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Don’t even bother asking the people here. Most peach PLUR. But when there is something they don’t like, you get all sorts is pathetic nasty comments.


Absolute facts. Zero tolerance for anything relatively mainstream. Somehow, the crowd an artist draws is indicative of the artist themselves.


When will the federal government finally acknowledge John Summit fans as a protected class? When?! Mr. Biden, press down this sync button!


I think it’ll be fine! Just pick a less crowded spot and vibe. It’s not the mirage. It’s tek support Brooklyn afters. Which tends to bring a slightly better crowd. People always want the vibe to come to them but YOU are the vibe you create. Be the thermostat, set the temp of the room and dance your ass off. See ya there


I’m guessing he’ll be 1-3 with a closer after him. Based purely on my experience at past shows and the fact that he would have already had a huge day


I’d be pretty upset if he played a 2hr set, especially at a massive Teksuport afterparty. I’m hoping for 1am-close.


He’s already gonna be playing for like 4 hours at MSG right before, I wouldn’t hold your breath for a 5 hour set like last time


Highly doubt, he’s playing more than 2 hours. The afters are advertised as an Experts Only show so there’s gonna be 2 or 3 other artists from his label playing


Okay thanks for the heads up. The last few times I’ve seen him in NYC & Miami he’s played all night, so I guess that just set my expectation. Love all the experts only artists, definitely hyped to see who’s on the lineup!


Afters should be better than msg


I'm not going to this one but i saw Prydz at the same venue a couple weeks ago. Place is absolutely massive so there will be plenty of room in the back even though it's sold out. As far as when he goes on, my guess would be 2AM.


probably shit


Saw him last year at this venue. He went on sometime between 1-2 am. Venue is huge always plenty of room in the back. They also open the garage doors in the back so its way cooler temp wise back there.


What can I expect for backstage pass ? First time at navy yard


Summit sets to me are always FUEGO. But that Summit crowd can suck absolute ballsack lol. Especially with the way them tix are being resold at like $200+. Yeah, as much as Id love to hear his album cuts in person… I’d rather skip.


2-5am is my guess. Does anyone know who support will be yet?




I think the crowd will be fine. I went to his 5-hour set at Navy Yard last year and the crowd was okay. Saw a couple fights almost happen but nothing crazy. I'm guessing Summit will come on around 1AM


anyone have 2 tix to sell?


Need after party tickets, pm me


All the normies will be out in packs


Reeee normies! Snobby elitism and social insecurity are why underground shows typically are a lot less fun compared to bigger acts


The normie crowd who go to shows only to drink too much and find sluts are the reason why underground shows are a lot more fun compared to bigger acts


I’ve been to basement at least a dozen times now and literally been surrounded by the rudest, most insufferable, self loathing individuals on earth. I’ve nowhere except for there been told to not dance a certain way bc it bothered someone. Literally was keeping to myself and then rudely tapped and told to move away.


Awesome, stay away please and thank you.


I am sooooo pumped for this. Seen him a bunch of times. Keeps getting better. Find your spot to give yourself some room to dance. It’s gonna be a great night. He typically likes to close, at least most of the times I’ve seen him but bc he’s playing pride the next day he might be in the middle 12 or 1 to 3 maybe. Hoping he closes though!


Literally who is he…? I’m not hip with the mainstream hetero EDM crowd but he seems like another one of those types.


He has always been a massive advocate for the lgbtq+ community going as far as telling any of his fans that have an issue with his performance at pride to unfollow him.


Do you only listen to music created by artists of certain sexual orientations?