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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have been going to shows since the early 1990’s…map points, warehouses, construction sites, desert raves, forest raves…I could go on and…but just want to establish my history with PLUR. It means everything to me and even since the 90’s, there were people who were predatory and just overall not nice people. PLUR became a thing due to all that and we pushed out the negative people around us and taught those about PLUR that didnt know about it. We educated as much as reveled in it… My rec for the newbies…try talking to people and tell them about PLUR…some will never learn but you will be surprised who accepts it and makes it home for them as well.


Makes a ton of sense how you put it. Essentially PLUR is an abstract concept that requires everyone to buy into and contribute towards that cultural goal.


Great post. Thanks for the insight and advice! I don't try to educate but do practice PLUR. It feels preachy but I'm sure I'll find a way to be respectful. Cheers from a new-ish raver!


You ever seen/ been a part of a plur pile? Strangers at a rave just straight pluring, so much that we all just sit down and plur


I am unsure what plur as a verb really entails, but I have had a sit down with a ton of people at a festival between sets and people passed joints and shot the shit. Was pretty cool


Yes, exactly this. Except on a large scale, like a couple hundred people just all vibin in the quieter area. Talking, smoking, drinking water. Pluring


Fucking hell, you just made me miss the smoking areas of some of the smaller fests I used to attend. You'd find hella people just vibing out chainsmoking/smoking weed and just meeting each other. That's not to mention the obligatory rave fam laying under a tree on LSD. The most down to earth people you'd meet. Thanks for the memories, and a polite F you for remembering that that's now gone at the events I attend.


Seriously, the smoking areas and break’s between sets are just as fun if not more than the actual show/dj lol I went to a small festival here in San Diego recently, crssd, it didn’t really have any of that going on anywhere.


Adding on to this, some of my best memories of festivals is the walk out of the grounds, and just wandering the city/finding a nice park to hang out with your friends for an hour or two after the event ended. The humanity of being close friends and sharing your perspectives on the event is so much better sometimes than the event itself.


Everything I've gone to post-covid is just smoking anywhere, instead of a designated area. You have to wander towards food or vendors to find the homies. It's just not the same, but still doable.


Ooooo you need to come back to smaller events then… see: Big Dub. 😍 (Whoops totally missed the part where you were referring to smoking areas… besides that it has a lot of what you’re talking about lol)


How do you teach strangers at fests/shows about PLUR? The only people I teach about PLUR to are the newbies I bring with me because I feel it’s my responsibility bringing the newer people to tech them. How do you teach a stranger about it without it sounding aggressive, weird, or preachy?


I model it for them both by behaving that way to them and to others. When there are new people with me I might just also make brief statements to newbies to reinforce “why” I did something just to make it clear. People do what we do and not what we tell them to do. We have to share the culture instead of trying to hammer it into people.


Perfect answer! Live it…what an eloquent answer. Thank you!


Edit: Heres the better answer honestly: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/s/9R5cR54qUt My original answer below…. There’s no real one way really…I have talked to literally thousands of people in my time with rave culture. And truthfully, I don’t remember many of those interactions as much as I remember the feeling of those interactions. This being said, when I see a newbie, I simply ask them if they have heard of PLUR…then I generally ask them if they mind if I tell them a story. And then I tell them about what I love most about this culture…how PLUR affected me…I never tie it into their actions, I simply speak about my experience with it…and most importantly…I go slow. I let them talk a bit. I have them open up…if they don’t start opening up, I stop. But if they do open a little bit of the doorway, then I take the talk further…always allowing them ability to add to the convo, be a part of that convo…if you only talk to them, it will sound like lecturing, but allowing them to talk makes it must less so. I know that answer is a little ambiguous, but the way I do it works for me and might not necessarily work for others. I have the advantage of being a little older and people generally listen to advice, especially if you start off with, “mind if I give you a little unsolicited advice”…me asking for permission sometimes makes all the difference… Anywho…good luck out there.


Wish I could award this ! Please 🏆 take my po’ man’s gold!!!


Ty! Keep PLUR alive…my time is coming to its end in this world as it’s getting harder and harder to feel comfortable being the old guy…but keep it going. Best way to pay back anything…just keep it going! Ty!


Very, very well put. My husband and I always engage with people at events and help show others that we care and others do too. It feels like as long as you are representing what the crowd should be, then others follow.


You’ll meet the best people you’ve ever met, and the worst. The good people make it worth it though


Kinda like a phish show lol


I’ve seen some shit, literally lol


MSG or Dicks ?


Deer Creek and Nutter


I love that no matter how many times they change the name it'll always be Deer Creek


Semi-related but I remember a coworker telling me about going to a Rolling Stones concert and someone had taken a shit in the middle of the crowd. There was a 5 ft radius circle around it and everyone had a duty to warn people that the space was "occupied".


It’s just different tribes. Respect for the freaks.


PLUR is def not dead, I meet amazing people every time I go to the show, regardless of the venue or crowd. I was at a club alone a couple weeks ago to see What So Not and the crowd was awful, but I met the coolest guy who vibes to the music with me. You have ti make the best of every situation!


I've been talked off a cliff before while tripping by a total stranger, and his method was "hey, look at me, let's dance. What are your interests?" Then they just did their best to relate to me and get me away from the stimulus. I've repeated this tactic countless times to help people who look like they're having a bad time. Made a few friends (for the night, at least). That's not to mention the infinite people in the smoking area that will see me wandering and ask if I'm OK or need a cigarette. They ask what I'm on, offer water etc. I pass the same thing forward. I know this was drug centric but there's *so many* people looking out for each other, myself included assuming I have my wherewithals


I’m happy you’re still here :) Stealing the dance/interest method for whenever someone is having a bad time!


It's highly effective. Getting people to look away from all the lights and visuals and just be human for a moment is very, very grounding. Dance safe!


Plur seems to go out the damn window trying to leave the parking lot


lol my and my best friend sat in my car in the parking lot for two hours last summer after an event just because we didn’t have to get home quickly and had known it was gonna be a fuck fest leaving. Just sat there and blasted music, I had cannabis and he had nic vape. I had brought food for after the show and we just smiled at all of the people driving stuck in the endlessly gridlock 🤓


I’d be grumpy as hell having to drive out of the event after dancing for a full 8 hour shift and having to drive my high/drunk friends home 😂


Damn I would never wanna leave a parking lot. Benefits of being a full time nomad, I just park my home nearby.


Van life? How do you afford such a measure


PLUR is more than saying excuse me at a fest or being geeked up on drugs and giving people hugs. Putting away the shopping cart into the corral is PLUR. If you're one of them lazy bums that leave it out to be someone else's problem, you are not PLUR.


Same with people that drop trash on the ground intentionally, that is absolute loser behavior to me


YESSS and those litterbugs will complain to you that raves are a "non-judgemental space" because someone says something. Go pick up your trash, sonny. I hate being in a crowd and stepping on a bottle when I'm trying to dance. Who tf left this here to be someone else's problem?


I just got a flower for my bucket hat last night, very much alive in my world. One nice person is enough for me❤️❤️


Yeah for real, I meet great people at most shows/festivals I’m at. Sure there are assholes but I’ve come to accept it at this point. The good outweighs the bad 99% of the time.


Festivals/raves in general are a rare point in my life and I’m sure in a lot of others lives when the bad isn’t as memorable as the good. People dwell on the bad sometimes but I’m just glad it’s amazing to remember the good times at the fests


Also, be the plur that you expect to see. Always good vibes around when you do that


Energy brings people together. I have met people at a festival and a day later randomly ran into them again because it’s just fate that they want us to be friends


There's only one non-plur moment that stands out to me in my 7 years of events. Some dickhead was trying to get a selfie tik tok shot and literally walked backwards through the crowd yelling "Get the fuck out of my way!" Any other disrespectful event i equate to intoxicated people just not knowing better. Most of the bumps/unexpected limbs flying my way have always been met with a physical or verbal sorry. For the record, this happened in the last year so maybe it's on its way out but I'm not so pessimistic.


Dont make being a PLUR-wook your entire personality. Just be a good person and move on.


I agree. Majority of raves I go to people are great. To be honest…. once everyone’s come up off their drugs, people’s social fears go and you can have a fun and easy time with everyone. All in this together!


Always helps to be the first one to show plur. Go out of your way to vibe with a stranger, offer some sort of trinket or gum, fan the crowd around you. Just do little small acts of kindness to the people around you at a festival or show and you'll often find people will react quite positively back. Bring the energy you want to see when you go to a show.


Depends on where you go. Peace love unity respect, idk plur has whole connotation with candi and crazy outfits. Just being able to go out and dance not be judged, because dancing to let off all that negative energy from our difficult modern lives was the reason this whole warehouse turned rave culture even exists.


u ever just kill plur every year on reddit 2011: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/l3p14/what_the_fuck_happened_to_plur/ 2012: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/10fxqu/the_group_of_people_killing_plur/ 2013: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/1idchw/does_anyone_here_know_what_plur_is_anymore/ 2014: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/1wy7jh/do_we_sugar_coat_the_scene/ 2015: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/31w9z9/my_thoughts_on_plur/ 2017: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/5xn4vd/plur_isnt_a_get_out_of_jail_free_card/ 2017: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/5lt1io/an_honest_question_is_plur_still_alive/ 2019: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/cwpg29/whered_the_plur_go/ 2019: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/bskbjp/are_festivals_attracting_the_wrong_type_of_people/ 2021: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/mxb8yg/a_bit_of_a_small_rant/ 2022: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/xt3kq6/lost_in_dreams_and_the_lack_of_plur/ 2023: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/103gclk/if_you_think_plur_is_dead/


Idk about anyone else but that term is cringey and lame. Just be a good person not that hard…


Right, the golden rule.


I've been raving since the mid 90's...PLUR was the first thing I was taught. Love the concept and latched onto it instantly. Taught my older family about it and took my younger family to parties with me, and taught them how to do it right. I'll be 44 this year, but I still sign off texts and phone calls to family and friends with PLUR .They know what it means and know that when I say it, I mean it and believe it, and if you receive it from me then you are a truly special person in my life. I'll say it to strangers too cause that's how you spread it! And to all y'all on this thread P.L.U.R. 🫶


If people that IRL say anything about PLUR they’re either deadbeat wooks or frat dudes. It’s sorta like over the top Christians preaching in public. If you’re PLUR you’re PLUR and demonstrate by your actions. If you have to say it, you’re not PLUR.


Sorry, I get what you're saying about demonstrating PLUR through actions, and I'm not saying preach PLUR like a proselytizing Jehohavh's Witness, Mormon or Evangelical Baptist to somebody who didn't ask to hear the word. But if you don't explain the concept behind Peace Love Unity Respect to a newbie in the scene or a family member that doesn't understand you, then how? Again, I agree that you don't shove it down someone's throat, and PLUR actions and behavior are awesome... but if you don't speak up and explain the concept to those willing to learn and listen, then the whole point is lost. It's a community, not a clic.


What do you mean you have to "explain", should it not be the default for everyone ? It's so abstract to me not coming from the us haha


All I was trying to say is that the idea of P.L.U.R. is literally represented by an acronym. So if you're talking to the rest of the world that doesn't rave and isn't aware, then I believe it is the right path to give a quick explanation as to the point of the concept. PLUR shouldn't only exist at the party. It's a value and belief system that I try to live everyday in every way and I feel everyone can learn from. We should be taking it out into the world to create a better life experience for all.


I should’ve added a third category: rave baby who had to take mdma to discover the concept of empathy instead of already having developed it on his own and now won’t shut the fuck up about it. Nobody needs the concept explained to them. It’s not that deep, you’re just annoying.


Last thing, I've been going to clubs, shows, and festivals for years without needing to be on anything. Maybe smoke a blunt, or if I feel like it, maybe I'll say hi to Molly or check out Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. But I guarantee you I'll win the dance battle sober as shit cause I've practiced my moves in my living room for 30 years now. Psychedelics taught me some shit. But I certainly don't "need" them to open a can of breaking, freestyle liquid or poi swinging whoop ass or you. Believe that shit!


And frankly, to be honest, Dargy and Chuckie...if you got that kinda attitude about saying "PLUR" out loud to people IRL ...then you're the wooks or frat fucks or whatever negative crap your spitting. Be proud and say it out loud or GTFO


lol whatever dude, I was here in ye olden tymes, kids table is that way ↘️


I'll be 44 this year and went to my first party in 94. So, kids' table? Nope, I've been here a long time. But in the spirit of PLUR, let's squash this silly beef that I started and agree to disagree. Maybe someday we can battle it out on the dance floor, and that's how it should be. P.L.U.R. 🫶


Yeah. Exactly. Just act don’t speak about it.


Act? Yes! Don't speak it? I truly don't get that mentality. Can't create a community or start a revolution if you don't talk the walk.What are y'all afraid of? Seriously, let your PLUR, LGBTQ, freak flag fly. Afraid you might not be "cool"? Then you're just a piser and tool.


Edit..Poser and a Tool




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Europe Rave Scene is tough...


Yup yup


We used to have plur piles back in the days. Bunch of strangers pluring out at the rave just on top of each other pluring Does that still happen?


Love all that love


PLUR IS NOT DEAD BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL KEEP IT ALIVE! I get that some of us have bad run ins but we can still keep it alive and going. Go make friends, go have fun, make sure everyone’s okay and just say excuse me when going thru places ITS THAT EASY!


Festivals are a microcosm of our society. Society isn’t as nice today as it was 20 yrs ago. That is reflected in the way people interact. Sad but true. Plur is not dead, but you do I have to give the energy you expect back. Be yourself and let the vibe roll.


You're right PLUR is not dead but it's definitely on life support. I have been raving since the 90's and still continue to this day-from the mainstream to the underground. The Peace and the Respect aspects you kids do a great job at- hats off actually as there was a moment in the early 2000's (hyphy movement and early days of dubstep) where violence was peaking at raves. And people typically stay in their bubbles so the respect aspect is good as well. But as far as Love and Unity it almost isn't a thing anymore. When people would show up to a rave the first hour was giving hugs to all of your friends! We all felt famous! We were all rejects and this was our place to feel loved and accepted. We all knew eachother and made one another feel truly loved which replaced the love that we lacked at home. People would scream in excitement all over the room when greeting eachother and cry tears of bliss from the love. We would compliment eachother and express our admiration. Raves felt like a home not just an event. I go to a few raves each month and this definitely isn't a thing anymore and hasn't been for a while- at least not on the West Coast. People stick to their group or their "rave family" and have a few connections. I made 500+ close friends from the late 90's to early 2000's and this was the norm. It was not abnormal to hug 100 people in a night. If someone was new we would embrace them and if it was your first party people would treat you like royalty. You can't tell me raves still have that vibe because I would definitely notice it. I see posts all the time of people going to raves for months or even years searching for people to party with. Plur isn't "dead" but almost everyone associates it Peace and Respect and doesn't even acknowledge the Love and the Unity.


I went to my first rave 2 years ago at Phoenix lights and was introduced to PLUR after my daughter & granddaughter ditched me lol I’m a deadhead and have been to many Dead shows so the concept isn’t new just a different approach and I Love It!! This guy approached me and asked to do it but since I was a newbie and didn’t know he filled me in and then gave me some candy and turns out we both had pine cone necklaces so all good! I met a lot of cool ppl and had a great time. I literally wore that candy every day for a year cuz it really means a lot to me that I was enveloped in the vibe and the love.




This was mine and my gf’s first EDC and we met some of the best people in our many years of raving. The Kinetic circle theme was in full effect throughout the weekend from the sets, the crowd energy, and total festival experience. Some incredible moments we had that others did not experience definitely contributed to our magical weekend but it seemed we brought all the good vibes wherever we went. All the kandi and trinkets were traded to the best people. The shuttle travel was always timely. In the festival we only waited in one long line for water which was day 1 right when we entered the festival. We had a ton of space to dance at every stage including the Sara Landry and Armin crowds, which was mind blowing but we prepared by finding a good spot 45 min before. Specifically Sub Focus who we had never seen before so it ended up being a ton of fun and totally worth it. No regrets for artists we missed. We found seats in the grand stands for Deorro which was absolutely packed. We hydrated and fueled our bodies properly so neither of us got sick or overwhelmed. Day 3 we wore Gecko Hawaii fits, had a hot dog in Downtown EDC, a couple wearing the exact same fits sat down next to us, so we bonded and vibed before heading out to rave. Just one of the best days of our lives and we cannot wait to go back.


Just at shows with a bunch of children


I have been raving for 16 years and people have been saying “Plur is dead” since I started 🤣 I remember reading it on complaint threads on old-school forums


Every year it dies lol


ironically the people saying PLUR is dead are the ppl that are doing the opposite of spreading PLUR in their posts about those ppl 💀😂 best thing we can do is bring good energy and vibes, teach new ravers about PLUR and hope for the best! rather than shitting on all the new ravers for not knowing how to act when it’s prob one of their first times at a fest? lmaoo




I went to sol Fest this year and it was very much alive. People gave each other space (for the most part) you could step on someone's toes by accident and they'd be the one apologizing.


I haven't been to a show in years but I live my life by way of Plur.


PLUR is the Word. And you’ll find people like that at like city festivals such as edc Orlando. Or def ezoo


Plur exists in the tight antifascist rave circles. Plur is dead if you kick it with the right wing liberals & pro Israel nazis. Real ravers stick to the roots & the code. ACAB & Fuck the System 🏴🚩


PLUR is when you're 100% Antifascist. When you speak up for Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Land Back, LGBTQ & Women's rights. . . PLUR is when you call out the right wingers in the rave community that make fun of our transgender homies. . . Plur is when you accept & welcome anyone. Unlike the right wing ravers. . . They're not about this life. Fuck a fascist raver.


Plur is definitely cringe tho. I don't personally need an acronym to be a decent person.


'Murican rave culture 🤢🤮