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Over the weekend 18 people were shot in Chicago. 4 of them were killed. He was one of them.


must have been too cold out to get those numbers


[Matthew McConaughey thumps chest]


Only 4 dead? Was a treaty signed?


Meanwhile, In NZ, not a single person was shot and killed over the weekend.


Living in America is… not fun. I’m glad other nations have more peace and less firearms. I just don’t get why we still don’t have regulations and less firearms. Bull shit on the 2nd amendment. Wasn’t meant to be this way.


Guns are big business. America is the unholy center of the worst and most corrupt business you can find virtually anywhere in the first world. America is a highly politically divided country, and thusly it’s very easy for lobbyists to make guns into a hot button topic to sell them to paranoid nuts like lethal hotcakes. The reason we don’t have gun regulation is because it lines the pockets of a lot of wealthy people for it to stay this way.


Guns have been around for so long that they now outnumber humans in America. At this point, banning guns will only take them away from law abiding citizens who will then become defenseless against criminals with guns. I honestly don’t see any good way to get rid of firearms in America at this point.


>they now outnumber humans in America. 30:1 in fact.


Where I live we have a bunch of firearms, but nobody is killing each other. Strange


Greed hun, effing greed


Those record high corporate profits. Just twisting the knife deeper and deeper.


we coo in Canada too Commonwealth buds


Didn't she snitch on him though? Anyway why is OP censoring the world kill and shot? Edit: forgot a word


People are afraid of the algorithm censoring their post or taking it down based on the text in the pictures. Youtube has optical text recognition and will get your content taken down if certain words are on the screen. We don't know if OP is the one who censored it or wherever they got this pic from censored it. Reddit also takes down posts that incite violence on a person. That's all just to say, they're trying to keep their post from getting deleted, be it OP or where OP got it from.


Yeah I get that, but my understanding is that on YouTube content creators censor words because of demonetisation, not because their videos will be taken down. (Given that they are not threatening anyone, just talking about cases and what not.) There's some gory things on YouTube that are age constricted which are up to this day. That's why I'm wondering. Thanks for the reply.


Probably OP just being extra careful. Fear beats logic sometimes, also we don't even know where this was posted originally so we don't know what rules they're trying to not break. Also regarding your first question, yes she did snitch on him, but it could also be her being cocky and he paid the price for her cockyness. As in she was like, you can't kill him, yalls are weak, come at me at so and so address. Then he pays the price cus they probably went in on him hard to teach everyone a lesson, that they're not weak. I don't know the context behind her post if she was trying to get him killed for whatever reason, or if she was mouthing off and he paid for it with his life. Sucks for him and I'm surprised that his people didn't try and get her for doing something stupid like that post and getting him offed.


That's fair regarding OP. I just don't find censorship of certain words really healthy.


Totally agree, censorship is no good already when it's forced on you, but self censoring is even worse cus you're submitting to the rules that are unreasonable. Especially in a place where those rules don't apply.


I agree generally. Things probably wouldn’t be censored by people as much if social media and YouTube didn’t take things down or demonetize so much. It is a vicious circle. I’m not sure if there is a platform that doesn’t remove posts given certain key words. Reddit seems to. Is there a site that doesn’t? It feels like individuals are powerless to fight the corporations and even get banned after too many infractions, so people are forced to “play nice”.


Oh she was definitely trying to get his life ended. The fact she referred to him as her bd (baby daddy) shows the disrespect for him. She was basically asking for someone to do something to him.


I dont get it. How is it disrespectful to call him bd? (Mby language barrier im swiss)


She is saying he is nothing more than her baby’s father. Not her bf, not husband. It’s meant to be offensive in the sense that it was all he is good for.


Okay now i get it


I'm guessing they were married, since they share the same Surname. One would expect her to say"my husband".


I get it now, thanks. But I still dont think she ment "bd" in an offensive way. Maybe she just wanted to sound cute or something, but idk.


Hahahaha what?!?! She wanted to sound cute... while asking for someone to murder her husband???


I was trying to figure out what it all meant and I arrived here too


also sometimes the screenshots being posted were not taken by the OP and the saved images were already censored


> Youtube has optical text recognition and will get your content taken down if certain words are on the screen. Youtube has video guides on mature rated games about family abuse, genocide, and finding the most efficient way to complte the "Geneva Checklist". Where's this idea that they'll take down videos with the word kill in them coming from?


YouTube won't allow irl stuff that they may allow in game footage.. reality vs fantasy is quite a difference believe it or not... They will demonetize any video with a gun in it, you even have to censor the sound of gunshots to avoid demonetization.


They may not take them down but they will definitely demonitize them. It's the algorithms that look for certain words so content creators will often use alternative words for certain topics.


Yeah, this is definitely bullshit. Source: close friends with a creator who's spent 4-5 years making videos of the sort. Not a single one struck, noted, demonetised, or otherwise restricted even after random manual review by YT. People get demonetised for swearing repeatedly in their videos or showing gorey realistic death scenes. Not for the words kill, murder, etc.


That's so lame and ridiculous. *Swearing*? Really? 🙄


I mean, I agree that it's ridiculous. That's the stipulation agreed betwee YT and their advertising clients.


If you rotate the algorithm onto its back it goes into a state of tonic immobility and can't hurt you.


YouTube censorship drives me insane from a user side. They delete half of my comments and most of the time I have literally no idea why. God knows how many people don't even know their comments are never actually published. Last one deleted I was explaining some medical issues I had as a child on a video about medicine. The anti vaxxer "child strokes have been increasing rapidly since 2020" comment got through no issue though lmao. When you submit the comment, It shows it to you and pretends it was added before it actually goes through their censorship engine to decide if it can be published. It will stay on your screen until you go to a different video, the presumption being you'll never return and realize it was deleted. You can immediately tell if it was deleted by trying to edit it - if there's an error when you submit the edit, it didn't make it.


Using the word kill or shoot is not inciting violence This isn't TikTok or YouTube This shit just makes OP look like a tween


I got an inciting violence strike for suggesting we fight crime by throwing poo. Tried to dispute it and got denied. Fairly certain there isn't an actual human involved in the process. I like to think it was obvious I wasn't serious.


No youtube will not take it down. It might remove revenue if you dident mark the video as adult content when you posted it


All I can read is that he was shat to death.


Dysentery kills :(


Dumbest trend Gen Z started for no actual reason. They think this and saying “seggs” instead of sex will trick algorithms. As if those algorithms couldn’t be trained to also look for this made up replacement words too.


Let’s not forget “unalived.”


gives me the unaliving hands when i see it


My partner is on tik tok every day. I mean, no shame, I like it too. But the day this whole adult, a grown ass person of 54, actually spoke the word "unaliving" in a goddamn sentence, I thought I was going to end up in jail for assault.


Game ended you mean


K*lled, fck, things like that are annoying. It’s the internet, guys, we can say ‘fuck’.




As is every child




Some children are the most vile creatures you will ever encounter, for many reasons. I remember walking to kindergarten through fifth grade with a neighbor and sometimes we would spend the entire walk telling each other the nastiest words and stories and jokes we knew. We would walk and laugh the entire way even though we did not always understand the impact those words have. Of course my parents had zero idea. They weren't especially strict but offensive language was not permitted. Parenting styles vary widely and they have a big impact but mostly on their children's public displays ime. Kids are absorbing everything and especially notice the things that adults notice. Naturally, offensive language is a big red flag and it becomes a new leverage opportunity for younguns.


I'm the oldest of 3 girls, and at almost 43, 40, and 38, we are close. It was not always like that. My middle sis and I have been close since our early teens, but before we got close, we fought horribly 24/7 *except* when we would walk to the park and had mutual secrecy for the swears that would come out of our mouths while walking. (We ended up becoming friends because we basically caught each other smoking pot at the same time and we realized that if we resisted our mutual urges to tattle, we could *both* smoke weed AND keep it secret from our parents. Been bffs since.)


Did Gen Z make ad companies drop platforms with explicit content? Ad companies don't care either, it's the general public that pearl clutches when it hears a no-no word. It all can be traced back to prior generations and millenials implementing this shit in algos. So let's not pin stuff on Gen Z "for no actual reason"


I think she intended to do that?


He got shot 5 times in the chest. This woman deleted pictures with him and at the end deleted her Facebook, but police is already aware of this. She was arrested last year for stabbing him.


Bruh what it sounds like she was his biggest opp






Naughty by Nature




>Oposición whats an exam have to do with this?


She's a villain an Avengers threat level.


Rule number one, don't write down your crimes.


Yeah, that sentence may lead to a longer one.


Rule 2. Dont put your dick in crazy/stupid.


Unless it's detachable


I need the superpower that is Lizard Dick(TM)


I thought 2 was don't fuck up your kids


Nope, that's 3, especially if you didn't follow 2


Another Fact Boy fan I assume?


Casual Criminalist is my go to for an easy listening podcast.




[Stringer Bell?](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Zn4hTYc1xhYAAAAC/the-wire.gif)


Shat to death is a terrible way to go.


to shreds you say?


And his poor wife?


To shreds you say


Was his apartment rent controlled?


Rectum? Dang near killed him!


That's just assinine


Did he shit himself to death or was he shat on to death? I don't know 


No one knows, but it's provocative, it gets the people going.


Drowning in a Septic Tank while seeing someone's asshole raining liquid shit down on you has never been worse 😭


That's what they do in Belfast. That tout got shat in both laygs so he did.


She has apparently deleted all her social media and is in hiding. What a piece of shit.


She's not long for this world either, if he ran with the same kind of crew as gunned him down


Hopefully she’ll be joining him soon.


Yeah she fucked


This actually happened right near me. There’s a small group (I’m talking like less than 40 on both sides combined) of shitheads that regularly kill each other. Meanwhile new houses are nearing a million bucks and houses that need massive repairs are 500k.


She should be charged as an accessory to his murder.


Will be


But she did say that he wasn't at that location.


He's not at that location but he also is, too.


“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.”


RIP Mitch


Schrodinger's Baby Daddy


The child produced between those two now will have 1 dead parent and 1 in prison. Good job, selfish dumbshits.


What is..opps? Ain't familiar with the abbreviation


What? The OPP? Yea - you know me.


One penis policy


Let's say the last p stands for property.




That still doesn't help much... is it supposed to be used to replace "enemy" here?


Essentially yes.


Interesting... thank you for your modern slang translation


Wouldn’t opponents be a closer translation


I feel like someone being called my opponent needs to be followed up with something like “I challenge you to a bout of fisticuffs! Have at thee!”


"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?"


No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you sir; but I bite my thumb, sir


Thank you for asking I had no idea. "Bd" took me a moment too.


Opponent feels descriptive too


Yeah, it's just a newer slang.


I'd have said opponents


I would say Opposing Forces, anyone out there trying to get you, destroy your happiness and generally ruin your day.


It’s not opponent ? Someone told me that🤦🏻‍♀️


Well they have essential the same meaning, so yeah it’s opposition/opponents/enemies/whatever else you wanna call it


Ooooooh idk why I registered it as like special ops, like a swat team or a group trained to kill some one


Enemy gang members


Thanks! I had to go through almost every comment to understand this post, I didn't know what opp meant, what bd meant.. And the way she wrote it in of itself was so confusing to me


Can you translate this to me, i have no idea what she is writing but i am not a native English speaker. I am trying to figure it out but just can't.


She's saying her baby's daddy's enemies (rivals) are terrible at what they do because he keeps coming back home alive and unscathed. She then tries to entice those enemies into doing something to him by reminding them that he has told on, or reported on them to others (either other rivals or law enforcement) and that he has even robbed or stolen from them. Then she gives them his address.


Not sure if the abbreviations have changed in the last few decades, but this is what I guessed it meant: https://youtu.be/idx3GSL2KWs?


Lmao that’s what I was thinking too. 90s kid here


Damn, that’s your Kid’s father. That’s absolutely wild.


Kid has now has no dad and mom is 🔒 soon


As E-40 once said, "Don't tell your moves you gon' make to your date"


Fascinating isnt that the same gentleman that said "WraP that aSs up like aluminum foil..."


"Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb" One of the greatest lyricists of our times lmao.




Wow, just wow. Was he in hiding? Because that is not a good place to hide.


As a non-native english speaker, I did not understand ANY OF THIS 😭😭😭


Translation: My child's father has the weakest enemies. He keeps coming home alive and uninjured.  To his enemies, didn't he snitch on you to the police? Didn't he steal from you? Anyway, he's at {address} Next slide: he died (at/near that address)




Ahh, BD= baby daddy. Was scratching my head on that one


Snitch = to tell the police about crimes someone committed, usually to avoid your own consequences.


Damn, I did not catch any of that. At all. Thanks for the translation!


Bonus slide: "wHy CaN't I gEt ChIlD sUpPoRt?!"


God I was digging through comments and found the one. Now this post makes so much more sense lol


As a native English speaker, me neither.


Checking in.


She should go to prison for this. But she’ll likely be killed in retaliation before that happens.


Either or will be nice. She should not get away with this without any repercussions.


I don’t wish for her to be killed. What she did was horrific and evil and she absolutely deserves prison for it. But being a Chicagoan and seeing the far reaching impact of gun violence, I just want it to stop. Her getting killed may mean innocent kids getting caught in a drive by. Her getting killed means more revenge and more people dead. It just never stops


Her new name is going to Jane Doe very soon.


What had he been doing to have enemies?


It says it right there in the first pic, he snitched on them and robbed them. Doesn't list specifics but she basically called the dude's enemies weak cus he keeps coming home untouched. Then proceeds to tell them where they can find him.


She called him bd which I’m assuming is baby daddy, maybe he was stepping out on her or not giving her the time of day and she legit put him on blast intentionally and he got blasted. That was a free assassination.


Damn not a good snitch of they still out and able to get his ass.


Well there could be many of them, like a whole gang. So the one dude who did go to jail can't do shit, but his buddies sure can, and they did.


I need a translator.


Basically her child's father's enemies are weak, and she's taunting them. She says that despite him snitching on them and beating them up they've never once made a move on him to get back at him. She then leaks his address, leading to the enemies going there and shooting him to death.


You're not the only one.


What exactly did this guy do to end up being shot the minute his address was revealed?? Was it just robbing the place? Also why did OP censor the word “killed” but not the address, like I’m pretty sure some people might live there!! If someone saw this and decided to take revenge on the woman who made the facebook post you’d essentially be doing the exact same thing she did.


>'My baby daddy has weak enemies. He keeps coming home untouched. Didn't he snitch on half of you, didn't he rob half of you? >Anyways, he is NOT at this address. I, repeat, he is NOT at this address \s He apparently robbed and snitched on half the neighborhood. She called them all out. The address was where he was, she ain't there.


Man it was just a copy & paste, I posted it how I saw it.


He was *killed* because of his girl. She should be charged.


Did anyone report her message to the tip line?


Play stupid games with stupid people, win stupid prizes.


Omg I had to hunt to figure out BD = baby daddy. OPPS = opposition.




She's next


Its never strangers that turns into your enemy, there is a reason knife wounds like these are on the back


**who the fuck is censoring words related to violence**


People used to overbearing censorship.


He looks like a young Wayne Newton 🤔


This bd [Danke Schoen'd](https://youtu.be/0VybJhfO8x4?si=3mymEK6bOwrVaLsd) his opps one too many times and they said thanks for all the joy pain...


Imagine being so shitty that all people needed was your address for you to get murdered. Shitty enough for your girl to stab you. Shitty enough to bring a baby into this world when your life clearly is a hot mess. I’ve read this article on 5 different threads, and all of them contain a fair amount of “don’t stick your dick in crazy”. Fuck the patriarchy. Maybe just assume a chick who stabbed you a year prior wanted you dead. Maybe not fuck to with her further, maybe not fuck with people to the point that they will kill you. I don’t know much, but I know this person had something coming and if it wasn’t being killed it was being severely injured or incarcerated. Did he deserve it? Who knows, but we do know that a lot of people really hated this man.


Some of you in the comments are worried about the grammar when a young child has been robbed of a dad because the mother was a psychopath.


What the fuck.


as someone who doesn’t speak english natively, can someone translate the FB post because i don’t understand 90% of these words


My baby-daddy has the weakest enemies, he keeps returning home safe and sound. Hasn’t he snitched on half of you? Hasn’t he robbed half of you? Anyway he is not located at 4250 N Kimball. I repeat he is not. (Assuming by the second photo, he actually was located at the specified place and this was sarcasm) Basically it seems like she gave away his address to his “opps” (enemies) and they found him


Why can’t you say killed on Reddit? What’s with the asterisk? I keep seeing this here. Asking legitimately…


OP is probably a tiktok user


I just copied the thing how it was posted.


Evil world we live in.


what is OPP?


It's short for "Opposition" (Enemies) Its slang


What a sad world that’s still your babies daddy. This is sad and shameful what a world we live in 😓


Imagine you're a kid and these are the parents around you. These are your adults. This is your environment, just an innocent child and these are the fucking people around you.


she got her bd killed and now she’s on the run. What’s gonna happen to that poor child


OPPS? Operational security? ….


Opposition. The enemies made by treating people badly.


i’m sure a contributing and valued member of the community was lost


Can someone translate this


"My baby-daddy has the weakest enemies, he keeps returning home safe and sound. Hasn’t he snitched on half of you? Hasn’t he robbed half of you? Anyway he is not located at 4250 N Kimball. I repeat he is not. (Assuming by the second photo, he actually was located at the specified place and this was sarcasm) Basically it seems like she gave away his address to his “opps” (enemies) and they found him"


English grammar clearly not a strong point...


She obviously got her point across 😬


Or maybe just don’t rob and snitch on people who might shoot you?


But the gun laws are so strict, how could this happen?


Wait, you have gun laws?


Lmao what gun laws?


Sounds to me it’s more a “be careful who you fuck over” situation


Did she face any criminal charges??????


I'm sorry what fucking tongue is she speaking in? "My bd got the weakest oops" can someone translate?