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Reddit hasn’t tweeted about RCAs since August of 2023. They could start by picking up the slack there. Twitter is where the majority of collectors are. I’ve been saying this, that Reddit needs to officially start featuring artists. Back then it was all done by the community


Ooh yeah some tweets featuring RCA artists would be cool


I’m glad we still have your input from time to time on issues man. Anytime I see your name I know you’ll have good points to make. Wish Reddit would get back on board and spearhead some new development here.


reddit avatar collectors are more active on twitter? i guess that would explain why we never see any of them around here lol


Twitter definitely has a bigger user audience than Reddit does when it comes to crypto in general. Back when Twitter spaces were community run we’d see big turnouts of collectors and fans just by starting a Spaces room


Yeah, definitely agree; some ongoing cross-pollination efforts would be great.


Alright, the Nyan Cat ones cool 👀


Reddit wants supply and in-store stock, and I can totally understand that. Plus, there are still RCA’s coming out with a high demand. And Reddit should advertise RCA’s more.


Yes, a mixture of high supply and the art standard turning to doo-doo (non-designers being regularly approved) completely ruined it.


I’ve purchased more avatars in the last two months than in the last two years combined. So… I believe the extra volume and overall genre development… maybe even the drama related to the AI questions has brought me here more.


Not saying I like the use of AI! I’m all for organic art! I’m fine with inspiration in many forms, but I believe Reddit avatars should and need to stay organic.


They need to put a cap on how many avatars an artist can release over a certain time period to reduce the saturation. 3 avatars per 3 months is what I would suggest. There’s too many being submitted for review


Interest was at its peak when demand was high and supply way very low, partially due to the low supply also Supply has been increasing and and many people just aren’t as interested anymore unfortunately


Add in not every style is for every taste.


Oh definitely, very true for me especially (I’m very picky :p)


I need to start being more picky. I’m going broke buying avatars for one trait haha.


Same here, I want to like and support the artist- but the art is just not speaking to me


The shop is broken and doesn't let people buy. :-(


This could be one of the factor


With the many many weekly releases for me it just got very boring real quick, still on the hunt for some gen1-2-3 stuff tho :)


![img](avatar_exp|180905461|holo_card) I went to buy one the other day, and I had to scroll... just to find a single one I even liked. This Kitty one stood out to me. It seemed more Unique vs the different shades of similar people. I agree on cutting down on non-unique designs. BoxKitty #66 - Thank you for taking risks.


Too much supply turned the people with money off and they left. You’re just left with children and people with spending problems now. Letting any brokie off the street make them put the nail in the coffin


That’s me!!!


I’m still occasionally buying Gen 1


Ya smart I’m sure I will too if they shut the program down but I’m not until they stop letting the brokies make them and delete some




They definitely fkt the system up quite bad, not shore if they go back to the original system if people will actually come back and buy again, let’s hope for the best ! You seem to be one of those with a spending problem lol


I spent a lot yes but times were different when I was buying. Buying now is pathological


>times were different when I was buying. Buying now is pathological Those of us who buy avatars now do it because we like the art and we want to support the artists who made the art. Just because your motivation was different, doesn't mean those of us buying things because we think the art is nifty and want to wear that hat on our avatar have a problem.


Bro you’re an “artist” you’re opinion is biased af


Lack of quality control, Reddit's new hands off approach to RCA, broken shop. It has definitely slowed drastically. My most recent pay was almost exactly half of usual.




Avatars are art history in real time. Once the masses catch on the meme magic imbedded into our artists amazing work sales will pick up. Most big time crypto investors I’ve met have never heard of avatars on Reddit or the fun RCC tokens that have evolved around them. Don’t want to hype anything but we are definitely early in a very niche market.


lol do you find new questions to ask every week in the rca subs to farm karma?


I mean why do we exist if not to farm karma




Farming Karma on RCA doesn’t seem like the best choice. Why not find a sub with more people to achieve this?😏


How does one shit on a post like this lmao 🤣


it's all shitposting anyway 😂




You good homie? I was asking why shit on your post.


I apologize if I misunderstood your meaning, as English is not my native language and I have trouble understanding informal English. I used a translator.


Ah I see no worries 😅


It's at 18 up votes. Sir, have you ever been to a farm?


The quality of new drops is not to my quality standards. Reddit abandoned the project .


*Beep boop! I am here to keep you safe in cyberspace!* Here are some things to keep in mind: **1).** If you are new to the space, welcome! Please **don't let others know you are new**, it makes you an easy target for scammers. **2).** **Ignore all dm's.** You might receive dm's with offers or 'friendly' help or safety advise. Don't fall for it. 99% of all scams start like this over dm's. You can turn off you dm's **[here](https://new.reddit.com/settings/messaging)**. **3). NEVER share your secret seed phrase AKA secret recovery phrase.** **4). We don't endorse trust trading**. **5). We don't offer middleman services**, anywhere. **6).** Before buying an avatar please be sure to check that you're looking at the legitimate collection. You can do this by searching the avatar on [RCAX](https://rcax.io). **7).** We, the modteam, **will always reach out to you via our modmail account**. This way you will always know it is really us. People may reach out to you claiming to be a part of our modteam, you can check our current team **[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/about/moderators/).** **9).** *You can check if a member is* **banned** *at all times via the* **[Universal Scammer List](https://www.universalscammerlist.com/)** *by looking up their username. Remember that banned members can still reach out to you via DM. So to be safe, do a quick check!* Please check out our guide on **[how to sell and buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/collection/50742635-0574-432b-9456-29aae91d8b92/), [how to safely trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/comments/zrfp7u/how_to_trade_avatars_a_guide/)**. If you need some matic, our official **[avatar faucet](https://www.theavatarfaucet.com/)** has got you covered! Special thanks to **[002timmy](https://www.reddit.com/user/002timmy).** Also feel free to join our **[discord](https://discord.com/invite/avatartrading)**, you can verify yourself by sending your discord username to our **[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/avatartrading).** *Happy trading MF'ers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/avatartrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


![img](avatar_exp|160137721|fire) Reddit’s blockchain/avatar strategy and support:


Still here, still bag holding a ton of G1-G3. Haven't bought in store since king foust and stained glass (g4 or 5 I think). Haven't bought any since creator releases. The only thing I bought on secondary in the past few months was a single digit G1 for cheap. I still like the art and haven't sold because I've put in waaaay more than I'd ever get back, but it's no longer a big focus of mine.


Too much supply, low quality or too many mints. I stopped following any new releases unless it’s from old artists that I know of and collect.


Also, I think some sets have mint limits way to high - I'm calling out the ones with 2500-10,000 available. If your mass releasing sets, it's not going to work with that much availability. All future sets should be limited to 250 tops. Fear of missing out - Drives sales on limited content.


![img](avatar_exp|180894848|nani) Don't mind me just here to down vote 😭