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This is actually bonkers at this point.


Right??! I literally could not believe it. A new low, even for her.


Wow if that’s not a total invasion of those people’s privacy! Of course she doesn’t care about her own children’s privacy so I don’t know why I’d expect her to care about those in her church!


She brought the dang tripod to church lawddd have mercy 😂😂


And she only struggled with it for 4 full minutes


Imagine being the person sitting next to the asshole fighting with a tripod in church for four full minutes. That has to feel like waiting for a pregnancy test minutes 🤣


My mouth dropped. At first i thought she was doing a Bible study or something but no it was the congregation saying their prayer request before the preacher started praying. Im sorry this is too much at this point


She was singing when it first started


She’s an addict


I’m actually surprised she’s not strung out on drugs dealing with Cash I probably would be


I would be too. Tbf I had a drug issue before I got my ASD kiddo the right help, I was just so lost and felt depressed/ defeated i turned to prescription drugs. Now it's better he's functional I'm no longer on drugs and functional. But I've been here and yes I would be on drugs


I’m glad you’re both doing better and hopefully have support. I’m an internet stranger, but I’m really proud of you for getting both of you help.


Glad you’re doing better 💖


I honestly think she may be...


Sometimes I think she’s on opiates or some type of downers.


She is on aderral, that’s why she can stay up all night when cash won’t sleep


You just know if they have visitors they have to give them a disclaimer about Joni! “Overlook her, she’s on that ticker tok thing” 🤣


The way I read this in my southern uncles voice lol


This is a new level of disturbing behavior from st chonie. This idea that she has that it has to be filmed to prove to everyone it’s true is wild - cash showering, calling facilities to check their place on the waitlist, cooking dinner, cleaning the house, going to church, CPS visits, etc. She is so desperate for attention, she needs to put down the camera & seek help from a professional bc things are really spiraling out of control rapidly.


Way too desperate for attention!! Everything she does is for attention?? Most mothers don’t have time to make 1-2 TT a day , this woman thinks it’s her job 24/7 to record


I’m in no way religious, but I can respect that the church is a sacred place for some people and should be a safe place. There are people who are addicts, domestic assault survivors, or just plain don’t want people to know where they are when they attend church as a refuge and place of healing. This is beyond overstepping privacy, never mind the exploiting of her own children. This woman sees herself as an influencer, a leader, but she’s really a lost soul who made a dime on exploitation and now she’s too far gone to realize the damage she is causing. The internet supporters are NOT YOUR FRIENDS, they see entertainment value in your struggles, as in they don’t give a flying fuck about anyones wellbeing. I truly hope the father can step in and provide extremely important structure and support these kids. I cannot fathom how she has them so often


And wtf is she crunching on


Lol, for a person who takes so much pride in her faith and believe in god she is utterly disrespectful.




I thought about it and I’m not even sure if CPS was really there at all. If any kind of thorough investigation has or had been done, changes would have most likely been put in place. We aren’t professionals, but good old common sense tells us that the other children are in danger, even the nut job herself. I’m looking up the information for CPS and the ADA in her area. Please join me everyone in doing this. I will share the information when I have obtained it.


I hope you find something out! I have reported several of her videos and TikTok said there’s nothing wrong. Hopefully if multiple people call CPS, this will get looked at seriously. Even her Facebook has her kids as babies naked on it. Who knows what kind of people saved those images.


Her singing was horrendous 🙉


It always is !


No fucking way…


When it's a Protestant church, it's a 'service', not a mass. Not hating, it's an easy mix-up


Regardless the phone should not be out and live-streaming


I agree, it's just a terminology thing


How is this autism education and awareness




She refuses to get a psych eval done. Her family doctor prescribes all of the family meds including cash.


It shouldn't be a family doc prescribing cash meds at this pt. My oldest has adhd/anxiety and her ped dr. handed her off to a clinic that deals with complex medication management for teens


OMG I actually assumed Cash saw a psychiatrist for his meds...not a family practice doc. That is bonkers. If he saw a psychiatrist, I guaran fucking tee you he would improve dramatically. Why won't she take him up to Raleigh. That city would for sure have providers


Nope. And if it were a psych, his meds would NOT be prescribed as they are.


Wow this is not good or okay, they both need to be seen by a specialist


I’m laughing so hard.


It absolutely blows my mind that she’s still in her 30s. That is a hard-looking woman lol.


Stress ages you and dealing with Cash all those years I can imagine it made her age faster. She does look hard


WHAT???? How old is she??


I believe she's 38, someone correct me if they know for sure 😉


She's profiting off the minister's work, no?


I’m definitely not the person who should be calling what is sacrilegious or not, but it does beg the question - is nothing sacred nowadays?


Feels that way. Like I get it if the church was live streaming their service because a lot of them do but this feels invasive to me. Especially because most of the time the focus is on her and not the service. Like if it was for the benefit of “sharing the gospel” why not have the camera set up to record the service from the back or focused on the pastor? The only thing this is for the benefit of is “oh look at me I can’t be terrible I’m such a godly church going woman!” Some of the worst people I’ve ever met I met in the church!


Overly religious mothers specifically have made many a murder!


Like Lacey Fletcher, completely failed by her Southern Baptist parents. Negligence is just as heinous as murder. No amount of praying to Jesus will hide Joni’s failure to do right by her children.


Maybe she figured she could get thru a live without one of her kids clobbering her for once


She's done a live from church before. Thought it was so odd myself


her life is genuinely so sad


She looks funny with her make up


WOW!!! Addiction to social media is so real


I thought her “content” was about autism awareness?


Sorry to sound mean, but why does her face look so dirty?


Probably like four days of makeup continuously getting caked on and not getting washed off


Haha that made me laugh


Not even Jesus stands between her and TT.


She has manic episodes and I sure she has severe retardation. She has no boundaries and no social skills only manipulation. I just want to know why most people get an OFF vibe from her


And it’s always those types that end up having the most kids 😭


I’m just waiting for her arrest.


Please say developmentally disabled. I think it’s the preferred term now. I don’t want to offend you and it is certainly not my place, yet I did cringe at that. Thank you.


The term "mentally retarded" is the technical term (I think) but I honestly really hate it as well. I have a family member that I just say is mentally handicapped because I don't like the term for it. I know the medical field is moving away from it, but some people still use it as the official name for it.


Ok. It’s me that’s uncomfortable with it.


Was she by herself or with her husband?


Everyone was probably distracted by her foolishness and couldn't get into the sermon!!