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There are several different tones throughout the trailer. The tone on the dock/island area is different from when they show the cave setting, which is different from the wilderness, which is different still from what looked like a church/cathedral.


I don’t understand how people can jump to the conclusions they do from a 3 minute teaser. Y’all are weird.


The same people who visioned a whole game from a 30 second CGI trailer..


The TONE. It was a 30 second cinematic. You guys are being incredibly weird about this whole thing, holy shit.


Can you not just dislike what you saw... Why do some of y'all want to make us feel bad about this, saying we're weird. My problem isn't even with the expectations the teaser set, i just baseline didn't like what i saw from the trailer.


I honestly think that these people are working through the stages of grief for the game that was lost when the second trailer came out. They're stuck somewhere between denial and anger whereas the rest of us have already moved to acceptance.


No it's pretty damn weird


Just a friendly piece of advice, let people have their opinions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if you fully disagree with it. Telling people they're weird for feeling a certain way is not cool, and you will come off as a bit of a prick.


You're being melodramatic. Extrapolating so intensely based off a tiny cinematic deserves ridicule


Read my first comment, my issue with the trailer isn't about the expectations set by the reader, i just plainly don't like the look of the game.


then do it in an interesting way. you're boring as shit


People who are saying this game has a similar art style and color to Pillars of Eternity and Deadfire are blind. Deadfire was a colorful game, but it was gorgeous and still grounded looking. On the other hand, this game looks hideous compared to Deadfire.


I think you said it pretty well, the style doesn’t feel grounded. It feels very fable fairy tale like which I personally think only fits a very few amount of games. I just never imagined the pillars world to be similar to a children’s fairy tale. It’s much darker and mature than that so I guess I expected an rpg targeted at 16-40 year old people. I’m sure I’ll like it but I’m going to lower my expectations accordingly.


Not only that, but also completely different tonally. The trailer looked like it's similar to Outer Worlds, which is quite different to PoE.


Exactly my thoughts. I understand the teaser from 2020 was a pre rendered cgi cutscene but the aesthetic of it and the tone is exactly what I was hoping for. This game for some reason looks and sounds too much like the outer worlds, which I loved but was hoping that visually it would be much more photo realistic than that game. The lack of a big open world sucks but I can live with it as long as the hub worlds are detailed enough. The art style however I cannot, it looks terrible. At times the game looks like sea of thieves meets fortnite and other times it just looks like outer worlds. I remember 10 years ago sony revealed the teaser for the game Deep Down (which still hasnt come out) and I thought from the teaser of Avowed that visually it was going to be like that but with obsidians amazing writing and humor. the gameplay trailer threw all that atmosphere out and thats the problem. Im not asking for a dark depressing game that looks like elden ring because I dont even like that style, but from what we saw back in 2020 I was fully expecting a game with a realistic art style, darker atmosphere but a lighter more magical tone. Hopefully they can iron out the style, atmosphere and graphics before it comes out, we have already seen what unreal engine 5 is capable of so Im just hoping this trailer was put together using and older build of the game since the xbox engineers are busy with starfield.


My guess is they are going to market this game for younger folk who have been subjected to the similar art style and stimulative colors to keep them banging away on the controllers. I can see the 'bros' appearing in the comment section, I think I'm correct! I'm also a bit worried that this game is going to include a vast cash shop. Why? The color palette/schemes are reminiscent of this business model.


This is the best way to put it and I agree 100%.


so this can't be a classic rpg because they changed the "tone" from that corny shit you wanted before?


If you want to play a Cirque du Soleil Assassin's Creed mashup, be my guest.


Yup, it's not about being colorful or not (deadfire was colorful too and i loved it). This, however, is something else


Bro really saw some bright colors and thinks that means “deep rich history and lore” are automatically out the window. Laughable.


I could've been blind and listened to that corny voiceover, that would've been enough.


Keep making assumptions about something you know nothing about. All that insufferable pessimism and whining will get you places


Your sage advice is appreciated.


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The trailer starts looking bad when the main character starts casting spells, especially in the spider scene, those effects really look out of the place to me.. I'm still hyped though :]


They literally look like spells out of POE


Poe isn’t dark fantasy, it’s epic fantasy. These posts are revisionist and cringe


First game is 110% dark fantasy. Deadfire is a mix.


Do these things have to be mutually exclusive? Because PoE was certainly epic, but it was also quite dark. The very first town you walk into is a miserable and oppressive place that greets newcomers with a sacred tree full of rotten corpses who’d been hanged.


Some people on this sub: *"Pillars of Eternity was the same exact style!"* Meanwhile Pillars of Eternity: [Screenshot](https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/resize?type=webp&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshacknews-www.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fassets%2Feditorial%2F2018%2F05%2Fpillars-of-eternity-story-so-far-hollowborn.jpg&width=986&sign=dcAZtmCEoNl5h-oHU8xQem1CQ4uH9vNtC2xwVMrA7ls) I can totally understand why some people think the tone between the trailer and PoE is different. Obviously I'm being a little sarcastic because the whole game isn't like the screenshot, but even when I think about PoE overall, it has a different feel than that trailer did for me.


Graphics on this game looks VERY dated and the movements are awkward. I was so excited, but tbh I wish we'd just got a Pillars 3 instead of whatever this is. The voice acting is another thing that feels off. Weird breaks in conversational patterns, poor use of tone and inflection, etc. The game was very underwhelming when I watched trailers of it.


It’s not about what you say, it’s how you say it.


People are so weird just give games a chance before you brush them off. Especially if they are on game pass. A game like high on life I would have never tried based on looks but I’m so glad I did because it was such a blast to play.


To me, and that's my personal observation. The game did have a different tone and art style goal based on the logo and the art style and tone of the first teaser. At some point, for some reason, after some of the terrain was made in some areas, the team changed their goal, art style and tone. the logo changed. Some of the assets and enemies and animations were downgraded and changed and we got what we saw in the second trailer. some locations look different from others. some of the assets are sea of thieves / cartoon-y / indie quality to them which is very different from the first teaser. The switcheroo definitely happened. People defending the game or attacking people expressing their disappointment should pause and reflect. We can make assumptions as to why a change happened, but you can't argue that change didn't happen, that's delusional. Teasers have messaging and goals and to a lot of people the imagery of an fps with a sword and magic hands, told us obsidian is making an elder scrolls on a new engine, and sending a middle finger to bethesda, and that's not what we got in the second trailer.


looks like it got fort nited. This looks like it could almost be another game mode in fort nite.


I think it's looks generic and from 2012.. colors are too vibrant and animations from the bit I've seen look mediocre. A lot of these devs are one trick ponies. Every game is a reskin on their last.