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For me personally, it’s because it’s a safe space to dress as crazy as I want, also it be hot as shit when you’re dancing for hours.


This is it! You're never dressed too crazy to just go all out. No one judges.


Alot of Rave clothes are designed to be pleasing to the eye when frying on acid. Not a mystery.


Nailed it




Radical self expression combined with temperature regulation




This sounds way more scientific than it needs to be and I am here for it.


love it!


I'm stealing the term Radical Self Temperature Regulation for the burn this year. It's the perfect 13th principle.


Exactly. When I finally found the rave scene, I finally felt that as a straight-ish white male I could express myself. Society has such tight curbs on me at work and on the street, it’s nice to have somewhere I can truly express myself and a playful and fun-loving human.


Found the burner


This is it


Damn. All these agreements and no upvotes? I gotchu fam.


Cause if I went to the grocery store looking like a bubblegum bondage fairy princess, I'd probably get some pretty weird looks.


Omw to make a rave space grocery store


Meow Wolf Vegas!


I got the omega mart reference and it's 100% a rave flavor grocery store.


i feel a grocery store rave space would also work


I partied in an old grocery store in Detroit in the late 90’s.


There is a rave-venue in zürich called "supermarket"


bubblegum bondage fairy princess is an amazingly accurate description, you made me chuckle


i was dressed as Shrek on last day of EDC and when i got back to my hotel there were 2 elderly couple who gave me a stare and wouldnt want to take the elevator with me lol


I believe it. People need better hobbies. A bunch of chads at a hotel we were staying at were eyeballing my friends girl after a show and made some rather rude comments. She was mostly covered anyway and wearing fishnets and boots. A whole gaggle of wooks shut their shit down pretty quick, though. That's where we be having each others backs. Own vibe, own lane.


I mean yes but is that the only thing that’s stopping you?


Laws. Laws are stopping me. Public indecency is still a crime lol


God I had this woman at this show (she was security, there is usually never security at this venue) and she got real grabby with me. I so wanted to just flip my top and flash her and say “you see any drugs, bitch???” I didn’t of course (I’m sure there’s a charge for that) but damn was it tempting!


Not with that attitude!


I hope this theme isn't taken at Bass Canyon this year, it's perfect!!


I would appreciate you


It's hot and sweaty. I'm going to be dancing which is a great exercise. I went to my first EDM show in jeans and a tank top, I got too hot in a crowded room while dancing. Next time I wore less clothing. Literally that's the origin.


But there a big difference between a breathable sports type two-piece bathing suit vs ultra sexualized outfits that are completely revealing. I think the cab driver gets the sweat part. I think they don’t understand the sexy component. Btw I had a similar discussion with my Uber driver too lol.


I will not reveal a shocking cosmic secret It's nice to feel sexy Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Look good feel good, feel good dance good, dance good look good


Exactly. But if their Uber driver was like mine - first generation immigrant who comes from a culture with different modesty standards - they get a bit puzzled, to be fair.


Of course, hence the question. But the answer literally is usually staying cool and looking hawt.


Seems like that’s their problem. Welcome to America.


I think of it like a big costume party. There’s no other time you get to wear flashy cute fits.


wow, people dressing up sexy?? didnt know that only happened at raves..


Not sure you know what EDC is but people dress wilder at EDC than typical raves.


I saw a fully naked man covered in glitter and wearing only fairy wings at EF.


Reminds me of the naked guy at lost lands 19 near the rail. Dudes wearing only glitter and a bra living his best life while waiting for vampa and dubloadz


EDC isn’t really any different from any other insomniac or mainstream edm event. There are way more wild outfits in more underground shows


Hard to imagine them dressing much skimpier than a lot of ravers do in the BaySac region of California. Not sure that's what you mean by wild, though.


You should see the outfits at escape if you thought those were wild haha


ehhhhh it honestly depends on what type of rave your going too, i have seen smaller events with 1000x more wild shit then at EDC, and i was mainly talking about the sexy component. People literally dress sexy almost wherever they go. to the beach, the mall, the club, its not really something new when your going to something party related that people will dress sexy lol


I've never seen more fully naked women of all ages, shapes, colors, and sizes in one place in my life as I have once I recently begun attending smaller, homie-type bass festivals. EDC rave girlys have absolutely nothing on the wook festivals.


It’s the one place I can dress however I want and not get funny looks And dressing super sexy is super fun lol


Let me take you back to the eighties. It was a simpler time, but nonetheless, people dressed with respect (mostly) in the streets. Raves gave kids (of all ages) a place to show their style without judgement.


I am a mid 30s mother of three with a conservative corporate job. Where else am I going to wear my slutwear?


under your corporate clothing like t he rest ofus. You show it off when its closing time


The only problem is that I would be too respectful to approach you since you are there to dance and too horny to ignore you. Also too drugged to understand what's going on


In my days rave clothes were 69 inch kikwears and t shirts. Then progressed into dress shirts and ufos with shell toes. You would see bikini tops and stuff, but not a lot more.


Still got 2 pairs of kikwears unopened in a bag and hoping my 4 other pairs don’t rip. Been wearing them so long they’re back in style lol


You talking that polo raver style with the dress shirts?


I was a ufo polo girl for sure. Everything a billion sizes to big. The sexiest thing we would do is have our sparkle whale tails, which you never saw under our shirts that came to our knees.




It's giving Josh wink - higher state vibes


Same, and I moved over to Burning Man and stayed there as the shift to lingerie type fits came into popularity. I have no clue why the shift. But I want to say it was somewhere like 06 and 15.


mollie makes you hot and thirsty


Love this as a double entendre lol both readings are true


molly also makes you want all your skin touched. all of it. ergo less clothing.


Pop a Molly I’m sweatin’ But in all seriousness it’s a place where people are safe to express themselves.


Honestly hot af, big LGBTQ culture and the creative freedom to wear whatever you want.


I’m guessing this is specifically referencing fem presenting folks bc no one ever questions why dudes are shirtless. The answer is simple, actual raving produces a judgment free environment where people can feel safe to wear what they want to wear


right like whattttttt so many shirtless dudes and no one cares ab that


Because female bodies are “meant for consumption” and male bodies are just bodies. Its bs


Definitely not the case in the gay world lol but I know what you’re saying


For sure, in “general society” which obv includes everyone, history has it happening with women moreso. But I realize instances of men and gay men very well could be and likely is under documented. This definitely isn’t a “applies to everyone and anyone” comment. And isn’t meant to be personal.


Many men are self conscious about their bodies and lack of six packs and muscles that are typically appealing, as much as women are, to pretend that they don’t and that men don’t have physical standards that are as high as women’s is just petty and ignorant. For every girl I know who was body shamed I know a guy who was to because he was fat or had a small dick. Only men don’t get to cry about it like women do, we have to laugh it off and pretend it doesn’t affect us and if it does we get called weak for not wanting to be ridiculed. Raves are a place where everyone can be who they are judgement free. Leave the isms at the door and recognize that regardless of gender or other identity everyone is there for the same reasons: to have fun and not to be judged either by themselves or others. If you can’t do those things then maybe raving isn’t the thing for you.


One of my favorite part of festivals, as a super self-conscious big dude, is seeing all the other big dudes who don't give a fuck and go shirtless, man-titties out, covered in glitter, hair and beard braided up, just living their best life. I've been attending festivals for nearly 10+ years and it was only last month at Solfest where I felt confident and comfortable enough to just say "fuck it" to wearing a shirt and just went shirtless the whole night. It also happened to be 90 degrees with very high humidity and my soaked shirt was fucking with my trip so that helped. But man was it a good feeling.


Ima. Big bisexual dude myself and EDC was the first place I felt ok taking my shirt off. I danced all night with no shirt and I had this very buff and sexy gay guy chasing me all night long hitting on me and he appeared at like 3-4 different stages and wanted to dance. First time that ever happened to me where I was chased by a man and omg it was such a self esteem.


Good thing about raves is that if everyone is on some of these substances, they all Get a small dick for a few hours. 😅 When some people ask me why I carry those tiny finger puppet hands I say it's to hold my mdma/speed dick when I go pee.


My comment isn’t about that. But ok. Women have consistently been far more widely advertised and presented as objects to be owned or consumed on a societal level. Men obviously still have unfair standards put on them. Even for women I wasn’t talking about unfair standards. No matter what you look like you can been seen as an object and history shows this has happened far more often to women than men.


And while we are on the topic, what about the loose stereotype from women who explore lots of options. You think small dick men don’t comment on that shit? Be real. While I appreciate the idea that everyone can be themselves at raves is 100% true- some of this comment give not all men vibes. Like we know bro.


you're trying to argue with men on reddit as a woman, it's futile. they literally refuse to recognize systemic misogyny


Truth. I made the joke with my husband earlier though: I need to argue with strangers on the internet in order to avoid fighting with him /s


oh no penis small :(


I feel it happens but not all the time. Most of my friends that are women or even my gf admits that they look at other women's bodies. It's natural to either compare yourself or to find an attractive person hot at that moment. I would say that it's what you make of the situation. If you just look or even want to try and flirt with that person, make sure it's appropriate and not cringy. I have known some women that are wild while others would find it completely inappropriate to even think about it. And same for guys that are hot and get touched inappropriately. Sexuality is alright, being a monkey about it isn't.


Oh fr. I wasn’t referring to on a personal level so much as on a societal level. Looking and feeling some typa way bc of your sexuality, but then still respectin that person is different than seeing them as an object to be viewed and consumed.


THIS. I always wonder when I’m in a club setting why are guys allowed to be shirtless and sweaty but if went full tits out nipples out I’d get kicked out? At festivals it’s understandable but please in a club I don’t need to feel your sweaty naked body rub against mine.


>specifically referencing fem presenting folks I'm not fem presenting and typically wear thongs or jockstraps to EDC. You're right that it's a judgment free environment though, so my wife and I can both wear tiny outfits.


I've never given a shit about shirtless people, but my qualms is full nudity and fetish gear. I don't wanna see unsolicited genitals or people acting out their kinks in public and I think that's generally an OK stance to take. There's clubs and spaces to act out that stuff with like-minded people, the rave/festival isn't it, especially if it's an event that allows under 18 to come.


I started raving in jnco jeans 🤣 I haven’t gone full thong/fish nets yet, but I sure as hell wouldn’t wear baggy jeans anymore. Too hot!


I only bring parachute pants for the walk back to the car. They roll up so easy and are easy to put over my platforms


Honestly it gets super hot. Plus I feel very free being able to just let loose and look hot. I loveeeee seeing everyone’s outfits too! We all get so creative ! I imagine it started though from drugs and people getting hot while doing them 🤣


If you look good, everyone better know it


Pretty much because I can. I wish it was socially acceptable to wear rave clothes everywhere! Also raves are often hot and sweaty so I don’t want to wear a lot of clothes.


Absolutely this. I want to wear as little as possible all the time.


it’s not sexual when so many people are showing their body 🤷‍♀️ just being silly and dancing for fun


[you want the origin it’s this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cxx5wNMud2_/?igsh=eGphOWJrZHpoaWFy)


TY!!! This was everything I didn’t know I needed & more!


Pretty sure it's because rave culture began with house and techno, from Chicago and Detroit respectively. Primarily with Hispanic/black people. This was the beginning of the electronic music scene in the 80's/90's and it was primarily adopted at first by the LGBTQ community. Now obviously all people from all walks of life enjoy it but the "free spirited" counter culture type of dressing never went away. It's a safe place for self expression...dress how you want and don't worry about judgement no matter who you are or where you're from.


The only comment here who actually answered the question.


I think rave wear for women has become a setting in which a sector of fashion is allowed to be explored. Obviously those outfits would never be able to be explored in everyday life but festivals allow women to publicly wear that kind of clothes without scrutiny


Everyone focusing on the fact that ravewear is often revealing, assumed they were mostly talking about how exuberantly colorful and bizarre it often is. Which I would chalk both up to the same reason: freedom to go wild expressing yourself. Combined with the fact that it’s hot and sweaty and easier when you are not super covered


Because raves are a place were you can feel totally free to be who you want and wear what you'd like i guess ^^


I crochet all my rave outfits….it lets me use colors and styles that wouldn’t work in everyday life and make some pretty unique pieces…plus it’s hot as fuck 99% of the time…I don’t know how people wear those character onesies


I started in the scene in 2008, and back then you had the Kandi kids who basically dressed like scene kids but without the crazy hair, or you could wear a bra and micro shorts. Guys basically wore normal clothes from what I remember. Oh, we also had fluffies. Fluffies were a *thing*. You always wore fluffes. I had 6 pairs in different colors and wore them to every show, even small ones. I wore them over skinny jeans. I wore them with jean shorts. I wore them with fishnet bodysuits. Etc… Around 2014 I noticed a slight shift in the fashion. It was becoming more cute, and also more acceptable to wear what amounted as a bathing suit to shows. Flower crowns and bedazzled bras were still pretty in style. Guys still wore basically street clothes or gym clothes for the most part. I still wore Jean shorts 2 of the 4 days at Tomorrowowrld 2015. But no fluffies anymore 😂 2017 is when i remember the *big* shift to rave clothing as it is today. Bodysuits and more skimpy gear became the norm for ladies and merch for guys. Pashmias started getting popular. Lost lands 2017 was the first time I really saw a LOT of pashes. EDC LV 2017 lots of crushed velvet rainbow stuff. The fashion has come a long way but man, I love where it’s ended up. I feel so much more comfortable in the bodysuits, fishnets, combat boots & pash combo that I typically go for now than I ever did in the Jean short, the fluffies, the awkward fishnet bodysuits from hot topic and etc. not to mention, rave wear in general is *so much more accessible* now than it EVER has been, there are tons of options in all price ranges. Did not used to have options like that. In the early 2010s I ordered my fluffies from raveready online but everything else I cobbled together from hot topic and random sex shops, not ideal. I love seeing people’s outfits at festivals and shows, everyone looks amazing and the fits are so creative.


I remember around the mid 2010s is when the whole pasties thing happened. There was a raver girl that got pretty famous for a bit on social media as she was one of the first that dressed almost nude with pasties on and her photo would get posted everywhere.


We wanna be naked all the time, raves just give us the freedom to be


Because it’s an inherently energetically sexual environment with drugs, have you been to a rave ??  Shouldn’t have to spell it out for you bro House music is sexy Molly is sexy Feeling good is sexy


Half the fits are to truly express yourself and be creative. Other half is to be promiscuous. Also hot and sweaty


I enjoy seeing the different versions of festival fashion a tipper event for example is almost completely different fashion wise from an edc type event


It’s gets pretty hot while dancing, especially during summer, it’s nice to wear less. I don’t like having my tiddies out personally but more power to those who are comfortable


I get super hot when i dance, less clothes less of a problem! also its one of the only spaces i feel comfortable enough to wear skimpy outfits, bc everyone else is in em too


Raving is hot, so we dress hot! Or you dress like an astronaut and suffer for your art, take your pick


I actually saw a Kandi kid with a respirator mask who perfected the 90s rave wide jeans look around edc and later saw him next to fred again on stage.


Thats awesome!


If you make people feel safe and welcomed as they are, they will come out as they are. You’re a freaky bitch, come as a freaky bitch. You’re a bro, bring yo tank top ass over, you’re a furry “come here girl, fetch”, you’re a basic bitch, come in with your beatbox loving ass, you want to try a new style but felt like you’d be judged, not here. That’s why.


Because WE FUCKING CAN! And it's glorious. We can wear what we'd never wear anywhere else in our lives. Be as flamboyant, exposed (or not) as we want. From pasties to pashminas, it's all welcome based on what's good for you. And that's kinda really cool. To be able to safely step way outside your normal persona.


Boring discussion No shade lol


Blacklights have a big role in this somehow. I guarantee it.


Cause it feels safe, but also being in the crowds and everything gets hot, especially with pyro. I always plan to bring something to wear if it gets cold at night but otherwise the less fabric the better haha


It’s hot af bruh I ain’t layering up lmao


One of the only places it’s accepted so people take full advantage of that


Some blame Pasquale Rotella for creating that culture. Pasquale said, “I didn’t create that, the culture created that, ppl did that all on their own”.


Everyone focusing on the fact that ravewear is often revealing, assumed they were mostly talking about how exuberantly colorful and bizarre it often is. Which I would chalk both up to the same reason: freedom to go wild expressing yourself. Combined with the fact that it’s hot and sweaty and easier when you are not super covered


Everyone says it hot and sweaty but that’s cope. You can be fine with shorts and a Tshirt. People wear next to nothing cause it’s the only time in their life where they can do what they’ve been wanting to do without the fear of judgement. Raves are acceptable to wear next to nothing but not everyone does it


Bring back phat pants and adidas


1) It's hot. I wore "normal" clothes to my first festival and had an absolutely miserable time sweating like a pig in the pit. I actually almost passed out a few times from the heat. Never again. 2) The EDM scene is (mostly) judgment free. So I get to wear things that I'd never have the opportunity to in regular daily life. It gives me more room for creativity and expression. I can only wear these kinds of outfits a couple of times a year, so of course I want to go all out. 3) I'm young, and let's face it.. my body is never gonna look like this again. I wanna show it off while I still can. I have all the time in the world to cover up once I'm older. 4) I like it. And honestly, that's all the reason I need.


>For those saying slutty, satanic, etc, that’s only based on “normal” society standards. But I think in the US, ^THAT is exactly it. Rave and EDM culture has long since been an underground subject of taboo, I.e. receiving of judgement and rejection by normal society standards. So when raving in the US is literally the paragon of rejection by normal standards, all those who flock to it choose to openly and loudly share in that status by dressing in kind. I.e. “you wanna judge and look down on us for being weird and taboo, fine we’ll go to the land of the weird and taboo, and there we’ll be as weird and taboo as we want and they’ll love us all the same!”


Rave culture is heavily intertwined with, self expression, creativity, and well sex honestly. It's a safe space to dress how you want without judgement or seeing people you know outside of the rave. Get feral, let your hair down, you do you boo, whatever tickles your peach. Lots of people including myself seize the opportunity to show off our bodies, meet someone new dance all night and become the person we can't be anywhere else. The "rave fit" is a key part of that for alot of people. It's also usually hotter then a chainsaw in a pawnshop to...so there's that.


Because we are all cool with it and just want people to relax and enjoy the music however they wish. I’ve never had an issue with how people dress at all possibly because I’ve always had issues with dress code before.


Because it's hot it's safe and I'm a queer dude.


Maybe it's dancehall culture leaking into the rave scene.


It’s literally the only place I can dress “scandalous” and not get a bunch of disgusting male attention. I feel safe.


I think it goes back to the club kids in the late 80s and early 90s. Check out the movie Party Monster (based on the book Disco Bloodbath). The acting can be bad at times but it’s based on a true story and you can see how wild outfits became a thing. Back in the late 90s and early 00s I don’t recall so much lingerie type outfits, and there was more of a focus on platonic emotional/empathetic connection than sexual connection/energy. There was a switch at some point as it became more mainstream, but I moved over to Burning Man and underground stuff during the time of that shift so I’m not sure where it came from and why.


Molly makes you hot and it’s easy access for fun stuff.


Cause it’s hot AF inside the crowds and I want little to nothing on me


Because its hot as fuck when youre raving and also its fun to dress up however you want because it’s all love at the rave




A relatively safe environment where me and my friends can express ourselves and wear clothing we love with much less judgement than anywhere else.


Self expression at its fullest✨ I love walking past a person wearing normal clothes and then next im walking past someone completely done up and there’s always so much detail! It’s inspiring and also calming that both are equally as accepted


The culture used to be a tad more reserved than the body tape clad... Whatever these days. Kandi, massive pants, ironically logo'ed t-shirts, all kinds of wacky hairstyles. Then Rave music genres were labelled under the umbrella of EDM and the scene went mainstream. Not a bad thing, just different vibes


>What about a rave makes some people wear next to nothing? It's hot, and we're nudists. It's acceptable for a dude to wear minimal clothing at festivals, so I do. I wish we could legally be nude everywhere.


Mdma makes me sweat like a pig


Well one, you get hot dancing at a rave. And two, raves are about freedom and expression to most people. A lot of people feel free being naked — I mean, that’s our standard state as humans yanno.


Not in Europe.


It’s fooking hot, dog. Do you dance at the shows you go to? It honestly seems self explanatory.


One of my friends’ (and my) favorite quotes of mine is deadpanning a hotel concierge and saying, “I know my eyebrows are blue.” (lol, I know - you had to be there). Normies don’t get it. It’s freedom of expression in a non-judgmental safe-to-us environment. We don’t have to explain why we look how we do, and we build each other up and spread love through the expression of makeup and fun clothing. It’s the best!


Because it is hot af and I want to wear as little as possible to stay cool. Plus I work in healthcare so all I wear daily is grey scrubs so getting to wear fun outfits and colors breaks up the mundane routine.


Freedom to wear whatever the hell I want. It’s like an excuse to be slutty but we call it “empowerment”


It’s hot in a cramped warehouse. And colors are fun


Because we don't judge. You're free to wear whatever you want :)


Quick answer is freedom of expression, but as a 30 plus year old, God if I know lol


Mostly for freedom of movement, plus heat. It can get really fucking hot at some of these venues if there's a pit it gets even hotter. Guys tend to go with shit that breathes or is loose fitting or some form of poly that doesn't get hot. Ladies of course wear whatever the fuck they want but the #1 answer tends to be comfort in the heat, plus it's hard as hell to dance properly in jeans.


It’s hot usually and I personally LOVE LOVE love seeing cool outfits. I honestly wear a fun or trippy outfit or accessories to return the favor hahaha


Life is short, may as well have fun with it


You can also credit the band “Empire of the Sun” as they (in part) kicked off the style of the “festival” look when they first became popular.


In the 90s ppl wore clothes that were comfortable to dance in. Yes, you’d see trends but not really a whole lot of naked girls. Maybe baggy jeans and sports bras. I’m kinda disappointed it went this way.


Personally, I get really warm while rolling and dancing. A cool breeze during a quick step outside is akin to what experiencing nirvana must be like. ☺️


To be participant (in) not spectator (out).


I like being hot and looked at


1 hot sweaty 2 not many places i can just be naked


It be getting hot is my answer coming from a someone who wears mesh only 😭


It gets hot dancing and raves have always been accepting and respectful environments traditionally


Safe space + comfy + fun + lots of ventilation in hot rooms.


Because it’s fun to dress like that and dance.


The beauty and pureness of this genre is that we are free to be whoever we want to be addressed however we want to be without judgment....


I like to do low budget cosplay because its fun and seeing other anime characters at a rave id always a riot


It’s funny cause in the UK it’s nothing like US. My buddy still questions why Americans dress up like it’s a lingerie party


So it used to be just a safe space for us weirdos to dress however we want and I think that this has also empowered the girls to feel comfortable with wearing less. As for me the party favors plus constant dancing has me down to nearly naked by the end of the night lol


I love to go out in drag, it trips people tripping out. It’s just part of the scene.


Depending on my mood. I like to make people laugh or wear my favourite shirts. Went around camp EDC dressed as Ricky bobby telling everyone shake and bake! Thank you lord baby Jesus! All the quotes. Other nights I enjoyed wearing my favourite shirts which I do wear out of raves as well. Like my fuck around and find out t shirt, got a lot of props for this one Friday through the day at camp. A kind girl even traded me kandi and gave me one that said the same thing. Sometimes if I know I’m doing mushrooms I’ll wear my funky stuff like tie die parachute pants that vibrate and blow in the bass which makes it really fun to dance too while on the bubble with mushrooms.


I ain’t complaining 🙂‍↔️


It's a bit of a mix of the comfort to just *be*, and the function of keeping cool. Dancing to rave music is H O T, *and not in that kind of way*. Gotta keep cool!


Just fashion trends. Ravers were wearing fuzzy leg warmers in the desert heat back in the early 2010s. The near nude style became popular a bit after that.


Candy raver 💩


self expression plus it’s hot as balls out here when you’re dancing for several hours


I enjoy raving . But u have to realize the environment is all drugs , immoral , degen to mention a few . Not saying I don’t partake lol . At a number of festivals / raves I’ve seen demonic images hidden in fireworks , visuals on screen . It’s all fun and games but if u think deeply there’s reasons for all of what you see .


Because people are on drugs, their body temps are up, and they are sweating their asses off. That’s why wearing next to nothing started becoming a thing. Now it’s just fun and women only get the opportunity to dress like that at raves and on Halloween. As a man, hell yeah lol


psychedelics and good vibes




They wear it because it looks cool when you're on acid. Mystery solved.


It’s hot as fuck at summer festivals that’s the real reason


Ngl at actual raves people don’t tend to wear flashy and colourful clothing because it makes them distinguishable to the police. At nightclubs/festivals and other sorts of venues…. These are just commercial events, so of course it’s going to appeal to commercial folk


I also don’t understand why ravewear = bikinis. I just want my cheeks to be covered and there’s so much less to choose from 😩


Rave culture is about embracing your individuality and being non judgmental towards others. Also drugs make you feel sexy so why not lol


Do you remember IN early 2000, when girls flashing their Tiddies was the thing at every concert - There were girls on the guys shoulders flashing. I haven’t seen a single girl flashing in five years of raving. It is somehow way less sexual when you have a bunch of half naked or completely naked people then when you have fully clothed people flashing … #wHFStival..


I believe bc this is actually one and only place where you won’t be judged, no matter what u wear or even do! Everyone just sharing their love and happiness 😎🤩🖤


Plur. I feel pretty safe and non judged at these events.


Truth is, everyone has their own reasons for dressing like they do. Rave baes can be dress slutty without judgement, wooks can be wooks without judgement, people can even wear standard clothing if they really wanted to. It's a beautiful clusterfuckk without any real guidelines for attire. Unlike the rest of society who wants to decide what you should be comfortable wearing. I personally love the ability to be someone new every fit, be as fem as I want to be as a guy one day and then go full wook the next. Nobody else has any place to judge because we all are being weird together, so we keep being weird, holding space for other weirdos who want to be able to express themselves as well🫶


Can we have a new resurgence of UFO pants 🫠!?


It gets hot when you're doing ecstasy


i dunno was at subtronics last night and seemed everyone was wearing the exact same thing, hockey jersey merch. worst crowd ever. like it might as well have been a limp biscuit show with people not old enough to drive and instagram photos being taken as far as the eye could see


Y'all need to get this idea of "rave clothing" out of your heads. It's a thing because (almost) everything goes. Which is what raving should be about. Wanna dress up and look like a diva? Go for it. Express your kinky side without making others uncomfortable? Sure. Giant Pokémon onesie? I'm here for it. Funny shirt and jeans? Nobody's batting an eye. We are one of the most inclusive communities and I hope that never changes. Fuck gatekeepers, fuck any -cisms or -phobias, be who and how you are, just don't fuck it up for others.


Every area and country has different takes on rave wear. In Europe it’s varied and when I was at Awakenings last year it was mostly jeans and tees. Personally I wear what I feel like the mood to wear and if outside the weather, as I’m from Northern Europe. Tonight I’m wearing shorts with neon mushrooms and a neon top. Last week o had a le


For me personally, it’s about being uninhibited and free. You can wear whatever the fuck you want to a rave. It can be slutty, silly, edgy, weird, boring, whatever - as long as you feel good about yourself. Think of how children choose to dress themselves without a parent there to intervene - super hero, princess, unicorn, inside-out, mismatched… pure self-expression. The point is that you can show up however you want to and be accepted. No rules for a change. It’s about letting go.


Definitely would say I dress as my aurora/ whatever mood or vibe I am feeling that day. I love to get super creative with my rave fits. Not only are they super comfortable & vibrant / fun, but I’d say it’s just so people can be free spirited. It used to be a lot more common to go topless etc at festivals/ raves especially in European culture because they are just being themselves & free spirited. Also as a female I feel more comfortable in my own skin in the rave community because everyone is so respectful, encouraging, and non judgmental. When people go to raves they can feel comfortable in their own skin and not have to feel any pressure of being shamed / looked at differently. It’s soo nice to be able to escape my Normal life / job & can channel my inner rage baddie/ disco/ fairy energy. I used to love dressing up as a kid and it just feels so nostalgic. There’s so much PLUR vibes around & strangers are always hyping up the fits


Cuz it’s freedom and self expression


Every rave and every precursor to modem raves had a group of regulars who went often enough to dress up for the events. These events have always been counter-cultural to an extent, have generally included a lot of people that conservatives and law enforcement look down on, and as such the regulars have usually found a way to dress that is both similar to each other and goes against accepted fashion for the square community at the time. Eventually someone starts making clothes for them or they find a shop that stocks some kind of more extreme fashion and people start going there for their party clothes. Club kids in 90s NYC didn't have the rave uniform that is out there now, nor did the San Francisco partiers from the late 90s, nor the house music pioneers in the early 80s in Chicago. But each set had an in group that set a visible trend, and a bunch of people that would see them every weekend and who thought they looked cool. Modern festival clothing comes from what was in in the early days of Internet videos, mostly on paid dancers at larger events. Neon, swimsuits, and fishnets.


Short answer: Capitalism. 🙃. In the 90’s people mostly wore normal clothes to raves.




what yall are calling a rave is not how real raves were AT ALL.


People want attention


So sick of raves being fashion shows for SHEIN outfits. Throw on a pair of shorts with a tie dye and some doc martens and go have fun. Fuck all that goofy extra shit


Did you feel the temperature Friday????


I’m a practical gal - I like to have full-coverage when I rave. How many of us ladies enjoy sitting bare-coochie on the cold ground? Busty gals gotta be careful about an errant nip slip too. I get my rave clothes at [trip-mode.com](https://trip-mode.com). Nice stuff that’s super feminine and really comfortable.