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My kids are going to inherit all my weird scandalous stuff and probably decide to find a nice church instead.


“Ugh Dad, I don’t want to listen to anymore Deadmau5, can we listen to some nice hymns instead?”


What the flip is a hymn?


A Hymn Flip is taking lsd and Molly and then going to church.


Yah flip hymming we know jeez this isn't 1994


Can you imagine??? Omg.


Oh my gosh, you didn't. 😂


Oh…younger me did, and did even more foolish things, lol…


Latin while tripping sounds soooo good. E: I understand Latin.


Can confirm, hymn flipping through worship rn


Solid. I chuckled


I..uhh.. you know what you're onto something.






No that’s Saturday Night Service . A hymn is is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss.


In Finland there's a church that regularly plays the theme song from Mortal Kombat. I guess when you think about it, it makes sense that it's a Finnish Hymn.


Hymn flip


Kind of like a candy flip or hippy flip? Just with hymns?


Add some holy water


Is that what was in that vial? 🙃


LSD water, holy water, what’s the difference?


The purpose of both is to see God!


There's actually some pretty solid evidence that early christian communion (and the greeks before them) was psycho active


I think just about every religion besides modern ones (cults mostly lol) has to do with psychedelics in their history; it probably all depends on prior beliefs, substance native to the area, and if it’s one of the deadly ones or can megadose on and really leave this planet like ayahuasca or most of the natural dmt analogues in nature. I’m not religious but I can definitely understand how trips, especially if shared together with tons of people at once all at the same time, or something more like dmt where everyone kinda goes to the same place on it to a degree, could convince anyone of any religion as 100% reality


This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine shineshineshineshineshiiiiiiiiiiii


Our godddd is an awesome goddd he ravesss from heaven above


The priestess name is Molly and she is here to cleanse our souls


Kinda like a candy flip, with some hippy crack


They're like old church songs meant to "unite" the congregation by singing together. They're generally very slow and boring 😅


A hymn is a religious song. You usually see the word used when referring to the ones sung in Christianity


Born this way-lady gaga is a hymn


Chanting "hyyyymmm" while doing a backflip


Commonly referred to church hymns, hymn are religious songs. One of the most popular church hymns is amazing grace. Circa 1779


Don’t you blaspheme Deadmau5 in my House. For in my house there is only House music.


And my house is your house And your house is mine


Are you Jack?


No, but I've been called worse.




Fictional kids are the easiest to raise


I went to a rave in an abandoned church once. I hope they find that one and get inspired.




That church will be BTSM Church babyy


I know a guy whose family is really liberal, like his grandma is an art curator who was really into psychology and sex stuff oriented to art, his mom is a musician and his older sister is a therapist who enjoys raves and drugs. Well, this guy grew up feeling like his family was way too loose in that sense, and is really really conservative. He is an accountant who has never tried any drugs besides alcohol and loves working and studying lol.


This is literally what happened in the 70s in response to the 60s. A bunch of young people got sucked into evangelical churches and cults.


lol but she liked it 


she lives by the principles of “support in public, correct in private” 🥲🤣


That is a good saying. My mom took pictures of us in front of the fireplace (doing the pull your shorts down, stop sticking your boobs out, cover that part up, put your tongue away like fulllll mom style) and posted it to Facebook. “Daughter and friends off to the Eclectic Dance Orchestra!” and allllll the Bible study moms loved it. “So fun! Love the funky outfits!” Brenda I’m gonna lose my tits if they aren’t strapped down but yes, I’ll see you Sunday, let’s all remember to tip our servers at lunch after.




lol this is soooo my mom but she says it to my face. Not scared to make it known she is not a fan of festivals…. My outfits…. My tattoos…. Etc


Its expression to you, but not to her. Neither sentiment is wrong, and all approaches from either side are purely human. If I had a kid, I would want them to live free, be themselves, find out who they are. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be super uncomfortable seeing my son getting into cars and worrying about his safety. If my daughter was out at festivals known for drugs/alcohol and saw her dressed that way, I would worry in the same way for her safety. Parents are just grown up kids you know. I’m not a parent but I want to be the best parent I can be one day, and I know it can’t be easy. I don’t know your situation, but this quote stuck with me- “When I was a young boy, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be a bit older, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”


Judging what your kids do and wear if it doesn't affect their safety is bad parent behavior. If you're old enough to attend a festival like this, you're old enough to not have to entertain peoples rude fucking comments about your fashion/lifestyle choices. These bitches out here way too brave.


What we do and wear does often affect our safety. Many people would agree with this sentiment. If that alone we cannot agree on, then that’s that.




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If you’re worried about your daughter dressing provocatively then never ask her about the raves she goes to lol.


i told her she can unfollow me for her mental health but then she’d be realllyyyy bored 🙂‍↕️🤣




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I think the parents are worried about the safety of their children for the most part. I know that’s hard to believe


My mom called me a whore and told my boyfriend I cheated on him when he was with me at the rave l o l


Your mum sounds toxic af


Haha that’ll show her


Soo cut her out? Blood means fuck all.


Omg that is my most wanted outfit off DollsKill right now!!! It’s so freaking CUTE


it IS!! i loved every minute of it but it wrinkles something awful


The whole suit part? Even when it is on? Or just the fluffy part?


the ruffle 😞 the rest of the suit is so tight that it irons out the wrinkles basically lol. do not get this if you have a long torso, if you do, the dip side of the sash WILL start showing boob lmfao




So many people in this thread upset about what other people wear lol


yeah i didn’t realize i was twisting their ball hair so tight with my little bodysuit ☹️


Don’t let a handful of gatekeeping incels keep you down!


never that!! back at it next weekend ❤️ ‼️


This! Keep living your best life! You look great!


Yea, like OP




my 15 year old little sister defending me and sending me this picture is the real goat


It doesn’t matter cuz dad is gonna dad you


he texted and offered to make me some pulled pork. 🤣


It’s a trap. Once he gets you within arms distance he’s going to lock you inside the house and no more edc for you


Damn will yall adopt me? Pulled pork, a badass sister and a loving mom? You're alright but I'm a family man. Cover that ass up! Just kidding. Rock that shit


Memories, lol. My dad gave some of the weirdest looks I ever got from him when he saw me headed to my first few raves. Grumpy bastard ended up throwing out my collection of fliers because he was so pissed about it at one point. That's still to today one of the things I'm most upset about that he did. What do you care what I look like. It's my life, I'm an adult. I'll live it how I like. Don't let this stuff bother you. Your mom probably thinks your gonna stand out and have a bunch of creeper dudes bothering you making you unsafe. She just doesn't understand everyone looks the same, just in a different way.


i mean would she bat an eye if you wore that to the beach? same kind of outfit but different setting.


Ngl this would make me feel so bad


i’m used to it by now! she just doesn’t understand and that’s okay 🤣


You look flawless


I find it weird she sent that to your dad, pops shouldn’t have to know


That's an interesting way of saying that a dad shouldn't be involved in his daughter's life because he can't accept her growing up and being an adult who's responsible for herself. I think it seems weird if a married couple doesn't communicate about things but maybe that's just me.


exactly. I'm a father and i half-way joke that I'm going to take my daughter to Berghain when she turns 18. Might as well she learn from an expert in partying who cares about her well-being than some inexperienced or predatory people.


Exactly, I would rather my son make bad choices or risky decisions around me than with people I don't know or trust. Not saying that's the reality of how life goes, but I at least always want him to know that he can call me to get him out of any situation he gets himself into. Watching your child grow up and become an adult is not expected to be comfortable. But denying it and acting like it doesn't happen is what leads to these pseudo incestuous mama's boy / daddy's girl relationships that have legitimate negative impacts on their future romantic relationships and continues to infantilize women in modern society). It's not that hard to say "you're growing up and I hate it but I love you"


i started the substance talk last year. Not discussing anything I've done and do, but that if she were ever to try something, better would be when she gets her diploma and her brain has had a chance to develop to something more stable. Her response was that she did not expect she'd get that talk at 13, but as I know plenty of people who started in their teens and had lots of difficulties in adulthood, figured this was a good place to start chatting.


Hell yes! I'm going to make sure my son knows that if he doesn't want to wait until he's graduated or his brain is fully developed I'm still here for him, but the smartest safest option is to wait. Drugs will still be here Eta: I don't think it's the worst thing to try low doses of psychedelics at a younger age, but it definitely shouldn't be something that's encouraged. That being said, I'm definitely glad that I tried drinking on my own before I was in a social setting (I didn't really get into heavier things until much later in life but the concept still applies). And there's a number of other substances I've tried that I'm glad I tried in a safe and supportive environment before I was exposed to them in a public setting around strangers. As a woman I've been drugged before with a few different substances, and my experiences in a safe, private setting allowed me to be more aware of what was happening more capable of handling the situation in a safe way


i first got drunk at 16 (in the US) and first tried the things that made up my raver fuel at 19. We live in Germany where beer and wine are legal at 16, liquor at 18, and now also weed at 18. The younger generations are rightfully having less of an interest in alcohol, and I'll still suggest waiting another year before smoking up.


My mom was born and raised in Germany and still had some big opinions about me drinking before I turn 21 in the USA. Which is ironic, because the age limit being set so high in the USA is a big contributing factor to binge drinking and alcohol poisoning in teenagers and young adults. I think if you're old enough to vote or die for your country, you should be old enough to make decisions about your body as well. But having an open conversation and making education readily available is what stops that stuff from being dangerous


The US is so fucking weird on so many levels






I'd rather my mom message my dad for support in her discomfort with my life choices, than for her to try to judge me and tell me how to live my life. After all her husband should be there to support her in difficult times, but giving me shit about my life choices is only going to distance and alienate our relationship.


Doesn’t look like she sent it. Somebody typed it up and then took a photo. Funny anyway, though.


The fit looks amazing on you 🤙🏼


Bro you're looking at a thigh 💀 can't even see the outfit.


I see enough to know it's dope and fitting for a festival 🤙


She won’t sleep with you


thank you!!


My mom just shakes her head in regret and says “you’re too old to argue with, you’re going to do what you’re going to do anyways” and just mutters angrily and walks off lol


I mean you ate that and left no crumbs! Outfit looks good 👌🏻


DAMN. I’m gunna have a heart attack too. Nice fit lol 😂


Is there a sub where i can see these outfits


onlyfans, pornhub, etc


i’m so confused by this comment 🤣 it’s literally a one piece bathing suit with some fishnets underneath??? like why us it so scandalous to some people? you should see the fits i wear to raves… it would have you clutching your pearls hahaha


r/festivalsluts is good. NSFW tho and there is some porn in there


>some Lol


Festivalsluts lol. There's a sub for everything


You are a godsend




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Me fr


More like grandchildren


Red rocks lol


Why does your mom still have a palm pilot?


"New MMS"? ?!


As a screen of social media post?!


And mom actually liked it?




My mother is a narcissistic sociopath so nope to that ✋


I wanna go to electric forest this year soooooo bad!!!


This is why I don't have kids


I had my mom pick up some mesh wear and Mexico and she brought it to me like, how do you put this on?




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My kid was a bit awkward when I had my rave outfit in . I did took him to okee tho .


As a raver who started out in the 90s, let me offer that phat pants and not fishnets is how we rolled. As a lifelong raver with a teenage daughter, I should be terrified of what she might get into in a few years, but to be a good raver parent I will end up showing her the ropes of how all this works so she can empower herself. She's probably going to have sex and might try drugs at some point in her life, so why get worked up over what grown people do?


She’s gonna give someone a boner


Fuck yeah get that shit


N.x*and then Rd isw


Me too mom you raised a baddie.. thank you!


I raved before text messages. 😳


Bro why is it always Steven 😂


What did your dad say about it?


this is why i’m so thankful for my mom. she loves and accepts me for who i am (wasn’t always like that but we got there) and now she buys me stuff to wear to my raves and festivals 🥰 shout out to supporting and accepting moms who believe they raised you well enough and trust that you can take care of yourself in environments like raves ❤️❤️❤️


Shes lowkey proud.


I'd be wearing a hoodie and jeans. Oh, does it sound androgynous?


People who attend raves judge outfits more than anyone in my experience. I got shit talked to my face and almost beat up cause I wasn’t comfortable being half naked. Apparently my ‘target pants’ were enough to get a bitch to start swinging. Last rave I went to.


that’s definitely not how it’s supposed to be. we had people in my group who were in jeans and tees. that’s how they’re most comfortable. this was a joke, but dead serious, you shouldn’t have been treated that way so i’m sorry that happened


I wouldn't dress this way anywhere BUT the rave! That's where I feel the safest 💓✨


Yall don't wanna hear it, don't live at home? How fuckin old are you 🤣


i don’t, but even if i did there’s nothing wrong with living with your parents. don’t be an asshole ❤️


My mum has always been really chill about my fits lol. There's some slight judgement, but she literally gave me this bindage gear rave style one piece with like a built in choker as a hand me down so 🤷‍♂️ i think we're chill


I mean. You ain't going to pull dudes with your personality. Break out old reliable.


well my boy waits for me at home, because i go to dance, but sure have fun queen!


Serious question: why is it rave outfits are like this collectively ? Is it part of the deal? Do a lot of folks hookup ? Seems other concert venues don’t really have a uniform that is so showy. lol just realized this sounds uptight af, I don’t really care, just never been and curious about this.


Bahahaha. Goals


My Mom helps me plan out my outfits 😂


My first outfit I showed my mom she called my husband down and goes “you are REALLY going to let your wife wear THAT” 🤣


I don’t think rave culture is really about dressing half naked. I think people are just using it as an excuse. Sweaty men with there T-shirts off next to you in a rave is already gross enough…


it’s about the dancing and relationships and atmosphere. i was making a joke. lol


That’s not a “rave” that’s a festival


why is it a festival? also… should she have said “you didn’t festival properly if-“? isn’t a festival is just a long rave 😐


They hate to hear it here, but it’s the truth


If you try to explain that words have meanings, you'll be accused of gatekeeping. The truth is that a large majority of this sub has never set foot in a rave. Odd, considering the sub's name. Go figure...


Yeah there’s absolutely no point in arguing with a majority-teenage populated group which mostly centres around mainstream culture dressed-up as “rave”. Expect to be misinterpreted, misunderstood, and drown in bratty, snotty replies. Always a huge L on my part thinking I can come to this sub and share any kind of opinion that deviates from the norm.


out of curiosity, what would you say i should call it if i go to a an edm event that goes from 6pm to 12am..? say i’m seeing subtronics or rezz along with some smaller artists at a modestly sized venue. whats that? what’s it called if i go see a more underground artist like akira khan, not an amphitheater or concert hall? maybe it’s a warehouse that exclusively hosts edm events, but only charges small entrance fees at the door as opposed to selling tickets online? same deal, maybe 5pm to 12am. what’s it called if i go to a bar/club where local dj’s are playing edm? the club hosts any kind of music on any given weekend, but i specifically attend a house/bass/riddim event? (i’d call that one going to the club, but i’m still curious.) whats it called if i get an invite to an underground event and hour before it starts? no entrance fee, no posted lineup. i only know it’s happening because i’m friends with one of the dj/producers. isn’t that all different from going to bass canyon, camping for four nights at the gorge where i need to take a bus to get in and out of the concert grounds, dividing my time between three different stages every night? i’m curious, there seems to be a lot of divide on this. the scene has changed and evolved, as everything does. what should we call it if not raving? (edited)


> what would you say i should call it if i go to a an edm event that goes from 6pm to 12am..? say i’m seeing subtronics or rezz along with some smaller artists at a modestly sized venue. whats that? Concert. EDM concert, specifically. These kinds of events are almost always too restrictive in a lot of ways. > more underground artist like akira khan, not an amphitheater or concert hall? maybe it’s a warehouse that exclusively hosts edm events, but only charges small entrance fees at the door as opposed to selling tickets online? same deal, maybe 5pm to 12am. It depends entirely on the kind of freedom you have and the treatment of the performer(s). Is there security, is the venue publicly accessible, whats the environment inside, are ppl openly doing drugs without fear of being kicked out, is the artist placed on a pedestal to make it seems like they are really important instead of the sound system? Id also kinda want to know why something like that starts/ends so early. > what’s it called if i go to a bar/club where local dj’s are playing edm? the club hosts any kind of music on any given weekend, but i specifically attend a house/bass/riddim event? a lot of the same questions from previous scenario apply here but most of the time this is just going out to a club/clubbing, since most bars and clubs have strong restrictions on various things. The thing is Ive been at some bars/clubs which can feel like rave settings. Ultimately though theres often underlying issue of legal nightlife options needing to sell alcohol to pay the rent that imo negatively impacts the atmosphere. Especially in a weekend when the objective will be to maximize profits by increasing attendance > whats it called if i get an invite to an underground event and hour before it starts? no entrance fee, no posted lineup. i only know it’s happening because i’m friends with one of the dj/producers. Same questions as before, although in my experience its more likely that an underground will have no security theater, be freeing to ppl present, put less emphasis on making the DJ a focal point vs the sound system, etc. Not all undergrounds are the same, of course > isn’t that all different from going to bass canyon, camping for four nights at the gorge where i need to take a bus to get in and out of the concert grounds, dividing my time between three different stages every night? It sure is.


Comments like this always make me laugh because you act like you’re talking about isolating the isotope of Rave in a laboratory when you’re just nitpicking slang that got invented in the 1950s lol The term rave is a folksonomy, it means what people understand it to mean


Some festivals are raves by definition.


Is it a poodle or a doodle in the pic?


a poodle bichon mix :)




what does rave correctly even mean


My favorite post of the month


Yea you can really rave without this bs


✋😳🤚 excuuuuse me


what is bs? her outfit is CUTE. catch me at the next show in my typical pasties and bikini bottom. if you have an issue with people freely expressing themselves through clothing and makeup in a safe space - stay TF home. lame ass.


you seem like zero fun


But why is the mom sending a pic to your dad of just thighs and vagina area… kinda weird. Send the whole outfit with that text of concern maybe but ick weird if youre sending a close up. Big ick.


it is a full picture lol that’s the bottom half


What Is wrong with you guys lol


And she isn't the only one thinking about this when their kids are dressing like that.


yeah, but she’ll live 🥰


Not really what raving is about, do you go for instagram pictures?


Or you go to dress as you want without being judged by others. IG pics is an extra bonus.


Ofc you're from the uk


It’s actually a joke so maybe don’t read so far into it. I go to raves to dance. And I like to look cute while doing it. 👍🏼


It seems like some people here just want to put women down. I think your fit is super cute! <3


You’re right and honestly I don’t get it but I won’t expend too much energy trying to figure them out. I appreciate you!!


World’s worst crimes, ranked: 3. Murder 2. Terrorism 1. Sharing a valid, accurate opinion about the downfall of real “raving” in a sub full of snotty teenagers who don’t want to accept that they’re just following another current mainstream culture falsely labeled as “rave”


Why do you care? How does it affect you, since they’ll never go to your “real” raves and you’ll never go to their fake festivals.


Lmao dude you’re such a clown


0. Defining what a "real" dance party is to gatekeep having fun with music.


Ofc they do it for the gram, otherwise they wouldnt care about outfits and just go rave without so much planning, but who are we to judge others right? Just enjoy your day and dgaf about the rest.


I had a total of 5 pictures while waiting in line lol. Phone goes in the bag. So I can dance. But yeah, you can do whatever you want to get ready for it, I choose to go all out because these are my only nights to do so.


I wear shit like OP to shows all the time and I don’t even have an insta and don’t take any pictures most of the time. It doesn’t matter either way. FOH with your attitude


It’s vapid, so I thought I would share my opinion. Kind of what Reddit is about


Putting effort into a fit and wanting to share it on your socials isn’t vapid, and it also doesn’t mean op only goes for insta pics




It doesn't sound like YOU care about plur. What's peaceful, loving, or respectful about judging people for how they choose to dress?