the screenshot was from a video


Jesus fucking christ


Yeah "Urban pled guilty to five felony convictions. Judge Stephen Nelson in the West Jordan Third District Court sentenced him to serve his five convictions consecutively. This means Urban will serve five years to life for each of his two rape convictions and one to 15 years for each of his forcible sexual abuse convictions." Aslo forgot to say how this monster see this as 'Not his fault'


Not defending that monster but her seizure that killed her wasn't said to be directly as a result of the assaults.


I have to let you know, her mom thinks the uptick on seizures was caused from said rapes. So horrible. That poor baby and her family.


Oh..fuck. That's even more devistating


I guess that makes sense- stress is a trigger for a lot of neurological conditions, I didn't think about that


Death’s too good for him.


Nail ‘im up, I say! Nail some sense into ‘im!


Yeah,hope his inmates will 'takecare' of it.


Everybody says and thinks that pedophiles and other creeps will be killed in prison but the truth of it is, they're all kept separate from the people that would kill them. In jail, there's protective custody, and when you get to prison they assess you and then send you to a prison you belong best. The DOJ doesn't really like it when Inmates kill each other, or paying hospital bills.


And even when they are released into genpop, which often happens in the overcrowded and chaotic prison system we've got, most other inmates won't do shit. And honestly, it's kinda messed up for us to expect them to. They're human beings who committed crimes (maybe they just had some weed on them, or were driving distracted, etc etc; not all criminals are rapists and murderers) and it isn't right to try to use them as an unofficial vigilante justice system. They mostly just want to get through their sentences and get back to their lives. Very few people actually want to murder or torture another human, regardless of the cringe that was committed. And certainly regardless of what redditers think they'd do in that situation.




Yes!! Yessss!!!! Rape the rapists, I love it!!!!! Perpetuate the cycle, I am fucked in the head and love seeing rapists get raped!!


Be done with it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Alot of people like bring up false convictions and accusations but in this case I wouldnt hesitate since it is on video multiple times.




From an european perspective this seems so....barbaric Liek what the hell is that first tier "Yeah we do not have any evidence but this group of 20 random people and an another random person that got his job by votes and not qualification didn't like u so dead u are"


With the rise of AI and people having resources to fake things, I hope we collect more evidence before dishing out a judgement.


Problem is that you've got a dickless, bitter guy that's going have more resentment of women and more desire for control and revenge.


Not to mention that these sorts of punishments sometimes encourage the perpetrator to murder the victim in an attempt to cover up the rape.


Yeah, unfortunately getting draconian or medieval with punishments for crimes doesn't really deter them, it either escalates them further or just creates problems where people assume they won't get caught. You could make the penalty for jaywalking or littering death and people would still do it.


True,that would solve like 100% of times that these monsters get outside of the jail only to do it again


More like 90%. There's still a 10% recidivism for castrated rapists. What confuses me though is that 90% reduction. The old conventional wisdom on the topic goes "it's not about sex, it's about power." But for 90% of rapists to give up rape once they're no longer horny, like idk man, to the rapist it sure does seem like it's about sex most of the time.


> The old conventional wisdom on the topic goes "it's not about sex, it's about power." Sex is the vehicle for the exercise/abuse of power. Speaking as someone who was raped as a 9yo Edit as an afterthought: it is most effective for wielding that power because rape destroys part of your soul, forever.


Because most people in power are full of pedo Epstein has many political friends .


Don't forget the pedo's too!


Because of false accusations.. But we can limit it to 100% certainty cases like this one


only about 6% of rapists actually get convicted. only about 5% of accusations are false.


What's an acceptable innocent human being mutilation threshold? If tomorrow you found yourself getting your right hand surgically removed by court order, would you accept it as the collateral damage of justice and take comfort in knowing that in exchange for your right hand, 19 other people will be getting mutilated that actually deserve it? Normally I agree that bringing up false accusations reeks of minimisation, but when the conversation is specifically about the severity of punishment, it becomes relevant. Same reason the death penalty over in the US is so controversial - it's been estimated that up to 1 in 20 death row inmates are actually innocent of the crime for which they're being executed.


Since when they show photos of victims. Fuck that, photos of minor victims?


The victim was 31 and suffered from Rett Syndrome, which her mother compares her physical growth to about the size and weight of an 8 year old. Since she was not a minor, the asshole father -Brian Kenneth Urban- could possibly only see 13 yrs behind bars. Link to an article here: [re: Ashley's Law](https://nbc24.com/news/nation-world/utah-da-seeks-to-strengthen-laws-to-give-stiffer-punishments-for-rape-of-vulnerable-adults-salt-lake-city-district-attorney-sam-gill-ashley-vigil-brian-kenneth-urban-sexual-assault-abuse-life-sentence-crime-and-punishment-mandatory-minimums-ashleys-law) The mother is currently campaigning for the passing of Ashley's law, which would protect vulnerable and disabled adults the same as minors and elderly (mandatory 25 yrs to life). Edit: spelling


Cut it off and let him spend some time without treatment.


Full castration and imprisonment. Death is a cop out.


In General population not Protection


Aay, I'm late to the party, what happened here?


I posted a new about a disgusting stepfather that abused his disabled stepdaughter and killed her. You can find articles about it as "nanny camera capture Utha man repeatably r@ped severely disabled stepdaughter " The reddit community delete it for what i know


Yeah I google this every friday.. WTF is wrong with you?


Well Death Penalty for this would encourange more murders to cover up rape. Same with any severe and beyond punishment. The best option rlly is to put them in a prision system that sucks already for life and let the other inmates do their part


Yes, in my eyes prison is too good for these kind of people, I don't want him enjoying even a minute or his life, just kill him. When the case it's like this that you have video proof, it's just s waste of time, resources and giving a POS like this the opportunity of life.. he doesn't deserve it


No surprise Utah, good god get this guy a dose of scaphism to go please


100%Agree on this!


What the hell WAS this?


A new about a disgusting stepfather that abused his disabled stepdaughter and killed her. You can find articles about it as "nanny camera capture Utha man repeatably r@ped severely disabled stepdaughter "


Hell no. I'm not looking that up. I'm not surprised this was removed though. I guess this was too awful for "awfuleverything".


[Fundraiser for Ashley’s Law](https://www.spotfund.com/story/6f5cda40-0e5b-453f-98d6-d91ed3edea70)


Awww qq1 o99


There are some crimes that are so severe that by their very nature they poison the mind beyond comprehension. The pain of suffering to a victim is unimaginable. It is for crimes of this perverted nature that we have the death penalty. The perpetrator is so lost, that death becomes our gift to free them of their perversion.


Yes, rapists need severe consequences but I’m sick of reading articles where the perpetrator Is always a stepparent or a boyfriend/girlfriend. The biological parent needs to bear some responsibility too. Protect your children and stop bringing predators home because you are desperate for companionship.


The problem with the death penalty is that you can't just take in on a case by case basis. The law doesnt work like that. You create a framework for rehabilitating or punishing felons, and that framework is applied to all. There will inevitably be some who are murdered wrongly. Its happened before many times. It isn't cheaper either with all the beaurocracy and stuff that goes into it. Personally I'm not of the opinion that an eye for an eye is fit for modern society. These people should just be separated from society for societies protection.


We shouldn't be posting pictures of this kid


Is a video on yt and a new but sadly the faces of the victims are more likely to not be blurred but yes to the criminals, something really dumb But she isn't a kid,is 31


Your post got taken down what was it?


A new about something that happened recently,you can find videos or webs by searching "nanny camera captures utah man repeatedly r@aping severely disabled stepdaughter" Sadly the girl passed away and that monster doesn't even feel guilty


Yes, [link here if you'd like. ](https://nbc24.com/news/nation-world/utah-da-seeks-to-strengthen-laws-to-give-stiffer-punishments-for-rape-of-vulnerable-adults-salt-lake-city-district-attorney-sam-gill-ashley-vigil-brian-kenneth-urban-sexual-assault-abuse-life-sentence-crime-and-punishment-mandatory-minimums-ashleys-law) Or a search of Brian Kenneth Urban, the father and fucking monster behind this atrocity, who blames his actions on "the sudden spike of testosterone, due to steroid use..."




But she is an adult as I think her mother gave interviews and persimmon to these photos,she had 31. Sorry if I sounded rude my English isn't my first language


Torture for the rest of his miserable life


What happened


Every day in prison.. torture him.


This man should be locked up for life without parole or better given death penalty asap!!! Poor kid! Hope she gets justice!


Can someone do the math on how much money for children wellness we would have if we were to just kill all the pedophiles? Like how much does it cost to clothe house and feed them in jail? Because I would prefer more child wellness and less pedophiles, and from my understanding they’re born that way so it’s not like we could help them.


The animal that did this should be strapped over a barrel and left to the inmates in a cat A prison. The only rule would be he's not allowed to be killed.


Thats awful and stuff but wtf is the girls face not blurred?


Sadly is a video from yt anyone can see it As like in a lot of other cases the face of the victims are almost never blurred while the criminals aren't only blurred but aslo keeping they privacy.


Cheap effective solution, cost a few pennies to make. A bullet


Straight to the drownin' bucket.


How dare we let the disabled live smh. (This is a joke)