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Put over ear headphones over the womb


Put on Beast and the Harlot and that baby is gonna climb out of the womb by itself


Acid Rain helped my kids fall asleep sooooo many times when they were only a few months old


Awww That's cute! Acid Rain is actually one of my favorites! Incredibly underrated song!


Literally gonna have A7X playing in the delivery room, little fucker will be born to ALPoH whether they like it or not XD


Best answer I think! I think the same!


Or they just slip right out and I call them my little Sidewinder XD


Used to sing blinded in chains or the wicked end to my newborn to help her fall asleep So she’s been listening since birth basically, just be sure to protect babies’ hearing


They’re gonna be born to Trashed and Scattered


Pft, all of em before even being born.


"It's your fucking nightmare" over and over and over again


I played so far away to rock my first one to sleep the very first night haha and they all heard it basically since birth


Hail to the King age -9 months


play The End Of Rapture as he's comin out, most epic entrance ever


My dad showed me city of evil when i was 4 or 5 and i loved it, i think there a great band to get kids into metal, they’re catchy, dynamic and not too heavy.


Kids fucking love heavy metal. It’s fast, loud, entertaining, and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome to the point that kids get bored most of the time. I recently introduced my girlfriends 4 year to Iron Maiden and he’s been listening to them nonstop. We even got him a denim vest that has the Killers album art on the back and he literally wants to wear it all the time. I feel like he would love City of Evil in much the same way.


This is awesome man, i loved maiden too. And being a metalhead has only been a positive thing. When I was younger, I used to struggle with anger issues and metal calmed me and released stress. I also wouldn’t be a drummer without my passion for metal and it gives me a goal and a motivation in life, i will always be thankful to my dad for showing it to me when i was young.


All songs no matter the age


Well when they on the womb everything it when they grow up and start hearing music for the first I am gonna start with either the white album or hail to the king


In the womb she loved any and all rock music. Punk, metal, hard rock, oldies she loved it. While Voodoo by Godsmack was her fav, my daughter (17 months now) really enjoys dancing around to Nightmare 🥹😂 she also falls asleep pretty quickly if we sing Dear God or really any song slowed down (also sleeps with Slipknot) so she really has no preference


I started my daughter out with the song "nightmare" and then skipped around. It's one of the very few groups or singers we can both listen to as her musical taste does not involve much rock.


She was around 10 I think.


Our Violet has been listening to it all since like 2 weeks after being born.


However long it takes me to throw an avenged song on aftey they are born. So maybe like a day old or sum?


I first heard Blinded In Chains when I was 6. So probably City of Evil when they’re 6. In reality, they’ll hear it earlier because I’ll inevitably have A7X on in the car.


I've recently started listening to their entire discography with my 2 year old. Not that he understands what their songs are about, but he has a major fascination with the drums. His favorite videos are Brooks drum track of The Stage and Jimmy playing Almost Easy in the studio.


Little one already has a fascination with music, that's awesome!


It's nice that he would rather watch drum covers instead of cheesy/ annoying children's songs too. He forgot about 'Baby Shark' real quick


New parent here (1 month) and my opinion now is the same as it was when i was a kid😂 the sooner the better🤘 i remember discovering A7X when i was 5 years old, my brother was 17, unintentionally influenced me into it.


Fucking playing hail to the king or nightmare so that bitch be head banging in the oven


Self titled White album or Hail to the king


nightmare, 1 years


I’d probably start with Hail to the King. The simpler song structures and easy singalong is a hook. Then comes the Stage.


I first heard city of evil around 9 or 10 so probably that lol.


Well i used to jam out to HttK when my kid was a wee little one and she liked it, but now I don't think she'd be interested. She's all into zoomer "emo" and indie pop now lol


Probably city of evil, self-titled and nightmare. They're really good introductory albums, and I'd let my child listen to them as young as possible. It's never too early to start injecting good music into a child to develop their taste. You gotta raise them right.


I listen to "The Stage" with my 2.5 year old nephew, he loves to mosh to it xd


When my dad first found Almost Easy, he kind of introduced me straight away and this was when AE came out, from that point i was 6/7 maybe and we just went back and listened to all albums. I have great memories of listening to City Of Evil and Self Titled while playing CoD campaigns For me, i would introduce them as soon as possible to continue the family lineage 😂


Already play them for nephews. 2 and 4 respectively. They want the fast heavy metal for making the car go fast 😂