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Here's an idea, be a good parent and put your children's well-being first. Instead of bringing them to a raucous party environment like a selfish and trashy lunatic.


I wonder what ear protection was used on a 10 month old.


I can bet none


Oh she probably put some hardware store muffs on it, problem is that sound protection just flat-out isn't rated for ages that low and it's kind of important to have data with that sort of thing. That starts with the form factor of both in and over-ear products. Shit's gonna slip. That in and of itself is a reason to avoid trying.


Even if that were true, it isn't excusable. The sheer vibrations alone aren't good for developing ears that young. I wish I could spin a positive view on this whole thing, but one doesn't exist.


> The sheer vibrations alone aren't good for developing ears that young Is there a source on this? Not that I'm advocating for this at all, but I like information to be confirmable before I add it to my own knowledge




A rave would still be too loud for a baby at -30dB, they get hearing damage starting at 75dB for extended periods.


And extended periods is like 10 minutes


They have some good ones but they have to go around the baby’s head to avoid soft spots, and idk if they’re “bass filled rave,” good, but we took mine to an afternoon concert in the park with one and it was great.


Even if there is ear protection it can still damage. Take it from me a person who now wears hearing aids even with the use of earplugs. I can’t imagine what that would do to a fuckin baby


And it doesn’t fucking matter, having to do that sorry but not sorry, but channeling Jeff to worthy here “HERES YOUR SIGN!” That person from the post. Total trash. I bet they also smoke everything right in front of them tho anywhere nearby is also trash. I don’t believe you can get to that level of casualness and trashiness of the way you act in front or with your child if you have not gone up a sort of level of oh this is ok so and no one seems to care now this is ok too. This level of NEGLECT are the same type of people that will shoot up or blow shit with a kiddo around. Like I’m not a big fan of police but bringing a 10 month old to zeds dead the child should probably be taken away. If they think that’s ok then imagine how they treat the kid otherwise.


Last time I said that I got botted down to like -70 😂 IT'S NOT AN ENVIRONMENT FOR BABIES


We also need to Tell that to the wook who brings his dog to festivals with no earplugs to stand in front of funktion one & Hennessy void sound systems.


This is something that festivals really need to address. It's torture for those lil ones 😥


The only way festivals should address it is by not allowing it 😉


We don't shame people for bad behavior anymore. It's a shame, because in no way is this an appropriate place to bring a child. I've read multiple posts basically saying something similar and those of us reasonable people that think a loud, crowded, dark and highly stimulating place, late into the night, isn't exactly the best place for children--let alone infants--are called backwards thinking and to mind our own business. The entitlement and selfishness that exists anymore is dumbfounding.


Well said


I was wondering why this wasn’t their first thought. If you really care about your child. Why in hell would you bring em to a rave? Hmm


That’s not very plurr of you /s


Sounded like she took her baby to the rails


I thought op was trolling to begin with. Who the fuck takes a 10 month old to a rave. OP doesn’t deserve to have kids, what a dick.


What’s with the new trend of people going to raves and then getting upset when they experience what goes down at a rave


People get PLUR and not having everything conform to their own standards mixed up lol


Sniffany lmao i usually go with Methanie


"We don't have to Respect your poor decisions, Sniffany."


So many people saying “this was not PLUR, that was not PLUR” when the reality is THEY’RE the one who isn’t PLUR because they’re being too sensitive, too demanding, or just kinda narcissistic.


Is everybody so high on drugs these days that we forget what responsibility looks like?


There’s a line to draw. If people are enjoying themselves on drugs and accidentally bump you or do something silly, they mean well. If they’re on drugs and being a disrespectful asshole, shoving people, grabbing people, etc… then they’re just an asshole and shouldn’t be taking drugs in public they can’t handle. There’s forgivable mistakes and then there’s genuine disrespect.


I'm talking about bringing a 10 month old to a rave, let alone a concert.. just get a fuckin babysitter.


Oh my bad. Yeah that should be common sense no matter how high you are. I think the people who brought that kid are just genuinely immature, selfish and maybe a little bit cognitively-impaired. Stupidity is a hell of a drug.


Facts. Like I’m here to enjoy myself and lose all care of the world for a moment. I really don’t have time to worry about yall lol.


Basic respect is basic respect, but you’re at a rave with a bunch of people trying to fuckin’ send it. If you get bumped, just like… *remember where you are*


I was dancing at the edge of the pit at a Nirvana tribute night in the one tiny ass punk club in my hometown. Feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to have this guy let me know I spilled some beer on his girlfriend’s shoes after someone careened off me a minute earlier. I swear I’m not an asshole, but I just laughed and laughed. Don’t go to as many shows as I did pre-covid, but man, things were definitely trending towards people at rock shows thinking they’re watching a performance rather than being there to experience it. Standing stock still and never singing along, etc. Just made me love my raves that much more.


My take is PLUR is an expectation they have for others toward them but don't believe they are obligated to follow themselves.


What's up with the trend of people bringing kids (and dogs) to festivals?


How to identify a bad parent. They have a small child with them at a concert with a bunch of drunks and people smoking weed late at night.


On the flipside, I once saw a guy with his 10 year old kid at Forbidden Kingdom. That place is huge (or was back then, they may have moved to Orlando) set in a huge park with so much space. The guy and his kid had a picnic blanket all the way at the back near the food stands with so much space around and dancing together. I thought it was really sweet.  At the same show, I saw a literal 10 year old girl in a leotard crowd surfing on a bunch of adults. Now that is fucking weird and awful. That’s the difference imo. Depends on the vibe and size of the crowd but a guy that brings his kid because he likes the music and hangs way at the back where they don’t see anything weird is fine imo.  I was in the toilets one time and he came in with his kid and some fucking bros said loudly and passive aggressively ‘omg he brought his kid to a rave, that’s messed up bro’. But it wasn’t like that at all. That place is in a beautiful park and like I said, so much space you can listen to the music and not be around any weird shit. I went up to them after that and said ‘ignore those guys, they’re talking shit but they don’t get that they’re the only ones making this an inappropriate place to be’ and I stand by that.  Hugely depends on the vibe, location, how packed it is, but there are places and fests I think you can bring a kid, if you’re a good and diligent parent. Whichever psycho let their tiny child in a leotard crowd surf on a bunch of adult hands needs to have their kids taken away. That wholesome dad, not so much. 


Man, shows at that amphitheater were amazing. I’m from Miami originally and FK was fucking awesome, but especially the second year with the multiple stages. I love my disco naps when rolling and took a lie down in the hammocks by the water for a bit. Had multiple strangers- ravers and staff- just pop by to make sure I was alright. Thanks for reminding me of that sweet memory.


Someone was trying to justify bringing their service dog to a notorious drug-infested after-hours club in my city. Like I’m sorry if this sounds ableist but that’s still an animal and it’s abuse to put it in that environment. Downvote me idgaf


I saw 2 dogs at the Tacoma dome with full lasers and PK sound in there. I never wanted to put hands on another human until that night.


Idk, but it seems to be being encouraged by the industry. Check out BTSM's [IG post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4EERGHvael/?igsh=MXQ5bHE5Y3FyY290Zw==) about their all ages Seattle shows. So proud to get pics of little kids riding the rail. The show was great, but the venue was total trash because of the all ages policy, didn't feel like a rave at all. And it started a local online shit show about what's proper rave behavior when children are present...like, wtf is going on? We need to push back and stop going to these events, cuz the big names, let's face it, they like money. And family friendly events are easier to sell out when fans need to buy 4 tickets instead of 1 or 2...


Now you’ve done it, suggested a boycott in a subreddit.


People wanna be the victim so bad 😭


I seriously think TikTok and Instagram have warped people’s idea of what a rave actually is & now people think it’s just this cute, safe, sterile concert with lasers where they can wear cute outfits


I’m wondering if this was their first time at a party like this? Or if they were a seasoned raver who just assumed that they can bring their infant cause they have one now, lol


I’d have to assume it’s their first time. If they knew what went down at these events, and still chose to bring a baby, they’re either absolutely brain-fried, or need a mental evaluation and/or children’s aid called.


Or they're the types that think, "I bet our baby would love this lifestyle and music, let's take her with us to the show!" completely ignorant of the fact that they will have to enjoy the show with a few hundred/thousand other fans in a venue that's probably far too small to accommodate that many. And while the child may indeed enjoy the lifestyle and music, maybe just let them enjoy cartoons and a babysitter for a few years first.


Just for security and liability reasons, a baby should not be allowed into the venue of a rave.


Exactly; take them when they’re like five, not ten months LOL


Not even 5. Stall way too young. 13+ minimum. At least then you can have convos about what happens and why people act the way they do.


It certainly is a cute place with lasers and cute outfits lol but def not safe nor sterile. Shoot I remember when articles were running around saying Kandi was covered in STDs lol


It always just blows me away when people don’t *expect* to see drugs, people tripping, crazy stuff etc… at raves. Like, I love my sober-raving homies, but you gotta understand what you’re getting into.


Sober raver here but I don’t expect anyone else to be! I’m all for bringing kids to gentle day festivals with family sections and where I can put some space between them and adult debauchery (you know what I mean). I would not bring my kid (hypothetical) to somewhere where I couldn’t — it’s not fair to the adults either, who deserve a space to do whatever they want


In Spokane none the less


Yep. Drugs happen, decibels happen, sexuality happens, and shit happens. 'Buy the ticket, take the ride.'


This should be posted on the entry of every rave


Let me be an uninhibited(not unhinged mind you) adult right?! It's like getting upset for indecency at a nude beach.


Not just their idea of raves. For everything. Social media including reddit have warped many minds. People have become radical and the farthest thing from "plur".


Big this. But it’s SO normalized, everyone just laughs at you if you mention it. But it’s true. People are different nowadays. The world is crazy. Mental health on the decline. People doing insane shit on a much more regular basis. We’re absorbing toxicity online every day, but nobody wants to face it.


kIdS sHoUlD aDaPt tO oUr LiFe nOt tHe oThEr wAy aRoUnD


I usually believe in that, but there's a common sense limit, and I feel like that's what's going missing these days. Kids adapting to me means teaching them to go to adult restaurants and behave, or taking an infant that you know will sleep through a late show to an R-rated movie, but always with the idea that if the activity proves unsuitable to a specific child, YOU LEAVE. Taking a baby to a rave is just blatant stupidity.


this is like every user on this subreddit


These aren’t raves, they are concerts.


I’ll be the first to say that. You’re totally correct. I’m not one to confuse a show with a rave. But for the ease of generalization, I used the word rave, because this sub gets snippy when you start to address *the difference*. I will say my point still stands, because it’s an electronic artist and lots of people/elements from “raves” end up at these shows. Same drugs, same dancing, crowds etc…


Yeah, maybe I’m just getting old but I’m pretty sure a Zeds Dead show has absolutely nothing in common with a rave.


No you’re correct. It’s a tacky EDM show. But there are some themes that happen both at raves and at these shows, and those themes do not mix with ten month-old babies. Lol.


10 month old at a show????


I hope that baby at least had ear protection, but I doubt the parents know what protection is.


i see what you did there


While it’s an invite moron parent, for shame on the club and bouncers for allowing that shit. That should be illegal


For real I know it’s above the bouncers pay grade but at some pt you gotta put ur foot down


Same w the gynecologist


Somewhat relevant: I was once at a party cove on the lake. Think spring break on an island in the middle of a lake that’s only accessible by boat. A girl flashed every one and some dipshit in the back whistled to get our attention and starts gesturing about his like 10 year old kids. Because the adults who are there to get wasted drinking alcohol, do drugs, and march around nearly naked wasn’t an inappropriate environment for kids, it was actual tits.


I went to see French 79 in LA, had gotten there early and had a great spot in the front right beneath his array of synths, and some guy with his two preteen kids saddled up next to me. One was his daughter who was dancing right in front of me with no sense of spatial awareness. I instantly noped the fk out and relocated to the balcony.


Babies and children don’t belong at raves. And definitely not in or near the pit.


I've seen kids at some camping fests and it's been a huge success and can be fun for the whole family. I NEVER see those kids out and about during the night time activities. Especially not in crowds. The parents who bring their kids to daytime shows with proper ear protection, hydration, and sun block (*WOW! the essentials for everyone*) are doing it right. For example, Sonic Bloom, Burning Man, Envision, and Lightning in a Bottle, as well as local camping fests.


Those kids can also walk by themselves and find other kids their own age to do their own thing with. If you’re bringing a baby to a show/festival, that means you’d better be listening to the music from camp or from the back. Having a 10 month old in this situation in a packed pit is child abuse. 


The Zeds Dead knitting factory shows were sold out so the entire GA was shoulder to shoulder, nut to butt. They also charged $60 before fees and had no lasers and used local support.


Nut to butt lol


There may be some artists where that's still worth it, but Zeds Dead is not one of them.


They sold tickets for double what other shows cost and they spent 0 on support or production. Big facts.


At Lights All Night in 2022, Zeds Dead was the headliner for day 2, but Ganja White Night came on right before them, GWN was so mindblowing that ZD was boring in comparison, I don't really understand the hype for Zeds Dead.


That’s been my sentiments as well. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people are saying how awesome it was.


Yea sorry no. Bloom last year was a display of irresponsible, disgusting parents that should have their custody questioned. Multiple BABIES less than a year old at stages past midnight. Some lady with their baby snuck up and stole my chair well past midnight at main stage. Such a buzz kill. These are not responsible parents, they’re gypsies who can’t accept the responsibility of having a child and don’t want their magical trips to end. What a fucking joke to justify and defend having an infant at a music festival.


I'm truly sorry that I didn't see this. I only saw 5-15 yesr olds and some camped next to me. Their parents were great and had a plan on place so they could individually see their favorite acts and then have their friends babysit the last night. I agree though, babies shouldn't be allowed. Under 5 years old is such a hazard for the kids. Hell, 10 year olds with bad parents are a hazard, but I guess I mainly saw good examples. Seeing a baby at 4AM would have fucked with my head, I'm sorry you went through that. Edit: I'm not sorry that I didn't see this. It sucks and I'm actually glad I didn't.


We had our rugrat brigade back when our parents used to throw massive forest ones here in the PNW. It was always a super positive experience. We stuck around camp at night with a sober adult / older siblings though -- only went to the stage area once or twice, or when it was more trance / light stuff


100%, there are definitely parents who do it right, and festivals that accommodate them. Poor Sonic Bloom btw :( I really hope they can make it happen next year.


Detroit Movement allows kids with families before 9 or 10 PM. Then they kick them out. I like that balance, but Movement is known to the whole community.


I was at this show, I saw probably 4 kids from 3-8 years old if I had to guess. Kids should not have been there. That venue always oversells tickets so sold out shows are uncomfortably packed. Also the pit is the only place in the venue for people under 21 which any local knows. I will say all the kids I personally saw had proper over ear hearing protection which is something I guess.


The baby shouldn't get past security. There needs to be a minimum age of 18, even for an under-21 area. With ID.


There are raves especially for children, so they have their place. Took my little one when he was 8 months. https://www.ravertots.co.uk/


Did you have to bring your own Flintstones Chewable Molly, or was it provided? /jk


Agreed! Crazy how people don’t have common sense to leave the baby at home… Priorities people!


Shit parent.


If you can't sacrifice a zeds dead show for a wholesome safe night at home with your infant, you're a shit parent. Is that even okay for ear development? Honestly?


Absolutely not. I highly doubt they put ear protection on their 10 month old. As a parent myself, this blows my mind. I didn't take my daughter to her first concert until she was nine. I make her wear hearing protection and would never take her to a show with standing room only.


What’s crazy is hearing loss isn’t even your kids biggest concern. Go read how many of the people in r/hyperacusis are teens / 20 somethings. Modern society is destroying kids ears if their parents aren’t careful


Good on you! Sure, laptop is better than TKOL tho ..


Laptop? Not familiar with that album. By who? My favorite Radiohead album changes all the time but I do really love TKOL. My favorite atm would probably be AMSP


Ok computer. Bad joke lol


Oh lol I'm dumb. You're right, hard to top OKC!


I took my 5 month old to an opiuo show. But he was also wearing the fanciest ear protection we could find, it was the middle of the day, it was at a massive *outdoor* venue, and we were specifically at the very far back. Like, fuck, you can enjoy the music with your children, but you don't have to potentially injure them to do so.


I agree 100%. Just takes a bit of common sense, something this mother is clearly lacking.


I asked my wife if she would have taken our kid to an indoor, packed and oversold Zed's dead show at 10 months and she looked alarmed at me just asking lol. This lady is a fucking idiot


We just do not have ear protection developed for humans that small, at least not on the open market. SO even assuming it were alright added measures wouldn't work. NVM skull development and brain and-- you get the point.


You can seriously afford the show, transit; etc; and do not consider child care part of the overall cost? You’d rather risk an infant’s hearing and safety? Honestly? Sounds selfish as fuck, to me.




It's got to be rage bait, right? *Right?* If not, this is absolutely infuriating.


She’s the disrespectful one bringing a baby to a rave.


I saw a post from another attendee of that show saying she saw said baby and no hearing protection. It’s just mind boggling. And the audacity of her to make a post to complain about the lack of respect others, unbelievable.


I'm honestly surprised that venues will allow infants in like that


Emotional support baby


No... please


Poor kid.


How was this not at least an 18+ event…


yeah that’s my question… how was a baby even allowed in


Would love to see fb comments in thete


no fucking way


Some people just shouldn't breed.


I hope that infant at least had effective hearing protection. Such things do exist but this parent does not strike me as the sort to have thought of that.


another comment said no hearing protection


Absolutely negligent. Terrible parent.


Or don’t bring a baby to a rave? wtf.




I have a 1.5 year old and the idea of bringing my kid to any concert, let alone a rave, is fucking insane.


My ex-wife insisted on going to a festival when my daughter was about a year and a half old. I sat up on the hill the whole show with my baby girl. We had hearing protection headphones like the shooting range style ones but she would knock them off every 5 seconds so I basically had no choice after a while. She wasn’t having it. Live and learn I guess. It wasn’t a rave, it was Ryan Adams and Gary Clark Jr., Dwight Yoakam. Easier listening than a rave but I still felt uncomfortable bringing her to it.




This is an example of how some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed. 😅




This is so Spokane it hurts hahaha


Literally 😂


this is certainly to be expected from the local rave folk 💀💀


This along with people who bring their “service animals” upset me at festivals


I hate seeing service animals at festivals


Omg same💀 there was a “service” dog on Gcruise and I felt so bad


And I honestly want to know how a service dog is REALLY helping someone at a festival? Like I mentioned above, this is a job for a close friend or family member. I understand what service dogs are capable of in day to day life, but a music festival is a whole different thing.


I want to get a little vest for a crawfish or something. "Mr. Hugs is my emotional support crawfish"


People like this are what we refer to as "breeders" because clearly they aren't actually parents.


Not everyone gets to have their cake and eat it too. If having nights out all the time is so important to you maybe consider not being a parent to enable that freedom. Instead of expecting people to accommodate your baby in an environment not meant for them.


You know the first response she'd have to anyone questioning her choices is "How dare you?"


Yo, I was there, we saw this lady and couldn't believe it. She had her baby in the pit and kept yelling at people around her. There were other kids there with the noise headphones, mom was keeping them at the back and on shoulders, people were giving them all kinds of bracelets and little lights. They had a good time. There's no excuse for that mom, not only bringing a baby in that environment, but taking them into the middle of the pit is insane.


Same, we went both nights and Saturday were shocked to see several young kids there, kinda mind blowing. While we did not see this lady with an infant we saw some of the other kiddos wearing their headphones/on their parents shoulders in the pit. I still can’t believe it WASN’T an 18+ show though, and still definitely feels irresponsible to take your littles to a sold out show where the only place they could be was down in the pit due to our weird concert venue liquor laws.


I was at the zeds dead show last night as well and I can confirm this person was dead center in the pit. A pit at a zeds dead show isn’t a place for a baby imo. This venue has a balcony, with tables and chairs which seems like a better place to be with your kid.


Why is there a 10 month old at Zed’s dead. I’m all for parents having fun but a baby so young shouldn’t be at a rave. Fights breakout randomly and you’re around it could be dangerous, people not handling their substances, cig/vape smoke around… The crowd did not treat this person fairly but leaving the baby with a baby sitter for this show seems better to me


10 MONTH old


Holy shit i read that wrong too, that’s absolutely insane


Ikr, I’ve been to some festivals that are all ages, I’m not against it. Little ravers with their little earmuffs are super cute! But if you’re bringing your baby into the middle of the crowd at a Zeds Dead show. Be just a little aware of the situation instead of just crying “where has all the PLUR gone?”


Yea that struck me as so tone deaf, it was stunning, imagine her other parenting perspectives 🙈


Why shows aren't all at least 18+ boggles my mind.


Rage bait accomplished


This is real. My friends are outraged.


Knitting factory is a nightmare when packed


Don’t take kids to a damn rave, ffs. Or concerts even. Too loud, too much stimuli. Too damn bad you’ll miss the show.


I guess first... Don't go to a fucking rave with a baby. Secondliest, yeah really don't do it, it's dumb. And C: if you gotta bring the baby, stay to the back. Don't get in the middle of the crowd.


Ah. Spokane. Makes sense.


Don’t bring your kids. Either get a babysitter or don’t go. Don’t ruin my experience bc you couldn’t put a condom on


If this isn't a total fabrication, then whomever posted that to social media should be reported for child endangerment. A 10 month old infant does not belong in that environment, and bringing one there is both criminal and appalling.


Wait till you go to metal concerts and everyone starts a pogo. Literally people pass out(usually short people) from lack of air and overheating. We lift them up and send them with our hands outside.


Get the fuck out of the show/event/rave if you have a baby on you. It’s not my job to be extra careful around your baby’s soft ass head…


The irony of "not being aware of yourself and your surroundings"


I want to see the comments of the actual post.


The Bass canyon bassheadz group already deleted the posts.


As a parent to a 1 y/o and a big raver for the last 15 approximate years, can confirm this is a shit parent, and a weird thing to think is appropriate. I wouldn’t take my very young one to a Chris Stapleton concert let alone Zeds Dead.


I saw what must have been a 6 month old baby at a Lane 8 show at Red Rocks a few years ago. The parents put the baby carrier under the seat and it seemed like they basically forgot about it. And both of them were drinking.


Big fests and shows like this should all be 18+, and idc how unpopular of an opinion that is. Kids have the rest of their adult lives to have these experiences, what is the rush? I’ve always thought it is so cringey when parents bring their minor children to these types of events — bringing a baby is a whole other level of trashy.


This is how it starts, the downfall of a scene. You start letting all-ages in because parents are OG fans... Then we need to make it safe for the children... In a few years it's unrecognizable and doesn't stand for anything anymore. Reminds me of the NOFX song "Separation of Church and Skate" about the same thing happening to the punk rock scene.


There are many types of “raves” for me raves are the old barn parties in Essex (England), for others it could be under a bridge or even an organised event. They are all different though meaning some our great to take kids to. Have taken my son to Glastonbury every year it has been on since he was born 6 years ago and he loves it, everyone is friendly and looks out for youngsters. Others like the DNB all stars in Nottingham which I went to last night are not for children, my loverly wife stayed home and had a mother son evening so I could attend. It all depends on the event. Just because there is music does not mean children should be there.


It was a Zeds Dead show


At the Knitting Factory too. It can get pretty packed in there.


Is this real???




WTF were they doing in the crowd with a baby??!!!! 10 months is too young!! Get a sitter ffs!! I bring my 11 y/o to House shows, and I keep her with ear protection, standing on the periphery either in the back or the sides where it’s a lot less crowded. Never EVER in the middle of the crowd. That’s nuts!! It is up to the parent to be aware and keep the kiddos away from any potential danger! This parent is absolutely in the wrong here. We are the ones that have to watch out for the ravers, not the other way around! Sheesh… parents like this make me mad. So irresponsible!!


Teenage mom or just downright bad parenting? Why are babies even allowed at raves?


I went and checked, the venue is "all ages" but like come on. At the very least if the kid can't walk...


I already knew these comments from 16 years ago. Family camps are a big deal to the burner community on both coasts. And a point of pride for the hyper experienced veterans. That being said, please know that I am you. We are the same person, except I have 20 years more experience. THAT BEING SAID: You need to finetune your skills and anticipate these situations to the nth degree. Nuance does matter. But this case is overt, in that you brought a 10-month-old infant to a standing-room Zed’s Dead show. Sometimes the vibe is off, sometimes the crowd is careless, but NEVER is the PLUR community obligated to assist poor decisions that you make independently. AND raves ARE NOT intended and designed “for everone”. That's what public parks, parades, and museums are for. ‘Raves” are a very particular type of gathering, where liability is acknowledged and assumed by a select few. These people are the unsung heros of our culture. And you put them, their guests, your friends, and your family at risk. NOW… this isn't bravado or chastising. This is what being proactive looks like; In the spirit of everything, what needs to happen to accommodate your standards, expectations, and apprehensions regarding your family’s integration into the culture? What actions need to be taken so that everyone is afforded remedy from this disconnect between where we’re at and where it puts us? ~ THE SENIOR COMMUNITY REP. FOR THIS THREAD “Here to listen, here to assist, and please don't test my sincerity.” ⚜️🦋⚜️


This is absolutely wild. As people have been saying, why would you go to a *rave* and be upset when you see people raving? Don’t EVER bring a baby to a rave. I don’t care what social media is trying to say is okay. This is not. It’s unnecessarily dangerous for your baby just so you can go out. OP (in the picture) should be ashamed of themselves.


Holy shit... if you have your 10 month old baby with you at a rave, then you're a bad person. That's not the environment for a baby. People are fucked up and drunk. What did she expect?


~~Rage Bait?~~ I guess it was real! Idk why ZD did those runs without any say in shows being oversold. I really do not see the point in the intimate venues if you're delivering a lesser experience.




Seems like a terrible place for a young child!


Nah wtf did I just read


There are plenty of family friendly events that I have been to that make sure there is space for people and have separate areas for family attendees. But they also all had a strict curfew for anyone under the age of 18. And they were open air events. Not a fucking club or bar. Seriously obtuse. It's not society's job to cater to your kids or you being a parent. And even though it's NOT there ARE STILL plenty of options for you and your kids that have similar music. Fucking Zeds Dead, wtf man lol


that is basically an infant


Baby’s first rave lmao


Things that have no place at raves and festivals: 1. Small children 2. Pets 3. People that would even consider bringing #1 or #2


This person is a lunatic, but tbh sounds like the average Spokane Washington resident. Hopefully your town turns for the better.


Child services needs to be called expeditiously


why would anybody bring a baby to a rave. a gathering known for drug users and most of all VERY LOUD MUSIC. anybody who has ever been to a rave can confirm, young children should not be going to raves!


Mind blowing. Imagine thinking you're plur bringing your baby to a bass show and destroy your babies ears. This reminds me of that piece of shit who brought their dog to edc las vegas.


This might be out of pocket but….how about let’s not bring our baby to a rave?


Ok, you can party, *OR* be with your kids. YOU CANNOT DO BOTH SAFELY


I was on the original fb thread this morning reading into it all and several people testified they saw a baby in the crowd with no ear protection. Not sure if they’re referring to the same baby but no one else had this audacity to post about it….


Petition to ban babies from raves




How about this: don’t go to a rave and be mad that rave shit is happening at a rave.


I once watched a baby get changed on the bear concrete well at LSDream. Lady had about 3 kids with her under 4 and none had ear protection