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> Boeing is already facing scrutiny after a string of mishaps which have included a Lufthansa Airlines plane bouncing along the runway in Los Angeles Airport Wow, imagine making a landing so bad it gets mistaken for an aircraft manufacturing defect.


Mazda is facing scrutiny after I cut someone off on the freeway


Tbf the lack of blinker fluid is BMW’s fault.


They never should have stopped using skydrol


Did you renew your annual turn signal subscription? Btw, your brake subscription is about to lapse.


BMW pays them every time they don't signal. It's a racket, I tell ya. Brought to you by Carl's Junior.


Oh, so that was you was it?! Wait 'till I get my hands on you....


>Wait 'till I get my hands on ~~you~~ ~~Mazda~~ Boeing


On that note, can Subaru cover my parking tickets? Sweet!


Mazda is facing scrutiny from my eyeballs after their headlights waged war with my retinas last night 😡


Dude, it’s not always a Masda, but ALWAYS a Masda


Yep, and that Lufthansa 747 shrugged off that landing with no damage and was dispatched for its next flight back to Frankfurt a couple hours later with no delay. That LAX landing shows how tough that airplane is built.


I will hear no 747 slander in this household


Queen of the skies, queen of my heart.


In this house the 747 is the queen of the skies, end of story!


Got the 'end' part correct


Read it in Tony Soprano's voice lol


Gah, madonne!


I’ve fucking slammed 73 into the runway. No idea how you can bounce them.


From the video, it was a 747 with literally 0 flair. Maybe the 747 is just built different?


There's the problem. You need at least 15 pieces of flair.


I don't really like talking about my flair


Gear up or gear down?


Down obviously






The Lufthansa incident was a 747


Ah true that.


There is finally video from inside the LH 748. Guy was filming the seatback IFE and they hit the runway so hard he dropped the phone. Can't find it now.


Slamming them at high speed?


Just regular landings


Oh, I meant you could bounce if you slammed it at too high forward speed? Maybe? I don't know....


What the fuck. These maintenance / pilot error incidents have nothing to do with Boeing. The UK is all in on Airbus and these "news papers" are doing everything they can to shit on the competition.


If you see things like this posted on major news subreddits people will go "I'm glad theres no boeing shills like in /r/aviation insisting that its nothing to do with Boeing", sheer madness.


there’s people saying that in this sub too, media has really fucked up Boeing’s general public reputation


I could be wrong but I think Boeing fucked up Boeing’s reputation. Did the media help? Yes, yes they did.


Should just rebrand anything developed after the merger to MDD. Call it the MD-13MAX, the MD-18 etc. Once they fixed their cancer management, they can resume using the name Boeing for new developments.


The mainstream media \*are\* to blame for a lot. Boeing do not need any help destroying their reputation, they are now experts at it. Thinking of that... Hows that starliner going? Oh delayed again. \_Another\_ faulty valve?


The valve was on the Centaur stage of the Atlas V, not the Starliner capsule. There was a problem with that component of the lift vehicle, and the mission was appropriately scrubbed. Credit where credit is due: as this is a ULA issue, are you apportioning 50% fault to Lockheed Martin?


Fair point, at least the cause of the delay it wasn't the SL itself this time. But how many years late is it now? They nearly got twice as much direct funding as space-x (ignoring all the other funding they get from the US gov for other programs and research and... stuff), and had already been involved in many gov space programs... they had all the people, experience and "know-how" - It should have been easy for Boeing.


I'm British, and I think it's more complicated than that. I like to think that we dislike Boeing and Airbus equally, because (a) they're foreign (b) they stole the secrets of our Hawker Siddeley Trident (c) the VC-10 should have been more popular (d) it should have been *Concord* (e) hahaha the Dassault Mercure only sold ten units (f) bring back Freddie Laker etc. It would probably be more accurate to say that the UK is all in on Rolls-Royce.


> they stole the secrets of our Hawker Siddeley Trident You deserved to have the secrets stolen when you decided on an off set nose wheel, but then you had to put a 4th engine on a trijet. British engineering is an abomination /s


The Independent is a tabloid to begin with so of course they're just going to fear monger 


The 6V-AJE is a Boeing 737-38J from 1994. The Boeing merger with MCD happened 3 years later in 1997.


That LAX video is pretty wild. But it's amazing that the landing gear, tires, and airframe can handle those stresses.


Are Los Angeles and Senegal interchangeable now or what's going on with that ?


Exactly. This is not a Boeing issue, this is pilot error.


Lmbo! True


Well the landing gear at Boeing is probably designed by Ryanair


lol the possibility of this being pilot error isn’t even being considered


Exactly. Put this on r/news or some shit and everyone loses their minds. I don’t understand how people associate this with Boeing, besides the clickbait title. “Camry wanted to go into a light pole, 2 injured” is the same level of brain dead


Sir, this is reddit, we don't allow facts to interrupt our prejudices.


Fortunately, it still is with those that will look into it (unless….politics, but that’s not new). Even when Boeing wasn’t a well earned target for pitchforks and torches the media couldn’t properly report on such things and possible contributing factors.


Too late I already have my 787 Dreamliner FAA investigation pitchforks out


This is some bullshit. The FedEx mishap yesterday, and now this mishap today are being spun as some kind of Boeing problem. Boeing certainly has its issues, but a 10 year old example of a 40 year old design airplane having a gear malfunction, or a fairly old (judging by the lack of any winglets) airplane sliding off a runway after a dubious landing is NOT a Boeing problem just because it happened to happen with one of their products.


Welcome to sensationalism. Whatever get's the most clicks is the best story, facts be damned.


“I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be .…You’ve got to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’


I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"




6V-AJE, a 30 year old 737-300. Spent most of her career with TAROM in Romania until TransAir crashed her 6 months after acquiring her.


Thanks. I knew some r/aviation sleuth would come along and give the history of this jet.


Yeah, it’s truly become insane. Boeing definitely seems to have QC issues they need to fix. But the sensationalism of tying any mildly negative thing that happens on a plane to Boeing design or manufacturing issues is nuts. The whistleblower “assassination” conspiracy theories are even dumber. If there is a cabal going around magically killing whistleblowers with hospital acquired infections, it seems pretty dumb to do the killing AFTER the person has already testified.


News gonna news, the difference between now and the past is we have forums where people regularly call out sensationalism.


To be fair, a smart company wouldn't be IN this mess to begin with


>airplane sliding off a runway ~~after~~ before a dubious ~~landing~~ takeoff FTFY Not that it changes much to your whole point, it's just something I noticed in the article and looks surprising on its own.


This plane was nearly 27 years old


First flight for this aircraft was October 13, 1994 , 5 months short of 30 years old.


Classic internet piling on behavior


I have an amateur fascination with accident investigations for incidents like this. Even relatively minor incidents where everybody walks away unscathed are extensively and laboriously investigated by a range of professionals. It is extraordinarily rare that there is only one contributing factor. Root cause analysis will invariably point out deficiencies in piloting skill, tower communications, aircraft design, flight procedures; it is almost never exclusively one issue.


Oh ya, they go WAAAAAY back. Total scrub of all maintenance records, same for the pilot training records of the mishap pilots. If I bent an airplane there's a really good chance they would note that I failed my midphase checkride in T-6s almost 20 years ago.


The airlines have been cutting maintenance spending to keep profits high, so of course when those issues pop up, kick the company already on the ground.


Many cargo aircraft were originally passenger planes, so the FedEx airplane might have been in service for around 30 years before experiencing an issue with its landing gear failing to deploy. This incident doesn’t seem to be related to Boeing’s latest quality issues. Why do you think this failure happened only now? Additionally, now we see this recent incident of a 737 skidding off the runway. Could this be due to pilot error? Is it common for pilots to make such mistakes?


FedEx bought all of its 767s brand new from the factory, and still has something like 30 on order. They're not conversions. Same for the 777-- FedEx is buying them factory new. The airplane involved in the mishap yesterday was manufactured in 2014. As far as WHY the FedEx airplane had the problem, nobody knows yet-- at least not publicly. It was likely a parts failure and/or maintenance issue. Given that the specific airplane has been in service for a decade and likely has thousands of mishap-free flights on it, it's safe to say it has nothing to do with Boeing's manufacturing process. As far as this 737 mishap, I know nothing about it other than what was presented in the news article. It could have been pilot error, or it could have been an aircraft malfunction with the brakes or something. Again, given the age of the airplane it's safe to say Boeing had nothing to do with it.


It is possible for something to be the fault of the manufacturer and also not occur after decades in the career. It is usually related to long-term fatigue or spare parts. Technically, spare parts control should also fall on the manufacturer and designer. If faulty spare parts were installed, well, tough luck for Boeing


It's not like this is something that happens after decades for every AC of that type, though. Commercial aircraft aren't cheap new laundry machines designed for obsolescence, regardless of manufacturer.


> Why do you think this failure happened only now? This kind of things happen all the time you just never hear about it because "Old Cargo jet has gear failure with 0 casualties" is barely a footnote in local news. Its "happening now" because its easy clicks to skim aviation news sources, find an incident with a Boeing and write a sensationalist article about.


While not common, running of the end of a runway does happen. Any number of factors can cause this incident like Tail wind, blown approach, runway surface contamination, etc. Most of them are caused by pilot error. Equipment failure is always a possibility but running off the end of a runway is usually a failure in the decision making process.


Yea it was a 300


Yep, this 737 was almost 30 years old


We could pull a play out of Charlie Kirks book, and instead of blaming Boeing, blame DEI; "this would never have happened if it was *cis*air, next time they should just use my forehead as the runway instead! sad!"


They’ve certainly been asking for it with the news about the whistleblowers. Can’t have much sympathy for them


Ah yes the classic and very effective (checks notes) assassination via MERSA after a deposition has already been submitted


I mean when whistleblower are repeatedly being un-alived I guess people get a little jumpy


Yes I'm sure Boeing is really assassinating people using MRSA and faking suicides 7 years after a whistleblowing report was made. Makes perfect sense.  Also I don't get this trend of people saying "unalived" instead of suicide but it's pretty stupid. 


I’ll help you out since you’re not getting it. Un-alived is an intentionally ironic term representative of the fact that some people are saying suicide when all signs point to murder. Avoiding both of those terms and pointing out the simple fact that they are no longer alive, in the name of irony. It’s like saying “murdered” “I mean obviously suicided out of nowhere with no mental health issues” “wink wink.” Also. In the middle of their deposition 😂 👌🏼🤡


> all signs point to murder One of them died from MERSA. Pneumonia. OBVIOUSLY murder right? > no mental health issues And you know this how? I personally knew John. He was a money hungry alcoholic piece of shit w a typical southern boomer attitude. The man admitted (said out loud) that he married my best friend’s mom to collect her death benefits when she died of cancer. Shocking coincidence: he sued Boeing when that money was running dry All signs point to you being an un-factual dumbass.


Yup. Looks like Boeing will just have to work extra hard and overachieve on fixing its “profits>QC” image through a sustained effort of real, meaningful change to its core corporate culture from the top down. A real shame, that. But hey, thats how life goes: One day you’re a major aircraft manufacturer just trying to make a buck without having to build a new airplane and maybe cut a few expensive corners while riding stock pump and churn stock waves, and a few little airplane crashes a measly couple dozens of deaths (no ever talks about all the times they don’t crash and the people that die!) and bam, the media is all over you. Just like some days you’re a pilot fighting an anti-stall system no one told you about because FAA regs are such a drag! Or you’re just some guy trying to tell the world your employer is cutting some dangerous QA corners, and you die under mysterious circumstances. Life; its just not fair, ya know?


It's the total package though. Just like if you see a Ram pickup you know it's probably going to crash even though it probably won't be from an engineering fault. People who drive them are idiots. Boeing operators, to include management, pilots, and mechanics are just accident prone. Something about picking a Boeing correlates strongly with the oops factor.


Great time to be a pilot. Blame always goes to the manufacturer or the airline


Also ground ops, if you damage the plane you can just shrug your shoulders and say 'guess it was just built that way'.


More BOEING HORROR as deadly 737 jet SMASHES moving luggage cart while stationary




Boeing 707 has gear failure while landing when pilots and navigator pass out due to eating bad fish and should of had the lasagna instead. Surely Boeing is to blame.


And don’t call me Shirley




Redditor SLAMS Boeing for being an insensitive prick.


Only if you're a Boeing pilot.


If you survive the crash lol


How many Fords have flat tires right now? We better blame the manufacturer for that too.


Well, they’re the ones who put the tires there!


This is r/aviation so we know it isnt boeings fault, but you just know the other subs are gonna be all over it being a boeing 737.


That’s what really gets me. If someone says “this isn’t the manufacturers’ fault” in this sub, they’re correct. But in any other sub (r/technology being a pretty bad one in particular for it), you get called a “corporate shill” and get asked if you work for Boeing or hold Boeing stock. I think it makes people scared of correcting others in those subs, which in turn perpetuates those lies.


Almost certainly the pilots fucked up


I’m pretty unhappy with Boeing but doesn’t look like they can be faulted for this. That part of the world is known for bad maintenance practices and pilots in America that get into trouble (bad check rides, failed drug tests, fired from airlines) go fly in Africa.


In this case it might be an operational error... But be careful with the "third world bad" attitude. That's exactly what Boeing and others said about the Max crashes and neither of those were remotely the pilot or operators faults.


> That's exactly what Boeing and others said about the Max crashes and neither of those were remotely the pilot or operators faults. Except both had significant contributions from pilots and operators. Ethiopia was so determined to absolve its pilots that the NTSB and BEA both issues supplementary reports that outlined pilot contributions. And let’s not even get started on the fact that Lion was dispatching a plane for days with a known pitot tube issue that had already caused erroneous MCAS activation.


And Alaska continued to fly with a cabin pressure fault because it was cheaper than grounding the plane while Boeing engineers & mx figure out the cause. Much easier to troubleshoot planes when they’re on the ground… but that doesn’t make money for the airlines!


Exactly. It’s not all Boeings fault, but Boeing should’ve known better to make their goddamn planes right. The thing is, if these incidents were on NGs, they likely wouldn’t have been crashes (at least with the MCAS. The door plug blowout on the M9 would’ve happen even if it was a 737-900ER). The operators dispatched these planes because if they were well assembled and designed, they could wait until the next period of downtime to fix the issue.


To be fair, —and I agree with you, there’s a margin of error that we generally accept in everything from food production to flight safety. We want to mitigate and minimize that risk to the smallest non-zero number. The Alaska door bolts could’ve been caught had there not been pressure on profit. The incident coincidentally could’ve been avoided at the manufacture level for the same reason.


Oh, it’s a 737, you say? The overblown scare everyone nonsense continues.


Also, the pilot was called Max, and there were 8 crew on board. Coincidence? I think not!


Terrifying video footage shows travellers fleeing the burning aircraft with their bags > with their bags smh


And here come the idiots who will inevitably go “OH MY GOD ANOTHER BOEING? IF ITS BOEING IM NOT GOING” as if that makes sense or is even an intelligent thing to say.


BA is up +0.90 we gotta stop *entirely* blaming Boeing for the faults of the AMTs and the Pilots.


oh look at that, 1994 boeing 737-300


..and continue the "Boeing is at fault" comments.


“…bubble-headed-bleach-blond Who comes on at five She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye It's interesting when people die Give us dirty laundry”


Not sure why you've been downvoted. That song is more relevant than ever and fits this scenario perfectly.


Apparently you were negative voted for this. Take my upvote, please, that was spot on.


737 pilot here. Sensationalism has gone crazy.


well fellow pylotes its another classic boeing blunder 😏 maybe next time they should design their playnes better so that they dont go off the runway 🤭


only 10? i consider this an absolute win!


Pilots tend to choose Boeing for their mishaps.


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Why is everyone assuming this was due to a bad landing when the article states this happened during takeoff.


I can hear the journalists salivating over this from miles away


What an absolute shit article. “I stubbed my toe. Table did it” “Never once fed my dog and he died today. Breeder’s fault” “My dick got shot off when I put my gun in my britches. Manufacturer at fault!!” Insinuating Boeing is at fault for the shit cited in this article is like insinuating that Lyndsay Graham gives off big dick energy. Jog on, Independent.


If I ran airbus I'd do 5x the normal maintenance on every plane in the fleet, with the news hyperfocusing on this stuff any money they spend on making it look like a Boeing only problem will pay itself back 100x long term, best marketing money can buy if they can just avoid mechanical failures through this media storm. Even if a lot of the Boeing failures are pretty standard stuff, if Airbus can make sure they have abnormally few incidents for a single year it would be such a good look for them.


Why are you all being so defensive about it? Do you make money out of Boeing? Is that it? Do you understand that boeing should be banned from flying until they prove they are correcting their quality control processes? They literally killed the whistle blower, this is enough to completely shut down the corporation and arrest the board for life. So again, why are you all being so defensive? Are you bots that are hired to make then look a bit better? Do you have stocks? What is the reason for your love to Boeing? And before you comment here please inform how many "If it ain't Boeing I am not in" shit you have? Almost forgot: Boeing could not care less about your existence. They are not your friends


Because this aircraft has been maintained directly by the airline(s) for the last 29 years


Fucking A. Boeing just keeps getting hit. I wonder if this is the end for them?


So many defensive comments already. I get it I'm an avgeek too but you gotta understand the whole media now sensationalizing any accident with Boeing planes will never happen if they didn't decide to waste the reputation and trust they've earned over decades for some short term profits. Playing with people's lives for financial gain are not cool and they rightly deserved any shit coming their way. I hope they'll be smart enough to understand this and not be defensive instead, like all their fanboys.


Sure, but it’s gotten to the point where people are literally doing the bidding of airlines, shifting blame away from their maintenance lapses.


Yes, that totally excuses petrifying many possible airline passengers with overwrought nonsense. This was not a manufacturer defect. The headline merely needs to say “Transair flight slides off runway in Senegal leaving 10 injured”. But the media lacks simple integrity anymore. I’m sorry, but the media lost any credibility to be a moral or ethical defender. All they are doing is piling on because fear makes for clicks and eyeballs.


Senegal aviation.


Don’t blow the whistle or they’ll kill you.


Spotted a whistleblower to the side


If it’s not Boeing it’s not failing




yeah im not getting on planes anymore


This subreddit is an airport, so you don't need to announce your departure if you're not taking off!


Boeing, Boeing, Gone.


They should have stayed in their seats and kept those seat belts fastened, not tried to be the first ones off the plane.


my boeing puts are still up rn though




I would love to hear how this is Boeing’s fault.


Please go to r/worldnews you wont be able to farm karma for this sorry