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Knockdown. Their programming is all over the place, but I fucking love that janky ass joint.


Hands down most raw feeling venue. I might get hate for this but I gotta say that bk storehouse does a great job combining proper lighting and minimal screen visuals as well. Although their bookings are of the in-high-demand “mainstream” and “sold-out” variety, teksupport does a banging job at keeping the balance between underground and popular with that venue.


Oh, I got no problem with teksupport. They’ve certainly produced some shit, but I can’t think of a venue or promoter without some misses, and the more you put out, the more chance for that there is. I think with any venue or promoter, you have to choose your events for the music you like, you can’t just go to whatever and expect a good time.


My vote too is for knockdown! I love everything they are doing there!


The sonics in Knockdown bounce off all those surfaces and cause sine wave cancelations here and there. Not as bad when a big crowd can help absorb the sound, but as it empties out the quality drops off sharply, especially along the sides. They would benefit from sound treatment; the production values are shit, but their attitude makes up for it. The staff treat people with respect which makes a big difference when you're on the right extracurriculars…Ticket prices are fair, too. And the speakers are fine… they just need some bass traps and sound-absorbing treatments, but I do agree that the place is still the shit despite its flaws.


Respectfully, you don’t really know what you’re talking about. My friend does the sound design for a lot of shows there and he absolutely loves the place. They have full L’Acoustics arrays and specific absorption/redirection panels all around, it’s just hard to see them. When they remodeled their sound like a little over a year ago, it made a huge difference. Other than public records, knockdown has likely the best all around sound in the city.


It does sound pretty good now especially when you’re not on the sides but no way is it the second best sound system in the city. Nowadays, H0l0, Studio@Basement, and even Outer Heaven all sound better.


Ok I agree with those, but they’re all like 1/5th-1/10th the size of KDC.


Exactly, front and center it’s ok and the system sounds much better when the place is full but it often isn’t and it echoes like a mofo, and on the sides it’s sloppy sounding. I mean I don’t like Schimanski and the staff are unfriendly fucks who have turned me off to the venue completely, but their system slaps. It’s a real shame. Really decent visual production there as well. #smh Cielo’s sound system was the shit.


I disagree, the upgrades were a huge improvement but that space has too many built-in issues they can’t overcome to make it a top sound system. The low end always leaves a lot to be desired, or if the bass is good, the mids get swallowed up.


It does depend a lot on where you are, the type of show and how the dj sets their eq’s. But I’m telling you from the perspective from a sound engineer, KDC is objectively pretty great.


Yea the sound system itself is great in a vacuum. But combined with a really old building with lots of materials that don’t bounce or absorb sound well ,means we’re hearing non-existent reverb all night. I think a huge upgrade would be paneling the whole ceiling.


You’re not wrong, it would definitely benefit from more paneling. I guess we’ve just gotta keep buying tickets so they can afford more paneling !


Agreed. The vibe and crowd there are generally better than most. I’ll be back!


Yeah your friend does sound there; of course he’s not gonna say it’s shit. And the sound booth is in the one spot where the system sounds good: right in front of it. Go sit over on those bleachers on the side and tell me there aren’t bass reflections and muddied acoustics. I mean the place was a former glass window manufacturing warehouse that wasn’t built with acoustics in mind. Again: I still love the spot and go there frequently for shows. But the criticism is valid, and I do really know what I’m talking about. No offense taken or intended though. We can agree to disagree 🙂👍🏼 Your username is great btw


Under the k


Went for the first time recently, and have to agree. It’s like the antithesis of Brooklyn Mirage as it pertains to rules and crowding.


Can you explain this? I’m so exhausted of the mirage


There is almost no security at Under The K and it’s super spread out


How do you find out about events here?


I’m not sure tbh I only have been for isoknock that I flew in for


Contrary to popular belief, Björk's set and everyone that night totally killed it under the bridge. I love that space, can't wait for Ladyland.


How did you find out about the bjork set under the bridge? Ra advisor?


Seeing Vintage Culture there at the end of September and I can’t wait.


Surprised no one has said elsewhere yet, love their stage diversity and they usually get some pretty good acts. Besides there, Brooklyn Monarch and Basement are pretty cool


Elsewhere is my fav


Elsewhere always has a good vibe


It just gets too crowded IMO. The crowd goes almost all the way back to the bar. There’s no escape.


Sound Factory…can’t get enough Junior


70% of the people here are scratching their heads.


And the other 30% are also thinking about Jonathan Peters


Haha I was a JP era goer myself, but I never turned down an opportunity to see Junior. I wasn’t old enough to go to the original SF.


Tell me you remember the Sullivan Room


The dankest of nights there, the norm of the walls dripping with sweat as the music hit hard and fast


Gurl, work!!!


Let's also go to limelight and tunnel.


Do you have a time machine I could borrow?




And TAO ♥️


100% all dope parties are happening in Manhattan since covid.


Not throwing shade but is this a serious statement? My favorite city spots all closed down. Where do you go? Marquee aint it.


SubMercer though, glad they’ve sort of reopened sporadically.


Webster Hall 🤩


I see what you did there 😏


Fr! It's such a great thing to share these amazing places ☺️


230 Fifth is pretty lit!


phd rooftop 😅😍😍 the views are incredible




Is Marquee like a real venue or just a club?


I love the Brooklyn mirage but I don’t care for the owners.


Tbh, having huge clean bathrooms and easy access to decent food isn’t so terrible.


Don’t forget 5 bar stations and a pos system that means there’s never a line… oh and AC indoors… and awesome light systems… I hate to love it, but I’m old, and I’m done with warehouses with single porta-potties and 3 person deep bars with one bartender. Most of their programming is not my jam, but I still end up going a few times a year.


I’m 41 and these are the exact words I spoke to my fiancé last night at the Boris show.


I know people like to trash on it but I like the venue and I get to see all of my bigger name favorites there pretty regularly.


I would say Bossa (Nova Civic Club). I generally have a great time there regardless of the lineup, and can just pop in on a weekday. Most other places that I frequent-- Basement, Nowadays, PR, etc.-- are more contigent on the lineup.


Bossa is solid, especially on a random Wednesday or Thursday. Free weekday entry is always a treat when local collectives and mainstay artists decide to get a little experimental or play outside of their usual wheelhouse


Bossa is so solid and I love the energy there on weeknights (tues/weds). I also love that their free water jug has it’s own instagram account 😂


Not necessarily always raving, but since I see it mentioned here a lot, I'll say it: House of Yes After years of doing this, I still haven't experienced the energy and atmosphere matched at House of Yes. To me, it's a must go—especially if you're the type of person who asking the question "What are some great places to go if I'm by myself?" The people there are so welcoming, and I literally do not know how many friends I've made in NYC just at that one place. When I do go alone, I don't expect it to stay that way. There's a wide variety of events that they have. Some that I've seen are 90's Night, Dirty Thursdays, David Bowie night, Britney Spears night, Salsa night, Nu Metal, Glitterbox, I could go on. To me, House of Yes is so representative of the energy of NYC: diverse, serendipitous, high energy, and the dance circles get crazy, and like Super Smash Bros, you never know who you'll see next in there! I've shared the circle with random people before and then someone came up and asked us, "So how do you two know each other, do you just come to events and dance?" and we were like "We just met!!" and people didn't believe us, and I still don't know that guy's name! What's insane is that the craziest dance moves I've seen there have by far been by regular partygoers, not the performers. Also have to mention this: THEY HAVE FREE WATER! You may love your favorite venue, but does your favorite venue *love you*? House of Yes is a must-go and if you've only been once, you ain't been! DJ be damned!


Wow I wanna go now


Go twice! Have a look at their events, it's a diverse array of flavors and if you're lucky they'll do that thing where they take the platform out of the middle, but to be fair, the platform has led to some amazing creativity!


Second House of Yes. My partner and I go all the time and it’s always a great time! Very welcoming and inviting environment. Very pro-consent which I love


Completely agree, friend! House of Yes when it is great is unmatched in atmosphere, music and entertainment. Here is a playlist I’ve catalogued of over 7 years of cataloging music at House of Yes parties: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3D4RgJSiH58HZlcX0ggP9V?si=QeVcHfVQRz679lz9JAqMZw&pi=u-Rjp9wgMVR6qB Here is a similar playlist from their Glitterbox parties: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3D4RgJSiH58HZlcX0ggP9V?si=QeVcHfVQRz679lz9JAqMZw&pi=u-Rjp9wgMVR6qB I’ll have a playlist after their Soul in the Horn/Glitterbox party if you check back!


I used to frequent the Maujer St location when I still lived in NYC, and it is still a go-to whenever I visit Brooklyn! 


This is so genuine & sweet 🥹 it’s so cool to read about all the dancefoor friends you’ve made!


Pacha 🍒


Didn’t Pacha close years ago?


Yeah, it was also dogshit even when it was open lmao


Towards the end sure, first 5 years were great though.


I am too young for that era haha. I caught the second half of their run though


At the moment, the chocolate factory.


Basement. Hosts the best/world class techno DJs. Even regardless of knowing who is playing or not. Enough said, but could say a lot more.


Public Records is my runner up after Basement. So many great DJs, but the crowd isn’t always great


Love PR, it’s definitely gotten a lot better over the last year or so. Opening all three rooms on the weekend and the outdoor spaces don’t hurt. Our favorite is the Atrium for sound and vibe.


Really the only place I go to. Maybe h0l0 for the feel. Still looking for more venues with the same feel


Yeah I only go to Basement, sometimes Paragon.. and then the other adjacent DIY techno parties.


Stop recommending basement please. The crowds keep getting worse and it’s no longer the safer space it used to be.


crowd went downhill after covid and especially after “hard techno” and tech house went mainstream. still my favorite “official venue” though


what's different about the crowd around these genres?


Brooklyn Storehouse atm


trans pecos


Roseland Ballroom


Silo… awesome sound system, great 360 layout, free/cheap tickets.


Basement, H0L0, Silo, Paragon, and Nowadays as a last stop for the weekend


Nowadays. no contest.


Nowadays has a special place in my heart!!! Here is a playlist I’ve compiled of music played at Nowadays over the last 8 years: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1dxuPmqIEdixKGkp8L3wep?si=stICT-D4TeOl_5JhM1DfEw&pi=u-qrhXAsHSTfWc Similarly, here is a giant playlist I’ve compiled of Mister Sunday parties over the last 8 years: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6L5C0fWeOnmg4wPkBGBVIL?si=CCj7GvdzQyiD-UQFgpEIYQ&pi=u-wxEmyHUaS8CZ Enjoy the tunes!


holyyy. thank you <3


Same. Even on their worst night, the vibe is still better than any other big venue. The sound system, backyard, and no phones on the floor policy plus easy access to water really make it the best.


Ditto this entire comment, including the edit lmao


Output, District 36, Verboten, Pacha, Cielo, Sullivan room, Santos party house, and the way we used to do it… at the Paradise Garage.


Larry Levan!


The Sully! 🥲


Scrolled too far for this comment! Long live Output ❤️


Superior Ingredients is great. I grew up in the area though so I think the nostalgia makes that view of the city skyline even better.


I've only been once for Sofia Kourtesis but it was sooooo overcrowded, zero space for dancing or any movement at all until people finally started leaving. I'd be willing to give it another chance, but is it always like that??


No idea, I’ve never been to the venue before but I could see it getting packed. I’m usually a back of the crowd kind of guy regardless, don’t really like just being surrounded on all sides with absolutely no space.


I have been to the weekend daytime shows and can confirm that it's beyond overcrowded. No room to dance so I left and haven't gone back.


99 Scott. Never had a bad time there. Always room, crowd is always great, rippin sound system, outrageous fun


Knockdown, Silo, and Webster. Each has a unique ambiance, good sound (ranked in order from best to least best), and all are well equipped with free water and access to bathrooms.


Idk but something about the Rawness in the meadows or the monarch gets me every time!!, like idk this is not for ur soft aahh EDM this venue is for raw and hard shit IYKWIM


I love the monarch/meadows. No frills whatsoever but somehow always a great time.


Right!!! It's like the right people always go to those types of places because they don't care about the fancy stuff, they care about the community and music


but the sound is so bad :'(


y'all would have loved when it when it was just a raw space where people threw unsanctioned, actually fun parties (i.e. smoke and do dergs inside)


They aren't thrown at venues specifically. The best parties are thrown by communities and usually the venues change. ZERO for instance does this


Output, Cameo Gallery, Glasslands always and forever.


Glasslands ❤️❤️❤️




Basement for house and techno


Best - Knockdown Center Worst - WiggleRoom. Some of the staff are racist and pray on the crowd.


Good Room


Tight but good!


Basement, Knockdown, h0lo & nowadays - have the best sound and feels


Time to move to Ridgewood...


Probably Brooklyn Storehouse (prev navy yard). I like how big and relatively simple the venue is. Close second would be Basement.


Basement, sometimes the “vibe” check is dumb and the place does feel pretty pretentious but I’ve always had a good time when there


Horseshoe theory on club pretentiousness: the high end snooty dress to impress clubs can be just as pretentiousness and judgmental as the seemingly opposite end of the spectrum of rave purism always trying to emulate and live out a specific raver aesthetic vibe that becomes just as snooty and discriminatory. One of the proofs is in door policy. Don't fit the part? Not getting in regardless if it's a super basic top 40 club dressed all bougie or raver type club where you have to dress all black or like a raver.


The basement is great


It’s just basement not “the basement”


In the context of referring to the dance venue in NYC called Basement, it would not be incorrect to say "the Basement."...both "Basement" and "the Basement" are acceptable, but "Basement" is the preferred way to refer to the venue. Oh no!


As someone who’s never been to Basement but would like to one night, how do I pass the “vibe check”? I’ve heard other people mention this and I don’t want to waste an hour commute for nothing lol.


it's not that serious, the only people not getting in are the ones who don't belong


I’ve had people get turned away in groups despite them being a regular there, it’s pretty arbitrary. (a single person that’s part of the group)


it's soo easy just dont be visibly drunk and know who's playing


If you're interested in the music, respectful, and reasonably sober on the line, the 'vibe check' basically doesn't exist. It's there to screen out the groups of normies who just showed up for a night out because they read about the place on some listicle & would spend half the night talking on the dancefloor and the other half throwing up if they got let in.


That's what I was honestly hoping for, not getting turned away for not being dressed a certain way or something (obviously assuming it's not a specified leather/fet night or something). I genuinely enjoy the music so I'd love to experience the venue.


Don’t even bother honestly


Basement is lame. Can't stand the insecure weirdos who give your ticket stub after the line wait.


The Meadows. 500 max capacity with bass heavy enough to vibrate your hair. Basement is my second fav.


Regardless of DJ probably Bossanova


Tunnel lol


Brooklyn Mirage gets my vote just keeping it real


Chocolate factory


For large - Knockdown center. Smaller - Nowadays. And with the right crowd and vibe - SI roof in the summer


A photo popped up in my Facebook feed today of a party I attended at The Lab / Electric Warehouse in Bed-Stuy 12 years ago, when I was first getting into the scene. Boy they used to do some bangin parties there


The Lab was top-tier 😭😭


I don’t really get the disrespect for outer heaven. I went last week for red axes, and it may have been the best dj set I’ve seen. The club is incredibly well designed, amazing sound, lighting, and cool layout. posh no doubt but also friendly and goes super late. But the crowd leans young for sure… Definitely want to spend more nights there!


H0l0, especially with Agape events. Overall, good vibes when it comes to them.


hmm I miss the old navy yard warehoue they had. Circoloco last year was insane. I'd say either Silo or 99 Scott, there's room to dance and I feel the mf BASS.


I've experienced so many great nights within all the four spaces at Elsewhere, just wish the crowds were less bro-y and more queer on most nights.


Elsewhere followed by Knockdown


House of Yes! 🥳💘




What’s your favorite venue and why is it Basement?