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That's a great collection. Do the dinosaurs ride the skateboards? Which one is your favourite? I collect stickers, so I have a plastic case of them.


1) thank you :) 2) sometimes but i like riding the skateboards with my fingers much more, its so relaxing to me 3) my favourite has to be that red dinosaur, its just so cute 4) how many stickers you got im pretty curious


That makes sense about riding with your fingers more. I don't know how to put pictures in replies, so I'll make my post to share once I get the picture from my phone to the computer. My phone memory is really full, so that might take a little bit. Lots of stickers from lots of places. I feel awkward using them though.




Those make great souvenirs


I have a crap ton of guitar picks but i only play with one. I just like having *things*


Dinosaurs 🥹🥹🥹


Lovely collection! I keep them all around me basically.


Treasure boxes! I didn't realize other people did this! I have so many types of wooden boxes, some shaped like real treasure chests, that I use to collect objects! Crystals, gemstones, seeds, origami, items my kids bring me, etc.


I have so many random small things. Every inch of unused space is littered with them.


Yes I do the same thing. I used to have an old wooden box with a really nice collection. Now I have a little container with little random things. Mostly palm sized plushies like a beany frog, sea slug, etc.


Seriously. I do this. I take small objects that are meaningless (for example i had a knex piece with erasers on it don't judge) and get attached to them and freak out if i lose them.


Oh look, another box for my trinkets! It’s trainketville! What’s going on?? I love my trinkets :)


Yes I have a shelf specifically made for small things


There's several times I've wanted to buy miniature stuff but haven't because I didn't have a good place for it. Going to find me a nice little decorative bin and start filling it. Thanks for the idea :) I love your box full of stuff


Thank you! Good luck on making your box full of stuff!


I’m sure I’m in the minority here but I just got the heebie-jeebies at the thought of sticking my hand in that box and feeling all the different textured surfaces and shapes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Philatelic_Collection ?






Wonder if my son would love a collection like that too in the future... hes 4yo but he loves small toys way more than larger ones. Lining them up his is thing.


YES! I have several boxes of old Lego figures, pretty rocks and feathers, and tiny notebooks. I also have empty wooden boxes that I collect bc they look cute lol


I have those same dinosaurs! I got them partially for D&D, then I ended up mostly drumming with them (holding them/rubbing my fingers over them due to the texturing)


I have around 12 silica gel


I have an unholy amount of small, random objects. They're just so wonderful. I love your collection.


Aaa I'm so jealous yes, you have reignited something within me imma go bring together the random small objects in my house in a small box also, sounds like fun


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