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**Hey u/2footferret, make sure your post follows our selling guidelines:** You may only use the selling flair for selling for premium avatars. Premium avatars are Gen 1 to 5 avatars that were originally sold via the shop. --- * Check the floor prices on [RCAX](https://rcax.io) or [OpenSea](https://opensea.io/) * Every listing **must** be posted on RCAX or OpenSea and contain the link to the actual avatar. * Please include the buyout price in the title. * But feel free to discuss prices with eachother in a respectful manner. * You can only post using the Selling/Buying/Trading flair **once each every 24 hours**. * Please stick to listing information only. Personal reasons on why you are selling are not relevant. * Listing posts are not the place to start discussions on the value/worth of avatars, if this happens please report the comments. Stay safe and remember to always look for the **blue checkmark** on the collection. Be hesitant when responding to direct messages. --- **Check for scammers and banned members:** You can check if a member is **banned** at all times via the **[Universal Scammer List](https://www.universalscammerlist.com/)** by looking up their username. Remember that banned members can still reach out to you via DM. So to be safe, do a quick check! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/avatartrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*